How many SparkSessions can a single application have? - apache-spark

I have found that as Spark runs, and tables grow in size (through Joins) that the spark executors will eventually run out of memory and the entire system crashes. Even if I try to write temporary results to Hive tables (on HDFS), the system still doesn't free much memory, and my entire system crashes after about 130 joins.
However, through experimentation, I realized that if I break the problem into smaller pieces, write temporary results to hive tables, and Stop/Start the Spark session (and spark context), then the system's resources are freed. I was able to join over 1,000 columns using this approach.
But I can't find any documentation to understand if this is considered a good practice or not (I know you should not acquire multiple sessions at once). Most systems acquire the session in the beginning and close it in the end. I could also break the application into smaller ones, and use a driver like Oozie to schedule these smaller applications on Yarn. But this approach would start and stop the JVM at each stage, which seems a bit heavy-weight.
So my question: is it bad practice to continually start/stop the spark session to free system resources during the run of a single spark application?
But can you elaborate on what you mean by a single SparkContext on a single JVM? I was able call sparkSession.sparkContext().stop(), and also stop the SparkSession. I then created a new SparkSession and used a new sparkContext. No error was thrown.
I was also able to use this on the JavaSparkPi without any problems.
I have tested this in yarn-client and a local spark install.
What exactly does stopping the spark context do, and why can you not create a new one once you've stopped one?

TL;DR You can have as many SparkSessions as needed.
You can have one and only one SparkContext on a single JVM, but the number of SparkSessions is pretty much unbounded.
But can you elaborate on what you mean by a single SparkContext on a single JVM?
It means that at any given time in the lifecycle of a Spark application the driver can only be one and only one which in turn means that there's one and only one SparkContext on that JVM available.
The driver of a Spark application is where the SparkContext lives (or it's the opposite rather where SparkContext defines the driver -- the distinction is pretty much blurry).
You can only have one SparkContext at one time. Although you can start and stop it on demand as many times you want, but I remember an issue about it that said you should not close SparkContext unless you're done with Spark (which usually happens at the very end of your Spark application).
In other words, have a single SparkContext for the entire lifetime of your Spark application.
There was a similar question What's the difference between SparkSession.sql vs Dataset.sqlContext.sql? about multiple SparkSessions that can shed more light on why you'd want to have two or more sessions.
I was able call sparkSession.sparkContext().stop(), and also stop the SparkSession.
So?! How does this contradict what I said?! You stopped the only SparkContext available on the JVM. Not a big deal. You could, but that's just one part of "you can only have one and only one SparkContext on a single JVM available", isn't it?
SparkSession is a mere wrapper around SparkContext to offer Spark SQL's structured/SQL features on top of Spark Core's RDDs.
From the point of Spark SQL developer, the purpose of a SparkSession is to be a namespace for query entities like tables, views or functions that your queries use (as DataFrames, Datasets or SQL) and Spark properties (that could have different values per SparkSession).
If you'd like to have the same (temporary) table name used for different Datasets, creating two SparkSessions would be what I'd consider the recommended way.
I've just worked on an example to showcase how whole-stage codegen works in Spark SQL and have created the following that simply turns the feature off.
// both where and select operators support whole-stage codegen
// the plan tree (with the operators and expressions) meets the requirements
// That's why the plan has WholeStageCodegenExec inserted
// You can see stars (*) in the output of explain
val q = Seq((1,2,3)).toDF("id", "c0", "c1").where('id === 0).select('c0)
scala> q.explain
== Physical Plan ==
*Project [_2#89 AS c0#93]
+- *Filter (_1#88 = 0)
+- LocalTableScan [_1#88, _2#89, _3#90]
// Let's break the requirement of having up to spark.sql.codegen.maxFields
// I'm creating a brand new SparkSession with one property changed
val newSpark = spark.newSession()
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf.WHOLESTAGE_MAX_NUM_FIELDS
newSpark.sessionState.conf.setConf(WHOLESTAGE_MAX_NUM_FIELDS, 2)
scala> println(newSpark.sessionState.conf.wholeStageMaxNumFields)
// Let's see what's the initial value is
// Note that I use spark value (not newSpark)
scala> println(spark.sessionState.conf.wholeStageMaxNumFields)
import newSpark.implicits._
// the same query as above but created in SparkSession with WHOLESTAGE_MAX_NUM_FIELDS as 2
val q = Seq((1,2,3)).toDF("id", "c0", "c1").where('id === 0).select('c0)
// Note that there are no stars in the output of explain
// No WholeStageCodegenExec operator in the plan => whole-stage codegen disabled
scala> q.explain
== Physical Plan ==
Project [_2#122 AS c0#126]
+- Filter (_1#121 = 0)
+- LocalTableScan [_1#121, _2#122, _3#123]
I then created a new SparkSession and used a new SparkContext. No error was thrown.
Again, how does this contradict what I said about a single SparkContext being available? I'm curious.
What exactly does stopping the spark context do, and why can you not create a new one once you've stopped one?
You can no longer use it to run Spark jobs (to process large and distributed datasets) which is pretty much exactly the reason why you use Spark in the first place, doesn't it?
Try the following:
Stop SparkContext
Execute any processing using Spark Core's RDD or Spark SQL's Dataset APIs
An exception? Right! Remember that you close the "doors" to Spark so how could you have expected to be inside?! :)


