Is it possible to split array in Gherkin to the next line - cucumber

I have step where I am have String Array, something like this:
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains ['Breed1', 'Breed2',.... Breed20']
I need to split this text on two lines. I know that in Gherkin there is expression """. I try something like this:
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains ['Breed1',
'Breed2',.... Breed20']
It didn't help. Is there any solution?

What do you gain by putting this string in your scenario. IMO all you are doing is making the scenario harder to read!
What do you lose by putting this string in your scenario?
Well first of all you now have to have at least two things the determine the exact contents of the string, the thing in the application that creates it and the hardcoded string in your scenario. So you are repeating yourself.
In addition you've increased the cost of change. Lets say we want our strings to change from 'Breedx' to 'Breed: x'. Now you have to change every scenario that looks at the drop down. This will take much much longer than changing the code.
So what can you do instead?
Change your scenario step so that it becomes Then I should see the patient breeds and delegate the HOW of the presentation of the breeds and even the sort of control that the breeds are presented in to something that is outside of Cucumber e.g. a helper method called by a step definition, or perhaps even something in your codebase.

Try with a datatable approach. You will have to add a DataTable argument in the stepdefinition.
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains
For a multiline approach try the below. In this you will have to add a String argument to the stepdefinition.
Then Drop-dow patient_breed contains
['Breed1','Breed2',.... Breed20']

I would read the entire string and then split it using Java after it has been passed into the step. In order to keep my step as a one or two liner, I would use a helper method that I implemented myself.


Can I format variables like strings in python?

I want to use printing command bellow in many places of my script. But I need to keep replacing "Survived" with some other string.
Can I automate the process by formating variable the same way as string? So if I want to replace "Survived" with "different" can I use something like:
var = 'different'
text = 'df.{}.value_counts()'.format(var)
unfortunately this prints out "df.different.value_counts()" as as a string, while I need to print the value of df.different.value_counts()
I'm pretty sure alot of IDEs, have this option that is called refactoring, and it allows you to change a similar line of code/string on every line of code to what you need it to be.
I'm aware of VSCode's way of refactoring, is by selecting a part of the code and right click to select the option called change all occurances. This will replace the exact code on every line if it exists.
But if you want to do what you proposed, then eval('df.{}.value_counts()'.format(var)) is an option, but this is very unsecured and dangerous, so a more safer approach would be importing the ast module and using it's literal_eval function which is safer. ast.literal_eval('df.{}.value_counts()'.format(var)).
if ast.literal_eval() doesn't work then try this final solution that works.
def cat():
return 1
text = locals()['df.{}.value_counts'.format(var)]()
Found the way: print(df[var].value_counts())

How to concatenate two functions into one function?

I have a set of data that is generated:
I want to create a sum of these, but I don't want to just SUM them together; I want to write a function that put these together. I came up with this row:
=SUMPRODUCT(((ROW(E1:INDEX(E31:E63;C34)))/320)^2/(2 + (E31:E63/380)))
The problem with this line is it seems to overdo the whole thing. I need to somehow use one variable for the both E31:E63 intervals, because it will otherwise loop through the second E31:E63 n-times, instead of using the same value.
As I see it, there are two solutions.
Write the data in columns, but using the first solution
Write the function, but try to find something that makes the two E31:E63 work as one variable.
I want to implement the second option.
I believe
Will do what you want.

MATLAB selecting items considering the end of their name

I have to extract the onset times for a fMRI experiment. I have a nested output called "ResOut", which contains different matrices. One of these is called "cond", and I need the 4th element of it [1,2,3,4]. But I need to know its onset time just when the items in "pict" matrix (inside ResOut file) have a name that ends with "*v.JPG".
Here's the part of the code that I wrote (but it's not working):
for i=1:length(ResOut);
if ResOut(i).cond(4)==1 && ResOut(i).pict== endsWith(*"v.JPG")
What's wrong? Can you halp me to fix it out?
Thank you in advance,
It's generally helpful to start with unfamiliar functions by reading their documentation to understand what inputs they are expecting. Per the documentation for endsWith, it expects two inputs: the input text and the pattern to match. In your example, you are only passing it one (incorrectly formatted) string input, so it's going to error out.
To fix this, call the function properly. For example:
filepath = ["./Some Path/mazeltov.jpg"; "~/Some Path/myfile.jpg"];
test = endsWith(filepath, 'v.jpg')
test =
2×1 logical array
Or, more specifically to your code snippet:
endsWith(ResOut(i).pict, 'v.JPG')
Note that there is an optional third input, 'IgnoreCase', which you can pass as a boolean true/false to control whether or not the matching ignores case.

