What is the most correct method of updating an Aggregate through an Aggregate Root? - domain-driven-design

Following the good practices of DDD, Aggregate and Aggregate Root. I have the following scenario:
User (Aggregate Root)
A collection of UserEmail (inside User)
Imagining that I have registered a User with 10 Emails, what would be the most correct and perfomable way of updating one of these emails?
Method 1
static void UpdateEmailForExistingUserMethod1()
var userId = new Guid("f0cd6e3e-b95b-4dab-bb0b-7e6c6e1b0855");
var emailId = new Guid("804aff75-8e48-4f53-b55d-8d3ca76a2df9");
using(var repository = new UserRepository())
// I'm going to return the user with all their emails?
// I will not have performance problems for bringing all emails from this user?
var user = repository.GetUserById(userId);
if (user == null)
Console.WriteLine("User not found");
// Updating Email in Aggregate Root
user.UpdateEmail(emailId, "updated1#email.com");
// Commit in repository
if (repository.Commit() > 0)
Console.WriteLine("E-mail updated with method 1!");
Method 2:
static void UpdateEmailForExistingUserMethod2()
var usuarioId = new Guid("f0cd6e3e-b95b-4dab-bb0b-7e6c6e1b0855");
var emailId = new Guid("3b9c2f36-659e-41e8-a1c6-d879ab58352c");
using(var usuarioRepository = new UserRepository())
if (!usuarioRepository.UserExists(usuarioId))
Console.WriteLine("User not found");
if (!usuarioRepository.EmailExists(emailId))
Console.WriteLine("E-mail not found");
// Grab only the email that I will update from the repository,
// optimizing performance
var usuarioEmail = usuarioRepository.GetEmailById(emailId);
// Updates the e-mail through a method of the e-mail entity itself
// Commit in repository
if (usuarioRepository.Commit() > 0)
Console.WriteLine("E-mail updated with method 2!");

If User is the root of the aggregate, then all modifications to the aggregate should be made by invoking a method on the root; so your "Method 1" is the correct pattern.
Specifically -- access to other entities within the aggregate is achieved by invoking a method on the root, and allowing the root to delegate the work to the internal entity if necessary.
The point is that the aggregate root(s) define the boundary between the domain model and the application.
Now, in some cases, this constraint doesn't seem to make much sense. When that happens, challenge your assumptions: are you sure that email is an entity? are you sure that entity needs to be transactionally consistent with the user entity?
For something like an email address, I would expect that the email address is going to be a value object, which can be added to a collection internal to user. So I wouldn't expect to see EmailId as an abstraction.
user.FixTypoInEmailAddress("updated#email.com", "updated1#email.com")
Do not multiply entities beyond necessity.


How to implement unique key constraints in CouchDB

I use CouchDB and I would like all my users to have unique emails. I would expect that the database return a status 400 (bad request) when I try to duplicate an email.
But since there is no way to define constraints in CouchDB, I should implement it myself, my question is:
In which layer of my application should this rule stand?
(1) Domain objects layer
I don't really know how to implement it in this layer
(2) Interactor layer
This constraint could be implemented in interactors here since there is the place where business rules stand. But if there is multiple rules for single document it could add unnecessary complexity...
function createUser(userData) {
let email = userData.email;
let exist = await userDB.userExist(email);
if(exist) {
// return status 400
} else {
// create user
(3) Database gateway layer
The constraint can also be implemented in the database gateway layer. Usually we'll have a gateway for each specific entity. But does that means that external services adapters contains a bit of business logic?
class userDB() {
constructor(opts) {
this.db = opts.db.connect();
async userExist(email) {
return await this.db.fetchByView('email', email);
async create(email) {
let exist = await this.userExist(data.email);
if(exist) {
// throw error
} else {
// create the user
Unique email address is a very old DDD topic. It relates to the set validation.
The simplest (and from my point of view is also the best) is to place a constraint at the database level.
From what I know, the only whay to create an unique constraint in CouchDB is to use the _id field so you can use this solution. This idea is to put the email in the _id field.
let exist = await this.userExist(data.email);
if(exist) { // throw
error } else { // create the user }
This method is not safe for concurrent updates. Two users can be created at the same time. Imagine that for both the requests the this.userExist(data.email) is returning false.
I am not a CouchDB expert but from pure Clean Architecture perspective ensuring unique email addresses is a business rule which should be implemented in an interactor.
With this approach ur business rule would remain intact even if u would once decide to replace the detail CouchDB with some other detail - another storage system.

