Manage user from Azure AD B2C using AD Graph API - secure access - azure

We are building a Xamarin Native mobile apps and using Azure AD B2C for authenticating users using their social logins.
We decided use MSAL native library (Xamarin) for authenticating using B2C. And our mobile app required to manage(full access) the signed-in user profile. Since this feature isn't available in MSAL we have decided to go with ADAL for the time being. Followed the instruction provided in the link below and the sample works. But I started experimenting by deleting the API access provided in the application (created in b2c tenant) and the ran the application with "Get-user" parameter. And the application is still able to get the users from AD. Not sure how secure is this thing?
Then deleted the application key from the B2c tenant application and ran the console application sample. And received an error AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50012: Invalid client secret is provided.
Trace ID: cef09957-06bf-462e-a0c3-4ed6bae11e00
Correlation ID: afab126d-8694-479a-8a21-c12eb7cb176c
Any Idea why this is happening. I would like to implement this on a xamarin.ios app and any guidance much appreciated.

The answer to this is very similar to the answer to your other question: Exception access Azure AD B2C using ADAL library for user management, which can be summarized as:
Azure AD B2C does not yet support delegated permissions to the Azure AD or Microsoft Graph. The correct way to work around this limitation at this time is to have your native client application call a web API (using MSAL) which would in turn call the Graph API (using ADAL). This web API is an API you build which has authorization logic to scope the user management operations.
Once user management in Azure AD B2C is supported via the Microsoft Graph, you won't need this API and will be able to use delegated permissions (vs application permissions using client credentials) to have your native client application talk directly to the Microsoft Graph. In the interim, you'll have to stand up your own Web API as per the guidance above.
UPDATE: the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint and Microsoft Graph API now support client credentials flow, so you can also use MSAL for your Microsoft Graph API calls. However if you need to call the Azure AD Graph, then you will still need to use ADAL.


Azure AD B2C authenticate with API key

I'm investigating Azure AD B2C as a possible auth service, which we want to use for user management and authentication. We have a web application, Web API which we can easily integrate with AAD B2C and migrate our current authentication and user management.
However, I did not find any solution how to authenticate mobile applications and integrate it with azuere ad b2c. Our mobile app communicates also with web api but it does not need any user login. These applications are tied to a tenant and every mobile app instance has an API key that is used to authenticate the mobile app on the backend.
Is it possible with azure ad b2c to achieve that kind of authentication, that we will generate API keys for our mobile apps and will use the same ad in azure like the normal users? Is possible with azure ad b2c or we should use another azure service?
What are the best practices in this area? It is similar to the backend to backend communication where API keys are used. Thx.
The normal way for such a scenario would be to use the client credentials flow, where you use your ClientID + ClientSecret for a silent login in order to get a non-personalized AccessToken.
Although it seems that this type of flow is currently not supported by AD B2C. Have a look here:
As an alternative, that page is refering to the client credentials flow of the Microsoft Identity Platform (
I guess it now depends on the detailed requirements of your application whether it could be an option for you to use.

How to implement authentication and authorization using

Please help me.
To login into Azure active directory how to use MSAL.Net library in my login page of my website.I am seeing very big samples online but I didnt find small peace of code which makes me to understand MSAL.
MSAL Library is just an implementation for enabling developers to acquire tokens from the Microsoft identity platform endpoint.
If you want to use MSAL to acquire a token, you need to:
Register an application in Azure AD.
Add target API, and grant consent to select permissions.
Generate a secret key.
Then you can get a token as Acquire a token and call Microsoft Graph API.
However, I think what you really want is to integrate AAD. You can easily enable AAD authentication for your .NET web application. It uses OWIN middleware.
If you are using a aspnet or aspnetcore, you can get the necessary code needed to sign in your web application with your Azure AD tenant just by following steps.
Create the sample from the command line
Note that MSAL.NET is a token acquisition library (for services like MS Graph and such) that can optionally sign-in users as well. the sign-in code is present in the aspnet and aspnet core SDKs

Azure B2C Authentication without user

We use an Azure AD B2C Api. The user authentication via Angular Frontend works fine.
Now, we created a separate BackgroundService project (.net core 3.0) that needs to access the api, too. The service runs without a user authentication.
In a standard Azure AD Api I would authenticate the service by using ClientId and Secret.
How can I authenticate the service against the B2C Api without user authentication?
Client credential flow is not currently supported by Azure AD B2C. See Current limitations.
It seems that the article is not very clear and confuses some customers. But the author has provided more details in the answer.

