Azure ARM Template to deploy website with cname and certificate - azure

I'm trying to build a custom ARM template that deploys a new resource group (web,sql,redis,storage) that also creates a custom CNAME record in our dnsZone hosted in a different/existing resGroup. Finally, I'd like to add a certificate binding (wildcard) from our KeyVault also stored in the other resGroup.
It seems there is support for adding a zone in the new resGroup, but can't find example of leveraging existing zone and just adding a CNAME record that points to my new web app.
It also seems there are examples of creating Key Vaults, but not binding a site up to an existing cert in an existing vault in a different resGroup.
This is a very common multi-tenant kind of scenario, sure seems it should be possible in our template, without having to rely on PowerShell or Azure CLI.

Just wrap your dnsZone resource with a deployment resource and scope it to another group.
"apiVersion": "2017-05-10",
"name": "nestedTemplate",
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
"resourceGroup": %%% resource group name goes here %%%,
"properties": {
"mode": "Incremental",
"template": {
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {},
"variables": {},
"resources": [
%%%% dnsZone goes here %%%
"parameters": {}
For the KV, you can use the example from the quickstarts:


Automatically create an Azure DevOps Organization with an ARM Template

Since it is not possible to create an organization with the DevOps Rest API and the SDK for organizations is still in preview and not functional, we currently try to programmatically create an organization with an ARM template.
In the Azure Portal, it is possible to create a new organization with an ARM template like this:
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"organizationName": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"organizationIdentifier": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"administrator": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"resources": [
"name": "[parameters('organizationIdentifier')]",
"type": "microsoft.visualstudio/account",
"location": "West Europe",
"description": "[parameters('organizationName')]",
"apiVersion": "2014-02-26",
"properties": {
"operationType": "Create",
"accountName": "[parameters('organizationIdentifier')]",
"ownerUpn": "[parameters('administrator')]"
Unfortunately we couldn't find a solution to create this within a C# Azure Function programmatically, since the SDK would want a resource group, which doesn't make sense in this context. Is there a way to do this or is it simply not possible to create an organization automatically at this point?
Yes, as of now there is no ways to create an DevOps organization using REST API.
The way to create Azure DevOps Organization is Manual creation or using ARM Template.
Using ARM Template, you have to specify the Resource name as a parameter. That is also we need to mention the Organization Name before deploying the ARM Template.
As of now the REST API is available for some of the services.
-Automating organization and project creation in Azure DevOps Blog gives the clear view

Parallel deployment of Azure AppService using ARM template

I am trying to solve a use-case of deploying 20 to 30 Azure AppServices using ARM template based on Admin decision.
This is happening through c# webapi using Microsoft Fluent library(Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent & Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent),
var creds = new AzureCredentialsFactory().FromServicePrincipal(clientId,
var azure = Azure.Authenticate(creds).WithSubscription(subscriptionId);
var deployment = azure.Deployments.Define($"deployment-{userName}")
.WithParametersLink(templateParamsBlobURL, "")
Problem statement
When the admin decides to run 20 AppServices, then the above lines of code will execute and provision these AppServices, the decision is based on admin.
For me the Deployment is happening in sequential manner i.e., upon completing one AppService deployment then it triggers the next AppService deployment, which takes huge time to complete the entire operation. I am trying to achieve the deployment of 20 AppServices(decided by admin) in parallel so that the provisioning completes at the earliest
Kindly assist me on how to achieve the parallel deployment of AppServices using ARM template
Thanks for confirming #Guptha, posted the same as an answer to help other community members for the similar query , To iteration multiple resources at a time in ARM TEMPLATE .
Use your Azure Resource Manager template to create multiple instances
of a resource (ARM template). You can dynamically set the quantity of
resources to deploy by adding a copy loop to the resources section of
your template.
For example to create multiple storage accounts ;
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"storageCount": {
"type": "int",
"defaultValue": 3
"resources": [
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
"apiVersion": "2019-04-01",
"name": "[concat(copyIndex(),'storage', uniqueString(resourceGroup().id))]",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"sku": {
"name": "Standard_LRS"
"kind": "Storage",
"properties": {},
"copy": {
"name": "storagecopy",
"count": "[parameters('storageCount')]"
For complete setup please refer this MICROSOFT DOCUMENTATION|Resource iteration in ARM templates

How can I use slotted deployments in Azure DevOps for an Azure App Service?

