Input value to an Excel file - excel

I wrote an AutoIt script to get an input value and save that in an Excel file:
#include <Excel.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open()
Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel)
Local $aArray1D[1] = ["1"]
_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray1D, "A1")
_Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, "C:\Desktop\Data.xls")
But I get the below error on compiling:
_Excel_Open() : undefined function
and the same for _Excel_BookNew(), _Excel_RangeWrite(), _Excel_BookSaveAs() and _Excel_BookClose(). I'm not able to rectify it.

In this case undefined function indicates that something is wrong with your UDF file.
Check if you have an Excel.au3 file in your include folder and that it contains a function called _Excel_Open(). If that is not the case you most likely are not using the latest version of AutoIt, either update it or try to find the Excel UDF online.
However, if the file contains the named functions, try copying the file into your script directory to test if somehow the path to your include file got messed up.

Add this to the head of your code:
#include <FileConstants.au3>


How to do file inputs via node.js using emscripten?

I have a C++ project that I have converted into javascript using emscripten. I need help with implementing file input into the program via node. As I understand it the default file system in emscripten uses preloaded data that can only be done on a web page or web worker. I need mine to work with node.js on the command line.
Looking at the documentation I see that there's a way to use NODEFS instead of the default MEMFS which should allow me to do this. However, I'm unsure how I'm supposed to go about this. I don't really understand the test code that's provided.
Here's how the file handling is being done in the original C++ project:
void InputFile(std::string &fileName)
std::ifstream in(fileName);
if (
std::cerr << "ERROR, Could not open " << fileName << std::endl;
But when I attempt to run the converted program with a file, node project.js -f test.file I get the error message: ERROR, Could not open test.file meaning that opening the file failed. The original C++ project was able to open the file without any issues, so I know there's not problem with the file itself.
I'm not sure what I have to do to make the converted project work with file inputs, any help would very much appreciated.
WebAssembly module, built using emscripten, has no information about files in your physical file system. Instead, it uses a virtual file system. All you have to do is to create a link between files on your physical system to the files on the module's virtual system. NODEFS gives you this opportunity.
Quick solution
We will start at modifying your C++ code by adding the aforementioned link between physical and virtual file systems using embedded JS code (with EM_ASM). First (1), we create a directory '/temp' on the virtual file system where all referenced files will be located in. Then (2), we link this new virtual directory with a real physical location (the current working directory '.') where all the referenced files are already.
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <emscripten/bind.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
void InputFile(const std::string &fileName)
FS.mkdir('/temp'); // (1)
FS.mount(NODEFS, {root : '.'}, '/temp');); // (2)
std::ifstream in(std::string("/temp/") + fileName);
if (
std::cerr << "ERROR, Could not open " << fileName << std::endl;
emscripten::function("InputFile", &InputFile);
Now, because in the WebAssembly module, we are working with the virtual file systems, and not the physical one, each referenced file from the current directory (the root '.') is actually in the virtual directory previously linked ('/temp'). Hence, '/temp' directory precedes the name to the referenced file: std::ifstream in(std::string("/temp/") + fileName);.
Finally, we can compile this file. We force the synchronized compilation (to make sure the require loads the WASM module on time). Moreover, the option -s EXIT_RUNTIME=1 makes sure that the C++ command exit(1); finishes the execution. Also, we need to link Embind (--bind) and NODEFS (-lnodefs.js):
emcc project.cpp -o project.js -s WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0 -s EXIT_RUNTIME=1 --bind -lnodefs.js
To test the WebAssembly module with the same calling convention as you have mentioned, we can use the following test.js script:
var Module = require('./project.js');
if (process.argv[3] && process.argv[2] === '-f') {
const filename = process.argv[3];
} else {
console.log('Pass the file with -f flag!');
To run the file, all you have to do is this: node test.js -f test.file
This approach works well if the referenced files are in the current working directory. In the case they are not, you could modify the code of the InputFile to extract the directory in which the fileName is, and then, mount the real-to-virtual directory accordingly.

