Queue song on Spotify Player via Web API - spotify

Is there a way via the Spotify Web API to queue a song to a user's queue on their active device?
I don't want to play the song from a web page. I want to via a web page/server app call the Spotify Web API using the user credentials to add a track to their queue, which would play on their active Spotify device.

There is no endpoint for queue (you can track the feature request here)
There is an endpoint to play a track, which you can check out here.


Accessing ms teams activity feed

Is there any way to send activities that are happening in external application to ms teams activity feed through any api.Now I have designed a blog where other users can like comment and follow my post in the blog.So I want to get all the activities that are happening in my blog to ms teams.
The Microsoft Graph REST API uses a webhook mechanism to deliver change notifications to clients. A client is a web service that configures its own URL to receive notifications. Client apps use notifications to update their state upon changes.
subscription operations require read permission to the resource. For example, to get notifications for messages, your app needs the Mail.Read permission.
Please look at change notification API

Is there a way to push notification via a chatbot deployed in facebook developed with dialogflow w/ node.js for fulfillment

I'm developing a facebook/workplace chatbot using dialogflow with node.js for fulfillment. Can't seem to find resources for pushing notifications.
I want to be able to trigger sending the message by visiting the webhook url.
You need to use the Facebook Graph APIs to send a facebook notification to a specific user. User can click on the notification to launch the facebook messenger chatbot.
Here is a quick example.
You can read more about it here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/notifications/
Basically, you need to run a web service which when called makes the calls to the facebook notification APIs.
All you need to do is pass the user id, the message/link to be displayed in the notification and the page access token.
When someone first sends you a message via Facebook, Facebook provides you the page-specific user id which you can store in the database.
Page access token can be accessed by going to https://developers.facebook.com/apps

instagram API - Subscriptions to get notified when user receives a new message

I'm trying to integrate a web application with instagram API to receive notifications when a instagram user receives a message. is it possible to do with the current instagram API? i saw the documentation says we can subscribe a callback to get notified only when the user posts some picture.

Service Worker Push Notifications with Angular2

I'm trying to piece together the general workflow of giving a user push notifications via the service worker.
I have followed this Google Developers service worker push notifications tutorial and am currently thinking about how I can implement this sort of thing in a small user based web app for experimentation.
In my mind, the general workflow of an web app supporting push notifications is as follows:
Client visits app
Service worker yields a push notification endpoint
Client sends the endpoint to the server
Server associates the endpoint with the current user that the endpoint was generated for
Every time something that your app would say is notification worthy happens, the server grabs the push notification endpoint(s) associated with the user, and hits it to send a push notification to any user devices (possibly with a data payload in Chrome 50+, etc)
Basically I just want to confirm that my general implementation thoughts with this technology are accurate, else get feedback if I am missing something.
You are pretty much bang on, there are some specifics that aren't quite right (but this is largely phrasing and may be done to personally taste).
Client visits app
Register a Service Worker that you want to use for push messaging
Use the service worker registration to subscribe the user to push messaging, at which point the user agent will configure an endpoint + additional values for encrypting payloads (If the the user agent supports it).
Client sends the endpoint to the server
Server store the the endpoint and data for later use (The server can associate the endpoint with the current user if the server if the web app has user accounts).
When ever the server wishes to send a notification to a user(s), it grabs the appropriate endpoints and calls them that will wake up the service worker which can then display a notification.
Payload support in coming in Chrome 50+ and at the time of writing payload is support in Firefox, but there are 3 different versions of encryption used for the payloads in 3 different versions of Firefox, so I'd wait for the payload support story to be ironed out a little before using it / relying on it.

Spotify Apps API - Get ID of Collaborative Playlist User

Is it possible to get the userid of the person who added a track to a collaborative playlist within the Spotify Apps API?
In short — no. The Apps API exposes no usernames at all at this time.
