What should be done when the provisioned throughput is exceeded? - node.js

I'm using AWS SDK for Javascript (Node.js) to read data from a DynamoDB table. The auto scaling feature does a great job during most of the time and the consumed Read Capacity Units (RCU) are really low most part of the day. However, there's a programmed job that is executed around midnight which consumes about 10x the provisioned RCU and since the auto scaling takes some time to adjust the capacity, there are a lot of throttled read requests. Furthermore, I suspect my requests are not being completed (though I can't find any exceptions in my error log).
In order to handle this situation, I've considered increasing the provisioned RCU using the AWS API (updateTable) but calculating the number of RCU my application needs may not be straightforward.
So my second guess was to retry failed requests and simply wait for auto scale increase the provisioned RCU. As pointed out by AWS docs and some Stack Overflow answers (particularlly about ProvisionedThroughputExceededException):
The AWS SDKs for Amazon DynamoDB automatically retry requests that receive this exception. So, your request is eventually successful, unless the request is too large or your retry queue is too large to finish.
I've read similar questions (this one, this one and this one) but I'm still confused: is this exception raised if the request is too large or the retry queue is too large to finish (therefore after the automatic retries) or actually before the retries?
Most important: is that the exception I should be expecting in my context? (so I can catch it and retry until auto scale increases the RCU?)

Every time your application sends a request that exceeds your capacity you get ProvisionedThroughputExceededException message from Dynamo. However your SDK handles this for you and retries. The default Dynamo retry time starts at 50ms, the default number of retries is 10, and backoff is exponential by default.
This means you get retries at:
If after the 10th retry your request has still not succeeded, the SDK passes the ProvisionedThroughputExceededException back to your application and you can handle it how you like.
You could handle it by increasing throughput provision but another option would be to change the default retry times when you create the Dynamo connection. For example
new AWS.DynamoDB({maxRetries: 13, retryDelayOptions: {base: 200}});
This would mean you retry 13 times, with an initial delay of 200ms. This would give your request a total of 819.2s to complete rather than 25.6s.


very high max response and error when submit looping form submission

so my requirement is to run 90 concurrent user doing mutiple scenario (15 scenario)simultenously for 30 minutes in virtual macine.so some of the threads i use concurrent thread group and normal thread group.
now my issue is
1)after i execute all 15 scenarios, my max response for each scenario displayed very high (>40sec). is there any suggestion to reduce this high max response?
2)one of the scenario is submit web form, there is no issue if submit only one, however during the 90 concurrent user execution, some of submit web form will get 500 error code. is the error is because i use looping to achieve 30 min duration?
In order to reduce the response time you need to find the reason for this high response time, the reasons could be in:
lack of resources like CPU, RAM, etc. - make sure to monitor resources consumption using i.e. JMeter PerfMon Plugin
incorrect configuration of the middleware (application server, database, etc.), all these components need to be properly tuned for high loads, for example if you set maximum number of connections on the application server to 10 and you have 90 threads - the 80 threads will be queuing up waiting for the next available executor, the same applies to the database connection pool
use a profiler tool to inspect what's going on under the hood and why the slowest functions are that slow, it might be the case your application algorithms are not efficient enough
If your test succeeds with single thread and fails under the load - it definitely indicates the bottleneck, try increasing the load gradually and see how many users application can support without performance degradation and/or throwing errors. HTTP Status codes 5xx indicate server-side errors so it also worth inspecting your application logs for more insights

