Freeing disk space of overwritten data? - cassandra

I have a table whose rows get overwritten frequently using the regular INSERT statements. This table holds ~50GB data, and the majority of it is overwritten daily.
However, according to OpsCenter, disk usage keeps going up and is not freed.
I have validated that rows are being overwritten and not simply being appended to the table. But they're apparently still taking up space on disk.
How can I free disk space?

Under the covers the way Cassandra during these writes is that a new row is being appended to the SSTable with a newer time stamp. When you perform a read the newest row (based on time stamp) is being returned to you as the row. However this also means that you are using twice the disk space to accomplish this. It is not until Cassandra runs a compaction operation that the older rows will be removed and the disk space recovered. Here is some information on how Cassandra writes to disk which explains the process:
A compaction is done on a node by node basis and is a very disk intensive operation which may effect the performance of your cluster during the time it is running. You can run a manual compaction using the nodetool compact command:
As Aaron mentioned in his comment above overwriting all the data in your cluster daily is not really the best use case for Cassandra because of issues such as this one.


Cassandra: how to automatically delete old records to avoid disk space shortage?

We are using TWCS for time series data with default TTL of 30 days an compaction window size of 1 day.
Unfortunately, there are cases when incoming data rate gets higher and not so much disk space left to write it. At the same time due to budget constraints adding new nodes to the cluster is not an option. Currently we resort to manually deleting old sstables, but it is error prone.
What is the best way in TWCS case to make Cassandra delete, say, all records that are older than certain date? I mean not to create tombstones in new sstable, but to actually delete old records from disk to free up space.
Of course, I can reduce TTL, but it will affect only new records (so will help only in a long run, but not immediately) and in a case when there is not so much incoming data records will be stored for a shorter period than could be.
Basically, that's the intent of the TTLs to automatically remove the old data. The explicit deletion always creates a tombstone, and it won't work well with with TWCS. So right now the solution would be to stop node, remove old files to free space, start the node - repeat on all nodes. But you're doing that already.

Cleanup space in almost full Cassandra Node

I have a Cassandra Cluster (2 DC) with 6 nodes each and RF 2. 4 of the nodes (in each DC) getting full so I need to cleanup space very soon.
I tried to run a full repair but ended up as a bad idea since the space start increased even more and the repair eventually hanged. As a last solution I am thinking to start repairing and then cleanup specific columns starting from the smallest to the biggest.
nodetool repair -full foo_keyspace bar_columnfamily
nodetool cleanup foo_keyspace bar_columnfamily
Do you think that this procedure will be safe for the data?
Thank you
The commands that you presented in your question make several incorrect assumptions. First, "repair" is not supposed to, and will not, save any space. All repair does is to find inconsistencies between different replicas and repair them. It will either do nothing (if there's no inconsistencies), or add data, not remove data.
Second, "cleanup" is something you need to do after adding new nodes to the cluster - after each node sent some of its data to the new node, a "cleanup" removes the data from the old nodes. But cleanup is not relevant when not adding node.
The command you may be looking for is "compact". This can save space, but only when you know you had a lot of overwrites (rewriting existing rows), deletions or data expirations (TTL). What compaction strategy are you using? If it's the default, size-tiered compaction strategy (STCS) you can start major compaction (nodetool compact) but should be aware of a big risk involved:
Major compaction merges all the data into one sstable (Cassandra's on-disk file format), dropping deleted, expired or overwritten data. However, during this compaction process, you have both input and output files, and at worst case this may double your disk usage, and may fail if the disk is more than 50% full. This is why a lot of Cassandra best-practice guides suggest never to fill more than 50% of the disk. But this is just the worst case. You can get along with less free space if you know that the output file will be much smaller than the input (because most of the data has been deleted). Perhaps more usefully, if you have many separate tables (column family), you can compact each one separately (as you suggested, from smallest to biggest) and the maximum amount of disk space needed temporarily during the compaction can be much less than 50% of the disk.
Scylla, a C++ reimplementation of Cassandra, is developing something known as "hybrid compaction" (see which is like Cassandra's size-tiered compaction but does compaction in small pieces instead of generating one huge file, to avoid the huge temporary disk usage during compaction. Unfortunately, Cassandra doesn't have this feature yet.
Good idea is first start repair on smallest table on smallest keyspace one by one and complete repair. It will take time but safer way and no chance to hang and traffic loss.
Once repair completed start cleanup in the same way as repair. This way no impact on node and cluster as well.
You shouldn't fill more than about 50-60 % of your disks to make room for compaction. If you're above that amount of disk usage you need to consider getting bigger disks or add more nodes.
Datastax recommendations are usually good to follow:

Getting database for Cassandra or building one from scratch?

So, I'm new to Cassandra and I was wondering what the best approach would be to learn Cassandra.
Should I first focus on the design of a database and build one from scratch?
And as I was reading that Cassandra is great for writing. How can one observe that? Is there open source data that one can use? (I didn't really know where to look.)
A good point getting started with Cassandra are the free online courses from DataStax (an enterprise grade Cassandra distribution):
And for Cassandra beeing good at writing data - have a look here:
The write path comes down to these points:
write the data into the commitlog (append only sequentially, no random io - therefore should be on its own disk to prevent head movements, with ssd no issue)
write the data into memtables (kept in memory - very fast)
So in terms of disk, a write is a simple append to the commitlog in the first place. No data is directly written to the sstables (it's in the commitlog and memtable, which becomes flushed to disk at times as sstables), updates are not changing an sstable on disk (sstables are immutable, an update is written separately with a new timestamp), a delete does not remove data from sstables (sstables are immutable - instead a tombstone is written).
All updates and deletes produce new entries in memtable and sstables, to remove deleted data and to get rid of old versions of data from updates sstables on disk are compacted from time to time into a new one.
Also read about the different compaction strategies (can help you provide good performance), replication factor (how many copies of your data the cluster should keep) and consistency levels (how Cassandra should determine when a write or read is successful, hint: ALL is almost wrong all the time, look for QUORUM).

