How do I cast Widget to Label in Haskell's GI-Gtk? - haskell

I have this sample code where I have a ListBox containing ListBoxRows, which in turn contain a Label. When I click on the ListBox, I get a ListBoxRow. So far so good. The problems start when I want to interact with the ListBoxRows children.
I have used this function to get the Label, which is the child of the ListBoxRow.
However, the returned type is Widget. How do I convert the type of the object? Function widgetGetName tells me it is a label, but the Haskell Type system insists it is a Widget, so I can not use label specific functions.
working code
_ <- onListBoxRowSelected listbox2 (\(Just r) -> do
cc <- containerGetChildren r
mlabel <- castTo Label (head cc)
case mlabel of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Not a label!"
Just label -> (labelGetText label) >>= putStrLn . unpack)
Thanks to Dan

Try this:
cc <- containerGetChildren r
mlabel <- castTo Label (head cc)
case mlabel of
Nothing -> putStrLn “Not a label!”
Just label -> labelGetText label >>= putStrLn


Counter widget in Reflex-FRP

I am trying to make a counter widget in Reflex with the following qualities:
It has a minimum value of 0 -- and hitting "decrement" while at 0 results in nothing happening.
(solved) The increment button is to the right of the decrement button.
It has Bulma CSS styles applied.
This is the code I currently have:
bodyElementIncrRounds :: ObeliskWidget js t route m => m ()
bodyElementIncrRounds = do
-- el "h2" $ text "Using foldDyn with function application"
evIncr <- button "Increment"
evDecr <- button "Decrement"
-- evReset <- button "Reset"
dynNum <- foldDyn ($) (0 :: Int) $ leftmost [(+ 1) <$ evIncr, (+ (-1)) <$ evDecr]
el "h3" $ display dynNum
return ()
This is what the result is:
When I try to swap the buttons by flipping these to values: (+ 1) <$ evIncr, (+ (-1)) <$ evDecr, it has no effect at all on the location of the buttons. (I.e. increment remains on the left.)
When I try to apply Bulma code like this:
bodyElementIncrRounds :: ObeliskWidget js t route m => m ()
bodyElementIncrRounds = do
-- el "h2" $ text "Using foldDyn with function application"
evIncr <- elAttr "button" ("class" =: "button") $ button "Increment"
evDecr <- button "Decrement"
-- evReset <- button "Reset"
dynNum <- foldDyn ($) (0 :: Int) $ leftmost [(+ 1) <$ evIncr, (+ (-1)) <$ evDecr]
el "h3" $ display dynNum
return ()
It duplicates the button for some reason and also places the existing (ugly) button inside of the Bulma widget (edit: the duplication problem has been solved, but not the "button inside the button" problem):

How do I print the label text in Haskell GI-Gtk listBoxRow?

I am trying to print the label text when I click on a listBoxRow.
This is the link to my gist:
the relevant code looks like this:
_ <- onListBoxRowSelected listbox2 (\(Just r) -> do
-- rn <- listBoxRowGetIndex r
cc <- containerGetChildren r
dd <- widgetGetName (head cc)
-- how do I print label text?
-- I get the error:
-- Required ancestor ‘GI.Gtk.Objects.Label.Label’ not found for type GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.Widget’.
ee <- labelGetText (head cc)
putStrLn ("Clicked " ++ (show ee)))
The error
• Required ancestor ‘GI.Gtk.Objects.Label.Label’ not found for type
‘GI.Gtk.Objects.Widget.Widget’. • In a stmt of a 'do' block: ee <-
labelGetText (head cc) In the expression:
do { cc <- containerGetChildren r;
ee <- labelGetText (head cc);
putStrLn ("Clicked " ++ (show ee)) } In the second argument of ‘onListBoxRowSelected’, namely
relevant documentation
Dan Robertson has provided the most helpful answer. After obtaining the label object you have to cast it to Label type. That was the missing link.
working code
_ <- onListBoxRowSelected listbox2 (\(Just r) -> do
cc <- containerGetChildren r
mlabel <- castTo Label (head cc)
case mlabel of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Not a label!"
Just label -> (labelGetText label) >>= putStrLn . unpack)
Thank you very much for your help.
related post
How do I cast Widget to Label in Haskell's GI-Gtk?

How to obtain the string value of an Element?

I want to do something like this:
getValue :: Element -> String
getValue x = do
v <- get UI.value x
However, an error is thrown; the expected type of get UI.value x is [String] but the actual type is UI String?
But if I change the type signature to getValue :: Element -> UI String, my last v gets the error of expected type UI String while its actual type is String.
I'm trying to implement something like this:
myfunction window = do
words <- getElementsByClassName window "word"
let strs = map getValue words
Since I can't say let strs = map (\x -> v <- get UI.value x) words.
When I only have one element to deal with, I'm fine:
filename <- chooser # get UI.value
liftIO $ print filename
unless (null filename) $ do
prevRows <- getElementsByClassName w "row"
mapM_ delete prevRows
elems <- liftIO $ readJSON filename
mapM_ (element table # addRow) elems
Since get UI.value x has type UI String as opposed to String, the correct definition of getValue needs to be in the UI monad as well:
-- Still not well-typed
getValue :: Element -> UI String
getValue x = do
v <- get UI.value x
However, then your next problem is that after you bind get UI.value x to v, v has type String, not UI String, so you need to return it, leading to the correct version
getValue :: Element -> UI String
getValue x = do
v <- get UI.value x
return v
which of course can be simplified as
getValue :: Element -> UI String
getValue x = get UI.value x
or η-reduced further to
getValue :: Element -> UI String
getValue = get UI.value
Since UI is a monad, you can use standard monad combinators like mapM to turn getValue :: Element -> UI String into mapM getValue :: [Element] -> UI [String]:
myfunction window = do
words <- getElementsByClassName window "word"
strs <- mapM (get UI.value) words
-- ... rest of `myfunction` can use `strs`
Note that myfunction of course is still in UI.