How to use a stack structure defined in a .h file?

I'm using mikroC for PIC IDE, I writing a firmware for PIC18F4550. I created a stack structure in a .h file and tried to use it in another file, a .c file. But, it did not work.
In the .h file I did:
struct Sstack {
PTmenu stack[10];
int top;
typedef struct Sstack Tstack;
The line :
PTmenu stack[10];
is a array of pointers to another type, menu.
So, in the main function of the .c file, I did:
Tstack stackMenu;
When I tried to compile I have this error :
Undeclared identifier 'Tstack' in expression principal.c
I tried to use in the .c file :
Tstack *stackMenu;
stackMenu = (Tstack*)malloc(sizeof Tstack );
But, I had the same error as before:
Undeclared identifier 'Tstack' in expression principal.c
I included the .h file in the .c file, but nothing helps. With what I explained here, can someone tell me if I am doing something wrong ?

Tesseract not using path variable

Why does my Tesseract instance require me to explicitly set my datapath, but doesn't want to read the environment variable?
Let me clarify: running the code
ITesseract tesseract = new Tesseract();
String result = tesseract.doOCR(myImage);
Throws an error:
Error opening data file ./tessdata/eng.traineddata
Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to the
parent directory of your "tessdata" directory.
I already have set my environment variable, ie doing
echo $TESSDATA_PREFIX returns /usr/share/tessdata/
Now, setting the path variable explicitly in my code, ie:
Itesseract tesseract = new Tesseract();
String result = tesseract.doOCR(myImage);
I'm using Manjaro 17.0.5
The library was initially designed to use the data files bundled in its tessdata folder. In your case, if you want to read from the standard tessdata directory, you would want to set datapath as follows:

Arangodb - #include configuration file

In configuration file I can put
#include some_other_file
The "issue" is that this "some_other_file.conf" has to be under:
I tried absolute path, but it seams I can include other files only if they are in /etc/arangodb3/.
/etc/arangodb3/ corresponds to #SYSCONFDIR# variable I can use in configuration file.
Is there any way to include configuration file from any location ?
Or maybe some way to set #SYSCONFDIR# to point to directory I want ?
This issue has been meanwhile resolved in ArangoDB 3.1.

Example waf project with vala

there is a nice waf vala example here:
and it shows a library and an application in vala. Unfortunately the program in this example does not actually USE the library (which defines method "hello"). When I try to call it from the program, I get compilation errors.
I am not able to modify the wscript's to load the library properly. What is the trick here? Thanks.
What I have added is this line in the program:
But it won't compile:
Waf: Entering directory `/home/lzap/work/shellmail/TEST/vala-template/_build_'
[1/6] valac: src/hello-gtk.vala -> _build_/default/src/hello-gtk.c
../src/hello-gtk.vala:16.9-16.10: error: The name `My' does not exist in the context of `Sample.create_widgets._lambda0_'
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/lzap/work/shellmail/TEST/vala-template/_build_'
Build failed: -> task failed (err #1):
{task: valac_task hello-gtk.vala -> hello-gtk.c}
I guess I need to change the program wscript:
#!/usr/bin/env python
def build(bld):
prog = bld(features='cc cprogram')
# symbolic name used to reference this object = 'hello-gtk.program'
# name of the resulting program = 'hello-gtk'
prog.source = 'hello-gtk.vala'
# libraries to link against
prog.uselib = 'GTK+'
# Vala packages to use
prog.packages = 'gtk+-2.0'
# Extra vapi dirs
#prog.vapi_dirs = '../my_lib'
# Enable threading
#prog.threading = True
The hello method is not an static method, but an instance method, so, you need to create a My.Lib instance first and then call the method.
var obj = new My.Lib();
If this still failing, try to add using My; on hello-gtk.vala.