Azure Mobile Services Soft Delete Issue / Practices

With soft delete turned on, I add a single record on the client, push, delete the added record push and then attempt to add a new record (and then push) with the same primary key as the initial record I get an exception. It would appear that EntityDomainManager just attempts to do a new insert without checking to see if the record is to be 'updated' instead of inserted.
However if I turn off soft delete in the domain manager constructor everything works fine.
We are using incremental sync, so soft delete as I understand it is required to make this work, so we don't end up with different pictures of what's right between mobile and server.
When is/are the recommended approach? A Custom EntityDomainManager (or other DomainManager)? If so it would be useful for more clarity on the interactions between the table controller and the domain manager.
I have constructed this custom domain manager which seems to work, but would appreciate any guidance/suggestions.
public class CustomEntityDomainManager<TData> : EntityDomainManager<TData> where TData : class, ITableData
public CustomEntityDomainManager(DbContext context, HttpRequestMessage request, ApiServices services)
: base(context, request, services)
public CustomEntityDomainManager(DbContext context, HttpRequestMessage request, ApiServices services, bool enableSoftDelete) : base(context, request, services, enableSoftDelete)
public async override Task<TData> InsertAsync(TData data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
// now then, if we have soft delete enabled & data has been provided with an id in it
if (EnableSoftDelete && data.Id != null)
// now look to see if the record exists and if it is deleted
// if so we look to remove the record before then attempting the insert
// record old value of deleted, since need to query to see if deleted.
var oldIncludeDeleted = IncludeDeleted;
IncludeDeleted = true;
var existingData = await this.Lookup(data.Id).Queryable.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
// if record exists, and its soft deleted then truly delete it
if (existingData != null && existingData.Deleted)
// now need to remove this record...
IncludeDeleted = oldIncludeDeleted;
if (data.Id == null)
data.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
return await base.InsertAsync(data);
This behavior is by design--we require that you do an explicit undelete before doing the update.
The solution you've presented is fine. You can also move the code to your table controller, assuming you only need this behavior in one table. If you need it in multiple tables, then the custom domain manager is the best approach.

OrganizationServiceContext: System.InvalidOperationException: The context is already tracking the 'contact' entity

I'm trying to create a plugin that changes all related contacts' address fields if the parent account's address field is changed in account form. I created a plugin to run in pre operation stage (update message against account entity) synchronously.
I used LINQ query to retrieve all related contacts and it works. Then I'm using foreach loop to loop trough all contacts and change them address fields. I'm using OrganizationServiceContext.AddObject(); function to add every contact to the tracking pipeline (or whatever it's called) and finally I'm using OrganizationServiceContext.SaveChanges(); to trying to save all contacts. But that's when I'm getting this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: The context is already tracking the 'contact' entity.
Here's my code
// Updating child contacts' fields
if (context.PreEntityImages.Contains("preAccount") && context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity) {
if (((Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"]).Contains("address2_name")) {
Entity account = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
Entity preAccount = (Entity)context.PreEntityImages["preAccount"];
if (account["address2_name"] != preAccount["address2_name"]) {
EntityReference parentCustomer = new EntityReference(account.LogicalName, account.Id);
Contact[] childContacts = orgService.ContactSet.Where(id => id.ParentCustomerId == parentCustomer).ToArray();
foreach (Contact contact in childContacts) {
contact.Address2_Name = (string)account["address2_name"];
What I'm doing wrong?
You already attached the entities to the context when you retrieved the contacts with the query
Contact[] childContacts = orgService.ContactSet.Where(id => id.ParentCustomerId == parentCustomer).ToArray();
so you don't need to add again the entities to the context, instead you need to update them, by:
orgService.UpdateObject(contact); // this row instead of orgService.AddObject(contact);

How can I update a content item (draft) from a background task in Orchard?

