Excel VBA On Error error - excel

I am rather new at programming, and while learning Python also started experimenting with Excel VBA. I have an issue with the last one.
I have some large Excel sheets and tried to validate that data in specific columns matches data on another sheet in certain columns as they will be supposed to relate to each other by these values (and will be connected by a third value). To make this a bit more difficult, both of these columns may contain more than one value separated by "|". So, I have split these values in a list and I try to iterate through them to make sure all these values are set correctly, the connection will work fine.
All is fine as long as all is fine :) I have however an issue where there are two values in one of those columns and only one in the other. I would like this discrepancy to be noted on a sheet and then proceed to the next item.
The way that seemed to be applicable for me is to use "On Error GoTo ErrHandler", then note error on another sheet, and then user Resume to proceed.
Here is what I came up with:
For h = 0 To UBound(Split1())
For j = 1 To GetMaxRow("SpecificSheet", A)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
If Sheets("SpecificSheet").Cells(j, 1).Value = Split1(h) And Sheets("SpecificSheet").Cells(j, 2).Value = Split2(h) Then
DependencyOk = DependencyOk + 1
End If
Next j
Next h
Also ErrHandler is:
Sheets("Issues").Cells(x, 1) = "IssueDescription"
GoTo ErrProceed
It stops at line 2 with Subscript out of range for Split2(h) rather than moving on to ErrHandler and then ErrProceed. I have the feeling this must be something very obvious but I am just unable to get this working, and I am not able to find other way (like a try/except) in Excel VBA.
Trying to clarify things a bit. The root of the issue is, that the Split2 list is shorter than Split1 - which is an issue with the input data and I'd like to capture this. I get the Split values from cells, where the values are separated by "|" characters:
CellValue = Sheets("SomeSheet").Cells(RowNumber, ColumNumber)
CellValueSplit() = Split(CellValue, "|")
And then iterate as:
For h = 0 To UBound(Split1())
So as Split1 moves on to the for example 3rd value, Split2 throws error and script stops. The best I was able to do so far was, that I let it proceed with the loop, but as this is a rather large sheet, it will fill the same error report ca. 200k times in this case, which I'd like to avoid. So I'd prefer it to proceed from after this loop once it hits out of range error, and proceed examining the next value.
Thank you for your help so far and in advance!

You have an issue with your syntax. The proper Error statement syntax is:
On Error GoTo <string>
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
When using On Error GoTo <string> there is no ":" at the end. The ":" doesn't come into play until you create the target location. Example:
On Error GoTo Here
'// ---- Do something ---- //
'// ---- Handle the error ---- //
If you use On Error Resume Next, then you're telling the machine to ignore errors and proceed on to the next line of code.
When you useOn Error Return To 0, VBA will reset its error handling back to default. It's a good habit when using On Error Resume Next to insert On Error Return To 0 as soon as you no longer need it. On Error Resume Next has a real potential to break your code and make it behave strangely. Not to mention debugging can be a real nightmare. Check out the VBA manual from Microsoft for a more detailed explanation.
Finally, if your question is answered, you should mark it as answered.

The short and quick version is that VBA Error Handling Routine's only handle errors in the actual code execution, they do not fire when conditions expressed by the code are not met.
In your case, you do not need any error handling at all. In most cases it is actually best to avoid On Error GoTo .... There are cases where it's inevitable, but they are rare.
Try this IF THEN ELSE block:
If Sheets("SpecificSheet").Cells(j, 1).Value = Split1(h) And Sheets("SpecificSheet").Cells(j, 2).Value = Split2(h) Then
DependencyOk = DependencyOk + 1
Sheets("Issues").Cells(x, 1) = "IssueDescription"
End If

Actually I have just found the issue. It was caused by a ":" left after an If statement a few rows earlier. I still don't really understand what it did, but I suggest not to reproduce it :)


VBA Excel Application.Match returning error unexpectedly

I'm using Application.Match and expecting
Application.Match(["Search Term"],["Search Array"],["-1 Optional Argument
to show the first result higher than 'Search Term'"]
I'm getting a type mis-match error, despite the fact that manually searching that same array will show up a number of examples that I believe should satisfy the script!
For Example:
Sheets("StockPointsLog").Range("E75").Value = 853.45
ReferenceTargetSell = 850.605
I've tried using '''Application.WorksheetFunction.Match''' to see if this fixes the problems that I'm suffering, but this doesn't seem to be a 100% reliable method, so I would prefer to abandon it in favour of an actual solution.
I've tried encapsulating this line in '''CDbl()''' which simply converts the error code into a number.
I have also tried to manually edit values in the array, in order to confirm that I DEFINITELY have a valid result to show, but to no avail.
As you can see I'm error handling for if there is no result (which for the sake of the rest of my Sub is a valid outcome). Which means that the actual outcome for me is that the .match result comes out to = 0, rather than N/A.
I've been googling madly now for 2 days, and I am having to resort to begging you, my dear smart friends for your help and experience!
i = 2
Do While i <= (TotalTrades + 1)
ReferenceDateRow = Application.Match(ReferenceDate,
Sheets("StockPointsLog").Range("A1:A1000"), 0)
ReferenceTargetSell = Sheets("Trades").Range("B" & i).Value
On Error Resume Next
NewTradeDate = Application.Match(ReferenceTargetSell,
Sheets("StockPointsLog").Range("E" & ReferenceDateRow & ":E1001"), -1)
NewTradeDate = Sheets("StockPointsLog").Range("A" & NewTradeDate).Value
ReferenceDateRow comes back with a legitimate and correct value. Happy with that.
ReferenceTargetSell also works as expected.
The issue starts when I'm trying to set NewTradeDate

