Issues creating bot services in azure and migrating bot to bot service - azure

I have 6 bots I have built for clients on different directories/subscriptions that I need to migrate due to the recent change requiring bot services, so I've been trying to get a bot service in azure made on a number of different directories/subscriptions with no luck since 2 weeks ago. The previous error was something like "ajaxExtended not supported", but that error has gone away. Now I'm getting a "ServiceError" saying "Cannot create a v2 converged app."
The other method that is recommended is migration on the bot framework portal, but that doesn't work for me either and says "Failed to find any Azure subscriptions for the current user." I'm a part of a number of different directories and I need to migrate them to specific directories, but my primary directory doesn't have a subscription attached to it.
How can I accomplish migration to bot services given my situation?

For the first method, a possible reason you hit this error is that their Azure tenant admin has not allowed you to create AD apps. To resolve the issue please contact your Azure tenant admin and have them grant the proper access permissions.
Second, on the portal, as a workaround for this, you may be able to add another Email as a collaborator (in the Bot Framework portal) that is associated with the correct Azure subscription and try to migrate it using that email account in the portal. I have not tried this but it is probably worth giving a shot.


Assign the Service Connection User a role through ARM template

We just started recently using App Configuration Service in Azure for some of our applications.
As part of the setup, we removed Access Keys as a possible authentication method. This works pretty well, we have assigned dataowner rights to our team so that they can manage the service and everyone is happy.
We came up with the brilliant idea of using the app config service in our build and release yaml pipelines. We found a suitable task, but the user that is attached to the service connection that we use in Azure Devops to deploy to Azure does not have the rights to access the configuration store.
We want to be able to assign this right in the arm template we created for the app config service. The issue though is that we cannot find the principle id assigned to that user.
Honestly, I am not that experienced with AAD, so I am probably missing something here. The ServicePrincipleId does not work, whenever I try to use it, azure tells me that that user does not exist. I get redirected to an app-registration page whenever I try to manage the service connection, which I don't understand either.
Next steps for me will be to get our admin to manually assign this right to the Service Connection User and see if I can extract the principle Id from that role assignment.
My question(s) would be, why doesn't the service principle work? How do I extract the principle id from the service connection?
Could you please try below steps?
In Azure DevOps, go to the project that contains your target pipeline. In the lower-left corner, select Project settings.
Select Service connections.
Select Manage Service Principal.
From there, you should be able to find the objectId of your Service Principal, which uniquely identifies your SP.
Also these posts are great resources to learn about AAD Apps and Service Principals:,will%20be%20same%20as%20appId%20.

Cannot add contributors on a LUIS app using Azure AD

Recently, we started using Microsoft LUIS from a Azure Account, with the desire to give access to some LUIS Apps (created by a Azure Admin Account), trying to assign these permissions to users (inside the corporation) for the contribution.
We tried to add the Contributor Role for the Azure authoring resource, but without results. After giving this access, our users reported that the LUIS platform is displaying a popup, with recommendations to switching the Azure directory. What happens is that the LUIS platform freezes, and no options are displayed to continue the process, without any Directory to go ahead.
Does anyone can recommend any other action, or even a role that we need to add for a LUIS APP Contributor?
Tried to follow these steps below:
The issue is not reproducible. For intermittent issues please contact Microsoft Support.
Based on a investigation done by the Microsoft team, they have discovered a very specific case when Azure admins have enabled conditional access policy requiring MFA. This was causing some breaks on LUIS portal.
The fix was successfully applied, and the Portal is working properly.
I Would like to thank all of you for the taskforce to fix the portal.
Detailed thread:

LUIS apps created on not showing on my Azure Portal

I created 2 LUIS apps about a month ago on, and they have been working just fine with the Bot they are linked to, but it seems that I have hit some sort of quota on LUIS requests. I think upgrading my plan to a higher tier would resolve the problem, but I can't find the app on my azure portal, and I can't find a way to change the plan from either.
You can see my LUIS apps here (
You can see my Azure apps here, the only cognitive service appearing is QNAMaker
Does anybody have the same problem ? I am 100% sure I'm logged in with the same account on both websites.
I found what was wrong : when you first start using LUIS, you can create apps on without creating them on your Azure portal. They come with starter keys that expire after a month or so. You then have to create a LUIS app on the Azure portal, and add the newly generated key to your existing apps.
I was having a similar problem where I had my LUIS app working with a Speech Recognition service key, and it stopped working after a month. I had to add a new LUIS service on my Azure portal and use that key instead.

Unable to login to Azure

I am trying to create an ASP.NET framework app in Azure so i followed the tutorial on the Azure website but while publishing there is always a problem logging in.
I have tried to login several times and it is all successful but i am unable to proceed with creating app services. The page will still be the same page asking to login or create an account.
I am also login to my visual studio 2017 enterprise with the same account so i am wondering why i can't proceed on.
Thank you
According to your description, I suppose you haven't buy the Azure. You could buy Azure from this link. After that, your account could use Azure. Then you could get Subscription for Azure portal. You could also create Resource Group and App Service Plan from Azure portal.
If you want to use Azure for free,you can use trial version.Just like the following screenshot. However, it has use time and function limit.

Migrating Bot Framework to Azure Bot Service: Subscription not in list

When trying to migrate my bot on to Azure Bot Service the selection list of the target subscription only includes one of my several Azure subscriptions for this user. The subscription shown is the wrong one - and all others - including the correct one - are missing.
What I've tried
The user (bot/settings) is correct and matching the subscription Admin user
Set the desired subscription to "IsDefault" using PowerShell (Select-AzureSubscription)
The general functionality seems to work, when selecting the displayed subscription, the migration is correctly done (what of course doesn't help because it's not the desired one).
