I aim to be able to define a collection of test methods and a collection of test cases (input/output data) and then execute all of their combinations. The goal is to avoid re-writing the same code over and over again when having say, 3 different implementations of the same function and 4 test cases that the function should satisfy. A naive approach would require me to write 12 lines of code:
testMethod1 testCase1
testMethod1 testCase2
testMethod3 testCase4
I've a gut feeling that Haskell should provide a way to abstract this pattern somehow. The best thing I've currently came up with is this piece of code:
import Control.Applicative
data TestMethod a = TM a
data TestData inp res = TD inp res
runMetod (TM m) (TD x res) = m x == res
runAllMethods ((m, inp):xs) = show (runMetod m inp) ++ "\n" ++ runAllMethods xs
runAllMethods _ = ""
head1 = head
head2 (x:xs) = x
testMethods = [TM head1, TM head2]
testData = [TD [1,2,3] 1, TD [4,5,6] 4]
combos = (,) <$> testMethods <*> testData
main = putStrLn $ runAllMethods combos
This works, computes 2 tests against two 2 functions and prints out 4 successes:
However, this works only for lists of the same type, even though the head function is list type agnostic. I would like to have a test data collection of any lists, like so:
import Control.Applicative
data TestMethod a = TM a
data TestData inp res = TD inp res
runMetod (TM m) (TD x res) = m x == res
runAllMethods ((m, inp):xs) = show (runMetod m inp) ++ "\n" ++ runAllMethods xs
runAllMethods _ = ""
head1 = head
head2 (x:xs) = x
testMethods = [TM head1, TM head2]
testData = [TD [1,2,3] 1, TD ['a','b','c'] 'a']
combos = (,) <$> testMethods <*> testData
main = putStrLn $ runAllMethods combos
but this fails with an error:
main.hs:12:21: error:
No instance for (Num Char) arising from the literal ‘1’
In the expression: 1
In the first argument of ‘TD’, namely ‘[1, 2, 3]’
In the expression: TD [1, 2, 3] 1
Is it possible to achieve this test-function X test-case cross testing somehow?
You should really use QuickCheck or similar, like hnefatl said.
But just for the fun of it, let's get your idea to work.
So you have a polymorphic function and a lot of test cases of different types. The only thing that matters is that you can apply the function each of the types.
So let's have a look at your function. It's of type [a] -> a. How should your test data look like? It should consist of a list, of a value, and it should support equality comparison. That leads you to a definition like:
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
data TestData where
TestData :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> TestData
You need to enable the GADTs language extension for this to work. For the following to work, you need these other two extensions (although the whole thing can be generalised with type classes to avoid that, just look at QuickCheck).
Now test it:
head1 = head
head2 (a : as) = a
test :: (forall a . [a] -> a) -> TestData -> Bool
test f (TestData as a) = f as == a
testAll :: [(forall a . [a] -> a)] -> [TestData] -> Bool
testAll fs testDatas = and $ test <$> fs <*> testDatas
main = putStrLn $ if testAll [head1, head2] [TestData "Foo" 'F', TestData [1..] 1]
then "Success!"
else "Oh noez!"
I'll leave it to you to generalise this for different test function types.
I have gethered that Haskell code in template-haskell is not represented as a single AST, but rather four cross-referencing types of Pat, Exp, Dec and Type. I have also found no traversal facilities within the library, or anywhere else for that matter.
I was initially looking for a unified representation of the four said types:
-- The single representation for Haskell code
data HCode = HE Exp | HD Dec | HP Pat | HT Type
-- And common functions in tree traversal such as:
children :: HCode -> [HCode]
children (HE (VarE _)) = []
children (HE (AppTypeE e t)) = [HE e, HT t]
children c = ...
-- Ultimately a transform function similar to:
-- (Not really arguing about this exact model of tree transformation)
preorder :: (HCode -> HCode) -> HCode -> HCode
preorder f h =
let h' = f h
in rebuildWithChildren h' . fmap (preorder f) . children $ h'
And now I have grown to believe writing it this way, aside from being time-consuming, is wasteful, since traversing/transforming ASTs is common practice, and I figured it might be best to ask what available solution there is among the practitioners.