I'm having some problems with slotted deployments in Azure DevOps. The problem is that my app goes down during deployment. But once the deployment finishes, it comes up again.
My app comes with an azuredeploy.json file:
While trying to access my web app once it is deploying, it seems to go down at the first step:
Azure Deployment: Create Or Update Resource Group acti...
There are usually no changes to the azuredeploy.json file, so I don't understand why it goes down at this step. There is nothing to create -- it exists before, and there is nothing to update either.
I have set up the slots manually in Azure Portal. The deployment mode is incremental.
How can I use slotted deployments in Azure DevOps for an Azure App Service?
According to your description, we need to create new deployment slot for an existing WebApp.
So, we need to check if we create or update for the new deployment slot instead of the Production:
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"siteName": {
"type": "string"
"slotName": {
"type": "string"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2015-04-01",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/Sites/Slots",
"name": "[concat(parameters('siteName'), '/', parameters('slotName'))]",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"properties": {},
"resources": []
The template on GitHub.
You could check the document this, this and the similar thread for some more details. If this not resolve this issue, please share your json file to use.

Azure Kubernetes Service Creates Extra Resource Groups

I have created an instance of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and have discovered that apart from the resource group I created the AKS instance in, two other resource groups were created for me. Here is what my resource groups and their contents looks like:
MyAKSInstance - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
ContainerInsights(MyAKSInstance) - Solution
MyAKSInstance - Log Analytics
agentpool-availabilitySet-36219400 - Availability set
aks-agentpool-36219400-0 - Virtual machine
aks-agentpool-36219400-0_OsDisk_1_09469b24b1ff4526bcfd5d00840cfbbc - Disk
aks-agentpool-36219400-nic-0 - Network interface
aks-agentpool-36219400-nsg - Network security group
aks-agentpool-36219400-routetable - Route table
aks-vnet-36219400 - Virtual network
I have a few questions about these two separate resource groups:
Can I rename the resource groups or control how they are named from my ARM template in the first place at the time of creation?
Can I move the contents of DefaultResourceGroup-WEU into MyResourceGroup-Production?
Can I safely edit their settings?
The DefaultResourceGroup-WEU seems to be created if you enable Log Analytics. Can I use this instance for accepting logs from other instances?
I managed to pre-create a log analytics resource and use that for Kubernetes. However, there is a third resource that I'm having trouble moving into my resource group:
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
"name": "SolutionDeployment",
"apiVersion": "2017-05-10",
"resourceGroup": "[split(parameters('omsWorkspaceId'),'/')[4]]",
"subscriptionId": "[split(parameters('omsWorkspaceId'),'/')[2]]",
"properties": {
"mode": "Incremental",
"template": {
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {},
"variables": {},
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview",
"type": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/solutions",
"location": "[parameters('workspaceRegion')]",
"name": "[concat('ContainerInsights', '(', split(parameters('omsWorkspaceId'),'/')[8], ')')]",
"properties": {
"workspaceResourceId": "[parameters('omsWorkspaceId')]"
"plan": {
"name": "[concat('ContainerInsights', '(', split(parameters('omsWorkspaceId'),'/')[8], ')')]",
"product": "[concat('OMSGallery/', 'ContainerInsights')]",
"promotionCode": "",
"publisher": "Microsoft"
"dependsOn": []
No, you cant.
Yes, but I'd advice against it. I'd advice remove the health metrics from AKS, delete that resource group, create OMS in the same resource group with AKS (or wherever you need your OMS to be) and then use that OMS. it will just create container solution for you in the same resource group where oms is in.
To extent, if you break anything AKS wont fix it
Yes you can, but you better rework it like I mention in point 2.

Create Key Vault certificate using ARM template

I want to create a Key Vault and add secrets as well as certificates to it using an ARM template. I have been able to find a way of creating a Key Vault as well as adding secrets to it, but couldn't find any relevant solution of adding a new Self-signed certificate into Key Vault using just the ARM template.
Is this feature currently supported in ARM template ?
No, this is currently not supported. You can only create secrets using ARM Templates.
What i have done is:
Set up a endpoint that creates a random certificate for every request:
It outputs the following:
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"keyVaultName": {
"value": "test"
"secretName": {
"value": "test"
"secretValue": {
"value": "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"
"certificateThumbprint": {
"value": "AD99382EECC21A3456FFDD0B10FDB0399C53BF10"
this is deployed using a nested template
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
"name": "CreateCertificate",
"apiVersion": "2016-09-01",
"properties": {
"mode": "Incremental",
"templateLink": {
"uri": "[concat('',reference('DeployKeyvault').outputs.keyVaultName.value)]",
"contentVersion": ""
"parametersLink": {
"uri": "[concat('',reference('DeployKeyvault').outputs.keyVaultName.value)]",
"contentVersion": ""
This works nice for this usecase.
As it was said, this feature is currently not supported.
What you can do is create powershell script for importing certificates.
Import-AzureKeyVaultCertificate will definitely help you with it.
Just run script after the deployment of Key Vault itself is finished and certificates will be imported.
Hope that will help you.
The certificate is currently not supported. You can only create secrets using ARM Templates.
You can use custom PowerShell script in the ARM template so that you can achieve whatever you are trying
