Data Cleaning (read, change date format, calculate) in Excel - excel

I tried to find the way from other questions but I am keep getting error message and can't find the right one... So it would be much appreciated if you can help me.
I have a text file and you can download it from link here:!Ag44bY-ZJIWUm2N3wxMdOTZctz90
It would be great if you can tell me how to do following steps:
Read the data in Excel
Change the date format to yyyy-mm-dd h:mm (i.e. 2016-03-14 17:24:55)
Amount column means amount of rain. I'd like to know total rain of morning (00:00 - 12:00) and total rain of afternoon (12:00 - 24:00) per each day. The sample that I want can be downloaded here :!Ag44bY-ZJIWUm2Zz-GW9sBtu4ZA7
Many thanks,

Ok I am expecting you will be able to import the text data into Excel, if not let me know I will let you know how to do it.
After importing the file in excel in Column F use the formula =CONCATENATE(MID(B2,5,2),"/",MID(B2,7,2),"/",LEFT(B2,4))
in Column G use the formula
=IF(MID(B2,10,2)+0>13,"Amount of Rain in the afternoon","Amount of Rain in the morning")
Then simply create a Pivot table Put Column F in Rows, Column G in Columns and Column C (Amount) in Sum of Values to get your desired Data
Excel I worked on is


Is there a way to calculate the average of all these times (Excel 2019)?

I'm trying to find the average time of all these times (see link), but there doesn't seem to be a format that won't convert these into 12 hour time. I currently have them stored as text, so the average currently cannot be calculated. I've tried multiple h:mm:ss formats and related formats, but they all don't give an average after =AVERAGE (C2:C20). Is there a way to do this? Thanks
With the values stored as text, you can get the average with
(this will have to be entered as an array formula if you're using Excel 2019 or earlier)
(the entries in column D are all numbers, with the custom-number format h:mm:ss.0 applied to them)

Excel calculate the duration between two weekdays time

I have this table with me, each record represents one file. My objective is to calculate out the duration for the file to complete.
I stuck at some files are completed within the same day, while some files might complete only after 1 or 2 or 3 days.
Are there any formulas to calculate it out?
You are better off with a single date and time column then use something like the below. Otherwise combine the date and time yourself first
I think I found a way to achieve that. Solution
First I would apologize for my unclear question. The weekdays are text format, the weekend doesn't count, and the durations are confirmed within one week period.
I actually did the below steps and achieved to my objective.
Convert all the weekdays to numbers, refer to column J and K.
Column L is the variance between column J and K. L=K-J
Then the duration M column put this formula will do.

Excel Formula for 2 words

I need to find specific text (in one column) and calculate it and display the answer in another column.
For instance,
find "allocated"
if the date less than today - display SMS2
if the date more than 7 days fom current date- display sms3
below is my current formula (its wrong) -
=IF(DM4="allocated",DP4<1,if(DM4="non-allocated, DP4>today()+6, "sms1","sms2")
Can anyone help me on this.
Use this:
=IF(AND(DM4="allocated",BP4<TODAY()),"sms2",IF(AND(DM4="non-allocated",BP4>TODAY()+7),"sms1","No value"))

Excel integer date-time reference and usage

I'm currently performing analysis on some data. Basically, sorting different product by certain variables, all this in different time frames (product flow every 30 minutes).
My date and time column looks like this: 2.01701E+11 (201701262230).
How do I refer to it?
Thank you.
Thank you for the prompt answer, but I still don't quite get how to use it. I've tried but failed.
Basically imagine I have a column with products (A, B, C, D) and next to them a column with daytimevalues that start at 13 o'clock on a certain day (201701241300) and end at 11PM the same day (201701242300). The range changes each 30 minutes.
I am trying to count all product A on the 24th of January at 13:00, and then at 13:30 and so forth:
the formula would go something like this:
=COUNTIFS(Data[Product_type], "A", Data[day_hour], ??????????)
=DATEVALUE(TEXT(A1,"0000-00-00 00\:00")) this fromula will get you the date.
=TIMEVALUE(TEXT(A1,"0000-00-00 00\:00")) this formula will give you the time.
A1 is the cell containing the input value
In the Image the column C and D contains the above mentioned formula...
you can use the above formula in cell G3 to get desired output...similarly you can use it to get other values as well.
enter image description here
You can see the situation here. Basically I have the dates under that form. I need to count the countries by occurence in time, every have hour in a given day.

Creating a sum based on a category within a date range

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that I can easily take an export from's CSV outputs and get them into my Excel budget.
To do so, I need a way to populate each field within a date range. I'd like to avoid macros if possible (I don't know how to make them).
I'm happy to share my finished .xls with the public!
I've imported's data in a manner that has column S for the date (3/30), column V with the cash value that I need to add up, and column X for the spending category.
I need to tally each month's spending ($V) by category (column X).
Through research, I devised this (for my January "Gas & Fuel" spending):
=SUMIFS($W$2:$W$900, $T$2:$T$900, ">="&W$12, $T$2:$T$900, "<"&(EOMONTH(D$1,0)+1), $Y$2:$Y$900, "="&$B5)
However, it required that I reformat my Dates, which is an issue because this would become specific to each year and I would need to change the fields every year. I'd like the document to be usable without adjustment using my spending data from the past and future.
Is there a way to take the year out of the equation? To make that formula above work, I renamed my column from "January" to "1/14".
Here is what the spreadsheet looks like
A pivot table would work best with that data.
Initial set up would show each day separately, but by using Grouping
(here) ^^^
you can group the data by month/day/year/however