VBScript - Either getting object required or type mismatch errors

I have scoured the web and this site looking for an answer on this, so I would really appreciate some help.
I'm creating a VBScript to do some modifications to a user-specified Excel spreadsheet. I have the first part of my script working fine, but the second part is driving me nuts. I need it to search the first column for a value and, if found, delete the row. Right now I'm not worrying about the deletion statement--I'm doing testing by seeing if I can get the For Each statement to run properly as well as the If Then statement. Here's the specific block of code:
For Each cell in objSheet.Columns("A:A").Cells
Set cell = objSheet.Columns("A:A").Cells
If cell.Value = "60802400040000" then
cell.font.bold = True
End If
I have tried many variations of this and cannot find the right combination. Initially I was getting an "Object Required" messages, and after reading a number of posts, found that I needed to put in a Set statement for cell, which I did. Now I am getting a Mismatch Type error message.
The funny thing is, before I put in the Set statement, the code would execute, but it would throw the Object Required error when I closed the spreadsheet. After adding it, the error for the Type Mismatch pops up immediately.
Most examples I keep finding on the web are for VBA, and I try to modify them for VBS, which I don't know very well. Any assistance anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.
You are redefining cell, cell is defined automatically in the For Each statement.
Delete this line
Set cell = objSheet.Columns("A:A").Cells
This is an example from Help, unfortunately Help doesn't have any examples that uses For Each, only For x = n to n and other means. For Each is the right thing to do.
Set r = Range("myRange")
For n = 1 To r.Rows.Count
If r.Cells(n, 1) = r.Cells(n + 1, 1) Then
MsgBox "Duplicate data in " & r.Cells(n + 1, 1).Address
End If
Next n
For vba to vbs, you have to create the object and use, as some objects are automatically available in VBA (like app object) - Set exceldoc = CreateObject("c:\blah\blah.xls) then to use Set r = exceldoc.worksheets(0).range("MyRange").
Also you have to use constant values not names as vbscript can't look them up.

Handling errors

I am trying to perform some operations over some data, but they are not working and I need to find a way to ignore those cells which don´t meet all the requirements.
Basically, I have a column where some cells have text + numbers in their content and other have only text. I search inside all of them and split TEXT in one column and NUMBER in another one. Then, I run a macro to find the matching text to each one in other column.
But when I try to split TEXT from NUMBERS, I search for the first "(", cause my number format is (10.10.10), but if it is not found, the cell value appears: #VALUE! (ok, it is expected cause the character was not found). Here is the problem: if I run my macro over "#VALUE! it crashs and don´t finish its execution.
I have tried to use
On Error GoTo
in my macro code, but for some reason it doesn´t not handle the "Run time error: Type Mismatch".
For contadorOr = 2 To colO
For contadorDes = 2 To colA
On Error GoTo cont
If InStr(1, Cells(contadorDes, colunaDestino).Value, Cells(contadorOr, colunaOrigem).Value) Then
If InStr(1, Cells(contadorOr, colunaOrigem + 4).Value, Cells(contadorDes, colunaDestino + 1).Value) Then
Cells(contadorOr, colunaOrigem + 5).Value = "Mesma versão"
End If
Exit For
End If
Next contadorDes
cont: Next contadorOr
Any suggestions? I can think of ignoring this error (when it´s happen, my variable contadorOr is incremented and go to no next value) or any way to avoid #VALUE! returned by my functions, but haven´t had success doing that.
Thanks in advance.
Instead of using error handling options you could check if cell which you are going to check/process doesn't return error. This is quite simple as presented below:
If IsError(Cells(contadorDes, colunaDestino).Value) Then
'to do anything if there is error
'usually...do nothing
'do what you want if there is no error
End if

Excel error 1004 "Unable to get .... property of WorksheetFunction class" appearing inconsistently