Generally, I'm not sure that generic traversal of TH is likely to come up very often. (I'm struggling to imagine a useful transformation of a TH AST in a situation where you wouldn't just generate the TH already transformed that way.) I guess there are some situations where you want to perform queries or transformations of user-supplied quasiquotes without parsing the entire AST?
Anyway, if you can find a use for it, you can use SYB generics. For example, here's a query to extract literals from patterns and expressions from an arbitrary TH "thing":
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.Generics
import Language.Haskell.TH
getLiterals :: Data d => d -> [Lit]
getLiterals = everything (++) (mkQ [] litE `extQ` litP)
where litE (LitE l) = [l]
litE _ = []
litP (LitP l) = [l]
litP _ = []
main = do mydec <- runQ [d| foo 4 = "hello" |]
print mydec
print $ getLiterals mydec
myexp <- runQ [| '1' + "sixteen" |]
print myexp
print $ getLiterals myexp
Here's a transformation that commutes all infix operators in patterns, expressions, and types (example for InfixT not shown):
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.Generics
import Language.Haskell.TH
causeChaos :: Data d => d -> d
causeChaos = everywhere (mkT destroyExpressions `extT` manglePatterns `extT` bludgeonTypes)
where destroyExpressions (InfixE l x r) = InfixE r x l
destroyExpressions (UInfixE l x r) = UInfixE r x l
destroyExpressions e = e
manglePatterns (InfixP l x r) = InfixP r x l
manglePatterns (UInfixP l x r) = UInfixP r x l
manglePatterns e = e
bludgeonTypes (InfixT l x r) = InfixT r x l
bludgeonTypes (UInfixT l x r) = UInfixT r x l
bludgeonTypes e = e
main = do mydec <- runQ [d| append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append (x:xs) ys = x : append xs ys
append [] ys = ys
print mydec
print $ causeChaos mydec
Say I have a string:
I want to split it by a substring, 7 in this case, and get all the left-right splits:
[ ("abc", "de7f77ghij7")
, ("abc7de", "f77ghij7")
, ("abc7de7f", "7ghij7")
, ("abc7de7f7", "ghij7")
, ("abc7de7f77ghij", "")
Sample implementation:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module StrSplits where
import qualified Data.Text as T
splits :: T.Text -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
splits d s =
let run a l r =
case T.breakOn d r of
(x, "") -> reverse a
(x, y) ->
rn = T.drop (T.length d) y
an = (T.append l x, rn) : a
ln = l `T.append` x `T.append` d
in run an ln rn
in run [] "" s
main = do
print $ splits "7" "abc7de7f77ghij7"
print $ splits "8" "abc7de7f77ghij7"
with expected result:
I'm not too happy about the manual recursion and let/case/let nesting. If my feeling that it doesn't look too good is right, is there a better way to write it?
Is there a generalized approach to solving these kinds of problems in Haskell similar to how recursion can be replaced with fmap and folds?
How about this?
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
splits' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
splits' delimiter string = mkSplit <$> [1..numSplits]
sections = T.splitOn delimiter string
numSplits = length sections - 1
mkSplit n = bimap (T.intercalate delimiter) (T.intercalate delimiter) $ splitAt n sections
I like to believe there's a way that doesn't involve indices, but you get the general idea. First split the string by the delimiter. Then split that list of strings at in two everywhere possible, rejoining each side with the delimiter.
Not the most efficient, though. You can probably do something similar with indices from Data.Text.Internal.Search if you want it to be fast. In this case, you wouldn't need to do the additional rejoining. I didn't experiment with it since I didn't understand what the function was returning.
Here's an indexless one.
