How do I customize the documentation blocks Enterprise Architect Generates? - modeling

I'm using Enterprise Architect to model my software and to generate code skeletons. As part of this process, the tool will automatically add documentation blocks for classes, functions, and data members. This is fine, but I don't see any obvious way to customize the output. For example, this is what comes out for class Foo:
* Text from the properties window in EA for Foo.
* #author My Name
* #version 1.0
* #created 26-Oct-2017 12:32:57
class Foo
I've looked through the Code Template Editor but things like this all seem to be hidden behind a magic function. For example, the C++ Class Notes template includes %JAVADOC_COMMENT($wrapLen) but I haven't seen where I can have any effect on what goes in that comment.
Is there a way to customize JavaDoc output in EA? Or perhaps to define my own "Comment Style"? For example, maybe I want to switch the order in which items are displayed, I want to add some blank lines in between parameters, or I want to eliminate #created from my documentation blocks altogether.

The magic function you are referring too is a documented macro:
Converts the notes for the element currently in scope to javadoc -style comments.
So you won't be able to tweak the way the macro works.
But you can of course replace the standard macro with your own comment section, if you really think that is worth it.


Sparx Enterprise Architect: Show programming language in component diagram

I am using Sparx Enterprise Architect and am somehow confused that I did not find any hint on the internet regarding the following question: How can I show the programming language of a component in the component diagram?
It is clear to me that I could use custom stereotypes but this is not a good idea as it prevents me from using "real" stereotypes later on.
The reason is simply that you can not show it using EA's GUI. You would need to stereotype the element and come up with a shape script to display the language with a
To assign a shape script to a stereotype there are two ways, the quick and dirty and the difficult one. Here's the q&d one:
Under Configure/UML Types you can add a new 'wild' stereotype. That is one with no profile. EA will show that as <none> when applied. Think of a fitting name and choose Edit with the shape script:
Here can enter the new shape script (since this depends very much here's a simple one):
shape main {
Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);
Save the edit and close the dialog. Once you assign the stereotype to an element it will render like this:
I know this is not pretty and you need to dig into shape scripts to make it useful, but that can't be avoided.
So the difficult, but better and preferred, way is to create your own profile containing the stereotype along with the shape script. The above would just be a way of testing it but finally you would need to create your profile and put it in a MDG. Since this is a quite complex task it won't go here into this answer (no, I'm not Fermat, but you need quite some effort to get that far).
There is no standardized way to show the programming language of a component in UML. There are several ways you can do it, for example:
Stereotype. This will not prevent you from adding other stereotypes in the future. Multiple stereotypes are shown comma separated: «stereotype1, stereotype2»
Generalization. You can define a component called 'JavaComponent' and let all Java components inherit from this base component.
Note. You can attach a note to the component specifying the language.

What is the correct way of using '*' keyword in a cucumber feature file

I have multiple validations to be done on some web UI. So instead of writing
Then I see "foo" element on the page
And I want the user to see "bar" text
And new order is generated
I want my feature file to be more readable(this might go app-specific and not business specific) and should go something like this
Then following validations are made
* "foo" element is visible
* "bar" text is visible
* new order is generated
My Questions is, '*' keyword has the ability to adapt to any step according to documentation, am I using it correctly? ( I think not because my IDE doesn't think so). What is the correct way of using it?
In other words, how to write steps with * so that IDE understands and recognizes step definition
Let me know if I am not understanding this correctly.
The way I am using '*' is correct, we have to write something like
* "foo" is present
IDE doesn't recognize it may be a problem with the plugin, I wrote the step and the corresponding step definition with any of the standard keywords (Given/When/Then), cucumber recognizes it and works accordingly
The approach I'd use is to find the overall name for all the validations, what are your validations validating?
When you have done that write a single step
Then 'my foo should be valid'
then implement this as something like
Then 'my foo should be valid' do
and then write the helper methods to make this work. This will do the following
Simplify your feature file and make it much easier to read.
Make it much cheaper to add or modify validations.
Transfer responsibility to the programmer.
Simplify your step definitions and reduce their number
In general keep you scnenarios simple and short and don't include detail about HOW things are done. Push that HOW down into step definitions and helper methods.
The GWT should be seen as following:
Given some sort of pre-condition, something kind of setup for the test.
When the action that happens
Then The expected result of the action
the And and But are just representations of the preceding Given, When or Then.
Sometimes, a scenario in this way just is not the best approach (not all jobs need the same tool) and a list of "stuff" is more desirable. i.e.
* Open web browser
* Go to google
* Search for Cheese
* Select a cheese to buy
* go to shop
* buy cheese
* eat cheese
* feel happy
This is where the * should be used to show a list that is a order of instructions. (I'd also be happy to argue that the above could quite easily be written into GWT and that most things can if you understand what you are trying to describe well enough).