Get SparkSession in partition loop [duplicate]

I'm writing Spark Jobs that talk to Cassandra in Datastax.
Sometimes when working through a sequence of steps in a Spark job, it is easier to just get a new RDD rather than join to the old one.
You can do this by calling the SparkContext [getOrCreate][1] method.
Now sometimes there are concerns inside a Spark Job that referring to the SparkContext can take a large object (the Spark Context) which is not serializable and try and distribute it over the network.
In this case - you're registering a singleton for that JVM, and so it gets around the problem of serialization.
One day my tech lead came to me and said
Don't use SparkContext getOrCreate you can and should use joins instead
But he didn't give a reason.
My question is: Is there a reason not to use SparkContext.getOrCreate when writing a spark job?
TL;DR There are many legitimate applications of the getOrCreate methods but attempt to find a loophole to perform map-side joins is not one of them.
In general there is nothing deeply wrong with SparkContext.getOrCreate. The method has its applications, and although there some caveats, most notably:
In its simplest form it doesn't allow you to set job specific properties, and the second variant ((SparkConf) => SparkContext) requires passing SparkConf around, which is hardly an improvement over keeping SparkContext / SparkSession in the scope.
It can lead to opaque code with "magic" dependency. It affects testing strategies and overall code readability.
However your question, specifically:
Now sometimes there are concerns inside a Spark Job that referring to the SparkContext can take a large object (the Spark Context) which is not serializable and try and distribute it over the network
Don't use SparkContext getOrCreate you can and should use joins instead
suggests you're actually using the method in a way that it was never intended to be used. By using SparkContext on an executor node.
val rdd: RDD[_] = ??? => {
val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
This is definitely something that you shouldn't do.
Each Spark application should have one, and only one SparkContext initialized on the driver, and Apache Spark developers made at a lot prevent users from any attempts of using SparkContex outside the driver. It is not because SparkContext is large, or impossible to serialize, but because it is fundamental feature of the Spark's computing model.
As you probably know, computation in Spark is described by a directed acyclic graph of dependencies, which:
Describes processing pipeline in a way that can be translated into actual task.
Enables graceful recovery in case of task failures.
Allows proper resource allocation and ensures lack of cyclic dependencies.
Let's focus on the last part. Since each executor JVM gets its own instance of SparkContext cyclic dependencies are not an issue - RDDs and Datasets exist only in a scope of its parent context so you won't be able to objects belonging to the application driver.
Proper resource allocation is a different thing. Since each SparkContext creates its own Spark application, your "main" process won't be able to account for resources used by the contexts initialized in the tasks. At the same time cluster manager won't have any indication that application or somehow interconnected. This is likely to cause deadlock-like conditions.
It is technically possible to go around it, with careful resource allocation and usage of the manager-level scheduling pools, or even a separate cluster manager with its own set or resources, but it is not something that Spark is designed for, it not supported, and overall would lead to brittle and convoluted design, where correctness depends on a configuration details, specific cluster manager choice and overall cluster utilization.

