Getting database for Cassandra or building one from scratch? - cassandra

So, I'm new to Cassandra and I was wondering what the best approach would be to learn Cassandra.
Should I first focus on the design of a database and build one from scratch?
And as I was reading that Cassandra is great for writing. How can one observe that? Is there open source data that one can use? (I didn't really know where to look.)

A good point getting started with Cassandra are the free online courses from DataStax (an enterprise grade Cassandra distribution):
And for Cassandra beeing good at writing data - have a look here:
The write path comes down to these points:
write the data into the commitlog (append only sequentially, no random io - therefore should be on its own disk to prevent head movements, with ssd no issue)
write the data into memtables (kept in memory - very fast)
So in terms of disk, a write is a simple append to the commitlog in the first place. No data is directly written to the sstables (it's in the commitlog and memtable, which becomes flushed to disk at times as sstables), updates are not changing an sstable on disk (sstables are immutable, an update is written separately with a new timestamp), a delete does not remove data from sstables (sstables are immutable - instead a tombstone is written).
All updates and deletes produce new entries in memtable and sstables, to remove deleted data and to get rid of old versions of data from updates sstables on disk are compacted from time to time into a new one.
Also read about the different compaction strategies (can help you provide good performance), replication factor (how many copies of your data the cluster should keep) and consistency levels (how Cassandra should determine when a write or read is successful, hint: ALL is almost wrong all the time, look for QUORUM).


Cleanup space in almost full Cassandra Node

I have a Cassandra Cluster (2 DC) with 6 nodes each and RF 2. 4 of the nodes (in each DC) getting full so I need to cleanup space very soon.
I tried to run a full repair but ended up as a bad idea since the space start increased even more and the repair eventually hanged. As a last solution I am thinking to start repairing and then cleanup specific columns starting from the smallest to the biggest.
nodetool repair -full foo_keyspace bar_columnfamily
nodetool cleanup foo_keyspace bar_columnfamily
Do you think that this procedure will be safe for the data?
Thank you
The commands that you presented in your question make several incorrect assumptions. First, "repair" is not supposed to, and will not, save any space. All repair does is to find inconsistencies between different replicas and repair them. It will either do nothing (if there's no inconsistencies), or add data, not remove data.
Second, "cleanup" is something you need to do after adding new nodes to the cluster - after each node sent some of its data to the new node, a "cleanup" removes the data from the old nodes. But cleanup is not relevant when not adding node.
The command you may be looking for is "compact". This can save space, but only when you know you had a lot of overwrites (rewriting existing rows), deletions or data expirations (TTL). What compaction strategy are you using? If it's the default, size-tiered compaction strategy (STCS) you can start major compaction (nodetool compact) but should be aware of a big risk involved:
Major compaction merges all the data into one sstable (Cassandra's on-disk file format), dropping deleted, expired or overwritten data. However, during this compaction process, you have both input and output files, and at worst case this may double your disk usage, and may fail if the disk is more than 50% full. This is why a lot of Cassandra best-practice guides suggest never to fill more than 50% of the disk. But this is just the worst case. You can get along with less free space if you know that the output file will be much smaller than the input (because most of the data has been deleted). Perhaps more usefully, if you have many separate tables (column family), you can compact each one separately (as you suggested, from smallest to biggest) and the maximum amount of disk space needed temporarily during the compaction can be much less than 50% of the disk.
Scylla, a C++ reimplementation of Cassandra, is developing something known as "hybrid compaction" (see which is like Cassandra's size-tiered compaction but does compaction in small pieces instead of generating one huge file, to avoid the huge temporary disk usage during compaction. Unfortunately, Cassandra doesn't have this feature yet.
Good idea is first start repair on smallest table on smallest keyspace one by one and complete repair. It will take time but safer way and no chance to hang and traffic loss.
Once repair completed start cleanup in the same way as repair. This way no impact on node and cluster as well.
You shouldn't fill more than about 50-60 % of your disks to make room for compaction. If you're above that amount of disk usage you need to consider getting bigger disks or add more nodes.
Datastax recommendations are usually good to follow:

