Use If flexibly to get average - excel

I want to calculate the response time across multiple subjects with one restriction: only response time from the correct trials should be included in the average. The structure of my data looks like below (for simplicity, I show only 3 subjects and 10 trials, in reality, I have many more)
I would like to get average of RT across subj1, subj2, and subj2 for each of the trials. Only correct trials are included in the average. 0 and 1 are used to denote incorrect and correct trials, respectively. For instance, for cell G2, I would only include B2 and D2 in the average, F2 is left out since the ACC for that trial from that subject is 0. I imagined using If AND function to include the appropriate RT but with many subjects, this becomes very clumsy. Does anyone have a clever solution to this?

Since 0 * anything = 0, G2 = SUM(A2*B2,C2*D2,E2*F2)/SUM(A2,C2,E2)

You can do this with AVERAGE and an array formula which can be easily extended to larger ranges, i.e.
confirm with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
...or even simpler with AVERAGEIFS like this
note the “offset” ranges


Excel SUMPRODUCT to find the % of a whole number

the Excel SUMPRODUCT function can be quite powerful in different scenario including
Doing the product
Sum with condition
Weighted average
Calculating the % given two sets of value
Finding text in a cell given a range of values
But what I couldn't make out of it is to find the contribution ratio (%) of two numbers.
Say something like
Contribution %
Can I use the SUMPRODUCT to obtain the above Contribution (B/A) but across the whole set?
A =SUMPRODUCT(B1:B2;0,1/A1:B2) gives a value next to it, but not the correct one.
Perhaps it's me that I'm overlooking to something, or simply asking for something impossible.
Thanks for feeding me in.

Optimization of a list in Excel with Variables

I have a list of 153 golfers with associated salaries and average scores.
I want to find the combination of 6 golfers that optimizes avg score and keeps salary under $50,000.
I've tried using Solver, but I am stuck! Can anyone help please? :)
Illustrating a solution that is pretty close to what #ErwinKalvelagen suggested.
Column A is the names of the 153 golfers
Column B is the golfers salaries (generated by =RANDBETWEEN(50, 125)*100, filled down, then Copy/Paste Values)
Column C is the golfers average scores (generated by =RANDBETWEEN(70, 85), filled down, then Copy/Paste Values)
Column D is a 0 or 1 to indicate if the golfer is included.
Cell F2 is the total salary, given by =SUMPRODUCT(B2:B154,D2:D154)
Cell G2 is the number of golfers, given by =SUM(D2:D154)
Cell H2 is the average score of the team, given by =SUMPRODUCT(C2:C154,D2:D154)/G2
The page looks like this, before setting up Solver ...
The Solver setup looks like this ...
According to the help, it says to use Evolutionary engine for non-smooth problems. In Options, I needed to increase the Maximum Time without improvement from 30 to 300 (60 may have been good enough).
It took a couple of minutes for it to complete. It reached the solution of 70 fairly quickly, but spent more time looking for a better answer.
And here are the six golfers it came up with.
Of the golfers with an average of 70, it could have found a lower salary.
In Cell I2 added the formula =F2+F2*(H2-70) which is essentially salary penalized by increases in average score above 70 ...
... and use the same Solver setup, except to minimize Cell I2 instead of H2 ...
and these are the golfers it chose ...
Again - it looks like there is still a better solution. It could have picked Name97 instead of Name96.
This is a simple optimization problem that can be solved using Excel solver (just use "Simplex Lp solver" -- somewhat of a misnomer as we will use it here to solve an integer programming or MIP problem).
You need one column with 153 binary (BIN) variables (Excels limit is I believe 200). Make sure you add a constraint to set the values to Binary. Lets call this column INCLUDE; Solver will fill it with 0 or 1 values. Sum these values, and add a constraint with SUMINCLUDE=6. Then add a column with INCLUDE * SCORE. Sum this column and this is your objective (optimizing the average is the same as optimizing the sum). Then add a column with INCLUDE*SALARY and sum these. Add a constraint with SUMSALARY <= 50k. Press solve and done.
I don't agree with claims that Excel will crash on this or that this does not fit within the limits of Excels solver. (I really tried this out).
I prefer the simplex method above the evolutionary solver as the simplex solver is more suitable for this problem: it is faster (simplex takes < 1 seconds) and provides optimal solutions (evolutionary solver gives often suboptimal solutions).
If you want to solve this problem with Matlab a function to look at is intlinprog (Optimization Toolbox).
To be complete: this is the mathematical model we are solving here:
Results with random data:

Microsoft Excel 2007 Always round up even if the decimal is under 0.5

So I'm creating a spreadsheet that determines the cost of materials and the number of each material needed in order to complete a desire project using input from myself. Right now the desired project is a wall that is 250x9 that requires replace all the 4x8 sheets of wood with OSB and install Vinyl Siding. The issue I'm running into is I cannot get it to always round up. By that I mean even if the value is 1.1 it should round up. In this specific case I am buying nails for my nail gun in a box of 2,000 and each sheet of OSB will have 32 nails in it. If 250x9 area requires 70.3125 sheets of OSB it means I still have to buy 71 sheets of OSB. If that OSB is 71 sheets then it require that I have 2272 Nails then the result is I need 1.125 Boxes of nails. However I can't seem to get it to show this as 2 boxes because again I still need to purchase more than one box to complete the project. So with that being said if I take the number of OSB needed 70.3125 and I place it in a formula with a roundup function it still rounds down (gives me a headache that there is a roundup and a rounddown function and it will still round down on me. Perhaps it is the way I am using it in the formula that is incorrect, I'm not sure. So let me translate the formula's used and you can let me know if I'm doing something wrong or if there is a function or set of functions that I can use to solve this issue.
This says that if I added Wall1 L*W with Wall2 L*W with Wall3 L*W with Wall4 L*W and divide it by OSB H*W I get the number of sheets needed. Which in this case is 2250/32 basically. But its programmed in a manner that I can input the information for individual walls to different area's and get it to spit out the total SqFt for each wall and give an individual breakdown per wall of material needed with cost associated per sq ft of material bleh bleh bleh. The point is I take the result that is the 70.3125 and I move it to a different workbook and I say "Sheets OSB Needed" and in that box I have
Whereas I'm asking it to roundup A9 which is the result of the above formula by intervals of 1. But the output is still 70 instead of 71. and much the same case with the nails needed. Which can be calculated in a few different manners but regardless the amount of nails needed divided by 2000 would output the decimal answer which yields a value of less than 1.5 and it too provides me with a value of 1 instead of 2 with much the same formula. I could achieve my desired result I suppose with Trunc and Mod functions collaborating using multiple cells to output the different portions of the data. But is there a way to do this that doesn't involve so many cells being used up?
Removes Decimal from 70.3125
Outputs decimals from 70.3125
If Decimals are < a whole number make it a whole number
Add the whole number to the Trunc Number to get value desired.
Which I'm already seeing an issue with this if there is no decimals in the sheets needed then wouldn't it always add one because the decimal place would be 0? How can I handle this issue? Isn't there an easier way to do this or a way to code it so that its all nested into one calculation or at least mostly all into one calculation without making a circular reference of some sort?
You need to change the second parameter to a 0 ROUNDUP(70.3125, 1) is 70.3 the 3 must be getting dropped elsewhere or lost in formatting.
ROUNDUP(70.3125, 0) will give 71.
The second parameter of round up is the decimal place. So to round to integers it should be 0 not 1

Generate N random numbers whose sum is a constant K - Excel

How can I generate those numbers in Excel.
I have to generate 8 random numbers whose sum is always 320. I need around 100 sets or so. Two methods are explained here.
Or any other way so I can do it in Excel.
You could use the RAND() function to generate N numbers (8 in your case) in column A.
Then, in column B you could use the following formula B1=A1/SUM(A:A)*320, B2=A2/SUM(A:A)*320 and so on (where 320 is the sum that you are interested into).
So you can just enter =RAND() in A1, then drag it down to A8. Then enter =A1/SUM(A:A)*320 in B1 and drag it to B8. B1:B8 now contains 8 random numbers that sum up to 320.
Sample output:
I'm a bit late to the game here - but fyi if only integers required then:
is somewhat similar to the favourite soln above, albeit parsimonious (formula in single cell required to produce desired array , no helper column). Also addresses insignificant decimal points, albeit you may need to allocate back the deficit / surplus due to the occasional rounding error which may yield a sum total of 321 or 319. Could do this in a random fashion again using something like index(y_,randbetween(1,8))+320-sum(y_) in formula above - or resort to the infamous helper fn..
Someone commented the favourite soln above (and thus mine, since it stems from a similar concept/approach) is not uniform - I'm not sure this was required; a uniform spread would impede the random nature (and is arguably far simpler as you simply divide a sizeable range into distinct octiles, and follow the same approach already laid out here - not sure where/why the notion that a random spread should be arbitrarily/mechanically 'forced' to adopting some type of non-random spread.. anyways... I obviously haven't read the problem properly (ehem).
I'm a bit late to the game here - but fyi if only integers required then:
is somewhat similar to the favourite soln above, albeit parsimonious (formula in single cell required to produce desired array , no helper column). Also addresses insignificant decimal points, albeit you may need to allocate back the deficit / surplus due to the occasional rounding error which may yield a sum total of 321 or 319. Could do this in a random fashion again using something like index(y_,randbetween(1,8))+320-sum(y_) in formula above - or resort to the infamous helper fn..

How can I implement 'balanced' error spreading functionality in Excel?

I have a requirement in Excel to spread small; i.e. pennies, monetry rounding errors fairly across the members of my club.
The error arises when I deduct money from members; e.g. £30 divided between 21 members is £1.428571... requiring £1.43 to be deducted from each member, totalling £30.03, in order to hit the £30 target.
The approach that I want to take, continuing the above example, is to deduct £1.42 from each member, totalling £29.82, and then deduct the remaining £0.18 using an error spreading technique to randomly take an extra penny from 18 of the 21 members.
This immediately made me think of Reservoir Sampling, and I used the information here: Random selection,
to construct the test Excel spreadsheet here:, on Dropbox, for you guys to play with...
The problem I have is that each row of this spreadsheet calculates the error distribution indepentently of every other row, and this causes some members to contribute more than their fair share of extra pennies.
What I am looking for is a modification to the Resevoir Sampling technique, or another balanced / 2 dimensional error spreading methodology that I'm not aware of, that will minimise the overall error between members across many 'error spreading' rows.
I think this is one of those challenging problems that has a huge number of other uses, so I'm hoping you geniuses have some good ideas!
Thanks for any insight you can share :)
I found a solution. Not very elegant, through.
You have to use two matrix. In the first you get completely random number, chosen with =RANDOM() and in the second you choose the n greater value
Say that in F30 you have the first
(I have experimented with your sheet.)
Just copy a column of n (in your sheet 8) in column A)
In cell F52 you put:
=IF(RANK(F30,$F30:$Z30)<=$A52, 1, 0)
Until now, if you drag left and down the formulas, you have the same situation that is in your sheet (only less elegant und efficient).
But starting from the second row of random number you could compensate for the penny esbursed.
In cell F31 you put:
(pay attention to the $, each random number should have a correction basated on penny already spent.)
If the $ are ok you should be OK dragging formulas left and down. You could also parametrize the 0.5 and experiment with other values. With 0,5 I have a error factor (the equivalent of your cell AB24) between 1 and 2