Bursts of Redis errors

We've recently created a new Standard 1 GB Azure Redis cache specifically for distributed locking - separated from our main Redis cache. This was done to improve stability on our main Redis cache which is a very long term issue which this action seems to of significantly helped with.
On our new cache, we observe bursts of ~100 errors within the same few seconds every 1 - 3 days. The errors are either:
No connection is available to service this operation (StackExchange.Redis error)
Could not acquire distributed lock: Conflicted (RedLock.net error)
As they are errors from different packages, I suspect the Redis cache itself is the problem here. None of the stats during this time look out of the ordinary and the workload should fit comfortably in the Standard 1GB size.
I'm guessing this could be caused by the advertised Low network performance advertised, is this likely the cause?
Your theory sounds plausible.
Checking for insufficient network bandwidth
Here is a handy table showing the maximum observed bandwidth for various pricing tiers. Take a look at the observed maximum bandwidth for your SKU, then head over to your Redis blade in the Azure Portal and choose Metrics. Set the aggregation to Max, and look at the sum of cache read and cache write. This is your total bandwidth consumed. Overlay the sum of these two against the time period when you're experiencing the errors, and see if the problem is network throughput. If that's the case, scale up.
Checking server load
Also on the Metrics tab, take a look at server load. This is the percentage that Redis is busy and is unable to process requests. If you hit 100%, Redis cannot respond to new requests and you will experience timeout issues. If that's the case, scale up.
Reusing ConnectionMultiplexer
You can also run out of connections to a Redis server if you're spinning up a new instance of StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer per request. The service limits for the number of connections available based on your SKU are here on the pricing page. You can see if you're exceeding the maximum allowed connections for your SKU on the Metrics tab, select max aggregation, and choose Connected Clients as your metric.
Thread Exhaustion
This doesn't sound like your error, but I'll include it for completeness in this Rogue's Gallery of Redis issues, and it comes into play with Azure Web Apps. By default, the thread pool will start with 4 threads that can be immediately allocated to work. When you need more than four threads, they're doled out at a rate of one thread per 500ms. So if you dump a ton of requests on a Web App in a short period of time, you can end up queuing work and eventually having requests dropped before they even get to Redis. To test to see if this is a problem, go to Metrics for your Web App and choose Threads and set the aggregation to max. If you see a huge spike in a short period of time that corresponds with your trouble, you've found a culprit. Resolutions include making proper use of async/await. And when that gets you no further, use ThreadPool.SetMinThreads to a higher value, preferably one that is close to or above the max thread usage that you see in your bursts.
Rob has some great suggestions but did want to add information on troubleshooting traffic burst and poor ThreadPool settings. Please see: Troubleshoot Azure Cache for Redis client-side issues
Bursts of traffic combined with poor ThreadPool settings can result in delays in processing data already sent by the Redis Server but not yet consumed on the client side.
Monitor how your ThreadPool statistics change over time using an example ThreadPoolLogger. You can use TimeoutException messages from StackExchange.Redis like below to further investigate:
System.TimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL, inst: 8, mgr: Inactive, queue: 0, qu: 0, qs: 0, qc: 0, wr: 0, wq: 0, in: 64221, ar: 0,
IOCP: (Busy=6,Free=999,Min=2,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=7,Free=8184,Min=2,Max=8191)
Notice that in the IOCP section and the WORKER section you have a Busy value that is greater than the Min value. This difference means your ThreadPool settings need adjusting.
You can also see in: 64221. This value indicates that 64,211 bytes have been received at the client's kernel socket layer but haven't been read by the application. This difference typically means that your application (for example, StackExchange.Redis) isn't reading data from the network as quickly as the server is sending it to you.
You can configure your ThreadPool Settings to make sure that your thread pool scales up quickly under burst scenarios.
I hope you find this additional information is helpful.

One Instance-One Request at a time App Engine Flexible

I am using
App Engine Flexible, custom runtime.
nodejs, as base Image.
Cloud Tasks for queuing the requests
puppeteer job
My Requirements
long-running process
because of my unique requirement, I want 1 request to be handled by only 1 instance. when it gets free or the request gets timed-out, only then it should get a new request.
I have managed to reject other requests while the instance is processing 1 request, but not able to figure out the appropriate automatic scaling settings.
Please suggest the best way to achieve this.
Thanks in advance!
In your app.yaml try restricting the max_instances and max_concurrent_requests.
I also recommend looking into rate limiting your Cloud Tasks queue in order to reduce unnecessary attempts to send requests. Also you may want to increase your MIN_INTERVAL for retry attempts to spread out requests as well.
Your task queue will continue to process and send tasks by the rate you have set, so if your instance rejects the request it will go into a retry pattern. It seems like you're focused on the scaling of App Engine but your issue is with Cloud Tasks. You may want to schedule your tasks so they fire at the interval you want.
You could set readiness checks on your app.
When an instance is handling a request, set the readiness check to return a non-ready status. 429 (too many requests) seems like a good option.
This should avoid traffic to that specific instance.
Once the request is finished, return a 200 from the readiness endpoint to signal that the instance is ready to accept a new request.
However, I'm not sure how will this work with auto-scaling options. Since the app will only scale up once the average CPU is over the threshold defined, if all instances are occupied but do not reach that threshold, the load balancer won't know where to route requests (no instances are ready), and it won't scale up.
You could play around a little bit with this idea and manual scaling, or by programatically changing min_instances (in automatic scaling) through the GAE admin API.
Be sure to always return a 200 for the liveness check, or the instance will be killed as it will be considered unhealthy.

