I am trying to create a X 509 certificate and upload it to Azure Portal. However, after I followed the steps from this link, I am unable to VERIFY the certificate on the Azure Portal.
I have used the generated verification code from the Azure Portal for the registered certificate.
Azure Portal does NOT flash any error.
Mine is a FREE Trial Azure Account.
Can anyone help me in the following :
How do I trace Azure Portal Logs ? How can I track if I encountered any errors while uploading certificate.
What could have been a possible reason for this issue ?
Look forward to your help. Thanks !
This known issue has been fixed now.In addition, you can also use Azure CLI to work around for certificate verification.
Download the Azure CLI from here,and install it in your local PC;
Open powershell and run as administrator;
Execute the az login command to login with your Azure Account;
Upload the CA certificate file you have generated to IoT Hub through executing the following command:
az iot hub certificate create --hub-name <azure-iot-hub-name> --name <certificate name> --path <certificate file path>
Generate a verification code for the certificate using az iot hub certificate generate-verification-code. You can view the from Azure Portal:
az iot hub certificate generate-verification-code --hub-name <azure-iot-hub-name> --name <certificate name> --etag <ETag>
After executed successfully,you will get the response from Azure including the verificationCode, according with this code, generate the verification certificate file.
Verifies the certificate by using the following cmdlet. Please note that, int this step you need to reacquire the ETag because it has been refreshed in last step:
az iot hub certificate verify --hub-name <azure-iot-hub-name> --name <certificate name> --path <erification certificate file> --etag <ETag>
In the end, the certificate will be verified.In addition you can get more introductions about Azure CLI Command from here(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/iot/hub?view=azure-cli-latest).
I need to download a certificate from azure vault. When I use this method, CertificateClient.DownloadCertificateAsync local it works. However, when a publish to Azure I get this message Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Creating JWT bearer token failed.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The system cannot find the file specified. Is the problem I don't have access to key vault or I cant "download" the certification the file system/environment. I want to say it is the file system because it runs on my local machine. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?
The error message indicates that you may have a problem with accessing your Azure Key Vault and/or downloading the certificate.
To troubleshoot the error, you can check the below steps:
Verify that the Certificate is not Expired.
Check whether you have the proper permissions to access the Azure Key Vault and download the certificate.
Ensure that the certificate exists in your Azure Key Vault and that the name and version are correct.
Also check that you have the correct connection details for your Azure Key Vault, including the correct URL, subscription ID, and tenant ID.
Check the network connection to your Azure Key Vault to make sure that it is accessible.
Try accessing the Azure Key Vault using the Azure CLI or Azure portal to see if the issue is with your code or with the Azure Key Vault.
If you continue to experience issues, you may want to look at the logs or event viewer to see if they provide any additional information.
C# Code to Download the Azure KeyVault Certificate
ClientSecretCredential clientCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var secretClient = new SecretClient(new Uri(keyVaultAddress), clientCredential);
var response = await secretClient.GetSecretAsync(certificateName);
var keyVaultSecret = response?.Value;
if (keyVaultSecret != null)
var privateKeyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(keyVaultSecret.Value);
return new X509Certificate2(privateKeyBytes);
return null;
Azure CLI Command to download Key Vault Certificate.
az keyvault certificate download --vault-name YourKeyVaultName -n cert-name -e `DER/PEM`
Steps to publish a console program as a web job in Azure :
Package your console program as a deployment package, this is usually a ZIP file that contains the compiled executable and all its dependencies.
Create a web job in Azure App Service using Azure portal or using the Azure CLI /Powershell.
When you create the web job, you have to specify the type of web job - continuous or triggered, the deployment package, and any configuration settings.
Start the web job using Azure portal, the Azure CLI, or Azure Powershell. You can also configure the web job to start automatically when the App Service starts.
References taken from DownloadCertificateAsync Method and az keyvault certificate
I tried the below code to generate the SAS key for the Azure IoT Central.
az iot central device compute-device-key --pk {primaryKey} --device-id {deviceid}
But it gives the below error.
