Where is the best place to store your Smarty template cache files? - linux

I'm considering either
some folder in your code
I like /temp more, because if it grows too much, the system will usually take care of it, and it's universally writeable so probably more portable code.
But at the other hand I will have to store files in a folder within any of these, so making a folder and checking if it exists has to be done on /tmp, not on /var/cache, since /var/cache is not likely to get removed by linux or any other sort of common software.
What do you think? What is the best practice?

There are many approaches to storing smarty cache and, apparently, no best-case scenario i.e. the matter being more a matter of preference.
I can only say that I have witnessed hundreds of projects where Smarty cache was stored in the project's relative folders (for example /projects/cache/compiled/) for a number of reasons:
Full control of the application's cache
Ability to share the same cache amongst several servers
No need to re-create the cache after the system has tidied the /tmp folder
Moreover, we see compiled templates residing inside memcache more and more each day.


Where to save configuration/data files on GNU/Linux?

I have found out, that I can execute my own programs easily by moving them into the /bin file. But I also have seen, that a lot of programs there only consist of one single file that does one simple task and dont needs to save anything in a file.
If I want to write a command line program that also needs to save it's values in a file (for example a little text based game that stores the progress of the player) where the program should store it's data?
There are several dedicated locations in Linux. I want to find out which location is most suitable for, for example, games that need data such as image files and text files and that need to store the progress of the player.
There's plenty of places that configuration/data files etc could be saved:
~/.config (config, often instead of ~ as it reduces clutter in the user's home directory).
~ (config)
/var (data)
/usr (data)
likely many more...
In-depth descriptions of the purposes of the various subfolders of the top-level directories can be found at the links above.
I believe the ad-hoc standard is to use ~/.config for user-specific config files, /var for data files generated during execution, and /etc for "static" system-wide configs. /usr is used for storing user programs and their static data.
More formal standards do exist - the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard expresses the purpose of the top-level directories, while ~/.config is the preferred configuration folder for XDG, and seems to have caught on.
Another suggestion: ~/.local/share is usually more appropriate for application data that the user should not touch. ~/.config is typically for user-modifiable configuration.
You should also use the appropriate environment variables, $XDG_DATA_HOME for ~/.local/share and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME for ~/.config. Some users like to remap these directories to other locations.

Counter file placement and naming convention

Ok this one might be stupid, but i'm losing too much time overthinking a solution.
I have a web app with 2 differents kind of payment modules.
These modules need (each) a counter file, incremented each time someone want to pay, and locked while incrementing to make sure the payment get a unique payment reference.
The files were placed inside the main directory (public_html) and have been overriden by a bad versionning move.
So I want to move them outside of public_html, where I already placed the main config file.
But having these critical file placed at the root of my ftp sounds stupind and dangerous. So I'll create a directory to place them.
This is a lot of text just to ask this :
How would you call this directory ?
IMO, your question has not related especially with PHP, it's a common issue. You can use of one of standard directories to share data between the applications.
From the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS):
/var contains variable data files. This includes spool directories and files, administrative and logging data, and transient and temporary files.
(read more)
Some options:
You can store your file directly in the /var.
Also /var/tmp can hold temporary files for a longer time and doesn't clean it after reboot (depends on your system).
Or you can create a custom subdirectory in the /var/opt with name that relevant to your applications.

Node .fs Working with a HUGE Directory

Picture a directory with a ton of files. As a rough gauge of magnitude I think the most that we've seen so far is a couple of million but it could technically go another order higher. Using node, I would like to read files from this directory, process them (upload them, basically), and then move them out of the directory. Pretty simple. New files are constantly being added while the application is running, and my job (like a man on a sinking ship holding a bucket) is to empty this directory as fast as it's being filled.
So what are my options? fs.readdir is not ideal, it loads all of the filenames into memory which becomes a problem at this kind of scale. Especially as new files are being added all the time and so it would require repeated calls. (As an aside for anybody referring to this in the future, there is something being proposed to address this whole issue which may or may not have been realised within your timeline.)
I've looked at the myriad of fs drop-ins (graceful-fs, chokadir, readdirp, etc), none of which have this particular use-case within their remit.
I've also come across a couple of people suggesting that this can be handled with child_process, and there's a wrapper called inotifywait which tasks itself with exactly what I am asking but I really don't understand how this addresses the underlying problem, especially at this scale.
I'm wondering if what I really need to do is find a way to just get the first file (or, realistically, batch of files) from the directory without having the overhead of reading the entire directory structure into memory. Some sort of stream that could be terminated after a certain number of files had been read? I know Go has a parameter for reading the first n files from a directory but I can't find a node equivalent, has anybody here come across one or have any interesting ideas? Left-field solutions more than welcome at this point!
You can use your operation system listing file command, and stream the result into NodeJS.
For example in Linux:
var cp=require('child_process')
var stdout=cp.exec('ls').stdout
RunKit: https://runkit.com/aminanadav/57da243180f3bb140059a31d

Checking the integrity of a copied folder

I am copying a big folder (300Gb) into an external hard drive. I want to make sure the copied file is complete and not corrupt before deleting the original file. How can I do that in ubuntu?
You could use rsync --checksum to check the files. Or simply use sha256sum or similar to check the files manually. Using rsync is in my opinion more comfortable because it automatically checks recursively, but that largely depends on your usecase.
If you really require absolute integrity, you should really consider using an error correction code . Hard drives don't keep data integrity forever, a bit might change from time to time.

Is it OK (performance-wise) to have hundreds or thousands of files in the same Linux directory?

