how to store an excel file from FTP server into oracle using PLSQ developer - excel

i get few excel files via FTP server i want to save those files into my table in clob using plsql developer.


Save file from the Azure AVD webclient to local machine

I have access to avd using webclient. When I open excel file and try to save it into my local machine I get an error and an empty tmp file is downloaded instead of the excel file.
When I copy an excel file to the download folder, it get it correctly. However not all users have access to windows desktop. So they can not copy to the download folder.
I used a Microsoft Remote desktop to do the same work and it works correctly when saving excel file.
Is it a limitation on when using web client or I missed a config on my browser?

Automating Macros for an excel file in SFTP location

I have an excel file in an SFTP location with inbuilt macros in it. I want to do an automation such that the macro runs at a certain time daily in the SFTP server.
Initially I did it using task scheduler, but now that the file is not available locally and since it is residing in the SFTP Location I am unsure on what to do.
You can't. The SFTP server is a file store, not an application server.
So, download the file in question to a local folder, run your macro using this local file, and - when done - upload it to the SFTP server overwriting the old file.

Is there Support .sql File in SharePoint?

I uploaded .sql file in sharepoint. Unfortunately; there is only a download option if I want to view it. Is there a way to maintain such files in Sharepoint other than in .txt file?
As I understand, .sql is struct Query Language Data file,so SharePoint not provide the default program to open .sql file.
If you are using MS SQL Server Database, you could download and install SQL Server Management Shell which supported to open .sql file:
Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

How to import data from excel file to oracle database by using oracle forms

I want to import data of excel file to oracle database by using oracle forms 10g . I try to use WebUtil but it is so slow.
Can any one help me to find another way?
Big Thanks
The easiest way is to get the file on the database server.
If the file is on the client side, you can do this by using a shared drive between your application server and db server and then transfer the file using webutil.
When the file is on the db server read the file using an external table.
See this link for more information on external tables

Reading CSV files located on LINUX server and updating the tables in SQL Server Database

I was wondering how do we ingest CSV files located on a Red Hat LINUX server into SQL Server Database Table.
I know we can write a Stored Procedure/Bulk Insert to read the files that are located on the same Windows Server as SQL Server and update the database but not sure how to do it when the files are present in LINUX.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Since you know how to proceed once the csv file is on your Windows box, it seems this question amounts to how to get the file from a Linux server to a Windows server. I suggest rcp or rsync. There are Windows versions of both.
