Disable a Band that has an Empty Data in Stimulsoft Reports - stimulsoft

I have a Band in a Stimulsoft Report which sometimes it have Empty Data.
When it's Empty, it shows the empty row and if numeric, it shows 0.
I want the band to display but I don't want it display when it's Empty.
How can I disable it?
If I should put a Condition, what is the command? & what should I do?

You should use next expression DetaSource.Count == 0 and uncheck the Component Is Enabled option.


Hide a band in stimulsoft report based on condition

I have a report with stimulsoft.
This report consists of 3 bands, how can I hide a band based on field data(i.e ID is null) at run time.
You could use the Conditions. Specify an expression when the band should be hidden and uncheck the Component is Enabled option there.

Tablesorter : columnSelector default hidden WITH columnSelector_saveColumns:true

I have the same problem as in this post. My table shows several information such as the sector of a company. A sector can be classified in 4 levels so depending on the user he might want a general sector or a very detail one (to compare companies with help of a dropdown filter).
As said by Mottie in the post mentioned above, using "columnSelector-false" does work but as long as I don't set columnSelector_saveColumns to true. But I want both... There is about 16 columns and so, the user might be interested by some columns and wants to hide some without unchecking them every time he comes back to this page within the same session.
If nothing is stored, the default value (3 columns hidden on my case) should be applied. Then the values is stored in memory (hidden) and this value is used until the user select the column via the columnSelector and then the visible value is stored in memory etc...
Isn't is possible to do like that with the plugin?
Is there something I can do ?
Thanks for your help.
I'm using tablesorter v2.28.8.
After several test, I've decided to reinclude the Auto mode (which I had deactivated). Indeed it did exactly what I want. So it becomes :
columnSelector_mediaquery : true // Auto mode activated
columnSelector_mediaqueryHidden: true // Hide columns defined as columnSelector-false so I can decide what to hide by default.
But, I have a table with 16 columns (short width) : 3 are hidden by default, 5 are under a colspan.
Demo 1 (without colspan) : It works as I want (columns are saved while not in auto mode, and in auto mode I decide which columns to show to the user)...but no colspan.
Demo 2 (with colspan) : Once I have colspan the headers Type2 et Type 3 are not hidden in auto but 2 <td> have been hidden.
It's a bug, isn't ?
Thanks for your advice.

Hide a band in stimulsoft report

I have a mrt report with multiple bands,
Can I hide any of this bands on some condition ?
For example there is a string field in footerband and I want to hide this band if this field is empty
You can use the Conditions for this.
There is a Component is Enabled option. You should disable it. After this if the Condition expression is true the component will be disabled.

SSRS Visual Studio Expression for : If TXTBOX empty dont show data in TXTBOX 2

i have a report and the user has 2 text boxes if one text box is empty i want the other to not show anything
is there an expression to do so ?
so if i have
no data in a calculated field then i don't want to show anything in the other box,
as currently it shows regardless if theirs data or not.
ive tried looking at IfNothing but as this is
a condition baced on weather a seperate text box is populated then i dont think it will work
You can set the value of the second textbox based on the data in the first in the following way.
In the second textbox create a new expression as follows
=iif(isnothing(ReportItems!txtSource.Value), "Nothing", "Something")
Where txtSource is the name of the textbox you wish to inspect for data. When the value of txtSource is equivalent to null, in the example above Nothing is displayed, otherwise Something

SSRS won't expand the row height when exported to Excel

I have a report I am doing with SSRS 2008 with some rows that have multiple elements inside them. On the preview the row automatically expands to support the extra elements but however when I export the report to Excel it appears only as a single row with just the one element displayed, although all the elements are there when I double click the row or manually expand it.
I've checked everything...Can grow is set to true and the properties on the text box allows it's height to increase however it seems to ignore these.
Here it is in the preview
In Excel
Sorry about the links to the pictures and not in this question
Both CanGrow and CanShrink properties should be set to false. There is nothing like CanGrow and CanShrink in Excel. By setting them to false it will display the height as it is. Otherwise it will set the height to a default value.
This worked for me. Check this Row height not preserved when exporting to Excel thread for more suggestions.
Came across this (again) recently and thought I'd share my take...
Whether Excel correctly renders the height has to do with merged columns. Take note of your column alignments throughout all objects on the page. Any objects not tied to the data table itself (or embedded inside the data table) must be aligned with the columns of the table in question, at least for the cells that need to wrap text. If there is any overlap causing the table columns to be split and the cells of wrapped text to be re-merged, Excel will not recognize the row height by either setting the CanGrow to True or snapping the row to fit within Excel.
In the original post, the user mentioned rows with multiple elements inside of them. It is possible that those elements caused the column to split for the surrounding subtotals or adjacent groups with wrapped text.
Setting the CanGrow to False will simply prevent any automatic sizing of the row height by default for both the web view and Excel export, so I don't know if that's the ideal solution to this problem.
Both CanGrow and CanShrink properties should be set to false
This must be done for all cells in the row of the Tablix!!
Otherwise the data is not properly exported.
reduce the widths of the rows and it fixed my problem
I remove the header of the report, and all works perfectly.
I have other reports and I see now that if I remove the textboxes that are included on the sheet when exporting to excel, then the row heights in excel are sized properly.
I know this is an old question but I've been struggling with it. My issue was that I had a second field in a column where I inserted a placeholder underneath the field in the column. When exporting to Excel I wanted it to be tall enough that the second field would show underneath the main field in the column.
To get it to work for me, I inserted a blank column next to it and made it just wide enough for a single character. Then I click and hit enter several times to force it to be multiple lines. When I export, I have a blank column but otherwise it worked for me.