Want to spread current cluster data over more and smallere sstables

Our cassandra 2.1.15 application' KS (using STCS) are leveling in less than 100 sstables/node of which some data sstables are now getting into the +1TB size. This means heavy/longer compactions plus longer time before tombstones and their evicted data gets in the same compaction view (application do both create/read/delete of data), thus longer before real disk space gets reclaimed, this sucks :(
Our Application Vendor later revealed to us, that they normally recommend hashing the data over 10-20 CFs in the application KS rather than our currently created 3 CFs, guessing as an way to keep ratio of sstables vs sizes in a 'workable' range. Only the application can't have this changed now we have begun hashing data out in our 3 CFs.
Currently we got 14x linux node cluster, nodes of same HW and size (running w/equal amount of vnodes), originally constructed with two data_file_directories in two xfs FS on each their logical volumes - LVs backed each by a PV (6+1 raid5). Then as some nodes began to compact data skewed in these data dirs/LVs when growning sstable sizes, we merged both data dirs onto one LV and expanded this LV with the thus released PV. So we now got 7x nodes with two data dirs in one LV backed by two PVs and 7x nodes with two data dirs in two LVs on each their PV.
1) Now as sstable sizes keeps growning due to more data and using STCS (as recommend by App Vendor) we're thinking we might be able spread data over more and smallere sstables by simply adding more data dirs in our LVs as compensation for having less CFs rather than adding more HW nodes :) Wouldn't this work to spread data over more and smallere sstables or is the a catch in using multiple data dir compared with fewer?
1) Follow-up: must have had a brain fa.. that day, off course it won't :) The Compaction Strategy doesn't bother with over how many data dirs a CF' sstables are scattered only bothers with the sstables them selves according to the strategy. So only way to spread over more and smallere sstables is to hash data over more CFs. Too bad Vendor did the time-space trade off not to record in which CF a partition key is hashed a long with the key it self, then hashing might have been reseeded to a larger number of CFs. Now only way is to built a new cluster w/more CFs and migrate data there.
2) We could then possibly use either sstablesplit on the largest sstables or removing/rejoining with more than two data dirs node by node to get rit of the currently real big sstables. Would either approach work to get sstable sizes scaled down and which way is most recommendable?
2) Follow-up: well if one node is decommissioned is token range will be scatter to other nodes, specially when using multiple vnodes/node and thus one big sstables would be scatter over more nodes and left to the mercy of the compaction strategy at other nodes. But generally if 1 out of 14 nodes, each with 256 vnodes, would be scattered to the 13 other nodes for sure, right?
Thus only increasing other nodes' amount of data by roughly 1/13 of decommissioned node' content. But rejoining such a node again would properly only send roughly same amount of data back eventually getting compacted into similar sized sstables, meaning we've done a lot IO+streaming for nothing... Unless tombstones were among the original data but just to far apart to be lucky enough to enter same compaction views (small sstable vs large sstable), such an exercise may possible get data shuffled around giving better/other chance to get some tombstone+their data evicted through the scatter+rejoining faster than waiting to strategy to get TS+data in same compaction view, dunno... any thoughs on the value of possible doing this?
Huh that was a huge thought dump.
I'll try to get straight to the point. Using ANY type of raid (except stripe) is a deathtrap. If your nodes don't have sufficient space then you either add disks as JBODs to your nodes or scale out. Second thing is your application creating, deleting, updating and reading data and you are using STCS? And with all that you have 1TB+ per node? I don't even want to get into questioning the performance of that setup.
My suggestion would be to rethink the setup having data size, access patterns, read/write/delete/update ratios and data retention plans in mind. 14 nodes with 1TB+ of data each is not catastrophic (even thou the docu states that going past 600-800GB is bad, its not) but you need to change the approach. LCS works wonders for scenarios like yours and with proper planning you can have that cluster running a long time before having to scale out (or TTL your data) with decent performance.

How to convert data in cassandra commitlogs to readable format

Is it possible to see data in commit-log, if so how can we convert this to readable form which we can interpret.
Commit log files, these are encrypted files maintained internally by Cassandra, so you won't be able to access them.
Uses of Commit log:
If Cassandra was writing these SSTables on every update it would be completely IO bound and very slow.
So Cassandra uses a few tricks to get better performance. Instead of writing SSTables to disk on every column update, it keeps the updates in memory and flushes those changes to disk periodically to keep the IO to a reasonable level.

Freeing disk space of overwritten data?

I have a table whose rows get overwritten frequently using the regular INSERT statements. This table holds ~50GB data, and the majority of it is overwritten daily.
However, according to OpsCenter, disk usage keeps going up and is not freed.
I have validated that rows are being overwritten and not simply being appended to the table. But they're apparently still taking up space on disk.
How can I free disk space?
Under the covers the way Cassandra during these writes is that a new row is being appended to the SSTable with a newer time stamp. When you perform a read the newest row (based on time stamp) is being returned to you as the row. However this also means that you are using twice the disk space to accomplish this. It is not until Cassandra runs a compaction operation that the older rows will be removed and the disk space recovered. Here is some information on how Cassandra writes to disk which explains the process:
A compaction is done on a node by node basis and is a very disk intensive operation which may effect the performance of your cluster during the time it is running. You can run a manual compaction using the nodetool compact command:
As Aaron mentioned in his comment above overwriting all the data in your cluster daily is not really the best use case for Cassandra because of issues such as this one.

Writing to two cassandra tables with time overlap

I am writing to two cassandra tables, the tables have different keyspaces. I am wondering about how the write actually happens.
I see this explanation at:
Cassandra is well known for its impressive performance in both reading
and writing data. Data is written to Cassandra in a way that provides
both full data durability and high performance. Data written to a
Cassandra node is first recorded in an on-disk commit log and then
written to a memory-based structure called a memtable. When a
memtable’s size exceeds a configurable threshold, the data is written
to an immutable file on disk called an SSTable. Buffering writes in
memory in this way allows writes always to be a fully sequential
operation, with many megabytes of disk I/O happening at the same time,
rather than one at a time over a long period. This architecture gives
Cassandra its legendary write performance
But this does not explain what happens if I write to two tables in overlapping time period.
Let's say I am writing to Table 1 and Table 2 at the same time. The entries that I want to write would still be stored in the same memtable, correct? They would essentially be mixed, right?
Let's say I am writing 100,000,000 entries for Table 1 and 10 minutes later I started to write entries 100 for Table 2. The 100 for Table 2 would still have to wait for entries for Table 1 to be processed, since they are sharing the same memtable right?
Is my understanding about how memtable is shared correct? Is there a way for different keyspaces to have their own memtable. For example, if I really want to make sure that entries for Table 2 get written without a delay, is that possible?
Each table have its own memtable. Cassandra does not mix things. That is why it can easily and efficiently flush data on the disk when memtables total space is full.
This Datastax document is a good summary of how writing in Cassandra is performed from commitlog to sstable and compaction.
