I have a program that made with c# and it has include more pictures and files.
And how I make an exe that include all of images and files.
You can use Application Resources in visual studio.
Right click on Project (Solution Explorer) and Go to Properties
Select Resources tab
Add what you want (Images, Files, Strings etc.)
You can access them in your code as per below
Properties.Resources.<Resource Name>
If you added image img1 to Resources
you can use below code to use it
pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.img1;
I am using an Alteryx workflow to download a .xlsx with multiple tabs from an FTP. The file is downloaded to temp folder as that's the option I choose. I want to further process this file by accessing various tabs. I am aware of how to process excel with multiple tabs (reading the sheet names and selecting one as template).
However, in this case, I can't select a single tab as template since the file downloaded from FTP is only created at run time. I can provide a relative path for file %temp%test.xlsx but can't access individual tabs to select one.
I need to schedule this workflow in Alteryx gallery so I don't want to use an absolute download path on local system that may fail when running in gallery.
Can someone throw light on how to get around this situation?
You can use an example of that file to develop the workflow and then change the path to %temp%test.xlsx||| with '' being one of the sheets you use.
I haven't got the exact example to test, but that should work. You may need a Block until Done before the Dynamic Input though.
I am processing a big images dataset and I'm trying to reorder the files in classes, while at the same time keeping the original directory structure.
To do this, I make a second directory structure with symlinks to the files in the first one.
Everything works as it should but for one small detail: the symlinks created via os.symlink() do not show the image thumbnail, while if I make a link of the same file (e.g., via right click & send to Desktop) I do see the thumbnail.
I wanted to check how the two link files differ (note, the link files themselves, not the linked file), but if I try to drag the os.symlink-generated file in a text editor it opens the linked file instead (while this does not happen with the .lnk file generated via right-click).
What's the difference between the link files? Is os.symlink making something different than a .lnk file? If so, is there a way to get the thumbnail? And if there's no such way, how can I make a .lnk file instead?
In order to include any file in the WEC7 we have to use the bib files.
In my case I created a subproject in which I wrote an application, now I want this application to be included in the run-time image. So I opened the project.bib file and wrote the following entries.
As it is an executable file, it should be in the MODULES Section
Subproject2.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\Subproject2.exe NK
When I loaded the image on the device, I checked the Windows folder for the image, it was not present.
But when i wrote this in the FILES section
Subproject2.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\Subproject2.exe NK
It is present in the windows folder, may I know the reason?
Is it that for executables we have to keep it in the FILES section?
Or whether I'm doing anything wrong?
The MODULES section is for exe's or dll's that you may want to execute in-place, that is, without first loading them into RAM. Modules listed in this section will not be compressed in the final nk.bin image.
The FILES section on the other hand is for files that can be compressed in the image without affecting the ability to run in-place. This includes resources like bitmap images, audio and video files, and, perhaps surprisingly, also .NET exe's and dll's which are not real executables in this context (they are always loaded into memory before execution).
So generally, unmanaged/non-.NET executables should be placed in the MODULES section.
When you make changes to the .bib file be aware that, depending on the BSP, you may need to perform a platform sysgen and copy files to the release directory before generating the image.
In Platform Builder 7.0, this is done by right-clicking the Platform name in Solution Explorer and hitting Sysgen(SysgenPlatform...), followed by a trip to the Build menu and the Copy Files to Release Directory command.
You'll need to do the same if you change any .reg, .dat or .db files.
Notice that you can load the nk.bin file directly in Platform Builder to inspect its contents, files, registry entries, etc. This can potentially save some time compared to installing the image in the target. Just go through the File menu, Open, File... and navigate to the nk.bin file.
Just like Search result can feed the listbox (which opens new temporary tab),
is there a way to:
simply select files from one directory and feed the listbox?
select files from multiple directories and feed the same listbox?
Just to rename listbox's temporary tab and you could have favorite list of items over which you could perform more actions. This would increase productivity tremendously!
Regarding #1:
After you select the files activate:
Menu > Show > Only Selected Files
Regarding #2:
It's probably not what you were after, but you can use DiskDir / DiskDir Extended to add files (using a packer functionality, so you create an 'archive' file with extension .lst which contains a hierarchical list of the added files. You can then change source folder and then add more files. Later you just click on the .lst file and it looks no different then your normal file / folder list. Unfortunatelly you cannot rename the files, but you can launch them, with an extra confirmation.
Similar functionalitybut with 'source' renaming functionality limited to one file only (?): Virtual Panel, (File System Plugin, accessible through the Network Neighborhood 'drive'). It can launch files without a confirmation window. Rename 'source/target' file when you use it's own subbar (located here: %%COMMANDER_PATH%%\Plugins\WFX\VirtualPanel\EN\VirtualPanel.bar, make sure that you also have installed the AskParam addon and have paths in the VirtualPanel.bar right (both to AskParam.exe and VPBatch.exe). 'Regular' rename will change the file name only in the virtual panel.
URL: Virtual Panel Plugin
Right now the Release build just makes the files necessary for the install. But I want to create the CD structure automatically with InstallShield, so that when I go to Tools, Open Release Folder
it has
I've looked at the execute batch file or copy to folder options for a Release, I was hoping there was something more friendly within InstallShield.
using version 12.
I created a feature / component called CDOnly which is not visible, selected, and doesn't copy, but does put the files in the Disk Images / Disk1 folder.
So by changing the default directories of features and putting special things in CDOnly I was able to create the structure I wanted.