Migrating Bot Framework to Azure Bot Service: Subscription not in list - azure

When trying to migrate my bot on https://dev.botframework.com/bots to Azure Bot Service the selection list of the target subscription only includes one of my several Azure subscriptions for this user. The subscription shown is the wrong one - and all others - including the correct one - are missing.
What I've tried
The user (bot/settings) is correct and matching the subscription Admin user
Set the desired subscription to "IsDefault" using PowerShell (Select-AzureSubscription)
The general functionality seems to work, when selecting the displayed subscription, the migration is correctly done (what of course doesn't help because it's not the desired one).


Azure DevOps API returns incorrect number of members in AAD (Azure Active Directory) group

I'm trying to write a PowerShell script that will generate a .csv of AAD users within an AAD group in my organisation.
I've been using the following Azure DevOps API - Memberships List with direction=down:
GET https://vssps.dev.azure.com/{organization}/_apis/graph/Memberships/{subjectDescriptor}?direction=down&api-version=6.1-preview.1)
Link to Azure Devops API Documentation
In order to try and get all the members of an AAD group, but it's not grabbing every member. For example, for one AAD group I can see 20 members within Azure DevOps (and Azure Portal), but the API only grabs 8 members. As far as I can tell, there isn't anything unique about these users. I've also tested it with a few other AAD groups - in each case, it doesn't seem to grab all the users.
Is there a different API call I should be using for this purpose, or is there a specific reason why all users aren't being grabbed? I'm quite new to DevOps, only been working about 3 months, so any help is appreciated and sorry if it's a stupid question.
You could double-check if all the members in this AAD group are:
-Invited as users in your Azure DevOps organization
-At least access once to this organization.
Since you are using this Azure DevOps Service API, to be considered as Members, they should be not only AAD group members but also should have Azure DevOps identity.

Azure Lighthouse onboarding customers not in customers list

Days ago I onboarded a customer using Service Principal with an ARM template in our blob storage, then the client went to this URL:
https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/{Blob Url}, accepted us as their resource manager, and we could make connections and go-to resources but via PowerShell, why it doesn't show to us in our Azure Lighthouse Customers page?
I can work with the resources, make deployments, and such but doesn't show in the list, I want to know if it is because we need to be gold competency or an expert MSP because we don't want to make a public offer in the market, we just want to manage certain customers.
It should be displayed there. No special conditions are required such as the ones you've mentioned. Are you definitely signed in to your own partner/MSP tenant with an account that has delegated access to the customers? Does anything show up under delegations within the Azure Lighthouse section?
If you have access to the customer tenant, does your company show up under Service Providers within Azure Lighthouse on the Azure portal?
Case closed, the Service Principal itself doesn't have the privileges on the service provider's tenant to make your user a reader. So the solution for this was:
Remove the offer in the customer tenant.
Add new authorization in the ARM template for a user/group with "Reader" built-in role id. (In our case, we decided to use an AD group because people in the organization is temporary)
Upload the new ARM template and re-onboarded the client.
After a couple of hours, the client's subscription showed in the subscription list in the section: Directories + subscriptions, checked it, and saw all the resources from the service provider's tenant.
I found a solution for this issue.
The Azure Lighthouse->My customers list on the azure portal only shows subscriptions activated in the global directories and subscription filter.
Please go to the global directories and subscriptions filter (in the portal top navigation) and open the drop downs for directories and for subscriptions and check, if your customer subscription appears here.
If yes, select all entries in both drop downs.
After that go back to Azure Lighthouse->My customers
and check, if the customer subscription appears now.

Moving chatbot in teams from one Azure subscription to other subscription

I have a Bot App deployed in MS Teams that is using a Azure Bot Service.My Team wants to move this bot to a new Azure subscription with new resource group.But the issue is what will happen to the users who are already using the old App,once the subscription is terminated will they be asked to force uninstall the app or is there any other method so that the users can move to new app?
#Anu, You can move your resources from one subscription to another subscription without any issue. Follow below steps
Go to Resources groups
Select your Resource group where your application is currently hosted
In the next screen, search for your Subscription name. In the same line you will get the "Change" subscription option.
After you click "Change", you will be redirected to the page where you can select resources you want to move and the destination subscription option.
To validate your move from one subscription to another please check this documentation.

Need help creating a Azure Bot service

Click Create new resource link found on the upper left-hand corner of the Azure portal, then select AI + Machine Learning > Web App bot. After filling all the details, I get an error message stating 'the service id is not available' and the create button disappears.
Sign out and re-login to the Azure portal and then re-try the operation has mentioned in the below article
Make sure you have enough amount in your Azure subscription (or) your subscription is Active.Like(changing "consumption plan" to "app service plan.)
However Azure Portal is a simple GUI to create any resources easily. But it doesn't mean to stop you from using other ways like Azure CLI, Powershell, ARM templates, Other SDK's
Azure CLI to create a WebApp Bot
Dot Net SDK to create a WebApp Bot
Node.js SDK to create a webApp Bot
Additional information: After you've registered your client with Azure, you need to create the Web App. Be sure to use the following in the body:kind "webapp"
location Geographic location used to create the bot service resources. For example, eastus, westus, westus2, and so on.
You won't be able to test this due to Azure subscription limitations.
This error is because the service name has already been assigned within Azure. That name must be unique across all Azure services, not only the ones in your group or resource groups. This is a common error new comers may experience.

Issues creating bot services in azure and migrating bot to bot service

I have 6 bots I have built for clients on different directories/subscriptions that I need to migrate due to the recent change requiring bot services, so I've been trying to get a bot service in azure made on a number of different directories/subscriptions with no luck since 2 weeks ago. The previous error was something like "ajaxExtended not supported", but that error has gone away. Now I'm getting a "ServiceError" saying "Cannot create a v2 converged app."
The other method that is recommended is migration on the bot framework portal, but that doesn't work for me either and says "Failed to find any Azure subscriptions for the current user." I'm a part of a number of different directories and I need to migrate them to specific directories, but my primary directory doesn't have a subscription attached to it.
How can I accomplish migration to bot services given my situation?
For the first method, a possible reason you hit this error is that their Azure tenant admin has not allowed you to create AD apps. To resolve the issue please contact your Azure tenant admin and have them grant the proper access permissions.
Second, on the portal, as a workaround for this, you may be able to add another Email as a collaborator (in the Bot Framework portal) that is associated with the correct Azure subscription and try to migrate it using that email account in the portal. I have not tried this but it is probably worth giving a shot.