MFC ID_ vs IDM_ prefixes and their range

I have been working on cleaning an old project's resource.h.
In the project I am working on, I have some IDs which are in the form:
IDM_XXXX 32771
but are referred in code in ON_COMMAND and ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI statements.
So am I right in thinking that they are following the command architecture and ideally should be named as ID_XXX instead of IDM_XXXX?
I have read through TN022: Standard Commands Implementation and see that Microsoft says:
We recommend you use the standard "IDM_" prefix for menu items which
do not follow the command architecture and need menu-specific code to
enable and disable them.
I am not sure what is meant by menu-specific code here.
How are IDM_XXXX resources normally handled? Also what is the valid range range for IDM_XXXX? I have gone through TN020: ID Naming and Numbering Conventions but am confused.
ID_ and IDM_ are interchangeable because commands are accessible via command bars, menus or maybe ribbons. I never use IDM_, I only use ID_
Reserved by the MFC is 0xE000->0xEFFF and 0x7000->0x7FFF.
TN020 says that menu/command IDs must be in the range of 0x8000 and greater, but I found no reason why to do this. In the tooltip handling and command routing of the dialogs of the 16bit MFC version and AFAIK an old MFC4.x version, there was a specific code that looks for commands being greater than 0x8000.
By accident I had cases were an ID <0x8000 was created, but it worked.
I would resist not following the recommendations in the technical note. Microsoft does have undocumented messages that may interfere with your code if you violate their recommendations. And, debugging such an issue would be difficult. Additionally, following the recommendation allows you the extra benefit of...
following the MFC command architecture not only makes command handlers
more powerful (since they will work with toolbars) but makes the
command handler code reusable
This means MFC will use the same code to handle any menu and toolbar interactions that are linked together.

Adding new section in control panel of Liferay

I want to add a new section in control panel of liferay and within that section I want to have my custom-portlet. I did it using ext. However I want to do it with hook . Is it possible ?
I don't think it would be that easy with a hook, because of the following reasons:
You can't modify in a Hook - the class com.liferay.portal.util.PortletCategoryKeys which contains the keys for displaying the different sections. The different sections are hard-coded in this class in a String array ALL.
You can't modify the logic of PortalImpl#isControlPanelPortlet() which uses the PortletCategoryKeys#ALL to determine if the request in question is for a control panel portlet.
Then you also have another method which you can't modify with a Hook and is used extensively PortalImpl#getControlPanelCategory()
Doing it with a hook:
I have not tried this but I think if you need to do it with a hook you would have to change all those JSPs which make use of PortletCategoryKeys#ALL and the methods of PortalImpl as stated above, and provide your custom implementation for all these methods in the JSP.
I would really like to know how you implemented it with an EXT may be just the steps or the methods you have overridden. So that I can try to convert those in terms of a hook.
This is as far as my understanding goes. Hope this helps.
With the advent of Marketplace, ControlPanel has a new category named "Marketplace" and that section is introduced in a plugin. However, I never checked if 6.1 GA2 introduced a new section that this plugin just fills. Check the marketplace plugin if you can find a trace of this section implemented there.
On the other hand, nobody has yet named any section that definitely required a new section (though some have asked me how to solve the same problem). For this reason, you might want to re-think the requirement and choose one of the existing sections. If you don't, at least I'd be interested in the name and purpose of the new section - I might find a first one actually justifying this kind of implementation...

Any way in Expression Engine to simulate Wordpress' shortcode functionality?

I'm relatively new to Expression Engine, and as I'm learning it I am seeing some stuff missing that WordPress has had for a while. A big one for me is shortcodes, since I will use these to allow CMS users to place more complex content in place with their other content.
I'm not seeing any real equivalent to this in EE, apart from a forthcoming plugin that's in private beta.
As an initial test I'm attempting to fake shortcodes by using delimited strings (e.g. #foo#) in the content field, then using a regex to pull those out and pass them to a function that can retrieve the content out of EE's database.
This brings me to a second question, which is that in looking at EE's API docs, there doesn't appear to be a simple means of retrieving the channel entries programmatically (thinking of something akin to WP's built-in get_posts function).
So my questions are:
a) Can this be done?
b) If so, is my method of approaching it reasonable? Or is there something stupidly obvious I'm missing in my approach?
To reiterate, my main objective here is to have some means of allowing people managing content to drop a code in place in their content that will be replaced with channel content.
Thanks for any advice or help you can give me.
Here's a simple example of the functionality you're looking for.
1) Start by installing Low Replace.
2) Create two Global Variables called gv_hello and gv_goodbye with the values "Hello" and "Goodbye" respectively.
3) Put this text into the body of an entry:
Nice to see you.
4) Put this into your template, wrapping the Low Replace tag around your body field.
5) It should output this into your browser:
Nice to see you.
Obviously, this is a really simple example. You can put full blown HTML into your global variable. For example, we've used that to render a complex, interactive graphic that isn't editable but can be easily dropped into a page by any editor.
Unfortunately, due to parse order issues, EE tags won't work inside Global Variables. If you need EE tags in your short code output, you'll need to use Low Variables addon instead of Global Variables.
Continued from the comment:
Do you have examples of the kind of shortcodes you want to support/include? Because i have doubts if controlling the page-layout from a text-field or wysiwyg-field is the way to go.
If you want editors to be able to adjust layout or show/hide extra parts on the page, giving them access to some extra fields in the channel, is (imo) much more manageable and future-proof. For instance some selectfields, a relationship (or playa) field, or a matrix, to let them choose which parts to include/exclude on a page, or which entry from another channel to pull content from.
As said in the comment: i totally understand if you want to replace some #foo# tags with images or data from another field (see other answers: nsm-transplant, low_replace). But, giving an editor access to shortcodes and picking them out, is like writing a template-engine to generate ee-template code for the ee-template-engine.
Using some custom fields to let editors pick and choose parts to embed is, i think, much more manageable.
That being said, you could make a plugin to parse the shortcodes from a textareas content, and then program a lot, to fetch data from other modules you want to support. For channel entries you could build out of the channel data library by objectiveHTML.
I hear you, I too miss shortcodes from WP -- though the reason they work so easily there is the ubiquity of the_content(). With the great flexibility of EE comes fewer blanket solutions.
I'd suggest looking at NSM Transplant. It should fit the bill for you.
There is also a plugin called Shortcode, which you can find here at
A quote from the page:
Shortcode aims to allow for more dynamic use of content by authors and
editors, allowing for injection of reusable bits of content or even
whole pieces of functionality into any field in EE