Is update in place possible in Cassandra?

I have a table in Cassandra where I populate some rows with 1000s of entries (each row is with 10000+ columns). The entries in the rows are very frequently updated, basically just a field (which is an integer) is updated with different values. All other values for the columns remains unmodified. My question is, will the updates be done in-place ? How good is Cassandra for frequent update of entries ?
First of all every update is also a sequential write for cassandra so, as far as cassandra goes it does not make any difference to cassandra whether you update or write.
The real question is how fast do you need to read those writes to be available for reading? As #john suggested, first all the writes are written to a mutable CQL Memtable which resides in memory. So, every update is essentially appended as a new sequential entry to memtable for a particular CQL table. It is concurrently periodically also written to `commitlog' (every 10 seconds) for durability.
When Memtable is full or total size for comittlog is reached, cassandra flushes all the data to immutable Sorted String Table (SSTable). After the flush, compaction is the procedure where all the PK entries for the new column values are kept and all the previous values (before update) are removed.
With flushing frequently comes the overhead on frequent sequential writes to disk and compaction which could take lot of I/O and have a serious impact on cassandra performance.
As far as read goes, first cassandra will try to read from row cache (if its enabled) or from memtable. If it fails there it will go to bloom filter, key cache, partition summary, partition index and finally to SSTable in that order. When the data is collected for all the column values, its aggregate in memory and the column values with latest timestamp are returned to client after aggregation and an entry is made in row cache for that partition key`.
So, yes when you query a partition key, it will scan across all the SSTable for that particular CQL table and the memtable for all the column values that are not being flushed to disk yet.
Initially these updates are stored in an in-memory data structure called Memtable. Memtables are flushed to immutable SSTables at regular intervals.
So a single wide row will be read from various SSTables. It is during a process called 'compacation' the different SSTables will be merged into a bigger SSTable on the disk.
Increasing thresholds for flushing Memtables is one way of optimization. If updates are coming very fast before Memtable is flushed to disk, i think that update should be in-place in memory, not sure though.
Also each read operation checks Memtables first, if data is still there, it will be simply returned – this is the fastest possible access.
Cassandra read path:
When a read request for a row comes in to a node, the row must be combined from all SSTables on that node that contain columns from the row in question
Cassandra write path:
No, in place updates are not possible.
As #john suggested, if you have frequent writes then you should delay the flush process. During the flush, the multiple writes to the same partition that are stored in the MemTable will be written as a single partition in the newly created SSTable.
C* is fine for heavy writes. However, you'll need to monitor the number of SSTables accessed per read. If the # is too high, then you'll need to review your compaction strategy.

physical disk space management of cassandra

Recently I have been looking into Cassandra from our new project's perspective and learned a lot from this community and its wiki too. But I have not found anything about about how updates are managed in Cassandra in terms of physical disk space management though it seems to be very much similar to record delete management using compaction.
Suppose there are 100 records with 5 column values each so when all changes would be flushed disk all records will be written adjacently and when delete operation is done then its marked in Memory table first and physically record is deleted after some time as set in configuration or when its full. And the compaction process claims the space.
Now question is that at one side being schema less there is no fixed number of columns at the the beginning but on the other side when compaction process takes place then.. does it put records adjacently on disk like traditional RDBMS to speed up the read process as for RDBMS its easy because they have to allocate fixed amount of space as per declaration of columns datatype.
But how Cassandra exactly makes the records placement on disk in compaction process (both for update/delete) to speed up the reads?
One more question related to compaction is that when there is no delete queries but there is an update query which updates an existent record with some variable length data or insert altogether a new column then how compaction makes its space available on disk between already existent data rows?
Rows and columns are stored in sorted order in an SSTable. This allows a compaction of multiple SSTables to output a new, (sorted) SSTable, with only sequential disk IO. This new SSTable will be outputted into a new file and freespace on the disks. This process doesn't depend on the number of rows of columns, just on them being stored in a sorted order. So yes, in all SSTables (even those resulting form compactions) rows and columns will be arranged in a sorted order on disk.
Whats more, as you hint at in your question, updates are no different from inserts - they do not overwrite the value on disk, but instead get buffered in a Memtable, then get flushed into a new SSTable. When the new SSTable eventually gets compacted with the SSTable containing the original value, the newer value will annihilate the old one - ie the old value will not be outputted from the compaction. Timestamps are used to decide which values is newest.
Deletes are handled in the same fashion, effectively inserted an "anti-value", or tombstone. The limitation of this process is that is can require significant space overhead. Deletes are effectively 'lazy, so the space doesn't get freed until some time later. Also, while the output of the compaction can be the same size as the input, the old SSTables cannot be deleted until the new one is completed, so this can reduce disk utilisation to 50%.
In the system described above, new values for an existing key can be a different size to the existing key without padding to some pre-determined length, as the new value does not get written over the old value on update, but to a new SSTable.
