Zapier cannot find module when testing the action - node.js

So I created a Zapier app with an action using the node package mongoose to update a document in a remote db. When I test it locally with Zapier test, it manages to complete the update, but when I test it on for a zap, I get the error Cannot find module './drivers/node-mongodb-native/connection'
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Importing BetaAnalyticsDataClient from #google-analytics/data returns Webpack 5 errors

I am trying to create a custom dashboard on the angular app I am building. I want to use the data from Google Analytics 4 using Google Analytics Data API. I've successfully ran the scripts provided in their tutorial Using Node.JS client libraries (
I've ran the quickstart script they have provided using Node.JS and was able to get the expected response. However, when I try to ran the same script on my angular app via importing the script to fetch returned values, "ng serve" returns webpack 5 errors.
The issue was importing the BetaAnalyticsDataClient. Whenever I import it, the nodemon returns webpack errors.
The structure is like this:
simple component structure
I have a 'site-statistics.component' with its html and scss files.
I have a script named 'google-analytics.ts' inside the subfolder "services".
site-statistics.component imports an exported function from google-analytics.ts
If the issue is my usage of the Google Analytics Data API client library, I want to know how I would be able get the response from the script and send it to my angular component.
Options I've tried, but failed:
Tried adding a resolve.fallback on webpack.config.ts. However, issue still persists.
Tried setting paths to each packages on my TSCONFIG.JSON.
Tried using react-scripts-rewired
If the issue is the way I use the Google Analytics Data API client library, I want to know how I would be able get the response from the script and send it to my angular component.

Export e2e test results (specs steps) to Microsoft Team?

I have my e2e tests (using WebDriverIO) running on Gitlab Pipeline. I already setup a hook to connect to Microsoft Teams, so whenever the tests fail, I receive this message in Teams:
So, then I click on the Pipeline ID and check the specs to see which tests are failed and so on.
My question: is it possible (and how) to export also the specs into this message, for example, I would like to have the following specs as part of the message to Teams:

Creating a main account twilio client on a subaccount node function

I'm developing a twilio function on a subaccount that needs to acces a twilio client on the main account. The function is being deployed through a Github action to the subaccount.
For this, on the subaccount function I have:
const mainClient = new twilio(context.MAIN_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, context.MAIN_TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN);
Then I need to access but I'm getting serverless undefined therefore can't access services.
I tested code locally and it worked but failed on deployment. Is it possible to access services on main account from a subaccount function??
For anyone experiencing a similar issue.
My problem was that deploying without being explicit about dependencies doesnt install the latests version of dependencies.
Deploy through github installed twilio node sdk version 3.29.0 but this version doesn includes serverless api yet. So I explicitly added latest twilio node sdk (3.75.0 at the moment) and that fixed the problem.

Issue with Node "firebase-admin" - MODULE_NOT_FOUND

I am using Nodejs as my backend and have firebase-admin to add and update documents to firebase. While creating a document in localhost its clearly able to create and update documents.
Now I have uploaded the same thing to the server and installed everything. On creating a document. I receive this error through winston.
{"code":"MODULE_NOT_FOUND","level":"info","message":"Error creating order: "}
Can't seem to understand what exactly is a issue here.
Nodejs v8.1.1
Express with MongoDB
Using Babel build.
Please advise.

How to access the "foo" controller in the jhipster-sample-app?

I'm starting to learn AngularJS and as Java/Maven/Spring developer, the jhipster yeoman generator looks great.
I've cloned the jhipster-sample-app, imported it into my IDE and started it via Maven command mvn spring-boot:run. (I know that when I want to generate my own app, i can use yo jhipster)
I am able to browse the app at http://localhost:8080/ and also login as 'user' and 'admin'
How do I navigate to the Foo entity in the sample app?
I've tried http://localhost:8080/#/foo which redirects back to the homepage.
On the server side, I see the sample app has a Foo entity, repository, and resource. On the AngularJS side, I also there is a Foo controller, router, service, and view.
What am i missing?
The sample is just an example of the "default" application, the "foo" entity is not complete.
If you use the generator, here are the steps to make the "foo" entity working:
There are basically the same steps to do on the sample application: you need to set up the database tables (in Liquibase, they are just commented), and import the JS files in your main app.
But you are right, we should generate a complete entity in the sample application (or no entity at all!), but not provide this half complete result.