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, unfoldr)
type ListZipper a = ([a],[a])
moveRight :: ListZipper a -> Maybe (ListZipper a)
moveRight (_, []) = Nothing
moveRight (ls, r:rs) = Just (r:ls, rs)
-- As Data.List.iterate, but generates a finite list ended by Nothing.
unfoldr' :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> [a]
unfoldr' f = unfoldr (\x -> (,) x <$> f x)
-- Get all ways to split a list with nonempty suffix
-- Prefix is reversed for efficiency
-- [1,2,3] -> [([],[1,2,3]), ([1],[2,3]), ([2,1],[3])]
splits :: [a] -> [([a],[a])]
splits xs = unfoldr' moveRight ([], xs)
-- This is the function you want.
splitsOn :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [([a],[a])]
splitsOn sub xs = [(reverse l, drop (length sub) r) | (l, r) <- splits xs, sub `isPrefixOf` r]
Try it online!
Basically, traverse a list zipper to come up with a list of candidates for the split. Keep only those that are indeed splits on the desired item, then (un)reverse the prefix portion of each passing candidate.
I have random number generator
rand :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
rand low high = getStdRandom (randomR (low,high))
and a helper function to remove an element from a list
removeItem _ [] = []
removeItem x (y:ys) | x == y = removeItem x ys
| otherwise = y : removeItem x ys
I want to shuffle a given list by randomly picking an item from the list, removing it and adding it to the front of the list. I tried
shuffleList :: [a] -> IO [a]
shuffleList [] = []
shuffleList l = do
y <- rand 0 (length l)
return( y:(shuffleList (removeItem y l) ) )
But can't get it to work. I get
hw05.hs:25:33: error:
* Couldn't match expected type `[Int]' with actual type `IO [Int]'
* In the second argument of `(:)', namely
Any idea ?
Since shuffleList :: [a] -> IO [a], we have shuffleList (xs :: [a]) :: IO [a].
Obviously, we can't cons (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a] an a element onto an IO [a] value, but instead we want to cons it onto the list [a], the computation of which that IO [a] value describes:
y <- rand 0 (length l)
-- return ( y : (shuffleList (removeItem y l) ) )
shuffled <- shuffleList (removeItem y l)
return y : shuffled
In do notation, values to the right of <- have types M a, M b, etc., for some monad M (here, IO), and values to the left of <- have the corresponding types a, b, etc..
The x :: a in x <- mx gets bound to the pure value of type a produced / computed by the M-type computation which the value mx :: M a denotes, when that computation is actually performed, as a part of the combined computation represented by the whole do block, when that combined computation is performed as a whole.
And if e.g. the next line in that do block is y <- foo x, it means that a pure function foo :: a -> M b is applied to x and the result is calculated which is a value of type M b, denoting an M-type computation which then runs and produces / computes a pure value of type b to which the name y is then bound.
The essence of Monad is thus this slicing of the pure inside / between the (potentially) impure, it is these two timelines going on of the pure calculations and the potentially impure computations, with the pure world safely separated and isolated from the impurities of the real world. Or seen from the other side, the pure code being run by the real impure code interacting with the real world (in case M is IO). Which is what computer programs must do, after all.
Your removeItem is wrong. You should pick and remove items positionally, i.e. by index, not by value; and in any case not remove more than one item after having picked one item from the list.
The y in y <- rand 0 (length l) is indeed an index. Treat it as such. Rename it to i, too, as a simple mnemonic.
Generally, with Haskell it works better to maximize the amount of functional code at the expense of non-functional (IO or randomness-related) code.
In your situation, your “maximum” functional component is not removeItem but rather a version of shuffleList that takes the input list and (as mentioned by Will Ness) a deterministic integer position. List function splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) can come handy here. Like this:
funcShuffleList :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
funcShuffleList _ [] = []
funcShuffleList pos ls =
if (pos <=0) || (length(take (pos+1) ls) < (pos+1))
then ls -- pos is zero or out of bounds, so leave list unchanged
else let (left,right) = splitAt pos ls
in (head right) : (left ++ (tail right))
λ> funcShuffleList 4 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
λ> funcShuffleList 5 "#ABCDEFGH"
Once you've got this, you can introduce randomness concerns in simpler fashion. And you do not need to involve IO explicitely, as any randomness-friendly monad will do:
shuffleList :: MonadRandom mr => [a] -> mr [a]
shuffleList [] = return []
shuffleList ls =
let maxPos = (length ls) - 1
pos <- getRandomR (0, maxPos)
return (funcShuffleList pos ls)
... IO being just one instance of MonadRandom.
