MATLAB selecting items considering the end of their name - string

I have to extract the onset times for a fMRI experiment. I have a nested output called "ResOut", which contains different matrices. One of these is called "cond", and I need the 4th element of it [1,2,3,4]. But I need to know its onset time just when the items in "pict" matrix (inside ResOut file) have a name that ends with "*v.JPG".
Here's the part of the code that I wrote (but it's not working):
for i=1:length(ResOut);
if ResOut(i).cond(4)==1 && ResOut(i).pict== endsWith(*"v.JPG")
What's wrong? Can you halp me to fix it out?
Thank you in advance,

It's generally helpful to start with unfamiliar functions by reading their documentation to understand what inputs they are expecting. Per the documentation for endsWith, it expects two inputs: the input text and the pattern to match. In your example, you are only passing it one (incorrectly formatted) string input, so it's going to error out.
To fix this, call the function properly. For example:
filepath = ["./Some Path/mazeltov.jpg"; "~/Some Path/myfile.jpg"];
test = endsWith(filepath, 'v.jpg')
test =
2×1 logical array
Or, more specifically to your code snippet:
endsWith(ResOut(i).pict, 'v.JPG')
Note that there is an optional third input, 'IgnoreCase', which you can pass as a boolean true/false to control whether or not the matching ignores case.


Way to find a number at the end of a string in Smalltalk

I have different commands my program is reading in (i.e., print, count, min, max, etc.). These words can also include a number at the end of them (i.e., print3, count1, min2, max6, etc.). I'm trying to figure out a way to extract the command and the number so that I can use both in my code.
I'm struggling to figure out a way to find the last element in the string in order to extract it, in Smalltalk.
You didn't told which incarnation of Smalltalk you use, so I will explain what I would do in Pharo, that is the one I'm familiar with.
As someone that is playing with Pharo a few months at most, I can tell you the sheer amount of classes and methods available can feel overpowering at first, but the environment actually makes easy to find things. For example, when you know the exact input and output you want, but doesn't know if a method already exists somewhere, or its name, the Finder actually allow you to search by giving a example. You can open it in the world menu, as shown bellow:
By default it seeks selectors (method names) matching your input terms:
But this default is not what we need right now, so you must change the option in the upper right box to "Examples", and type in the search field a example of the input, followed by the output you want, both separated by a ".". The input example I used was the string 'max6', followed by the desired result, the number 6. Pharo then gives me a list of methods that match that:
To get what would return us the text part, you can make a new search, changing the example output from number 6 to the string 'max':
Fortunately there is several built-in methods matching the description of your problem.
There are more elegant ways, I suppose, but you can make use of the fact that String>>#asNumber only parses the part it can recognize. So you can do
'print31' reversed asNumber asString reversed asNumber
to give you 31. That only works if there actually is a number at the end.
This is one of those cases where we can presume the input data has a specific form, ie, the only numbers appear at the end of the string, and you want all those numbers. In that case it's not too hard to do, really, just:
numText := 'Kalahari78' select: [ :each | each isDigit ].
num := numText asInteger. "78"
To get the rest of the string without the digits, you can just use this:
'Kalahari78' withoutTrailingDigits. "Kalahari"6
As some of the Pharo "OGs" pointed out, you can take a look at the String class (just type CMD-Return, type in String, hit Return) and you will find an amazing number of methods for all kinds of things. Usually you can get some ideas from those. But then there are times when you really just need an answer!

merging two string variables results in empty value

I'd like to merge two string variables (STRING_VAR1 and STRING_VAR2) into one string variable STRING_ALL, such that the content of STRING_VAR1 or STRING_VAR2 is copied into STRING_ALL depending on which of those two variables contain any data (see example_dataset). If both variables STRING_VAR1 and STRING_VAR2 contain missing cases, STRING_ALL should be missing as well.
I've tried CONCAT (see code below) but that doesn't work for some reason and leaves me with only empty cases for STRING_ALL.
Thanks in advance!
Eli's suggestion gave you the necessary information to solve this specific issue. If you want to know why, check the Command Order topic in the SPSS Statistics Command Syntax Reference. It discusses the different types of commands and the fact that some of them, such as COMPUTE, do not take effect immediately, but are stored pending execution of a command that causes a data pass.