I have a simple IBackgroundTask implementation that performs a query and then either performs an insert or one or more updates depending on whether a specific item exists or not. However, the updates are not persisted, and I don't understand why. New items are created just as expected.
The content item I'm updating has a CommonPart and I've tried authenticating as a valid user. I've also tried flushing the content manager at the end of the Sweep method. What am I missing?
This is my Sweep, slightly edited for brevity:
public void Sweep()
// Authenticate as the site's super user
var superUser = _membershipService.GetUser(_orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.SuperUser);
// Create a dummy "Person" content item
var item = _contentManager.New("Person");
var person = item.As<PersonPart>();
if (person == null)
person.ExternalId = Random.Next(1, 10).ToString();
person.FirstName = GenerateFirstName();
person.LastName = GenerateLastName();
// Check if the person already exists
var matchingPersons = _contentManager
.Query<PersonPart, PersonRecord>(VersionOptions.AllVersions)
.Where(record => record.ExternalId == person.ExternalId)
if (!matchingPersons.Any())
// Insert new person and quit
_contentManager.Create(item, VersionOptions.Draft);
// There are at least one matching person, update it
foreach (var updatedPerson in matchingPersons)
updatedPerson.FirstName = person.FirstName;
updatedPerson.LastName = person.LastName;
Try to add _contentManager.Publish(updatedPerson). If you do not want to publish, but just to save, you don't need to do anything more, as changes in Orchard as saved automatically unless the ambient transaction is aborted. The call to Flush is not necessary at all. This is the case both during a regular request and on a background task.

Where to check user email does not already exist?

I have an account object that creates a user like so;
public class Account
public ICollection<User> Users { get; set; }
public User CreateUser(string email)
User user = new User(email);
user.Account = this;
In my service layer when creating a new user I call this method. However there is a rule that the users email MUST be unique to the account, so where does this go? To me it should go in the CreateUser method with an extra line that just checks that the email is unique to the account.
However if it were to do this then ALL the users for the account would need to be loaded in and that seems like a bit of an overhead to me. It would be better to query the database for the users email - but doing that in the method would require a repository in the account object wouldn't it? Maybe the answer then is when loading the account from the repository instead of doing;
var accountRepository.Get(12);
//instead do
var accountRepository.GetWithUserLoadedOnEmail(12, "someone#example.com");
Then the account object could still check the Users collection for the email and it would have been eagerly loaded in if found.
Does this work? What would you do?
I'm using NHibernate as an ORM.
First off, I do not think you should use exceptions to handle "normal" business logic like checking for duplicate email addresses. This is a well document anti-pattern and is best avoided. Keep the constraint on the DB and handle any duplicate exceptions because they cannot be avoid, but try to keep them to a minimum by checking. I would not recommend locking the table.
Secondly, you've put the DDD tag on this questions, so I'll answer it in a DDD way. It looks to me like you need a domain service or factory. Once you have moved this code in a domain service or factory, you can then inject a UserRepository into it and make a call to it to see if a user already exists with that email address.
Something like this:
public class CreateUserService
private readonly IUserRepository userRepository;
public CreateUserService(IUserRepository userRepository)
this.userRepository = userRepository;
public bool CreateUser(Account account, string emailAddress)
// Check if there is already a user with this email address
User userWithSameEmailAddress = userRepository.GetUserByEmailAddress(emailAddress);
if (userWithSameEmailAddress != null)
return false;
// Create the new user, depending on you aggregates this could be a factory method on Account
User newUser = new User(emailAddress);
return true;
This allows you to separate the responsiblities a little and use the domain service to coordinate things. Hope that helps!
If you have properly specified the constraints on the users table, the add should throw an exception telling you that there is already a duplicate value. You can either catch that exception in the CreateUser method and return null or some duplicate user status code, or let it flow out and catch it later.
You don't want to test if it exists in your code and then add, because there is a slight possibility that between the test and the add, someone will come along and add the same email with would cause the exception to be thrown anyway...
public User CreateUser(string email)
User user = new User(email);
user.Account = this;
catch (SqlException e)
// It would be best to check for the exception code from your db...
return null;
Given that "the rule that the users email MUST be unique to the account", then the most important thing is to specify in the database schema that the email is unique, so that the database INSERT will fail if the email is duplicate.
You probably can't prevent two users adding the same email nearly-simultaneously, so the next thing is that the code should handle (gracefully) an INSERT failure cause by the above.
After you've implemented the above, seeing whether the email is unique before you do the insert is just optional.
