Where to save configuration/data files on GNU/Linux? - linux

I have found out, that I can execute my own programs easily by moving them into the /bin file. But I also have seen, that a lot of programs there only consist of one single file that does one simple task and dont needs to save anything in a file.
If I want to write a command line program that also needs to save it's values in a file (for example a little text based game that stores the progress of the player) where the program should store it's data?
There are several dedicated locations in Linux. I want to find out which location is most suitable for, for example, games that need data such as image files and text files and that need to store the progress of the player.

There's plenty of places that configuration/data files etc could be saved:
~/.config (config, often instead of ~ as it reduces clutter in the user's home directory).
~ (config)
/var (data)
/usr (data)
likely many more...
In-depth descriptions of the purposes of the various subfolders of the top-level directories can be found at the links above.
I believe the ad-hoc standard is to use ~/.config for user-specific config files, /var for data files generated during execution, and /etc for "static" system-wide configs. /usr is used for storing user programs and their static data.
More formal standards do exist - the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard expresses the purpose of the top-level directories, while ~/.config is the preferred configuration folder for XDG, and seems to have caught on.

Another suggestion: ~/.local/share is usually more appropriate for application data that the user should not touch. ~/.config is typically for user-modifiable configuration.
You should also use the appropriate environment variables, $XDG_DATA_HOME for ~/.local/share and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME for ~/.config. Some users like to remap these directories to other locations.


Counter file placement and naming convention

Ok this one might be stupid, but i'm losing too much time overthinking a solution.
I have a web app with 2 differents kind of payment modules.
These modules need (each) a counter file, incremented each time someone want to pay, and locked while incrementing to make sure the payment get a unique payment reference.
The files were placed inside the main directory (public_html) and have been overriden by a bad versionning move.
So I want to move them outside of public_html, where I already placed the main config file.
But having these critical file placed at the root of my ftp sounds stupind and dangerous. So I'll create a directory to place them.
This is a lot of text just to ask this :
How would you call this directory ?
IMO, your question has not related especially with PHP, it's a common issue. You can use of one of standard directories to share data between the applications.
From the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS):
/var contains variable data files. This includes spool directories and files, administrative and logging data, and transient and temporary files.
(read more)
Some options:
You can store your file directly in the /var.
Also /var/tmp can hold temporary files for a longer time and doesn't clean it after reboot (depends on your system).
Or you can create a custom subdirectory in the /var/opt with name that relevant to your applications.

How to check if a file is opened in Linux?

The thing is, I want to track if a user tries to open a file on a shared account. I'm looking for any record/technique that helps me know if the concerned file is opened, at run time.
I want to create a script which monitors if the file is open, and if it is, I want it to send an alert to a particular email address. The file I'm thinking of is a regular file.
I tried using lsof | grep filename for checking if a file is open in gedit, but the command doesn't return anything.
Actually, I'm trying this for a pet project, and thus the question.
The command lsof -t filename shows the IDs of all processes that have the particular file opened. lsof -t filename | wc -w gives you the number of processes currently accessing the file.
The fact that a file has been read into an editor like gedit does not mean that the file is still open. The editor most likely opens the file, reads its contents and then closes the file. After you have edited the file you have the choice to overwrite the existing file or save as another file.
You could (in addition of other answers) use the Linux-specific inotify(7) facilities.
I am understanding that you want to track one (or a few) particular given file, with a fixed file path (actually a given i-node). E.g. you would want to track when /var/run/foobar is accessed or modified, and do something when that happens
In particular, you might want to install and use incrond(8) and configure it thru incrontab(5)
If you want to run a script when some given file (on a native local, e.g. Ext4, BTRS, ... but not NFS file system) is accessed or modified, use inotify incrond is exactly done for that purpose.
PS. AFAIK, inotify don't work well for remote network files, e.g. NFS filesystems (in particular when another NFS client machine is modifying a file).
If the files you are fond of are somehow source files, you might be interested by revision control systems (like git) or builder systems (like GNU make); in a certain way these tools are related to file modification.
You could also have the particular file system sits in some FUSE filesystem, and write your own FUSE daemon.
If you can restrict and modify the programs accessing the file, you might want to use advisory locking, e.g. flock(2), lockf(3).
Perhaps the data sitting in the file should be in some database (e.g. sqlite or a real DBMS like PostGreSQL ou MongoDB). ACID properties are important ....
Notice that the filesystem and the mount options may matter a lot.
You might want to use the stat(1) command.
It is difficult to help more without understanding the real use case and the motivation. You should avoid some XY problem
Probably, the workflow is wrong (having a shared file between several users able to write it), and you should approach the overall issue in some other way. For a pet project I would at least recommend using some advisory lock, and access & modify the information only thru your own programs (perhaps setuid) using flock (this excludes ordinary editors like gedit or commands like cat ...). However, your implicit use case seems to be well suited for a DBMS approach (a database does not have to contain a lot of data, it might be tiny), or some index locked file like GDBM library is handling.
Remember that on POSIX systems and Linux, several processes can access (and even modify) the same file simultaneously (unless you use some locking or synchronization).
Reading the Advanced Linux Programming book (freely available) would give you a broader picture (but it does not mention inotify which appeared aften the book was written).
You can use ls -lrt, it displays the last RW operations in the shell. Then you can conclude whether the file is opened or not. Make sure that you are in the exact directory.

Where should a well-behaved daemon store auxiliary files?

I have a daemon that backs up some system files before it does anything else and restores them afterwards. What is the right place to put these backups? I'm thinking somewhere in /var or /var/opt, since I don't want to pollute /etc with a bunch of backup files that aren't really doing anything.
If it matters, I'm specifically looking at Ubuntu 10.04+.
If they are not to be maintained after a reboot or between invocations of the program why not use /tmp
This directory contains mostly files that are required temporarily. Many programs use this to create lock files and for temporary storage of data.

Optimal number of files per directory vs number of directories for EXT4

I have a program that produces large number of small files (say, 10,000 files). After they are created, another script accesses them and processes one by one.
does it matter, in terms of performance, how the files are organized (all in one directory or in multiple directories)
if so, then what is the optimal number of directories and files per dir?
I run Debian with ext4 file system
Maximum number of files/folders on Linux?
10k files inside a single folder is not a problem on Ext4. It should have the dir_index option enabled by default, which indexes directories content using a btree-like structure to prevent performance issues.
To sum up, unless you create millions of files or use ext2/ext3, you shouldn't have to worry about system or FS performance issues.
That being said, shell tools and commands don't like to be called with a lot of files as parameter ( rm * for example) and may return you an error message saying something like 'too many arguments'. Look at this answer for what happens then.

Where is the best place to store your Smarty template cache files?

I'm considering either
some folder in your code
I like /temp more, because if it grows too much, the system will usually take care of it, and it's universally writeable so probably more portable code.
But at the other hand I will have to store files in a folder within any of these, so making a folder and checking if it exists has to be done on /tmp, not on /var/cache, since /var/cache is not likely to get removed by linux or any other sort of common software.
What do you think? What is the best practice?
There are many approaches to storing smarty cache and, apparently, no best-case scenario i.e. the matter being more a matter of preference.
I can only say that I have witnessed hundreds of projects where Smarty cache was stored in the project's relative folders (for example /projects/cache/compiled/) for a number of reasons:
Full control of the application's cache
Ability to share the same cache amongst several servers
No need to re-create the cache after the system has tidied the /tmp folder
Moreover, we see compiled templates residing inside memcache more and more each day.
