Docusign API Get Limits in sandbox - docusignapi

Does DocuSign enforce its limits on Get requests per EnvelopeID in the sandbox?
I have reviewed their publications regarding the 1 Get request per EnvelopeID every 15 minutes and 1000 API requests per hour, however in the sandbox, it appears that I am able to get a valid response when intentionally violating these limits for testing when using the same EnvelopeID and endpoint. Are these restrictions enforced only in the production environment? I posed the question to Docusign, but they didn't answer and referred me here. Any insight would be appreciated.

In Demo environment limit is more than 1000, for my Sandbox account I can see the limit is 100000. You can always check the Header in the any API call response, it will have below values:
X-RateLimit-Limit →100000
X-RateLimit-Remaining →99998
X-RateLimit-Reset →1512680400
X-RateLimit-Limit tells your API call limit
X-RateLimit-Remaining tells how many are remaining in this hour
X-RateLimit-Reset tells the time when rate limit counter will be


Request limit violation update cannot show on client

I can see the below point in docusign documentation
2. Apps are limited to one GET status request per unique envelope per 15 minutes. If you exceed this limit, the request will not fail, but it will be flagged as a violation of rate limits, which can cause your app to fail review to go-live. To avoid exceeding this limit, design your app to poll at 20-minute intervals rather than 15 or, rather than polling for envelope status, your integration can subscribe to Connect to get status updates for the envelope.
My requirement is to poll the documents for each user using API:
and there documents using API:
and I have multiple user connection with same account Id, hitting these two APIs.
will it be flagged as rate limit violation? I have tried these GET api again and again but I can't see this violation status on my client? how can get update of this if in case it happens on my prod instance?
What is the goal of this API call?
Is it to monitor incoming envelopes? If so you can use Recipient Connect to receive webhook notifications.
Otherwise, for a given DocuSign user, you can make the API call once every 15 minutes or less often.
You cannot make the call more often than once per 15 minutes per associated user. If your app uses a "system user" such as then you cannot call it more than once per 15 minutes since the results would not change.
And what is the goal of this API call?
The documents in an envelope are generally not going to change.
More often, apps want to know when an envelope has completed, and then download the docs.
The polling limits are:
per user
results must be expected to change
This means that you cannot poll after an envelope reaches a terminal state. IE only poll if the envelope is in the sent or delivered states.
And it is still not clear to me why an envelope's documents will change.
If you want to provide the current version of the envelope's documents to your application's user, give them a button to download the documents. Don't poll for them.
Finally remember the limit of 1,000 API calls per hour per account for your application. Your application will NOT be approved for additional API calls per hour with this type of polling activity.

Acumatica REST API - Response body is empty when receiving successfully 200 calls. This only occurs intermittently

Once in a while, my API calls to Acumatica will not return a response body, but still return a 200. The same call will be successful after a few minutes.
My guess is that I might be hitting limitations on the number of API requests per minute, or concurrent requests. It's hard to know when the requests are coming back as 200. There are no response headers that indicate an error.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I think you're on the right track regarding reaching a limit. I have experienced delayed requested but not declined requests from the API. There is definitely a limit based on the license on the Acumatica site. You should be able to take a look at the License Monitoring Console screen in Acumatica to see if there are any API violations -- Number of transactions per minute, delayed transactions and declined transactions are all logged and shown in the statistics on this page.
The image below shows an example of this page.

Does the DocuSign Intermediate API plan let me use the API to get PDF and form fields?

