Messenger Extensions object only has {"AppleMusic":{}} - bots

I'm trying to make a messenger bot and chat extension.
I set the home_url
whitelisted the URL
Loaded the SDK correctly
doing everything inside window.extAsyncInit
And all the tests I'm doing are inside the messenger app in mobile.
But when I open the chat extension normally inside a chat thread and try to use,
getContext() or any other method
Nothing happens.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.extAsyncInit = function () {
MessengerExtensions.getContext('I pasted my app id here without quotes',
function success(result){
alert("Success: "+result.psid);
function error(result){
and when I try to do this,
it shows
what am I missing?


How to get updates from backend automatically in client side

I have 3 apps, mobile app (react native), web app (react js) and a Nodejs app.
the mobile app is an e-commerce mobile app, and the web app is the admin page (client side). The admin page get all data from NodeJs app (api) that use firebase admin sdk.
The problem is that i want everytime a user place an order using the mobile app, the admin page automatically fetch data from NodeJs app.
api code :"/orders", function(req, res, next) {
const {filterBy} = req.body;
let orders = [];
if(filterBy === "all"){
let items = child.val();
let items = child.val();
You can create a socket connection between your web-app and backend. Whenever someone places an order on the mobile app, you can fire an event in backend api which the client can listen too.
You can use
You can also add listener on firebase document and use the method on to check for any changes in DB eg if you want to get updates from chat db you can use this code e.g.
const chatRef = database().ref(firebaseMessages.CHAT);
let listener = chatRef.on('value', snapshot => {
console.log('User data: ', snapshot.val());
// Later when you no longer need the listener'value', listener);

Handle searching in Chrome extension panel

I have a custom Chrome dev tools extension panel which I want to search in. The panel and search are setup by this code (in devtools.js).
chrome.devtools.panels.create("SF Assist", "assets/logo64.png", "panel.html", function (panel) {
panel.onSearch.addListener(function (event) {
This loads panel.html, the html loads panel.js which builds the content of the tab. Panel.js communicates with the inspected tab and pulls a lot of information back. The code above hooks the onSearch event when a user does a search in the dev panel. The data is in panel.js but the hook is above. How do I communicate from this code to my panel.js?
As mentioned in the comments, communication between devtools.js and panel.js is via messaging. Needed to add messaging to devtools, panel.js already had the listener setup for communicating to the background script.
chrome.devtools.panels.create("SF Assist", "assets/logo64.png", "panel.html", function (panel) {
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function (port) {
console.log('dev tools connect listener', port);
var extensionListener = function (message, sender, sendResponse) {
console.log('dev tools listener received message', message, port);
var searchPanel = function (event, queryString) {
console.log('dev tools search', event, queryString);

Use the same connection in multiple HTML pages in node js

-Follwing is the jquery code I have written in my (dashboard.html) file
var socket= io.connect();
$(document).on("click", ".help", function () {
alert( $(this).attr('id'));
---On clicking help button socket will emit an event "help" as you can see in the code.
---Following is the app.js file on server
console.log('rohi is goood',data.helper);
socket.emit('loadList' , {helper:data.helper,requester:data.requester});
---On "help" event socket is emitting an event "loadList" in app.js file.
Now I want to use "loadList" event in some other html file like "chat.html".
The code I have written is as follows for chat.html.
// var socket= io.connect();
// var socket= io.connect('http://localhost:3000/', { 'force new //connection': true });
alert('inside help',$('#usernam').val());
if($('#usernam').val()== data.helper){
$('#chatList').append('<p>'+data.requester+'</p>'+'<button value="chat"></button>');
else if($('#usernam').val() == data.requester){
$('#chatList').append('<p>'+data.helper+'</p>'+'<button value="chat"></button>');
else {
alert('fuck off');
The above code is not working. Please tell me how can I use same socket connection in the chat.html file.(loadList event is not working).
As your question is not complete so i am assuming you want to know if connection can be used on different html pages . Yes you can access it on every html page of your application as long as you have one server on which is used .
Every time a new user comes a socket session is created for that particular user and that user can access any page of your application .

how to display a realtime variable in nodejs in HTML

I am using the setInterval() function to update a few variables(prices from various API's) every 'x' seconds in NodeJS
I want to display these variables in HTML and have them update real time every 'x' seconds.
How do I go about this using or without using it
If you don't want to use, you can use AJAX calls but I think it's the more painful way...
If you use, there are great examples on their GitHub : Chat example.
In your NodeJS :
var io = require('')(8080); // The port should be different of your HTTP server.
io.on('connection', function (socket) { // Notify for a new connection and pass the socket as parameter.
console.log('new connection');
var incremental = 0;
setInterval(function () {
console.log('emit new value', incremental);
socket.emit('update-value', incremental); // Emit on the opened socket.
}, 1000);
This code should be start in your application.
And in your view :
<pre id="incremental"></pre>
<script src=""></script>
var socket = io('http://localhost:8080'); // Connect the socket on the port defined before.
socket.on('update-value', function (value) { // When a 'update-value' event is received, execute the following code.
console.log('received new value', value);
My code isn't complete but shows the essential to know.
Try Templating and template engines.
Template engine are stuff that enable you to pass variables to Templates. These engines render the template file, with data you provide in form of HTML page.
I will suggest you to try 'ejs', as it very closely signify HTML files. ejs template are simply HTML syntax with placefolder for you to pass Data.
But that will require you to refresh the page continously after regular time. So you can try 'AJAX' which let you refresh part of page, simultaneously sends and receives data from server

Accessing server side functions using Express.js and EJS

I'm running a test app in Express.js using EJS as the templating engine. I'd like to access functions stored in a .js file to run server side and not client side. For instance if I have:
<%= console.log("I'm in the server console"); %>
the server catches the console output, and if I have:
<script type="text/javascript"> console.log("I'm in the client-side console"); </script>
Now if I have a function to output the same for the client side I can include it this way:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/clientSideCode.js"> clientSideOutput(); </script>
But how do I include a file and its functions that way so EJS can execute server side code? It appears that the public folder in express is just for client side code.
You can create helper functions that your templates can access via app.locals:
You can use node.js and Socket.IO to emit real time events between client and server. For instance the client would do something like:
<script>window onload = function() {
socket.emit('request_customer_list', { state: "tx" });
socket.on('receive_customer_list', function(data) {
$.each(data.customer_list, function(key, value) {
socket.set(key, value); // store the customer data and then print it later
On your server you can have a routine to load the customer list and send it back in similar format:
socket.on('request_customer_list', function(data){
state = data.state;
var customer_list;
// pretend i loaded a list of customers from whatever source right here
socket.emit('receive_customer_list', {customer_list: customer_list});
)} )};
