Azure Portal Mobile App Permissions - azure

We just moved to Azure Portal and i created a Xamarin Cross-Platform app that gets authenticated via MSAL.
When i was building the app. it was registered on, and the user was getting authenticated without any problems.
After testing, i registered it on our Azure Portal under app registration, gave it the required permissions as before, and updated the app ID in the code.
Now, i cant even go past my email page. I keep getting the message:"It looks like you're trying to open this resource with an app that hasn't been approved by your IT dept", even though the admin granted the permissions to the app. Not sure where to go from here. Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance

When i was building the app. it was registered on, and the user was getting authenticated without any problems. is used to register the application for Azure AD v2.0, and you could leverage MSAL for authenticating users by using AD account or personal Microsoft account.
For the application registered on Azure portal, you need to use the ADAL library. Detailed tutorial about integrating Azure AD (v1.0) with your xamarin apps, you could follow here.
Based on your scenario, for using MS graph via ADAL, you could create an app under your tenant and add the required delegated permissions to the Microsoft Graph API. The AcquireTokenAsync method would look as follows:
var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", clientId, returnUri, parent);
Moreover, for differences between app-only and delegated scopes permissions, you could follow here. Also, you could check differences between Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph.


Give user permession with Azure AD

I have an already deployed application on azure app service which uses azure AD for authentication and authorization.
Unfortunately the developer who worked on it is no longer available
i got access to all Azure resources and source code but i cant figure out how can i add my azure account as one of the users to the app (i can login but its an empty view for me unlike what it used to be with the developer access).
Also i find the app registered on Azure AD and i am an owner there but still with no right access.
When i try to login localy from the frontend it say
Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and
cannot access the application '[some numbers] in that tenant. The
account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a
different account.
Would appreciate any help and many thanks in advance.
I can login but it’s an empty view for me unlike what it used to be
with the developer access
This is because your backend application is enabled with Azure AD Authentication.
After you sign in to your front-end application, you still can't access the data from the back-end app, because the back-end app now requires Azure Active Directory sign-in from the front-end app
To access the application, follow the below steps:
Grant the front-end access to the back end
Configure App Service to return a usable token
Use the token in your code
You can refer Enable authentication and authorization for front-end app in Authenticate users E2E - Azure App Service | Microsoft Docs for the detailed steps

How do I add administrator accounts for granting static permissions to my Azure AD App?

I have set up a Azure Active Directory App so that I can access the Microsoft Graph API with MSAL. However, I want to perform API calls without a user ( and as such I have added a few permissions that require "Admin consent" to my app. However, I cannot find a way to grant my app these permissions.
I've tried looking around the Azure portal for a way to grant these permissions but without success. I have also tried using the{tenant}/adminconsent&... link to grant permissions, but unsucessfully so.
The response I received was
AADSTS500201: We are unable to issue tokens from this API version for
a Microsoft account. Please contact the application vendor as they
need to use version 2.0 of the protocol to support this.
I do not have an Azure subscription (not even the free one), but seeing as I was able to add apps to Azure AD as well as get access tokens and then make API calls on behalf of the authorized users I assumed I might not need a subscription.
I just made another app and now I have the grant consent button when I open the API Permissions view.

How do I register an app in client's active directory using my multi tenant app in microsoft azure?

I have registered a multi-tenant app in my Azure subscription. using this App, I want to create an OAuth flow for my client to be able to give me permissions to create an app in his active directory.
We are using OpenID connect flow to access the Azure AD graph API.
In spite of making our app multi-tenanted via the console, we are getting the following error when the client ( tries to sign in:
User account '' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'bf5ca806-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account
I used the following endpoint to get an access token:
Please help me to resolve this error
Unfortunately, you cannot use a guest user to login Azure AD Graph Explorer for now.
I came across the same issue as yours long time ago and I understand it's very important for customers. So, you can post your idea in this User Voice Page and the Azure Team will see it. I will also upvote for it.
But there are other solutions if you don't mind:
Solution 1: Try to use an internal account of that directory which upn ends with
Solution 2: Try to use other tools to get access token with a guest user(this account also need to be an admin of that directory), such as postman. Then you can use Postman to call Azure AD Graph API. You can refer to this blog to use Azure AD Graph API with Postman.
Hope this helps!

Manage user from Azure AD B2C using AD Graph API - secure access

We are building a Xamarin Native mobile apps and using Azure AD B2C for authenticating users using their social logins.
We decided use MSAL native library (Xamarin) for authenticating using B2C. And our mobile app required to manage(full access) the signed-in user profile. Since this feature isn't available in MSAL we have decided to go with ADAL for the time being. Followed the instruction provided in the link below and the sample works. But I started experimenting by deleting the API access provided in the application (created in b2c tenant) and the ran the application with "Get-user" parameter. And the application is still able to get the users from AD. Not sure how secure is this thing?
Then deleted the application key from the B2c tenant application and ran the console application sample. And received an error AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50012: Invalid client secret is provided.
Trace ID: cef09957-06bf-462e-a0c3-4ed6bae11e00
Correlation ID: afab126d-8694-479a-8a21-c12eb7cb176c
Any Idea why this is happening. I would like to implement this on a xamarin.ios app and any guidance much appreciated.
The answer to this is very similar to the answer to your other question: Exception access Azure AD B2C using ADAL library for user management, which can be summarized as:
Azure AD B2C does not yet support delegated permissions to the Azure AD or Microsoft Graph. The correct way to work around this limitation at this time is to have your native client application call a web API (using MSAL) which would in turn call the Graph API (using ADAL). This web API is an API you build which has authorization logic to scope the user management operations.
Once user management in Azure AD B2C is supported via the Microsoft Graph, you won't need this API and will be able to use delegated permissions (vs application permissions using client credentials) to have your native client application talk directly to the Microsoft Graph. In the interim, you'll have to stand up your own Web API as per the guidance above.
UPDATE: the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint and Microsoft Graph API now support client credentials flow, so you can also use MSAL for your Microsoft Graph API calls. However if you need to call the Azure AD Graph, then you will still need to use ADAL.

Using ADAL to invoke Azure Service Management API

I have created an Azure AD native client application and have given delegated permissions to Azure Service Management API. Now, I'm able to invoke the service management API using my id from a Windows Phone 8.1 app using ADAL library. However, another user can't invoke operations on their subscription even though I add them as co-administrator in my directory. I get the token for the user but when I try to make an API call, I get 'Invalid token:A security token exception occurred for the JWT token'. Is there a way to allow another user to access details about his subscriptions using ADAL authentication from an AD app hosted in someone else's AD? I have searched for any related information for quite some time and I'd gladly take any help.
Here is what I interpret what you are doing.
You have a native app and it is connected to your tenant and it works fine for accessing service management APIs in your tenant/subscription.
You gave the app to a friend and they are trying to use it to access service management APIs in their tenant/subscription.
The suggestion above in the comment is on the right track, but you need to look at the steps for making your native application multi-tenant. This way, the AD service will know to look for the tenant for the authenticated user. Changing the url to use 'common' instead of the tenant id is one of the steps required. Here are a couple of posts to help with that transition.
This is a native client example of multi-tenant for a windows store app. I could not find one in the repo for a phone app. Hopefully, this gets you on the right track.