You can run the code using the default IO-hosted random number generator:
main = do
let inpList = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]::[Integer]
putStrLn $ "inpList = " ++ (show inpList)
-- mr automatically instantiated to IO:
outList1 <- shuffleList inpList
putStrLn $ "outList1 = " ++ (show outList1)
outList2 <- shuffleList outList1
putStrLn $ "outList2 = " ++ (show outList2)
Program output:
$ pickShuffle
inpList = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
outList1 = [6,0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8]
outList2 = [8,6,0,1,2,3,4,5,7]
$ pickShuffle
inpList = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
outList1 = [4,0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8]
outList2 = [2,4,0,1,3,5,6,7,8]
The output is not reproducible here, because the default generator is seeded by its launch time in nanoseconds.
If what you need is a full random permutation, you could have a look here and there - Knuth a.k.a. Fisher-Yates algorithm.
I am struggling on Real World Haskell Chapter 11 quickCheck generator implementation for a an algebraic data type.
Following the book implementation (which was published in 2008), I came up with the following:
-- file: ch11/Prettify2.hs
module Prettify2(
) where
data Doc = Empty
| Char Char
| Text String
| Line
| Concat Doc Doc
| Union Doc Doc
deriving (Show, Eq)
And my Arbitrary implementation:
-- file: ch11/Arbitrary.hs
import System.Random
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
class Arbitrary a where
arbitrary :: Gen a
-- elements' :: [a] => Gen a {- Expected a constraint, but ‘[a]’ has kind ‘*’ -}
-- choose' :: Random a => (a, a) -> Gen a
-- oneof' :: [Gen a] -> a
data Ternary = Yes
| No
| Unknown
deriving(Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary Ternary where
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (0, 2) :: Gen Int
return $ case n of
0 -> Yes
1 -> No
_ -> Unknown
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (a, b) where
arbitrary = do
x <- arbitrary
y <- arbitrary
return (x, y)
instance Arbitrary Char where
arbitrary = elements (['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ " ~!##$%^&*()")
I tried the two following implementation with no success:
import Prettify2
import Control.Monad( liftM, liftM2 )
instance Arbitrary Doc where
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (1,6) :: Gen Int
case n of
1 -> return Empty
2 -> do x <- arbitrary
return (Char x)
3 -> do x <- arbitrary
return (Text x)
4 -> return Line
5 -> do x <- arbitrary
y <- arbitrary
return (Concat x y)
6 -> do x <- arbitrary
y <- arbitrary
return (Union x y)
instance Arbitrary Doc where
arbitrary =
oneof [ return Empty
, liftM Char arbitrary
, liftM Text arbitrary
, return Line
, liftM2 Concat arbitrary arbitrary
, liftM2 Union arbitrary arbitrary ]
But it doesn't compile since No instance for (Arbitrary String)
I tried then to implement the instance for Arbitrary String in the following ways:
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary but it does not implement Arbitrary String neither
installing Test.RandomStrings hackage link
instance Arbitrary String where
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (8, 16) :: Gen Int
return $ randomWord randomASCII n :: Gen String
With the following backtrace:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 7.10.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Prelude> :l Arbitrary.hs
[1 of 2] Compiling Prettify2 ( Prettify2.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Arbitrary.hs, interpreted )
The last statement in a 'do' block must be an expression
return <- randomWord randomASCII n :: Gen String
Failed, modules loaded: Prettify2
Would you have any good suggestion about how to implement this particular generator and - more in general - how to proceed in these cases?
Thank you in advance
Don't define a new Arbitrary type class, import Test.QuickCheck instead. It defines most of these instances for you. Also be careful about the version of quickcheck, RWH assumes version 1.