I tried calling DocuSign sales and support (transferred around 3 times) and no one could give me a straight answer on this. Their "support" actually told be to try stackoverflow, so here I am...
I'm looking at their API pricing levels here:
If I have the Intermediate API, can I make the following API requests?
GET /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents/{documentId}
GET /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/form_data
The part that's throwing me for a loop is the DocuSign Connect feature in the Advanced API plan. The description of it is:
The DocuSign Connect module lets you configure webhooks for envelope events and recipient actions for some or all users in your account. It can also be used to transport the completed documents back to your app or website and to retrieve any form field data entered by your recipients.
I don't need the webhooks, but I need to be able to get the completed documents as PDFs and get the form field data. Do I really need the DocuSign Connect feature for that?
You will be fine with the intermediate plan. Here is the basic distinction between polling and Connect - With Connect, we will proactively notify YOU when key envelope events occur.
Otherwise, it's up to you to call GET /envelopes and/or GET /form_data to retrieve that information. Be wary of the resource limits when you poll.
As a quick aside, instead of making two requests to retrive that information, just make one - GET /envelopes?include=recipients,tabs. This will provide you all the information you seek in one request.
The important excerpt from that guide:
You may not exceed one GET request per unique envelope endpoint per 15
minutes. If you exceed this limit the request will not fail, but it
will be flagged as a violation of rate limits which can cause your app
to fail review to go-live review.
For example, the following transactions violate API rules due to the repeated GET requests to the first document and second recipient:
[12:00:00] POST /accounts/12345/envelopes
[12:01:00] GET /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA/documents/1
[12:02:00] GET /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA/recipients/2
[12:03:00] POST /accounts/12345/envelopes
[12:04:00] GET /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA/documents/1 *
[12:05:00] GET /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA/recipients/2 *
However, the following set of requests comply with API rules and limits and would not be flagged by the platform:
[12:00:00] POST /accounts/12345/envelopes
[12:01:00] GET /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA
[12:16:00] GET /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA
[12:17:00] GET /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA/documents/1
[12:32:00] GET /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA/documents/1
[12:40:00] PUT /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA/recipients/1
[12:41:00] PUT /accounts/12345/envelopes/AAA/recipients/1

instagram api rate limit clarification

We make GET requests to the /users/self/media/recent and /media/media-id/comments
For this we use user authentication with access_token.
According to the rate limit documentation of instagram we should have 5000 requests / access_token / hour available.
logging the number of our requests on average we do about 600 - 800 requests for a user of us but still receive an api limit reached error in the instagram response.
not only that but according to the error we do ~70K request/hour
You have exceeded the maximum number of requests per hour. You have performed a total of 68100 requests in the last hour. Our general maximum limit is set at 5000 requests per hour.
Am I missing something? Only a few customers of us are affected by this problem.
Are the limits per user global and all apps the user uses have to share the 5000 requests / hour? That is the only explanation I can come up with but found no documentation of this behavior.
Post the code, may be you are doing something wrong and its making multiple calls.
The API response header shows how many remaining calls after each API call:
check this value after each call from your code and analyze.

Instagram posting comment exceed rates

I'm posting a comment to a content on Instagram using Instagram API.
My app is registered and approved, so I was supposed to have 60 comments per hour (or at least 30, in case it is still in Sandbox mode).
I keep getting this message:
The maximum number of requests per hour has been exceeded. You
have made 23 requests of the 15 allowed in the last hour
I can't understand where does the 15 request allowed per hour came from.
Couldn't find it anywhere in the documentation as well.
Well, I would suggest you to go to the developer dashboard(MANAGE CLIENTS) page and report this issue. Its an option there. After that wait for a day and then check your mail. You might find a reply from them. As you have transitioned from the sandbox mode to active, the limit should increase and I hope they fix it for you
Just some ToC I found.
Instagram may rate limit or block apps that make a large number of
calls to the API that are not primarily in response to direct user
actions. Details Here
And also here
Display more than 30 Instagram photos or videos per page in your
application or use an unreasonable amount of bandwidth.Found Here
It sounds like they could acutely intent to limit your requests to preserve their bandwidth. 15 requests seems like a reasonable amount, if you contact them with a reason why you'd necessarily require more they might up this limit.
Also interestingly, they can change this if they see fit
Instagram may elect to provide you with support or modifications for
the Instagram APIs (collectively, "Support"), in its sole discretion,
and may terminate such Support at any time without notice to you.
Instagram may change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the
Instagram APIs at any time, including the availability of any
Instagram APIs. Instagram may also impose limits on certain features
and services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Instagram
APIs or the Instagram Web site without notice or liability.Details Here
Hope this helps