Please let me know how to generate the SAS key for the Azure IoT Central using PowerShell
You need to update your azure-iot extension for Azure CLI. You might also need to update Azure CLI itself.
az extension update --name azure-iot
How can i create a new certificate for my service principal in azure with powershell?
Have you referred to the online documentation already? This gives a step by step process using powershell.
This is creating a self signed certificate but for production, you should get one which is signed by a Certificate Authority(CA) LINK.
I have created an Azure App Service Certificate - Wildcard and have linked it to an Azure Key Vault, also done with Domain Verification. Now I want to export this certificate as PFX and use in other components.
However, If I go to the Key Vault secret it shows up as blank.
I have tried running powershell scripts to export/download the cert but doesn't work.
The powershell script to export the cert from Key Vault is taken from https://azure.github.io/AppService/2017/02/24/Creating-a-local-PFX-copy-of-App-Service-Certificate.html
As this used the retired AzureRM module, I found a more up to date code which uses Azure Powershell scripts # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anitalex/poshscripts/a7e6c8153ab9f9979792eb8c07497cd42e39778d/azure/ExportWebAppCertificate.ps1
But similar set of steps..
I have tried Re-Keying the certificate in the App Service Certificate and the problem persists ?
Here is the solution which doesn't seem to be documented anywhere..
I don't know if it's the only way, but looks like it - We have to
Create an Azure WebApp ( or an AppService)
Turn on TLS/SSL
Set an Identity - either System Assigned/User Assigned
Grant this Identity required permission to the KeyVault [ won't work with the Azure role-based access control (preview) ]
Go to the tab "Private Key Certificates (.pfx)"
Use the "Import App Service Certificate" - you will need to select your cert from the dropdowns.
Once the certificate is successfully imported, the pfx will be populated in the Key Vault certificate and now you can download.
I have found plenty of guides on how to set up Lets Encrypt for Azure Windows Web App Services, but I can't find any at all for Linux based services.
Here are two example of such tutorials (that require windows).
In the tutorials above, and all other tutorials I have found you need to use Web App Extensions to do the actual updating of the cert every 3 months. But these are not available on Linux apps.
This is all you see in the Azure portal when you try to navigate to it.
So, does anyone have any links, or helpful tips on how to set up automated Let's encrypt certificates for Azure Linux Services?
I'm sure people would want Lets Encrypt for Linux apps as well?
You could set up a Let's Encrypt SSL Cert for Azure Web App with Linux in 5 steps.
Install Certbot client
Create Let's Encrypt Cert with Certbot (Manually)
Convert PEM to PFX for Azure using OpenSSL
openssl pkcs12 -inkey /work-dir-path/live/website.com/privkey.pem -in /work-dir-path/live/website.com/cert.pem -export -out /work-dir-path/live/website.com/cert.pfx
Upload PFX cert to Azure Portal with Azure CLI method
az webapp config hostname add --webapp-name $webappname --resource-group $resourceGroup \ --hostname $fqdn
thumbprint=$(az webapp config ssl upload --certificate-file $pfxPath \ --certificate-password $pfxPassword --name $webappname --resource-group $resourceGroup \ --query thumbprint --output tsv)
Bind uploaded SSL certificate to your webapp Portal with Azure CLI method
az webapp config ssl bind --certificate-thumbprint $thumbprint --ssl-type SNI \ --name $webappname --resource-group $resourceGroup
Alternatively, Azure lets you create a free certificate and add it your App Service app at the click of a couple buttons. It's issued by DigiCert, managed by App Service, and renewed automatically. See Azure docs.
I found a very good solution to this issue recently. You can use the let's encrypt web app renewer to install and renew your certificates for the Linux Web Apps.
Create a free app plan for windows
Create a web app for windows
Follow the instructions on the Github page - set it up to renew the linux web app certs (as many as you want)
Schedule a job to hit the webook or use a azure function or any other option to trigger the job every 3 months.
There are a few tricks to getting it working correctly with .net core on linux especially if you are using spa services. I had to set the letsencrypt:webAppName-webRootPath configuretion to d:\home\site\wwwroot\wwwroot because of the spa static files.