I have a VBA function within a spreadsheet which operates on another spreadsheet that is opened in an earlier stage of my macro. The macro used to work fine but just recently has started causing a 1004 error ("Unable to get RoundDown property of the WorksheetFunction class") when it runs.
I believe I understand what the error would be caused by (a problem running RoundDown) but I cannot see why it is getting triggered in my macro and the odd part is that when I go into Debug mode and step through the code in the VBE the error does not recur (despite nothing obviously changing).
Does anyone have a similar experience of this sort of error occuring inconsistently and know what I could do to resolve it?
I'm reasonably VBA/Excel-savvy, but any suggestions on further steps to diagnose it would be appreciated. I am wondering if there is some issue with the opened spreadsheet not being ready but I cannot see how.
The code is here. The error occurs on the line marked with a comment.
Public Function GetDatesA(sWorkbookname As String, sSheetname As String, sCell As String) As Variant
Dim vDateList() As Variant
Dim currentCell As Range
Dim n As Long
Set currentCell = Workbooks(sWorkbookname).Worksheets(sSheetname).Range(sCell)
n = 0
If Trim(currentCell.Value) = "" Then
Exit Do
ReDim Preserve vDateList(0 To 1, 0 To n)
vDateList(0, n) = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(currentCell.Value, 0) 'error occcurs on this line
vDateList(1, n) = currentCell.Column
'Debug.Print currentCell.Value
End If
Set currentCell = currentCell.Offset(0, 1)
n = n + 1
Loop While currentCell.Column < XL_LAST_COLUMN
GetDatesA = vDateList
End Function
Other details are:
Excel version: 2010
File being opened resides locally on my C: drive; my macro is in a spreadsheet on the network
File format for both files is .xls (i.e. Excel 2003) - I don't have the option of changing this
Windows 7 (not that I think it would be relevant)
Two points I've tried already are:
Substitute a different worksheet function (e.g. Min(currentCell)) and that also causes the same problem
Having the file open already seems to stop the problem - I wonder if there is some way that the workbook which is being opened (rather than my main workbook with the macro in it) is not enabled for macros and this is interfering. But even if this is the cause I'm not sure how to get around it!
Any ideas?
This error occurs often when any argument passed to the worksheet function is not of the correct type or simply doesn't make sense.
For example, I've had this problem when calling WorksheetFunction.Asin with an argument bigger than 1. In your case, I'd guess currentCell.Value is a non-numeric value or one not according to your region settings regarding numbers.
Yes, the error message is really misguiding.
I got the "Unable to get * property of WorksheetFunction Class" error using Transpose, MMult,MDterm, and MInverse functions.
I was able to get my code to run by putting "Option Base 1" in the Declarations (before the actual code) section of the particular Module in the Editer.
Excel assumes "Option Base 0" which will add an extra row and column of empty cells. This will cause the error to occur and isn't immediately obvious to see.
I have come accross this before, and for me it was becase the criteria range made no sense, as Andre said above.
See example formula below:
.Cells(11, i).Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("AC8:C" & n), "S")
Have a look at the Range... it makes no sense. Amended the range from "AC8:C" to "AC8:AC" and it will work perfectly