Using FRP and IORef in threepenny-gui

I have a little example using IORef in threepenny-gui (TPG):
testIORef :: IORef String -> Window -> UI ()
testIORef ref window = void $ do
return window # set title "Test IORef"
inCell <- UI.input
outCell <- UI.input
-- When value changes write to IORef
on UI.valueChange inCell $ \_ -> do
inValue <- get value inCell
liftIO $ writeIORef ref inValue
-- function that reads the IORef and sets the value of an element with it
let setValue oc = do
newVal <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
element oc # set value newVal
-- When enter is pressed update the value of the output
on UI.keydown inCell $ \c -> if (c==13) then setValue outCell else return outCell
getBody window #+ [ column [ grid [[string "In cell :", element inCell]
,[string "Out cell:", element outCell]
, string "Cells should update while typing."
I am trying to change this to use the Reactive stuff in TPG. I have got as far as making the Behaviors from the events valueChange and keyDown:
inValue <- stepper "0" $ UI.valueChange inCell
inEnter <- stepper "0" $ fmap show $ filterE (\kc-> kc==13) $ UI.keydown inCell
But I am stuck on how to use these Behaviors to save/get the value to/from the IORef. The problem is that the IORef calls will be in the UI monad, so if I use them the Behaviour will be Behavior (UI a), but then they won't work with sink. I know in this case I needn't use an IORef (eg. the currency conversion example) - but in my actual case I do.
I tried writing my own attribute:
valueUI :: ReadWriteAttr Element (UI String) String
so that I can set an attribute with a Behavior (UI String):
inEnter <- stepper "0" $ fmap show $ filterE (\kc-> kc==13) $ UI.keydown inCell
let getValue = fmap (const $ liftIO $ readIORef ref) inEnter
element outCell # sink valueUI getValue
The code compiles but doesn't work.

What is the difference between forM and forM_ in haskell?

HLint suggests that I use forM_ rather than forM. Why? I see they have different type signatures but haven't found a good reason to use one over the other.
forM :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m (t b)
forM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
The forM_ function is more efficient because it does not save the results of the operations. That is all. (This only makes sense when working with monads because a pure function of type a -> () is not particularly useful.)
forM is mapM with its arguments flipped.
forM_ is mapM_ with its arguments flipped.
Let's see in mapM and mapM_ :
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapM mf xs takes a monadic function mf (having type Monad m => (a -> m b)) and applies it to each element in list xs; the result is a list inside a monad.
The difference between mapM and mapM_ is, that mapM returns a list of the results, while mapM_ returns an empty result. The result of each action in mapM_ is not stored.
To understand the difference between (A): forM xs f and (B): forM_ xs f, it might help to compare the difference between the following:
-- Equivalent to (A)
r1 <- f x1
r2 <- f x2
rn <- f xn
return [r1, r2, ..., rn]
-- Equivalent to (B)
_ <- f x1
_ <- f x2
_ <- f xn
return ()
The crucial difference being that forM_ ignores the results r1, ... rn and just returns an empty result via return (). Think of the underscore as meaning "don't care" ... forM_ doesn't care about the results. forM however, does care about the results and returns them in as a list via return [r1, r2, ... rn].
Example 1
The code below asks for your name three times and prints the results of the forM.
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
main = do
let askName i = do
putStrLn $ "What's your name (" ++ (show i) ++ ")"
name <- getLine
return name
results <- forM [1,2,3] askName
putStrLn $ "Results = " ++ show results
An example execution with forM:
What's your name? (1)
> James
What's your name? (2)
> Susan
What's your name? (3)
> Alex
Results = ["James", "Susan", "Alex"]
But if we change the forM to a forM_, then we would have instead:
What's your name? (1)
> James
What's your name? (2)
> Susan
What's your name? (3)
> Alex
Results = ()
In your case, the linter is telling you that you're not using the return values of your forM (you don't have foo <- forM xs f, you probably have forM xs f by itself on a line) and so should use forM_ instead. This happens, for
example, when you are using a monadic action like putStrLn.
Example 2 The code below asks for your name and then says "Hello" – repeating three times.
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
main = do
let askThenGreet i = do
putStrLn $ "What's your name (" ++ (show i) ++ ")"
name <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hello! " ++ name
forM [1,2,3] askThenGreet
An example execution with forM:
What's your name? (1)
> Sarah
Hello! Sarah
What's your name? (2)
> Dick
Hello! Dick
What's your name? (3)
> Peter
Hello! Peter
[(), (), ()]
The overall result of main comes from the result of the forM: [(), (), ()]. It's pretty useless and annoyingly, it appears in the console. But if we change the forM to a forM_, then we would have instead:
What's your name? (1)
> Sarah
Hello! Sarah
What's your name? (2)
> Dick
Hello! Dick
What's your name? (3)
> Peter
Hello! Peter
With that change, the overall result comes from the mapM_ and is now (). This doesn't show up in the console (a quirk of the IO monad)! Great!
Also, by using mapM_ here, it's clearer to other readers of your code – you're indirectly explaining / self-documenting that you don't care about the results [r1, ..., rn] = [(), (), ()] – and rightly so as they're useless here.
