How to extract day,month,year from a filled cell dynamically new cell we're added as row in Excel? - excel

How to work following things in excel
I have
A. B. C. D
12/12/17. 12. Dec. 17
13/12/17. 13. Dec 17
From column A how to extract date and month and year as shown in column B,C,D?
if any of them entering 3rd and 4 th row on their own, for row 3 and 4 column B,C,D needs to be updated automatically.
Row 3 column A is 14/12/17
Row 4 column A is 15/12/17
Note : not to use fill option in column B,C,D



Formula to Find if Number between a Range in 2 Columns and then Offset 1 column

I would like to write an Excel formula that looks at 3 columns and grabs value of the 1st column based on if the search value is in columns 2 or columns 3.
1st Column 2nd Column 3rd Column
a 1 5
b 6 10
c 11 15
Search Value 1: 13 Result: c
Search Value 2: 6 Result: b
Try below formula-

If there a function to count a cell if it’s blank or non- blank based on if it’s located with in cellls in a date range?

Criteria I need my formula based on:
July 1,2021
July 2,2021
July 3,2021
July 4,2021
July 5,2021
if the column c is blank or has a number in it (doesn’t matter what number)
if the cell c corresponds with cell b if it is in between the dates in B1 & B2
so essentially there would be 3 cells counted in this instance
What I am doing is in column B i’m entering in all the days in the month. Then in B1(admission date) B2 ( discharge date) , In c I will write a value .
I want the formula to count the cells(C:C) (both blank and non blank) between admission date and discharge date that the patient was admitted for .
The function below counts the number of entries between B1 and B2 whether they are blank or not.
The formula will return 3 for your example. Your question doesn't clarify how blank cells affect this count but more conditions could be added to it.

If condition to count column values based on index number

I have 14 column with 1st column (say A) containing the month value (1 for Jan, 2 for Feb and so on). Colum B contain a number representing 2017 year value. For the next 12 columns starting column C onwards, there are values for each month of 2018 starting from Jan 2018 till Dec 2018. In Col 15, i want to sum value of 2017 (Column B) with corresponding months in 2018 based on the month value in Column A. For example, if the month value is 3, then the result should give me the sum of values in column B(2017) + column C(Jan2018) + column D(Feb 2018) + column B (Mar 2018). Since month value 3 represents March 2018.
I tried to use the function Choose but seems too length. Is there a smaller and easy function?
INDEX(C2:N2,1,A2) here gives the reference within C2:N2 at row 1 and column from cell A2. The range from SUM then becomes B2 to the reference obtained from INDEX.

excel extract 6 digits from number, format as date and match with index match?

I have the following 2 worksheets.
Column B Column C Column D COLUMN E Column F
329115121601 3291 5555 =Date (MID(B8,9,2),MID (B8,7,2),MID (B8,5,2)) 50 <---- Week Number from date
I am trying to extract 6 digits from my number value in Columb B '151216' and want to put this into column E. The 6 digits represent a date which is 15th December 2016.
I am using mid to try and get the number and then date to try and format this as 15/12/2016 - however it's not working. Instead I get 15/12/16.
On my other sheet, 'Home' i am trying to look up the number from column B on sheet 'Data' using an index match (array formula) where the values in column C, D and E or F match.
Column H Column I Column J Column K
3291 5555 15/12/2016 or Week 50 {=IFERROR(INDEX(Data!$B:$B,MATCH(1,(Home!$H10=Data!$C:$C)*(Home!$I10=Data!$D:$D)*(IF(Home!$J10<55,Home!$J10,WEEKNUM(Home!$J10))=Data!$F:$F),0)),"No Po Found")}
The user should be able to enter either week number or a specific date and get a result.
For some reason, this formula works if the user enters a week number, but not if they enter a specific date. I'm not sure if this is a format issue with the date on sheet 'data' or with the index match formula. Please can someone show me where I am going wrong? Thanks
Excel defaults to 1916 when I input your formula, try adding "20"& to the start of the year parameter:
I think you are doing it well. Just need to format the date.
Right click on the cell that contains the date ( 15/12/16 ) then click on cell formatting option and choose the format you prefer.

excel formula to extract dates with highest trade count

I need excel formula to show the dates when the trade count was maximum. Below mentioned are the excel columns
trade count. date
10 9 jan
12 8 jan
12 7 jan
Result : 7 jan & 8 jan
so the result can be highlighted in two different rows. or whatever convenient format.
kindly advice how it can be done easily.
Let your column C provide you with all the dates on which the MAX happens. You can always hide column C later.
Let C1 be the maximum from column A:
Now in each row, column C can build up your final output string. Copy from C2 down:
=IF($C$1=A2,TEXT(B2, "dd mmm"),"")
This gives you a column of either blank values, or the dates you need (correctly formatted as text).
Use column D to build up your final output string, by looking down column C:
=IF(C2="",IF(D3="","",D3),IF(D3="", C2,D3&" & "&C2))
Your result string will be given by cell D2.