The resulting full implementation will be:
-- file: ch11/Arbitrary.hs
import Test.QuickCheck
import Prettify2
import Control.Monad( liftM, liftM2 )
data Ternary = Yes
| No
| Unknown
deriving(Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary Ternary where
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (0, 2) :: Gen Int
return $ case n of
0 -> Yes
1 -> No
_ -> Unknown
instance Arbitrary Doc where
arbitrary =
oneof [ return Empty
, liftM Char arbitrary
, liftM Text arbitrary
, return Line
, liftM2 Concat arbitrary arbitrary
, liftM2 Union arbitrary arbitrary ]
I have a function like so:
test :: [Block] -> [Block]
test ((Para foobar):rest) = [Para [(foobar !! 0)]] ++ rest
test ((Plain foobar):rest) = [Plain [(foobar !! 0)]] ++ rest
Block is a datatype that includes Para, Plain and others.
What the function does is not particularly important, but I notice that the body of the function ([Para [(foobar !! 0)]] ++ rest) is the same for both Para and Plain, except that the constructor used is the type of foobar.
Question: is there someway to concisely write this function with the two cases combined?
Something like
test :: [Block] -> [Block]
test ((ParaOrPlain foobar):rest) = [ParaOrPlain [(foobar !! 0)]] ++ rest
where the first ParaOrPlain matches either Para foobar or Plain foobar and the second ParaOrPlain is Para or Plain respectively.
Note that Block can also be (say) a BulletList or OrderedList and I don't want to operate on those. (edit: test x = x for these other types.)
The key is that I don't want to replicate the function body twice since they're identical (barring the call to Para or Plain).
I get the feeling I could use Either, or perhaps my own data type, but I'm not sure how to do it.
To clarify, I know my function body is cumbersome (I'm new to Haskell) and I thank various answerers for their simplifications.
However at the heart of the problem, I wish to avoid the replication of the Para and Plain line. Something like (in my madeup language...)
# assume we have `test (x:rest)` where `x` is an arbirtrary type
if (class(x) == 'Para' or class(x) == 'Plain') {
conFun = Plain
if (class(x) == 'Para')
conFun = Para
return [conFun ...]
# else do nothing (ID function, test x = x)
return x:rest
i.e., I want to know if it's possible in Haskell to assign a constructor function based on the type of the input parameter in this way. Hope that clarifies the question.
One approach is to use a (polymorphic) helper function, e.g.:
helper ctor xs rest = ctor [ head xs ] : rest
test :: [Block] -> [Block]
test ((Para xs):rest) = helper Para xs rest
test ((Plain xs):rest) = helper Plain xs rest
test bs = bs
Note that Para and Plain are just functions of type [whatever] -> Block.
Assuming a data type declaration in the form:
data Block
= Para { field :: [Something] }
| Plain { field :: [Something] }
You can simply use a generic record syntax:
test :: [Block] -> [Block]
test (x:rest) = x { field = [(field x) !! 0] } : rest
Live demo
First note that, as user5402 already wrote, you should replace [Para [(foobar !! 0)]] ++ rest with Para [foobar !! 0] : rest, which looks already a good deal nicer. Next note that basically, all you're doing is modify the head of a list, so as a meaningful helper I'd use
modifyHead :: (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
modifyHead f (x:xs) = f x : xs
modifyHead _ [] = []
test = modifyHead m
where m (Para foobar) = Para [head foobar] -- `head` is bad, but still better than `(!!0)`!
m (Plain foobar) = Plain [head foobar]
This is about as nice as I can get it without using Template Haskell or Data.Data :-)
First of all, we need to enable some extensions and fix the Block datatype for concreteness (if my simplifying assumptions are wrong, tell me and I'll see what can be salvaged!)
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, LambdaCase #-}
data Block = Para [Int]
| Plain [String]
| Other Bool Block
| YetAnother deriving (Show,Eq)
The important point here is that Para and Plain are unary constructors, but that the datatype itself can contain constructors with a different number of arguments.
