Sharepoint 2010 list view threshold and item level permissions - sharepoint

I am building up a list that each list item will have certain permission groups applied by a workflow.
Other than the admin group which is applied to every item, it will be virtually impossible for any one group to have more records in any fiscal year that will exceed the list view threshold.
If a fiscal year list view filter webpart is provided will the view quantity stay below the threshold because of the item level permissions?
Indexes are set on Fiscal Year, Item Code, Department.

The threshold is on the original view and not on the filters applied to the view after the fact. The search web parts aren't affected by the threshold. That may be an alternative option for you.
Also, you may want to revisit your design if you can. You may eventually experience performance issues with all of those unique permissions.


SSAS - Aggregation issue with “Not-applicable” members that needs to be excluded from the “Grand Total” in Excel

We’ve build a Finance OLAP Cube in SSAS which is mostly used/browsed by Accountants. Due to a “self-service” policy that is followed, users are in the meantime required to make use of Excel (with a data connection to the cube) as their reporting and/or analysis tool.
One of the dimensions, the Accounts dimension, contains the full list of accounts including a Chart of Accounts hierarchy. After the initial launch of the cube, users started to request alternative/custom Account hierarchies to cater for their reporting.
Most of these requested hierarchies (apart from the Chart of Accounts hierarchy) contain only a portion of the full list accounts e.g. Management Expense Hierarchy.
The initial approach was to create e.g. a Management Expense Hierarchy within the Accounts dimension with a “not applicable” attribute name for the non-management expense accounts. Users then needed to deselect the “not applicable” name from the “Management Expense Hierarchy” Pivot Field List in Excel whenever they dragged this hierarchy into the “rows” field. Not all users were satisfied with this option and requested that they only wanted to see the relevant accounts without deselecting items which lead us to utilize the attribute hierarchy select/deselect members of the Dimension Data section from Roles – which was not a successful.
The next approach was to utilize the Dimension Hierarchy Level Property – HideMemberIf “No Name” in order to show only the relevant Expense Management hierarchy levels/members and hide the non-management expense accounts.
This was achieved by creating a dimension called “Management Expenses” and adding an additional foreign key column in the fact table with a relationship to the Management Expense dimension. The non-management expense accounts were populated with a -1 key and a NULL attribute name.
The desired results were achieved in Excel with the HideMemberIf “No Name” BUT the “Grand Total in Excel” still shows the sum of ALL accounts
Excel Hierarchy Example
Any suggestions in order to resolve the “Grand Total” issue – i.e. to exclude the -1 entries also … will be much appreciated.
Can you create a scope statement in cube to nullify any values for your -1 entries?

Creating promotions with specific prices in Netsuite

Is there a way to create promotions in Netsuite 2016.1 so that items can have individually lowered prices? I know how to reduce items by percentages and how to set a flat price for all items, but I'm trying to allow individual items to have different temporary prices. Does Netsuite have this capability, or should I begin creating it via SuiteScript and custom records/fields?
Try the pricing groups feature of NetSuite. This lets you set a custom price for a set of items, which can then be assigned to various customers. This is primarily meant for negotiating prices with a large customer.
You might be able to use this feature to set temporary prices by switching the pricing group on and off for different customers with a script.
I am not aware of any way to temporarily set specific prices.
A thing I've done in the past was to create a set of custom fields and scripts that did the following for a Daily Specials program.
Take a group of products and copy their current on-line price to another field;
Update their online prices to a pre-determined value
assign them to a "Daily Specials" category.
set a custom checkbox field so that the item thumbnails could be easily bannered in a category list
A daily batch inspected a configuration table for that day's specials. It cleared all the current specials(prices back; remove from category; clear checkbox) and then assigned that day's specials.
this was driven by a table that allowed the product manager to schedule products based on seasonality and availability.

Sharepoint views group order

This one should be so simple, I just can't figure it out!
I need to creat a Sharepoint 2010 list view grouped by the number of times a value appears in the list. I can group by the field name and it displays how many times that value appers, I want to order the groups by that count. Any ideas/suggestions?
I don't think list view can do that. Check out data view.
See this similar question:
And this one on data views:

Sharepoint: Calculated column based on another list

I could be looking at the wrong way to do this, but here I go:
I have a Sharepoint list (titled "Trips"), which has a list of trips scheduled to particular zones. I have a second list ("Zones"), which has a fixed number of items, each item representing a particular zone. Zones has a column titled "Condition" describing the roads in that particular area.
Now... given that an item in Trips contains a reference to the Zone item where the trip is heading, I want to be able to "look up" the Condition column for that Zone item and include it in Trip views. Problem being, if I add a lookup column to Trips, it only allows me to select the title column from Zones, which is just the zone name.
Any thoughts?
In SharePoint 2010 (and newer) you can but not SharePoint 2007.
In SharePoint 2007 you have to create a custom input form, check this out You can also add them by creating a custom web part, let us know if you need help with that.
In Sp2010 things are much simpler, you simply use the lookup column type (not by calculated columns). You should have the Trips list looking up values in the Zones list as you suggested, when selecting an item from the zones list you can automatically fetch values from other columns in the remote list by checking the boxes in the "Add a column to show each of these additional fields" section.
I made an example
Good luck!

How can I narrow down my SharePoint 2007 View's filter results based on the Group By property?

I have a list within SharePoint 2007 and I've created a View that filters based on time ([Today]-30). I also have the View set to Group By a People or Group column. The end result is a View that displays all entries in the past 30 days grouped by individual.
So, what I'd like to do is only include those individuals that have 2 or more entries to display within the view. Is there a way to do this?
Views built through the UI are based on CAML queries, which only allow filters to be applied to items. As you can see from the schema, filters cannot be applied to group bys.
Your options are:
Filter it with some combination of sharepoint designer and jquery. This filtering would be done after the results are retrieved from the database, so it wont be ideal.
Write a custom web part.
