Error when creating Azure function App - azure

I'm am following the steps here on this tutorial to automatically create image thumbnails
I get to the step to create the function app by running this code (replacing all relevant values):
az functionapp create --name <function_app> --storage-account <general_storage_account>
\ --resource-group myResourceGroup --consumption-plan-location westcentralus
At any stage after this step, if I view the function app in the portal I receive the following error and am unable to find the cause The function runtime is unable to start. Please check the runtime logs for any errors or try again later. Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection: The payload was invalid.

The issue seems to be related to:
If in case you are using Website_ContentShare setting (which means using the same storage account) you might face this issue.
Go to
Go into data -> functions
Delete the secrets folder
If that doesn't work:
browse to the storage account for your function app into the azure portal,
go into containers -> azure-webjobs-secrets
delete the container with your function app name e.g. the circled entry in this screenshot:
enter image description here


How to refresh durable function key "durabletask_extension" using Az Cli

We are facing a strange issue with one of our Az Functions. We are using a durable functions which it does have several AppKeys configured, one of them is called "durabletask_extension".
We are trying to automate the refresh of the keys using Az Cli but apparently when we try to refresh the key - the shell gives an error like "Operation Returned an invalid status "NotFound" "
However, I can see from listing the keys that the key-name provided is supposed to be correct.
Kindly see images attached :)
is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Refresh of default or master keys seems to be working just fine.
Keys List:-
Keys Set:-
We are able to reproduce the issue,
The key name which you have provided is systemKeys which is automatically managed by the Function runtime.
Instead, of that we have tried with functionkeys and it just worked fine with the same keyname "durabletask_extension" which we can add in our function app .
NOTE:- To add masterKey as in your functions you can use the below cmdlts.
az functionapp function keys set -g MyResourceGroup -n MyFunctionAppName --function-name MyFunctionName --key-name systemKey --key-value MyKeyValue
For more information please refer the below links:-
MS DOC| az functionapp keys set.& az functionapp function keys set .

Failed to pull image - Azure AKS

I have been following this guide to deploy application on Azure using AKS
Every thing was fine until I deployed, one node is in not ready state with ImagePullBackOff status
kubectl describe pod output
Performing below command I get success command, so I am sure authentication is happening
az acr login --name siddacr
and this command lists out the image which was uploaded
az acr repository list --name <acrName> --output table
I figured out.
The error was in the name of the image in deployment.yml file
imagebackpulloff might be caused because of the following reasons:
The image or tag doesn’t exist
You’ve made a typo in the image name or tag
The image registry requires authentication
You’ve exceeded a rate or download limit on the registry

Can't find app with name error while publish the azure function

I tried to create an azure function using following link in Ubuntu system(16.04).
[azure function][2]
Deployment using arm template and create a local azure function using vs code.
Folder contains following files
LocalFunctionProj.csproj, HttpExample.cs, host.json, local.settings.json
azure function is created successfully in portal after deployment.But when i tried to publish the local azure function ,it shows an error Can't find app with name "HttpExample" while using following command
func azure functionapp publish HttpExample
Is anything wrong in my step.
Also i tried this command after 30 mnt when function created in portal
screen shot
I had a similar issue when I followed a tutorial about Azure Functions Core Tools from Microsoft Learning.
In my case, I had the error Can't find app with name X, because I had a wrong subscription set in my local Azure CLI. The command from below changes subscription for the one that is created with "Microsoft Learning Sandbox". Note that, in your case, the name of the subscription can be different.
az account set --subscription "Concierge Subscription"
If it's not the issue, your question suggests that your function app name should be HttpExample. You need to ensure beforehand that there's a function app with such a name in the subscription you are logged into with Azure CLI.
Moreover, there is a ProvisioningState: Failed in the screenshot, which could also be an issue.
If you want to publish the local app into azure ,you must create the functional app before in azure portal.Also the name of the azure function is portal should be same as the local azure app.otherwise you can't publish the app.

Azure WebApp container restart issue

I've created an web app running the grafana docker image as this
az group create --name grp-test-container-1
--location "West Europe"
az appservice plan create --name asp-test-container-1
--resource-group grp-test-container-1
--sku B1
az webapp create --resource-group grp-test-container-1
--plan asp-test-container-1
--name app-test-container-1
--deployment-container-image-name grafana/grafana:latest
Then I updated the appsettings in order to pass env variables to the docker run command
az webapp config appsettings set --name app-test-container-1
--settings GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS='grafana-azure-monitor-datasource'
--resource-group grp-test-container-1
Then I need to restart the container in order to get the added env variable in the docker run command.
I tried to restart the web app, stop/start it, change the docker image name and save under the Container Settings.. nothing works
Any suggestions?
As Charles Xu said in his answer, to reload the container you need to change the docker image and save in order to make the web app fetch the image again and apply the added env variables.
In my case, I did that change and then looked at the log output but the log never got updated. I waited 5-10 minutes and still no logs were added..
But when I visit the site and browsed to the extension, which were installed by the env varibles, I could se that it all had gone through.
So, to summarize: The log in the Container Settings are not to be trusted, when doing a change those changes might not show up in the log.
I just got off the phone with a support engineer from the Azure web apps/app services team, after having pulled my hair out for several days. Literally.
So in case anyone else having trouble with their app service not responding to restarts, configuration changes, docker image changes, etc, you can try this:
In the Azure Portal navigate to your app service and then "Configuration"->"General settings" and set the "Always on" setting to "On". This setting is by default set to "Off" and will make the app service enter an "idle state" after some time of not receiving any requests.
The only way to trigger the app service out of this idle state is to perform a request towards it. Restarts, config changes, docker image changes, etc., will have no effect until that first request is done. Setting the "Always on" setting to "On" will prevent the app service from entering this idle state, and so it will always be responsive.
In terms of cost this setting change shall have no impact. That is unless you are trying to force as many applications into a single app service plan as possible, where many of them are seldomly in use and hence in an idle state will not use any resources of your app service plan total.
What you need to do is change the image from grafana/grafana:latest into grafana/grafana, just delete the version latest and click the save button below. Then it will work.

How can I kick off a container instance using the Azure api?

I have a container building in gitlab and registering itself with the gitlab custom registry. Inside this container is a command that runs a very long time. I would like to somehow deploy this container to azure, and only kick off this long running process inside a new container instance on demand from an administrative api service. I don't want the container running all the time, only for the time it takes to run the command.
I was thinking that this admin api could be a classic http rest api service hosted under Azure "App Services", or possibly using the new "Function Apps" feature of Azure.
In my research, I found that using the azure cli commands, I can start a container like so:
az container create \
--resource-group myResourceGroup \
--name mycontainer2 \
--image microsoft/aci-wordcount:latest \
--restart-policy OnFailure \
--environment-variables NumWords=5 MinLength=8
I would like to do this from the admin api, preferably using what looks to me like the official Azure npm package located here:
Ideally, it would be a single command to create and start the instance, being able to set the environment variables like this example at the launch of the container is important to me. I'm not interested in moving all my code over into Azure, I would like to continue using gitlab for the source code and container registry but if there is some reason I have to switch to using the Azure container registry, I need a way to somehow move the container registration over there using the gitlab ci yaml.
In all my searching, I couldn't find any way to do this but the closest documentation I found was here:
At the current time there is no way to officially do this from the api, maybe in the future there will be