Is it possible to split array in Gherkin to the next line

I have step where I am have String Array, something like this:
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains ['Breed1', 'Breed2',.... Breed20']
I need to split this text on two lines. I know that in Gherkin there is expression """. I try something like this:
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains ['Breed1',
'Breed2',.... Breed20']
It didn't help. Is there any solution?
What do you gain by putting this string in your scenario. IMO all you are doing is making the scenario harder to read!
What do you lose by putting this string in your scenario?
Well first of all you now have to have at least two things the determine the exact contents of the string, the thing in the application that creates it and the hardcoded string in your scenario. So you are repeating yourself.
In addition you've increased the cost of change. Lets say we want our strings to change from 'Breedx' to 'Breed: x'. Now you have to change every scenario that looks at the drop down. This will take much much longer than changing the code.
So what can you do instead?
Change your scenario step so that it becomes Then I should see the patient breeds and delegate the HOW of the presentation of the breeds and even the sort of control that the breeds are presented in to something that is outside of Cucumber e.g. a helper method called by a step definition, or perhaps even something in your codebase.
Try with a datatable approach. You will have to add a DataTable argument in the stepdefinition.
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains
For a multiline approach try the below. In this you will have to add a String argument to the stepdefinition.
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains
['Breed1','Breed2',.... Breed20']
I would read the entire string and then split it using Java after it has been passed into the step. In order to keep my step as a one or two liner, I would use a helper method that I implemented myself.

Python3: Building dictionary from .fasta - "strange" printout for value

I am parsing a .fasta-File containing one big sequence into python by using:
for rec in SeqIO.parse(faFile, "fasta"):
Then, I am building a dictionary:
When printing sequence only, I get the following result:
Note: All letters are printed, I made dots to shorten this
When printing the dictionary, I get:
Where does the "Seq" and the SingleLetter alphabet come from?
Desired result would be:
following the link in the comments, I tried
resulting in:
{'NC_003047.1': SeqRecord(seq=Seq('CAGCCAGATGGGGGGAGGGGTGAGCGCTCTCCCGCTCAAAACCTCCAGCACTTT...CAT', SingleLetterAlphabet()), id='NC_003047.1', name='NC_003047.1', description='NC_003047.1 Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 chromosome, complete genome', dbxrefs=[])}
So, sadly, this does not help :(
Thanks in advance for your time and effort :)
SeqIO doesn't return a string, it returns an object. When you print it, you print the object's string representation, which in this case is not just the data contained in (some attribute of) the object.
(Some objects are designed so that printing the object will print just the data inside it. This depends on how the library is put together and how the programmer designed its __str__() method. This is probably not useful for you at this point, but might help you understand other related resources you find if you pursue this further.)
I'm not familiar with SeqIO but quick googling suggests you probably want
d={identifier: sequence.seq}
to put just the SeqIO object's seq attribute as the value for this identifier.

Same for loop, giving out two different results using .write()

this is my first time asking a question so let me know if I am doing something wrong (post wise)
I am trying to create a function that writes into a .txt but i seem to get two very different results between calling it from within a module, and writing the same loop in the shell directly. The code is as follows:
def function(para1, para2): #para1 is a string that i am searching for within para2. para2 is a list of strings
with open("str" + para1 +".txt", 'a'. encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
#opens a file with certain naming convention
n = 0
for word in para2:
if word == para1:
print(para2[n-1]) #intentionally included as part of debugging
function("targetstr". targettext)
#target str is the phrase I am looking for, targettext is the tokenized text I am
#looking through. this is in the form of a list of strings, that is the output of
#another function, and has already been 'declared' as a variable
when I define this function in the shell, I get the correct words appearing. However, when i call this same function through a module(in the shell), nothing appears in the shell, and the text file shows a bunch of numbers (eg: 's93161), and no new lines.
I have even gone to the extent of including a print statement right after declaration of the function in the module, and commented everything but the print statement, and yet nothing appears in the shell when I call it. However, the numbers still appear in the text file.
I am guessing that there is a problem with how I have defined the parameters or how i cam inputting the parameters when I call the function.
As a reference, here is the desired output:
PS: Sorry if this is not very clear as I have very limited knowledge on speaking python
I have found the solution to issue. Turns out that I need to close the shell and restart everything before the compiler recognizes the changes made to the function in the module. Thanks to those who took a look at the issue, and those who tried to help.