SSRS - How to get a part of a string

I have a parameter called Analyst group in this format :
[Dimension].[Analyst Group].&[Nl.Workplace.Foundation]
I want to pass this parameter to another report, to filter data. Its a multi value parameter. But the other report only accepts it in this format : [KanBan].[Analyst Group].&[Nl.Workplace.Foundation]
So im trying to isolate the "Nl.Workplace.Foundation", so i can do the following thing in the Go To Report parameter expression :="[KanBan].[Analyst Group].&["& --Isolated analyst group-- &"]" to create the desired format.
So what i need is to extract the part between .&[ and ]
But i really have no idea how to isolate that part of the string.
Found a solution! If i just use the Parameter.label instead of Parameter.value it automatically does what i want!
A different solution has been found, but I will still answer the initial question. It could help.
So what i need is to extract the part between .&[ and ]
You could use a regex.
This may not be the fastest way but it can handle most of the situations.
So let's assume you have a string containing:
[Dimension].[Analyst Group].&[Nl.Workplace.Foundation]
And you want to get the following string:
Just use the following expression:
=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match("[Dimension].[Analyst Group].&[Nl.Workplace.Foundation]", "\.&\[(?<NWF>[^]]+)\]").Groups("NWF").Value
In the expression, replace the input string with your dynamic values, like for example:
=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Fields!Dimension.Value & "." & Fields!AnalystGroup.Value, "\.&\[(?<NWF>[^]]+)\]").Groups("NWF").Value
I'm keeping the formula as simple as possible so that you can easily adapt it, with, say, handling the case where an input string will not have a match (with the above query it will return #Error).
You could do this by adding an IIF() or better, use a custom function that you can reuse in several places and will reduce the length of your expression.

sas generate all possible miss spelling

Does any one know how to generate the possible misspelling ?
Example : unemployment
- uemployment
- onemploymnet
-- etc.
If you just want to generate a list of possible misspellings, you might try a tool like this one. Otherwise, in SAS you might be able to use a function like COMPGED to compute a measure of the similarity between the string someone entered, and the one you wanted them to type. If the two are "close enough" by your standard, replace their text with the one you wanted.
Here is an example that computes the Generalized Edit Distance between "unemployment" and a variety of plausible mispellings.
data misspell;
input misspell $16.;
length misspell string $16.;
retain string "unemployment";
GED=compged(misspell, string,'iL');
proc print data=misspell label;
label GED='Generalized Edit Distance';
var misspell string GED;
Essentially you are trying to develop a list of text strings based on some rule of thumb, such as one letter is missing from the word, that a letter is misplaced into the wrong spot, that one letter was mistyped, etc. The problem is that these rules have to be explicitly defined before you can write the code, in SAS or any other language (this is what Chris was referring to). If your requirement is reduced to this one-wrong-letter scenario then this might be managable; otherwise, the commenters are correct and you can easily create massive lists of incorrect spellings (after all, all combinations except "unemployment" constitute a misspelling of that word).
Having said that, there are many ways in SAS to accomplish this text manipulation (rx functions, some combination of other text-string functions, macros); however, there are probably better ways to accomplish this. I would suggest an external Perl process to generate a text file that can be read into SAS, but other programmers might have better alternatives.
If you are looking for a general spell checker, SAS does have proc spell.
It will take some tweaking to get it working for your situation; it's very old and clunky. It doesn't work well in this case, but you may have better results if you try and use another dictionary? A Google search will show other examples.
filename name temp lrecl=256;
options caps;
data _null_;
file name;
informat name $256.;
input name &;
put name;
proc spell in=name
options nocaps;
