Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle gives ORA-01019 error, can't seem to find the oracle driver - excel

I'm getting an error trying to connect to an Oracle DB, and I'm pretty sure I have my variables out of whack.
The error I'm getting is
Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle gives ORA-01019 error, can't seem to find the oracle driver
My current Environment and System variables are as such:
System Variables:
ORACLE_HOME: C:\app\MyUser\product\instantclient-basic-nt-\instantclient_12_2
I also have a Path variable reference: Same path C:\app\MyUser\product\instantclient-basic-nt-\instantclient_12_2
I do not have a reference to the Oracle client in my User Variables, though.


Impossible to connect to PostgreSQL DB via VBA

I have a problem trying to connect to my local PGSQL db via VBA. My code looks like this :
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strCnx = "Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode}; Server=; Database=postgres;
conn.Open strCnx
The error I get is
I have tried a few things I found on stackoverflow, mainly installed the odbc drivers for postgresqlx64, and tried to connect to the database using directly ODBC, which told me success when I tried to connect (picture below).
Testing connection to PGSQL DB directly via ODBC
But despite everything I tried, the error is the same when I try to execute my VBA code, and I'm out of ideas, so if there are any way you could help me, I would be most thankful :)
Make sure you install an ODBC driver with the same bitness as the application hosting your VBA. So 32-bits Excel means you need the 32-bits (x86) ODBC driver.
If you install the proper ODBC driver, this error should go away.

DB2 Access Issue

I have installed my DB2 in VM - Linux. While i try to connect my SQL developer with DB2 from windows it gives the error. I have looked everywhere but but nothing on this. Please help. Attaching screenshot for reference.
following is the result of my db2level
DB21085I Instance "gomobile" uses "64" bits and DB2 code release "SQL10010" with level identifier "0201010E".
Informational tokens are "DB2 v10.1.0.0", "s120403", "LINUXAMD64101", and Fix Pack "0".
Product is installed at "/opt/ibm/db2/V10.1".

connecting oracle database with MS Excel

I am creating connection of excel spread sheets with my oracle database. But, tnsnames.ora cannot read in ODBC data sources. I have already created an environmental variable of tnsnames.ora but still its not working.
path: C:\OraCient12c\Administrator\product\12.1.0\client_1\Network\Admin
I am using Windows Server 2012R2.
Below image showing the problem.
Get the Oracle client connection working independently of ODBC before you go further.
Go to the command/DOS prompt and then use TNSPING database-name to check that the Windows client can make a connection to Oracle (database-name is whatever the Oracle database you're working with is called).
If TNSPING can't run at all, you need to install Oracle client.
If TNSPING runs but can't locate/ping your database, proceed to set up TNSNAMES.ora until you get it to see the database.
To point to the correct location for your own TNSNAMES.ora, use the Windows environment variable TNS_ADMIN (
Set up the content of TNSNAMES.ora with the network locations of whatever particular databases you want to work with.
Once your Oracle client configuration is correct, then you can proceed to set up ODBC data source. Put your database name as the TNS service name, and an Oracle user in the User ID field. Hopefully it will connect using the ODBC layer.

Query excel based database from SQLDeveloper

I am on a Windows 7 machine and have configured a ODBC connection by name of 'MyExcelDb' to an excel file. I am able to programatically connect to 'MyExcelDb' using type-1 jdbc driver and everything is working fine.
I now want to use Oracle SQLDveloper to query the DSN 'MyExcelDb' but I am not able to make this connection as I do not find any option for ODBC Connection. I have tried using the 'advanced' option in Oracle section and tried putting custom jdbc URL as 'jdbc:odbc:excelDB' bugt to no avail.
I have tried adding entries in SQLDeveloper for third party drivers like:
Despite this but no new connection option would appear and I am still struggling to make connection between the two.
I have searched around and found that I could install Oracle and add a TNS for the excel and that way I may be able to connect using the Oracle TNS in SQLDeveloper. Installing Oracle database but would be like killing a mosquito using a canon.
I wonder if there is a simple solution to my problem.
Have you tried following Oracle's guidelines for connecting to Excel files? Did you set up a system DSN as described in step three of the Oracle guide. Importing files into the database is routine and simple but using SQL Developer in the manner you describe, without the client installed. Here is an example of reading an Excel file via PL/SQL.
My question is why use SQL Developer to manipulate a datastore in Excel when Excel is designed to manipulate the data?

access Lotus notes database using ODBC and C#

Please provide some sample code how to access Lotus notes database using ODBC and C#.
Now I am able to accessing database suing NotesSession() class.but I want how to do via ODBC
Thanks and Regards
Naresh Mesineni
Thanks for your replay.Still I am facing some problem.I downloaded the NotesSQL 8.5 and installed.
I am trying to get the Notes data using ODBC still It is throwing some error.Here I am attaching connection string.
string sConnString = "Driver={Lotus NotesSQL 8.5 (32-bit) ODBC DRIVER (*.nsf)};" +
"Server=serverXXXX;" +
"Uid=userxxx;" +
OdbcConnection odbccon = new OdbcConnection(sConnString);
while opening connection it is throwing error
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
Please provide some is help full if any one provide sample code with getting data from Notes.
Thanks and Regards
Naresh Mesienni
You'll need to use the NotesSQL driver, and the help file is here.
You can setup a DSN, or use the connection strings found on
Driver={Lotus NotesSQL 8.51 (32-bit) ODBC DRIVER (*.nsf)};Server=myServerAddress; Database=dbPath\myDb.nsf;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;
How about LEI? (Lotus Enterprise Integrator)
I think is free with Domino and it lets you create ODBC connections and schedules jobs, etc.
You should look into it.
