In configuration file I can put
#include some_other_file
The "issue" is that this "some_other_file.conf" has to be under:
I tried absolute path, but it seams I can include other files only if they are in /etc/arangodb3/.
/etc/arangodb3/ corresponds to #SYSCONFDIR# variable I can use in configuration file.
Is there any way to include configuration file from any location ?
Or maybe some way to set #SYSCONFDIR# to point to directory I want ?
This issue has been meanwhile resolved in ArangoDB 3.1.
I want to modify the permission of a file.
I created my own device_table.txt in location board/<product>.
Configured BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_TABLE to point to the location of the new device_table.txt.
The permission of the file is not modified.
I can see that buildroot uses a default device_table.txt: system/device_table.txt.
Do I have to do extra configurations to buildroot? What I am missing?
Problem found: had a space in:
BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_TABLE =<device_table_location>.
Fix BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_TABLE=<device_table_location>.
I have two problems with log4j2:
I cannot figure out how to specify the log root level in the command line.
I execute runnable jar with log4j2.xml config file
java -Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml -jar my.jar
The log4j2.xml has default loggers root log level set to INFO. But sometimes I need to specify DEBUG.
-Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml does not work on Windows though it works fine on Mac and Linux. log4j2.xml does exist in current folder.
I get error when executing above mentioned command line with Windows PowerShell
Error: Could not find or load main class .configurationFile=log4j2.xml
I tried -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file://log4j2.xml or -Dlog4j.configurationFile=./log4j2.xml or -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file://<full_path_to_log4j2.xml> the same error
Define a property named "rootLevel" as
then on your root Logger specify
<Root level="${rootLevel}">
The root level will now default to Info and you can override it with -DrootLevel=DEBUG on the command line.
The problem is the dot in the property name. On Windows you need to put it in quotes.
I have a use case where I want to set a systemd-network configuration files in a user defined path.
By default the path is /etc/systemd/network/ Is there any possibility to keep my config file in a different folder for ex:/home/user/network/ and to make the systemd to look for .network files in this custom path.
Where in ccnet.config set version? I search and read docs but there is no version mentioned.
You can add this line in your config file:
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder" xmlns="">
It is mentionned in this tracker CCNET-1870 :
#Andy I got the same error in one of my configurations.
If you use cb:include in your configuration file, you should also give xmlns=version-url cb:config-template in configuration files included by cb:include.
I'm packaging up a rails app with warbler and I want app specific logging. I've added the log4j and commons-loggin jar to the WEB-INF/lib directory, and I want to add to the WEB-INF/classes directory. The problem is, I also want environment specific logging, so my staging/production use different properties (ie. INFO instead of DEBUG) than my devel. I can't just do a:
config.java_classes = FileList["lib/log4j-#{RAILS_ENV}.properties"]
because Tomcat seems to look for the specific file Is there any way to get warbler to rename this file to just Or is there a better mechanism for app specific, environment specific logging?
And for the final answer. RAILS_ENV doesn't seem to work in warbler, but looking through the docs on warble config, there's a webxml attribute that contains rails.env, modifying my code to pull the file like:
config.java_classes = FileList["lib/properties/{config.webxml.rails.env}"]
Worked like a charm!
Guess I should just read further down in the warble file itself. You can configure pathmaps for the java_classes. Here's what I used:
config.java_classes = FileList["lib/properties/{RAILS_ENV}"]
config.pathmaps.java_classes << "%n"
The only problem I've found is that this doesn't actually put the in the WEB-INF/classes directory anymore. It now puts it in the Root. Seems odd that it specifically says in the docs:
One or more pathmaps defining how the java classes should be copied into WEB-INF/classes
I wouldn't think I'd have to add in that WEB-INF/classes path manually but I did. So finally then, this worked:
config.java_classes = FileList["lib/properties/{RAILS_ENV}"]
config.pathmaps.java_classes << "WEB-INF/classes/%n"
using the files{RAILS_ENV} in the lib/properties directory