Created Two DNS in two different Provider - azure

I am new in developed website. I have accidentally created a new DNS zone in Microsoft Azure which the domain already has its own DNS in another hosting company. The hosting company help to handle email of the domain.
Besides that, the company was also pointed the root domain to my web app by using A record.
The website now can be accessed via but not
What is the solution for me to point to my web app and without affect

What is the solution for me to point to my web app and without affect
We can add CNAME record to your web app service like this:
Host type value
how about if I set cname * and point to, will
it affect
If you set CNAME * and point to, that will not affect
Because mail type is MX record, that will not affect CNAME record.
Hope this helps.


Switching Domain Registrars with Azure Web App CNAMES

I'm changing domain registrars for a custom domain that has 4 sub-domains each pointing to a azure web app via a CNAME.
I don't have any access to this azure web app.
Does anybody know if I can just copy the subdomain cname dns and replicate it on the new domain registrar and then everything will continue to work as normal. Or if azure somehow detects the change and requires you to revalidate the domain after you have switched registrars.
If you are not changing sub-domain / domain ONLY the registrar, there should't be any problem with that. Azure App Service doesn't care what register you are using as long as CNAME is properly configured.

Can I host my main domain and a subdomain of it in 2 different hosting services

Currently, my react web app is hosted in firebase hosting and pointed to my main domain (say and I need a subdomain point to my existing PHP project in another hosting service with a C-panel.
Not Worked : I added a DNS A record to and point it to my Shared IP address located in cpanel. But my main domain also not worked after that.
Any solution to this, I know it's better if I can deploy both sites in the same domain, but for this temporary purpose, it's necessary doing this.
There is nothing complicated.
Let's say,
You will just have to add the A record of sub-domain in the DNS zone of the main domain. Make sure your main domain is using the nameserver of firebase hosting to work the main domain with firebase hosting and sub-domain with hosting service having cPanel.
After, you will have to add the main domain in cPanel, because cPanel will not allow creating the sub-domain without adding the main domain. Then create the sub-domain.
Note: As your domain uses the Nameserver of firebase hosting it shows the site content from the firebase hosting service and as you have to add the A record for the sub-domain using the IP address of the hosting service having cPanel. The sub-domain will show the site from your other service having cPanel.
You can find the Nameserver of your main domain at your domain name registrar. You can use any online tool to find the nameserver of your domain as well.
Put the comment if the above suggestion does not make any sense.

How to allow CNAME pointed to my server / how to use subdomain for a different server?

We create custom web apps for businesses and for the first time a client of ours has asked that instead of using our subdomain and instead of using a custom domain for their web app they would like to use their own subdomain for a domain currently hosted on another server.
For instance our domain is and their domain is They would like to be point to our name servers so we can continue hosting the web app for them.
I know it's possible to do this because we currently have outgoing CNAMEs on our server for help desks, etc, that aren't hosted on our own server but are using subdomains of ours.
Could you help me with what our client has to do on their zone editing side and what we need to do on our WHM/cPanel side to allow this?
NOTE: We had the client create a CNAME for pointed to our nameserver and then we created an add-on domain for and subdomain for but when you try to visit it gets the "Sorry!" cPanel page.
Thank you!
Alright I figured out how to do it on my own after a lot of testing & thought I'd post here to help others out in case they run across this in the future.
For the server with the subdomain on it have them create an 'A' record for that subdomain pointing to your server's IP address like so: ((note the extra period at the end is required))
TTL: 14400
Record Type: A
Pointing To: Your server's IP address.
Now on your server's cPanel you will need to create an addon domain for THAT subdomain (ie - not for the actual domain but for the entire subdomain with the folder being the root folder wherever you would like it to show.
That worked for me!
The CNAME should not point to your nameserver but your subdomain f.e.
An other solution could be to add the subdomain to your server and the client add an A record for the subdomain to your ip.

Domain registrar's DNS records vs web hosting DNS records

I bought a domain from Google Domains. I have an A record (on Google Domains DNS control panel) pointed to my server's IP. I had a www CNAME record pointed to mydomain.tld. To experiment with my hosting panel's DNS (I have VestaCP) I deleted the www record from Google Domains DNS panel. There was already a www A record on VestaCP DNS panel. I deleted that and added a www CNAME record pointing to mydomain.tld. And suddenly my www.mydomain.tld stopped resolving. I also tried adding a test A record but I couldn't ping `test.mydomain.tld'.
So, how does hosting panel's DNS work? Each time I add a new website (be it a sub domain or a new domain itself) VestaCP creates certain DNS records. Are these DNS records supposed to override the ones in domain registrar's DNS panel or vice versa? What are DNS records in VestaCP DNS are there for?
When you have your hosting and domain in one single server or with one provider, your domain DNS will be with your domain itself. You just need to point the A record to hosting IP. Your Nameservers will be the default.
If you have your domain with one hosting provider and domain with other then you need to change your domain Nameservers to hosting nameservers. Then your DNS will migrate to your hosting account. The changes you may do in your domain panel will not affect. You can change your DNS settings from your hosting account only.
Hope it helps.

How to add a subdomain on GoDaddy on Azure site

Lest say I have a web application called
everything is ok with it and both and redirect to the correct A record "#" defined on the GoDaddy Zone file.
The thing is, that my back office web application is on a different Azure server than the main site (site is on and the back office needs to be on
for that i have created another server on Azure. is on is on
(azure management site shows that both server have the same ip)
(Btw, is that what I should have done?)
What I tried was:
1. add "office" A Record on Goddady that redirects the same ip (in addition to #) - didnt work.
2. add "office" CNAME that redirects to - didnt work
In both cases i added the awverify and the awverify.www as followed: is is
Azure Manage Domains doesnt recognize
What should I do at GoDaddy's to make it work?
you can find solution (godaddy screenshots included) here
CNAME or A records pointing to IP or domain is right solution
adding awverify is needed only if using A record
better solution is to use CNAME - after stopping web service and starting again, you will receive probably different IP addres in azure (or you can use traffic manager)