As #leftaroundabout and #user5402 explained, we can separate the concerns of modifying a single Block and applying that modification to the first element of a list only, so I'll focus on rewriting
modifyBaseline :: Block -> Block
modifyBaseline (Para xs) = Para [xs !! 0]
modifyBaseline (Plain xs) = Plain [xs !! 0]
modifyBaseline rest = rest
Next, we need to be able to talk about unary constructors as values. There are 3 important things here:
does a value match a given constructor,
if so what values are 'inside',
and how can we (re-)construct such a value.
We package this up nicely in a custom type (t is the type the constructor belongs to, and a is what's inside):
data UnaryConstructor t a = UnaryConstructor {
destruct:: t -> Maybe a
construct :: a -> t
So now we can define
para :: UnaryConstructor Block [Int]
para = UnaryConstructor (\case { Para ns -> Just ns ; _ -> Nothing }) Para
plain :: UnaryConstructor Block [Int]
plain = UnaryConstructor (\case { Plain ss -> Just ss ; _ -> Nothing }) Plain
(You can get rid of the LambdaCase extension if you write (\xs -> case xs of { Para ns -> Just ns; _ -> Nothing}) but this way it's nice and compact!)
Next, we need to 'package up' a unary constructor and the function to apply to the value contained in it:
data UnaryConstructorModifier t where
UnaryConstructorModifier :: UnaryConstructor t a -> (a -> a) -> UnaryConstructorModifier t
so that we can write
modifyHelper :: [UnaryConstructorModifier t] -> t -> t
modifyHelper [] t = t
modifyHelper ((UnaryConstructorModifier uc f):ucms) t
| Just x <- destruct uc t = construct uc (f x)
| otherwise = modifyHelper ucms t
and finally (the lambda could have been (\xs -> [xs !! 0]) or (\xs -> [head xs]) to taste):
modify :: Block -> Block
modify = modifyHelper [UnaryConstructorModifier para (\(x:_) -> [x]),
UnaryConstructorModifier plain (\(x:_) -> [x])]
If we now test it with
ghci> let blocks = [Para [1,2,3,4], Plain ["a","b"], Other True (Para [42,43]), YetAnother ]
ghci> map modify blocks == map modifyBaseline blocks
we get True - hooray!
The repetitive bit is now in the definitions of para and plain where you have to write the name of the constructor three times, but there's no way around that without using Template Haskell or Data.Data (that I can see).
Further options for improvement would be to do something for constructors of different arity, and to put a function of type a -> Maybe a in UnaryConstructorModifier to deal with the partiality of (\(x:_) -> [x]) but I think this answers your question nicely.
I hope you can make sense of this, as I've glossed over a couple of details, including what's going on in the definition of UnaryConstructorModifier and the use of pattern guards in modifyHelper - so ask if you need clarification!
The closest you can get to your original idea is probably a "generic Para-or-Plain-modifying" function.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
modifyBlock :: (forall a . [a]->[a]) -> Block -> Block
modifyBlock f (Plain foobar) = Plain $ f foobar
modifyBlock f (Para foobar) = Plain $ f foobar
Observe that f has in each use a different type!
With that, you can then write
test (b:bs) = modifyBlock (\(h:_) -> [h]) b : bs
This can be done pretty nicely with ViewPatterns
Note: view patterns isn't actually required here, it just makes it looks a bit nicer imho
Note': This assumes the list inside the block is of the same type in both cases
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
paraOrPlain :: Block a- > Maybe (a -> Block a, a)
paraOrPlain (Plain xs) = Just (Plain,xs)
paraOrPlain (Para xs) = Just (Para,xs)
paraOrPlain _ = Nothing
-- or even better
para (Para xs) = Just (Para,xs)
para _ = Nothing
plain (Plain xs) = Just (Plain,xs)
plain _ = Nothing
paraOrPlain' b = para b <|> plain b -- requires Control.Applicative
test ((paraOrPlain -> Just (con,xs)) : rest) = con (take 1 xs) : rest
Of course you still need to do the pattern matching somewhere - you can't do that generically without TH or Generic - but you can do it in a way that lends itself to reuse.