VBA Code in Excel randomly stops executing. No error messages occur

Essentially, I have an Updata button that takes information from two columns, in two spreadsheets (within 1 book). The overall goal of this code is to take all the values from one column, and then append the values from the other column below it.
Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A4:A1004").Value = Worksheets("Active").Range("A2:A1002").Value
Dim i As Integer
For i = 4 To 1004
If Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A" & Trim(str(i))) = "" Then
Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A" & Trim(str(i)) & ":A" & Trim(str(1000 + i))).Value = Worksheets("Inactive").Range("A2:A1002").Value
i = 1005
End If
For some reason, the first line executes, and then finishes. When I put break points, then do step-by-step, no other steps happen afterwards.
When I run the first line individually, it appears to work fine, but not when:
Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A" & Trim(str(i)) & ":A" & Trim(str(1000 + i))).Value = Worksheets("Inactive").Range("A2:A1002").Value
Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A4:A1004").Value = Worksheets("Inactive").Range("A2:A1002").Value
is present aftwards.
Solution to this is very unusual.
It just happened to me againg after long time, I was looking for a solution and I came here then this sequence came back to my mind and I tried.
It worked for me, I hope this will help someone.
Update: Tweaked code (now with error checking!)
Main points concerning the current code:
When copying the ACTIVE range, check for last consecutive cell used. This is faster and more effecient than a loop.
Why are you trimming a number you know will not contain spaces?
There's no need to set i = 1005, just use Exit For. This is more effecient and clear to the reader what the intention is. I don't use this in the code below since I avoided looping altogether.
Here's a different way you can do this without any looping, which I think is more clear and effecient. Try this and see if it works for you:
Sub test()
Dim lastRow As Long, offSet As Long
lastRow = Worksheets("Active").Range("A2").End(xlDown).row
'Sanity checks
If IsEmpty(Worksheets("Active").Range("A2")) = True Then offSet = 1: lastRow = 2
If lastRow > 1001 Then lastRow = 1002
Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A4:A" & lastRow + 2).Value = _
Worksheets("Active").Range("A2:A" & lastRow).Value
If lastRow < 1002 Then
Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A" & lastRow + (3 - offSet) & _
":A1004").Value = Worksheets("Inactive").Range("A2:A1002").Value
End If
End Sub
Sanity check 1 is for if A2 is blank in the Active sheet.
Sanity check 2 is for if there are cells beyond A1002 with values in Active sheet.
This is what I am using to test your code. Since I don't know what's in the spreadsheets, I can't reproduce exactly what you're seeing so I'm first putting dummy data into the ranges.
For me it is running fine every time, and I've tried it on 2 different computers - Excel 2003, and Excel 2010.
I set a breakpoint and stepped with F8, and also Shift F8 and both worked fine.
Something may be different with your data (i.e. the first cell being copied over from the inactive sheet is blank and therefore execution stops after processing the first cell -- check that column A4 is not blank), or perhaps some memory has gotten corrupted from having Office being killed.
In a Module I have:
Sub test()
Worksheets("Active").Range("A2:A1002").Value = "active"
Worksheets("Active").Range("A5").Value = ""
Worksheets("Inactive").Range("A2:A1002").Value = "inactive"
Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A4:A1004").Value = Worksheets("Active").Range("A2:A1002").Value
Dim i As Integer
For i = 4 To 1004
If Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A" & Trim(Str(i))) = "" Then
Worksheets("Overall Flow").Range("A" & Trim(Str(i)) & ":A" & Trim(Str(1000 + i))).Value = Worksheets("Inactive").Range("A2:A1002").Value
i = 1005
End If
End Sub
Have you tried the same code on another computer?
I had this issue and I tracked it down to custom VBA functions used in Conditional Formatting that was processed while application.screenupdating was still set to True.
I'm not sure how consistent this behaviour is but, when a custom VBA function is referred to in a conditional formatting rule, when the screen updates, it will not step through the code even when employing break points or the debug.assert method. Here's the breakdown of what happened:
2 open workbooks.
Conditional formatting and custom function in question were in workbook1.
The code I was attempting to execute was in workbook2.
I call a procedure in workbook2.
Workbook2's procedure reaches a line executing an autofilter command.
Autofilter command triggers a screen update in all open workbooks (any command that triggers a Worksheet_Change or Worksheet_Calculate event can apply here).
Screen update processes the conditional formatting rules, including the rule in workbook1 calling workbook1's custom function.
Custom function is run in a 'silent' state (i.e. with no interaction with user, ignoring break points and "debug.assert" calls; this appears to be by design as part of the conditional formatting feature)
Custom function finishes execution and ceases all other active code execution.
I fixed my problem by adding a Application.ScreenUpdating = False line at the start to prevent screen updates and, by extension, conditional format processing (but it's best to keep custom functions away from conditional formatting to begin with).
I'm not sure if this is relevant to your situation at all but I hope it helps somebody.
It has already been mentioned in transistor1's answer, but only as a side comment.
I had a similar problem, that VBA code simply stopped executing in the middle of a function. Just before that it also jumped back a few lines of code. No Error Message was shown.
I closed all open Excel programs, and upon reopening the File everything worked fine again.
So my confirmed Answer to this problem is: Corrupted Memory, restart Excel.
Edit: after doing this, I also encountered the Problem that Visual Basic Editor crashed when I tried uncommenting a particular line. So I created a New Excel file and copied my code. Now I don't have any problems anymore.
I ran into the same problem. I had a sub routine that gave random errors throughout the code without giving error messages. By pressing F8, the code would resume.
I found someone had posted a Subroutine he called "ThatCleverDevil" I do not remember the resource or who posted it. It would warn you an error was about to occur. The routine is posted below.
I split the code into component sub-routines. The short snippits ran with no interruption or erros. I created a subroutine that called each snippit. Errors resumed.
They would run individually, but not all together.
RESOLUTION: Between called sub-routines, I ran the following line of code:
Application.Wait Second(Now) + 1
The code then ran without error.
Thanks to whomever it was that wrote ThatCleverDevil. And special thanks to the coder who wrote about Application.Wait.
Sub ThatCleverDevil()
On Error GoTo err
MsgBox "About to error"
err.Raise 12345
MsgBox "Got here after the error"
Exit Sub
Stop: Resume
End Sub
VBA simply is prone to this issue. I have used it for years in corproate workflows because it is so hardcoded into lots of things, but if possible I would just consider alternatives. If this an ad-hoc project R will be faster and offer more flexibility. If this is more production oriented and meant to handle large volumes I would consider informatica.
To improve the performance I called the function DoEvents inside the loop. It solved the problem for me.