Spark UI - Spark SQL Query Execution

I am using Spark SQL API. When I see the Spark SQL section on the spark UI which details the query execution plan it says it scans parquet stage multiple times even though I am reading the parquet only once.
Is there any logical explanation?
I would also like to understand the different operations like Hash Aggregate, SortMergeJoin etc and understand the Spark UI better as a whole.
If you are doing unions or joins they may force your plan to be "duplicated" since the beginning.
Since spark doesn't keep intermediate states (unless you cache) automatically, it will have to read the sources multiple times
Something like
1- df = Read ParquetFile1
2- dfFiltered = df.filter('active=1')
3- dfFiltered.union(df)
The plan will probably look like : readParquetFIle1 --> union <-- filter <-- readParquetFIle1

Spark job throwing NPE [duplicate]

I'm writing Spark Jobs that talk to Cassandra in Datastax.
Sometimes when working through a sequence of steps in a Spark job, it is easier to just get a new RDD rather than join to the old one.
You can do this by calling the SparkContext [getOrCreate][1] method.
Now sometimes there are concerns inside a Spark Job that referring to the SparkContext can take a large object (the Spark Context) which is not serializable and try and distribute it over the network.
In this case - you're registering a singleton for that JVM, and so it gets around the problem of serialization.
One day my tech lead came to me and said
Don't use SparkContext getOrCreate you can and should use joins instead
But he didn't give a reason.
My question is: Is there a reason not to use SparkContext.getOrCreate when writing a spark job?
TL;DR There are many legitimate applications of the getOrCreate methods but attempt to find a loophole to perform map-side joins is not one of them.
In general there is nothing deeply wrong with SparkContext.getOrCreate. The method has its applications, and although there some caveats, most notably:
In its simplest form it doesn't allow you to set job specific properties, and the second variant ((SparkConf) => SparkContext) requires passing SparkConf around, which is hardly an improvement over keeping SparkContext / SparkSession in the scope.
It can lead to opaque code with "magic" dependency. It affects testing strategies and overall code readability.
However your question, specifically:
Now sometimes there are concerns inside a Spark Job that referring to the SparkContext can take a large object (the Spark Context) which is not serializable and try and distribute it over the network
Don't use SparkContext getOrCreate you can and should use joins instead
suggests you're actually using the method in a way that it was never intended to be used. By using SparkContext on an executor node.
val rdd: RDD[_] = ??? => {
val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
This is definitely something that you shouldn't do.
Each Spark application should have one, and only one SparkContext initialized on the driver, and Apache Spark developers made at a lot prevent users from any attempts of using SparkContex outside the driver. It is not because SparkContext is large, or impossible to serialize, but because it is fundamental feature of the Spark's computing model.
As you probably know, computation in Spark is described by a directed acyclic graph of dependencies, which:
Describes processing pipeline in a way that can be translated into actual task.
Enables graceful recovery in case of task failures.
Allows proper resource allocation and ensures lack of cyclic dependencies.
Let's focus on the last part. Since each executor JVM gets its own instance of SparkContext cyclic dependencies are not an issue - RDDs and Datasets exist only in a scope of its parent context so you won't be able to objects belonging to the application driver.
Proper resource allocation is a different thing. Since each SparkContext creates its own Spark application, your "main" process won't be able to account for resources used by the contexts initialized in the tasks. At the same time cluster manager won't have any indication that application or somehow interconnected. This is likely to cause deadlock-like conditions.
It is technically possible to go around it, with careful resource allocation and usage of the manager-level scheduling pools, or even a separate cluster manager with its own set or resources, but it is not something that Spark is designed for, it not supported, and overall would lead to brittle and convoluted design, where correctness depends on a configuration details, specific cluster manager choice and overall cluster utilization.

How does mllib code run on spark?