Credentials prompt for access to Azure management APIs

I've been using the Azure fluent management APIs ( with some success in .NET Core.
However, I want to prompt the user to enter some credentials for a Microsoft account. Those credentials would have access to one or more Azure tenants / subscriptions, so I'd like to be able to use the result to browse and manage resources there.
This is something very close to what I would believe Azure Data Studio does: you can enter some Azure creds, and your resources will appear in the app.
I'm trying to understand the best approach for this. There seem to be a billion sites out there when you talk about Azure AD app registrations, but I haven't found a fruitful specific search query yet. I know I can register an app, get a client ID and client secret. I know I can set it to be usable by organisational accounts in the current tenant, or all tenants.
I can add the "Azure Service Management (delegated permissions : user_impersonation)" permission to my API permissions section for the app, but what's next?
If I use Microsoft.Identity.Client (as in, I run into some questions:
AcquireTokenForClientAsync doesn't prompt the user - I guess because it's getting a token for the app to act with its own permissions?
AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfAsync wants a JWT.. great! I'll pass the one I got from AcquireTokenForClientAsync! Nope, AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS500137: The token issuer doesn't match the api version: A version 1 token cannot be used with the v2 endpoint.
I don't know what scope I want. is apparently invalid.. works, but is that right? It's a guess, combo of the former and a .default suffix I found for Graph API scopes online. Any docs on this?
I ultimately get a JWT and tenant ID back. I can't find a way to use a JWT with the Fluent management APIs.. and my account (for instance) is associated with 3 tenants or 5 different tenants / directories - so how do I choose?
That's just what I've tried, the appropriate route might be a different one. In summary: I want a .NET Core Console app to request user credentials, and then get access to the Azure resources they have access to, in order to perform some resource management.
AcquireTokenForClientAsync doesn't prompt the user - I guess because it's getting a token for the app to act with its own permissions?
You are using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant to access web-hosted resources by using the identity of an application. This type of grant commonly is used for server-to-server interactions that must run in the background, without immediate interaction with a user .
AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS500137: The token issuer doesn't match the api version: A version 1 token cannot be used with the v2 endpoint.
Azure AD provide two service : Azure AD V1.0 and Azure AD V2.0 . Please refer to Comparing the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint with the v1.0 endpoint . You can't use v1 token to acquire v2's token in a on-behalf-of flow .
AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfAsync wants a JWT.. great! I'll pass the one I got from AcquireTokenForClientAsync
AS pointed above , That function is used to acquire an access token for this application (usually a Web API) from the authority configured in the application, in order to access another downstream protected Web API on behalf of a user using the OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow. So you can't use app token which acquire using Client Credential flow . works, but is that right? It's a guess, combo of the former and a .default suffix I found for Graph API scopes online. Any docs on this?
You are using the Azure Active Directory v2.0 and the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow , when sending a POST request to the /token v2.0 endpoint ,the scope should be :
The value passed for the scope parameter in this request should be the resource identifier (Application ID URI) of the resource you want, affixed with the .default suffix. For the Microsoft Graph example, the value is This value informs the v2.0 endpoint that of all the direct application permissions you have configured for your app, it should issue a token for the ones associated with the resource you want to use.
Please check the Get a tokensection in above document .
I ultimately get a JWT and tenant ID back. I can't find a way to use a JWT with the Fluent management APIs..
AFAIK , currently Azure AD V2.0 apps can use:
Its own API
Microsoft Outlook APIs
Microsoft Graph API
Azure AD V2.0 currently doesn't support Azure management APIs .
So you problem is you need to allows work and school accounts from Azure AD and personal Microsoft accounts (MSA) which works with Azure AD V2.0 , but you can't use Azure management APIs . You can use Azure management APIs in Azure AD V1.0 but it allows only work and school accounts to sign in to your application , unless you invite Microsoft accounts as guest user in Azure AD V1.0 ,but you need to configure to point to the tenant-specific endpoint :{TenantId_or_Name}). during authentication if you want to login with MSA in v1.0 apps.
You can use Code flow and azure ad v1.0 endpoint , user will be redirect to AAD's login page and enter their credential. Here is code sample for .net Core .
With Azure AD V1.0 endpoint , requests are sent to an endpoint that multiplexes across all Azure AD tenants: . When Azure AD receives a request on the /common endpoint, it signs the user in and, as a consequence, discovers which tenant the user is from. See document here . But in this scenerio ,you can only use work and school accounts(AAD) account to login .
The code sample in your link is using Azure Service Principal for Authentication , no interactive user login . You can use OpenID Connect Owin Middleware for authentication in .net Core applications as shown here .

Azure Portal Mobile App Permissions

We just moved to Azure Portal and i created a Xamarin Cross-Platform app that gets authenticated via MSAL.
When i was building the app. it was registered on, and the user was getting authenticated without any problems.
After testing, i registered it on our Azure Portal under app registration, gave it the required permissions as before, and updated the app ID in the code.
Now, i cant even go past my email page. I keep getting the message:"It looks like you're trying to open this resource with an app that hasn't been approved by your IT dept", even though the admin granted the permissions to the app. Not sure where to go from here. Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance
When i was building the app. it was registered on, and the user was getting authenticated without any problems. is used to register the application for Azure AD v2.0, and you could leverage MSAL for authenticating users by using AD account or personal Microsoft account.
For the application registered on Azure portal, you need to use the ADAL library. Detailed tutorial about integrating Azure AD (v1.0) with your xamarin apps, you could follow here.
Based on your scenario, for using MS graph via ADAL, you could create an app under your tenant and add the required delegated permissions to the Microsoft Graph API. The AcquireTokenAsync method would look as follows:
var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", clientId, returnUri, parent);
Moreover, for differences between app-only and delegated scopes permissions, you could follow here. Also, you could check differences between Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph.
