Getting average of top 1/3, second 1/3, and last 1/3 of values in column - excel

I have a column with numbers and a reference column. I'm trying to separate the numbers column into first third, second third, and last third and take the average of each.
Values Ref column
1.7 cow
2.3 cow
2.6 cow
1.8 sheep
1.3 sheep
2.2 sheep
1.5 sheep
1.2 sheep
2.3 sheep
1.5 goose
2.5 goose
So, for example, the average of the first two values for "sheep", second two, and last two. In other words, I want to take the average of each 1/3 of cells adjacent to "sheep".

Add a column to cumulatively count the instances of the word you're looking at, then check that row number in your AVERAGE.
C2 = =CountIf($B$2:$B2, $B2) and fill down => values should be {1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2}
E1 = sheep
E2 = =CountIf($B:$B, $E$1) => 6
E3 = {=Average(If(($B:$B = $E$1) * ($C:$C <= $E$2 / 3), $A:$A))} (note this is an array formula, as designated by the {} around it) => 1.55
E3 = {=Average(If(($B:$B = $E$1) * ($C:$C > $E$2 / 3) * ($C:$C <= 2 * $E$2 / 3), $A:$A))} => 1.85
E3 = {=Average(If(($B:$B = $E$1) * ($C:$C > 2 * $E$2 / 3), $A:$A))} => 1.75
Array formulas, if I remember correctly, are entered the same as normal formulas (don't include the {}, that gets entered automatically), but you press Ctrl (and possibly Shift) with Enter when you finish.
NB - these look at the entire column. You can speed them up by changing $A:$A to $A$2:$A$12 (likewise for $B:$B and $C:$C). Just bear in mind that for any data you append to this list, you'll need to update the formulas; but you can insert data into the middle of the list and it will update them automatically.

use a formula like this:
This does require that the ref column be sorted and like references grouped.
This array formula will return the averages even if not sorted:
array formula need to be entered with Ctrl-Shift-enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.

Well supposing there were 7 sheep values and you wanted to do a weighted mean (e.g. the first mean would be calculated from the first two sheep plus a third of the third one)?
I have attempted a general solution for this dividing any number of animals into any number of fractions and finding their average values. My approach is to use the elegant overlap formula from #Barry Houdini as used here and work out the overlap between the intervals (in the case of 7 animals divided into 3):
0 to 2.33
2.33 to 4.67
4.67 to 7
and the numbers of the animals
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
and so on.
In H4
In G4
The main formula in I4 is
entered as an array formula.
The fractions can be changed to halves, quarters etc. by changing the number in H2.


Presenting a value based on number or text in cell

I have a list of 4 values in Sheet1 and 4 values in Sheet2.
In Sheet3 I will combine a random selection of these numbers and return the value in a column. (edit: no random selection from Excel, its a part picked from a bucket)
(A fifth column in Sheet3 will be used to do calculations with ValueS1 and ValueS2)
What kind of function can give the desired return?
I have looked into examples using "Indirect" but cannot see how they will solve my problem.
for the randomization: =ROUNDUP(RAND()*4,0)
rand() gives you a number between 0 and 1, so rand()*4 gives you a number between 0 and 4.
roundup(x,y) round up the number x with y digits you want to round the number up to (in our case 0).
for import the right number from sheet 1 or 2: =VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!A1:B2,2,0)
A1 - The value you look for in sheet 1 or 2.
Sheet1!A1:B4 - The array he look for your value on the firs column, always on the first column.
2 - The column you want to import the value from. (because we write an array of tow columns. we can write here only 1 or 2)
0 - it's an Optionally index (0 or 1). o is if you want an exact match of the return value.
Regular Lookup could do:
=LOOKUP(A2:A5,Sheet1!A2:A5,Sheet1!B2:B5) in Sheet3!C2
=LOOKUP(B2:B5,Sheet2!A2:A5,Sheet2!B2:B5) in Sheet3!D2
Note that LOOKUP will give the result to the closest match smaller than the search value.
=VLOOKUP(A2:A5,Sheet1!A2:B5,2,0) / =VLOOKUP(B2:B5,Sheet2!A2:B5,2,0)
VLOOKUP will error if the value is not found (the way used above). It uses arguments like this:
=VLOOKUP(What you want to look up, where you want to look for it, the column number in the range containing the value to return, return an Approximate or Exact match – indicated as 1/TRUE, or 0/FALSE)
Office 365 has XLOOKUP which combines the logic of the two above and some more:
=XLOOKUP(A2:A5,Sheet1!A2:A5,Sheet1!B2:B5,"value not found",0)
XLOOKUP uses the following arguments:
=XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