It's well known that in Windows a directory with too many files will have a terrible performance when you try to open one of them. I have a program that is to execute only in Linux (currently it's on Debian-Lenny, but I don't want to be specific about this distro) and writes many files to the same directory (which acts somewhat as a repository). By "many" I mean tens each day, meaning that after one year I expect to have something like 5000-10000 files. They are meant to be kept (once a file is created, it's never deleted) and it is assumed that the hard disk has the required capacity (if not, it should be upgraded). Those files have a wide range of sizes, from a few KB to tens of MB (but not much more than that). The names are always numeric values, incrementally generated.
I'm worried about long-term performance degradation, so I'd ask:
Is it OK to write all to the same directory? Or should I think about creating a set of subdirectories for every X files?
Should I require a specific filesystem to be used for such directory?
What would be the more robust alternative? Specialized filesystem? Which?
Any other considerations/recomendations?
It depends very much on the file system.
ext2 and ext3 have a hard limit of 32,000 files per directory. This is somewhat more than you are asking about, but close enough that I would not risk it. Also, ext2 and ext3 will perform a linear scan every time you access a file by name in the directory.
ext4 supposedly fixes these problems, but I cannot vouch for it personally.
XFS was designed for this sort of thing from the beginning and will work well even if you put millions of files in the directory.
So if you really need a huge number of files, I would use XFS or maybe ext4.
Note that no file system will make "ls" run fast if you have an enormous number of files (unless you use "ls -f"), since "ls" will read the entire directory and the sort the names. A few tens of thousands is probably not a big deal, but a good design should scale beyond what you think you need at first glance...
For the application you describe, I would probably create a hierarchy instead, since it is hardly any additional coding or mental effort for someone looking at it. Specifically, you can name your first file "00/00/01" instead of "000001".
If you use a filesystem without directory-indexing, then it is a very bad idea to have lots of files in one directory (say, > 5000).
However, if you've got directory indexing (which is enabled by default on more recent distros in ext3), then it's not such a problem.
However, it does break quite a few tools to have many files in one directory (For example, "ls" will stat() all the files, which takes a long time). You can probably easily split it into subdirectories.
But don't overdo it. Don't use many levels of nested subdirectory unnecessarily, this just uses lots of inodes and makes metadata operations slower.
I've seen more cases of "too many levels of nested directories" than I've seen of "too many files per directory".
The best solution I have for you (rather than quoting some values from a micro-filesystem-benchmark) is to test it yourself.
Just use the file system of your choice. Create some random test data for 100, 1000 and 10000 entries. Then, measure the time it takes your system to perform the action you are concerned about time-wise (opening a file, reading 100 random files, etc).
Then, you compare the times and use the best solution (put them all into one directory; put each year into a new directory; put each month of each year into a new directory).
I do not know in detail what you are using, but creating a directory is a one time (and probably quite easy) operation, so why not do it instead of changing filesystems or trying some other more time-consuming stuff?
In addition to the other answers, if the huge directory is managed by a known application or library, you could consider replacing it by something else, e.g:
a GDBM index file; GDBM is a very common library providing indexed file, which associates to an arbitrary key (a sequence of bytes) an arbitrary value (another sequence of byte).
perhaps a table inside a database like MySQL or PostGresQL. Be careful about indexing.
some other way to index data
The advantages of the above approaches include:
space performance for a large collection of small items (less than a kilobyte each). A filesystem need an inode for each item. Indexed systems may have much less granularity
time performance: you don't access the filesystem for every item
scalability: indexed approaches are designed to fit large needs: either a GDBM index file, or a database can handle many millions of items. I'm not sure your directory approach will scale as easily.
The disadvantage of such approach is that they don't show as files. But as MarkR's answer remind you, ls is behaving quite poorly on huge directories.
If you stick to a filesystem approach, many software using large number of files are organizing them in subdirectories like aa/ ab/ ac/ ...ay/ az/ ba/ ... bz/ ...
Is it OK to write all to the same directory? Or should I think about creating a set of subdirectories for every X files?
In my experience the only slow down a directory with many files will give is if you do things such as getting a listing with ls. But that mostly is the fault of ls, there are faster ways of listing the contents of a directory using tools such as echo and find (see below).
Should I require a specific filesystem to be used for such directory?
I don't think so with regards to amount of files in one directory. I am sure some filesystems perform better with many small files in one dir whilst others do a better job on huge files. It's also a matter of personal taste, akin to vi vs. emacs. I prefer to use the XFS filesystem so that'd be my advice. :-)
What would be the more robust alternative? Specialized filesystem? Which?
XFS is definitely robust and fast, I use it in many places, as boot partition, oracle tablespaces, space for source control you name it. It lacks a bit on delete performance, but otherwise it's a safe bet. Plus it supports growing the size whilst it is still mounted (that's a requirement actually). That is you just delete the partition, recreate it at the same starting block and whatever ending block that's larger than the original partition, then you run xfs_growfs on it with the filesystem mounted.
Any other considerations/recomendations?
See above. With the addition that having 5000 to 10000 files in one directory should not be a problem. In practice it doesn't arbitrarily slow down the filesystem as far as I know, except for utilities such as "ls" and "rm". But you could do:
find * | xargs echo
find * | xargs rm
The benefit that a directory tree with files, such as directory "a" for file names starting with an "a" etc., will give you is that of looks, it looks more organised. But then you have less of an overview... So what you're trying to do should be fine. :-)
I neglected to say you could consider using something called "sparse files" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_file
It is bad for performance to have a huge number of files in one directory. Checking for the existence of a file will typically require an O(n) scan of the directory. Creating a new file will require that same scan with the directory locked to prevent the directory state changing before the new file is created. Some file systems may be smarter about this (using B-trees or whatever), but the fewer ties your implementation has to the filesystem's strengths and weaknesses the better for long term maintenance. Assume someone might decide to run the app on a network filesystem (storage appliance or even cloud storage) someday. Huge directories are a terrible idea when using network storage.