Can I use a retry policy in an azure function?

I'm using event hubs to temporary store data which will first be saved to azure table storage and then indexed to elasticsearch.
I was thinking that I should do the storage saving calls in an azure function, and do the same for the elasticsearch indexing using NEST.
It is important that the data is processed, so I was thinking that I'll use Polly as a retry policy in case the elasticsearch server is failing. However, won't a retry policy potentially make the azure function expensive?
Is azure functions even the right way to go?
Yes, you can use Polly for retries inside your Azure Functions. Some further considerations:
Yes, you will pay for the retry time. But given that your Elastic Search is "mostly up", the extra price for occasional retries should not be too high.
If you want to retry saving to Table Storage too, you will have to write calls decorated with Polly yourself instead of otherwise preferred output binding
Make sure to check if order of writes is important to you and whether you should retry Table Storage writes to completion before you start writing to Elastic, or vice versa. Otherwise you can do them in parallel with async and then Task.WaitAll
The maximum execution time of a Function is 5 minutes by default, you can configure it up to 10 minutes max. If you need to handle outages longer than that, you probably need a plan B. E.g. start copying the events that are failing for longer than 4 (or 9) minutes to a dedicated Queue, and retry from there. Or disabling the Function for such periods of downtime.
Yes it is. You could use a library or better just write a simple linear backoff strategy —
like try 5 times with 5 seconds sleep in between — and do something like
message: `Transient failure. This is Retry number ${retryCount}.`,
errorCode: errorCodeFromCallingElasticSearch,
errorDetails: moreContextMaybeSomeStack
every time you hit the retry logic so it goes to App Insights (make sure you integrate with App Insights, else you have no ops or it's completely dark ops).
You can then query for how often is it really a miss and get an idea on how well things go at the 95% percentile.
Occasionally running 10 seconds over the normal 1 second execution time for your function is going to cost extra, but probably nowhere near a full dedicated App Service Plan. If it comes close, just switch to that, it means your function is mostly on rather than off - which is still a perfectly good case for running a function.
App Insights can also trigger alerts if some metric goes haywire, like your retry count goes up to 11 for 24 hours, you probably want to know about that deviation. You'll need to send the retry count as a custom metric to trigger an alert off of it:
context.log.metric("CallElasticSearchRetryCount", retryCount);

Datastax Cassandra Driver Retry Policy Delay?

I am using the Datastax Cassandra driver and have a RetryPolicy setup to retry when a host is unavailable. However, I have noticed that it retries as fast as it can. I would like to change it to have an increasing delay between retries rather than hammer the cluster if it is struggling. This is particularly important for OVERLOADED request errors since I do want to retry in these scenarios, but with a substantial delay.
Where is the right place to put a delay and what is the right mechanism? Should I just throw a Thread.sleep(...) in my RetryPolicy?
I don't mind taking up a request on-the-wire slot (towards the maximum number of in-flight requests) but I am not okay with completely blocking other writes if we are not yet at the in-flight request limit.
You can implement your own retry policy by adding a delay. The simplest way is to pick the source code of the default retry and modify it yourself to implement an exponential delay for retry or something similar.
For exponential delay, just look at the source code of http://docs.datastax.com/en/drivers/java/3.0/com/datastax/driver/core/policies/ExponentialReconnectionPolicy.html to see how it works