Sum of the greatest value in one column, plus the sum of the other values in another column

Consider the following sheet/table:
1 90 71
2 40 25
3 60 16
4 110 13
5 87 82
I want to have a general formula in cell C1 that sums the greatest value in column A (which is 110), plus the sum of the other values in column B (which are 71, 25, 16 and 82). I would appreciate if the formula wasn't an array formula (as in requiring Ctrl + Shift + Enter). I don’t have Office 365, I have Excel 2019.
My attempt
Getting the greatest value in column A is easy, we use MAX(A1:A5).
So the formula I want in cell C1 should be something like:
=MAX(A1:A5) + SUM(array_of_values_to_be_summed)
Obtaining the values of the other rows in column B (what I called array_of_values_to_be_summed in the previous formula) is the hard part. I've read about using INDEX, MATCH, their combination, and obtaining arrays by using parenthesis and equal signs, and I've tried that, without success so far.
For example, I noticed that NOT((A1:A5 = MAX(A1:A5))) yields an array/list containing ones (or TRUEs) for the relative position of the rows to be summed, and containing a zero (or FALSE) for the relative position of the row to be omitted. Maybe this is useful, I couldn't find how.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Edit 1 (solution)
I managed to obtain what I wanted. I simply multiplied the array obtained with the NOT formula, by the range B1:B5. The final formula is:
=MAX(A1:A5) + SUM(NOT((A1:A5 = MAX(A1:A5))) * B1:B5)
Edit 2 (duplicate values)
I forgot to explain what the formula should do if there are duplicates in column A. In that case, the first term of my final formula (the term that has the MAX function) would be the one whose corresponding value in column B is smallest, and the value in column B of the other duplicates would be used in the second term (the one containing the SUM function).
For example, consider the following sheet/table:
1 90 71
2 110 25
3 60 16
4 110 13
5 110 82
Based on the above table, the formula should yield 110 + (71 + 25 + 16 + 82) = 304.
Just to give context, the reason I want such a formula is because I’m writing a spreadsheet that automatically calculates the electric current rating of the short-circuit protective device of the feeder of a group of electric motors in a house or building or mall, as required by the article 430.62(A) of the US National Electrical Code. Column A is the current rating of the short-circuit protective device of the branch-circuit of each motors, and column B is the full-load current of each motor.
You can use this formula
Based on #Anupam Chand's hint for max-value-duplicates there could also be min-value-duplicates in column B for corresponding max-value-duplicates in column A. :) This formula would account for that
Or with #Anupam Chand's shorter and better readable and overall better style :)
The explanation works for bot solutions:
The SUM-part just sums the whole list.
The second line gets the max-value for column A and the corresponding min-value of column B for the max-values in column A and adds or subtracts it respectively.
The third line counts, how many times the corresponding min-value for the max-value occurs and multiplies it with the second line.
Can you try this ?
What we're doing is adding the max of A to all rows of B and then subtracting the min value of B where A is the max.
If you have Excel 365 you can use the following LET-Formula
MinBExclude, MINIFS(B,A,MaxA),
MaxA +sumB1+sumB2
A and B are shortcuts for the two ranges
MaxA returns the max value for A (110)
MinBExclude filters the values of column B by the MaxA-value (25, 13, 82) and returns the min-value of the filtered result (13)
sumB1 returns the sum of the other MaxA values from column B (26 + 82)
sumB2 returns the sum of the values from B where value in A <> MaxA (71 + 60)
and finally the result is returned
If you don't have Excel 365 you can add helper columns for MaxA, MinBExclude, sumB1 and sumB2 and the final result

array based on max and less than?