I am new to distributed computing, and I'm trying to run Kmeans on EC2 using Spark's mllib kmeans. As I was reading through the tutorial I found the following code snippet on
I am having trouble understanding how this code runs inside the cluster. Specifically, I'm having trouble understanding the following:
After submitting the code to master node, how does spark know how to parallelize the job? Because there seem to be no part of the code that deals with this.
Is the code copied to all nodes and executed on each node? Does the master node do computation?
How do node communitate the partial result of each iteration? Is this dealt inside the kmeans.train code, or is the spark core takes care of it automatically?
Spark divides data to many partitions. For example, if you read a file from HDFS, then partitions should be equal to partitioning of data in HDFS. You can manually specify number of partitions by doing repartition(numberOfPartitions). Each partition can be processed on separate node, thread, etc. Sometimes data are partitioned by i.e. HashPartitioner, which looks on hash of the data.
Number of partitions and size of partitions generally tells you if data is distributed/parallelized correctly. Creating partitions of data is hidden in RDD.getPartitions methods.
Resource scheduling depends on cluster manager. We can post very long post about them ;) I think that in this question, the partitioning is the most important. If not, please inform me, I will edit answer.
Spark serializes clusures, that are given as arguments to transformations and actions. Spark creates DAG, which is sent to all executors and executors execute this DAG on the data - it launches closures on each partition.
Currently after each iteration, data is returned to the driver and then next job is scheduled. In Drizzle project, AMPLab/RISELab is creating possibility to create multiple jobs on one time, so data won't be sent to the driver. It will create DAG one time and schedules i.e. job with 10 iterations. Shuffle between them will be limited / will not exists at all. Currently DAG is created in each iteration and job in scheduled to executors
There is very helpful presentation about resource scheduling in Spark and Spark Drizzle.

Spark on localhost

For testing purposes, while I donĀ“t have production cluster, I am using spark locally:
print('Setting SparkContext...')
sconf = SparkConf()
sc = SparkContext(conf=sconf)
print('Setting SparkContext...OK!')
Also, I am using a very very small dataset, consisting of only 20 rows in a postgresql database ( ~2kb)
Also(!), my code is quite simple as well, only grouping 20 rows by a key and applying a trivial map operation
params = [object1, object2]
rdd = df.rdd.keyBy(lambda x: (x.a, x.b, x.c)) \
.groupByKey() \
.mapValues(lambda value: self.__data_interpolation(value, params))
def __data_interpolation(self, data, params):
# TODO: only for testing
return data
What bothers me is that the whole execution takes about 5 minutes!!
Inspecting the Spark UI, I see that most of the time was spent in Stage 6: byKey method. (Stage 7, collect() method was also slow...)
Some info:
These numbers make no sense to me... Why do I need 22 tasks, executing for 54 sec, to process less than 1 kb of data
Can it be a network issue, trying to figure out the ip address of localhost?
I don't know... Any clues?
It appears the main reason for the slower performance in your code snippet is due to the use of groupByKey(). The issue with groupByKey is that it ends up shuffling all of the key-value pairs resulting in a lot of data unnecessarily being transferred. A good reference to explain this issue is Avoid GroupByKey.
To work around this issue, you can:
Try using reduceByKey which should be faster (more info is also included in the above Avoid GroupByKey link).
Use DataFrames (instead of RDDs) as DFs include performance optimizations (and the DF GroupBy statement is faster than the RDD version). As well, as you're using Python, you can avoid the Python-to-JVM issues with PySpark RDDs. More information on this can be seen in PySpark Internals
By the way, reviewing the Spark UI diagram above, the #22 refers to the task # within the DAG (not the number of tasks executed).
I suppose the "postgresql" is the key to solve that puzzle.
keyBy is probably the first operation that really uses the data so it's execution time is bigger as it needs to get the data from external database. You can verify it by adding at the beginning:
df.count() # to fill the cache
If I am right, you need to optimize the database. It may be:
Network issue (slow network to DB server)
Complicated (and slow) SQL on this database (try it using postgre shell)
Some authorization difficulties on DB server
Problem with JDBC driver you use
From what I have seen happening in my system while running spark:
When we run a spark job it internally creates map and reduce tasks and runs them. In your case, to run the data you have, it created 22 such tasks. I bigger the size of data the number may be big.
Hope this helps.