I'm not sure if I'm over complicating this...
basically I'd like to have a formula which is
if the c column is less than 6, then look up the max value in B but display the value of C
so far I have this but I'd like it to show 2, not 437
{=MAX(IF(C2:C12<6,B2:B12, 0))}
any advice is appreciated. i'm shy, be nice..thanks
cat 110 3
dog 148 4
rooster 36 7
duck 32 8
pig 437 2
horse 44 6
eagle 215 5
dolphin 21 1
panda 2 9
iguana 257 10
fish 199 11
maybe something like
but I don't see where to put b2:b12
You really need two conditions
1) Column B is equal to =MAX(IF(C2:C12<6,B2:B12))
2) Column C is <6
so you can INDEX column C when those two are met, i.e.
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
You were almost there..
Basically if C<6 , find max of B , lookup it in B:C and display corresponding C
{=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(MAX(IF(C2:C12<6,B2:B12, 0)),B2:C12,2,FALSE),0)}
Since your question doesn't clarify what if c>=6 I assume you don't want value.
Can answer more precisely if you clarify.
Mark this as answer if that's correct.
Hope this helps!
As I could see you requested a single INDEX formula:
This is an array formula, hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter while still in the formula bar.
Lets break this down.
=INDEX(C:C, - Index column C as these are the values you want returned
MATCH(IF(C:C<6,B:B,0), - Find the largest value from the following array in the array and return it's relative position for INDEX()
IF(C:C<6,B:B,0),0)) - If the value in column c is less than 6 then add the column B value to the array, otherwise add 0

Google Sheets Arithmetic Search

I have two Google sheets tabs:
--A-- --B--
--1-- type lessThan10Apart
--2-- Car 1
--3-- Plane 0
--A-- --B-- --C--
--1-- type sourceA sourceB
--2-- Car 1 100
--3-- Plane 10 100
--4-- Car 2 4
My question is how to create the lessThan10Apart formula above. lessThan10Apart should match up the type from sheet I to sheet II and only count the rows that: Are less than 10 units between A and B. But you can also imagine wanting to do any kind of arithmetic between columns B and C and running a COUNT.
My first attempt is something along the lines of:
=COUNTIFS('sheetII'!A:A),$A2, //Match column A
ABS('sheetII'!C:C-'sheetII'!B:B)<10 //Doesn't work!
The problem is that you can't seem to be able to do range calculations like this in COUNTIFS.
For the count (per F4 in supplied image),
For the validSum (sum of absolute difference between B & C; per G4 in supplied image),
=SUMPRODUCT(--(ABS(B2:B4-C2:C4)<10), ABS(B2:B4-C2:C4))
Do not use full column references. Minimize your referenced ranges.
Discard the Car text in E4 in the above image.

Excel - allocate weight based on text

I have an risk control assessment where some controls are key and hold greater weight than non key controls.
Key vaule (1-4)
Y 4
Y 3
N 2
N 2
I want the keys with a "Y" to be summed at a weight of 70% and the non-keys with an "N" to be summed at a weight of 30%.
If we add the column we get 11. However, I want the 7 (4+3) to be multiplied by 70% and the 4 (2+2) be multiplied by 30%.
There may be 4 rows or 40. There generally are only 1 or 2 key controls ("Y"), but, if there are 40 rows or controls, there may be up to 5 "Y"s.
Any thoughts?
A simple way to do what I think you want would be to create a third column that had formulas like this one: =IF(A1="Y",B1*0.7,B1*0.3). Then, you could use the SUM function to add up all of the results. See the cells with formulas below.
Key Value Weighted Value
Y 1 =IF(A2="Y",B2*0.7,B2*0.3)
N 2 =IF(A3="Y",B3*0.7,B3*0.3)
N 3 =IF(A4="Y",B4*0.7,B4*0.3)
Y 4 =IF(A5="Y",B5*0.7,B5*0.3)
Here would be the result...
Key Value Weighted Value
Y 1 0.7
N 2 0.6
N 3 0.9
Y 4 2.8
As you can seen from #TimWilliams' comment, there is some uncertainty about your requirement but if it is weighting factors then the following formula might suit:
copied down to suit and assuming a layout as shown:
