Message persistence in Spring Integration Aggregator without MessageStore by using AMQP? - spring-integration

I would like to know if I can have persistence in my Spring Integration setup when I use a aggregator, which is not backed by a MessageStore, by leveraging the persistence of AMQP (RabbitMQ) queues before and after the aggregator.
I imagine that this would use ack's: The aggregator won't ack a message before it's collected all the parts and sent out the resulting message.
Additionally I would like to know if this is ever a good idea :)
I am new working with queue's, and am trying to get a good feel for patterns to use.
My business logic for this is as follows:
I receive a messages on one queue.
Each message must result in two unrelated webservice calls (preferably in parallel).
The results of these two calls must be combined with details from the original message.
The combination must then be sent out as a new message on a queue.
Messages are important, so they must not be lost.
I was/am hoping to use only one 'persistent' system, namely RabbitMQ, and not having to add a database as well.
I've tried to keep the question specific, but any other suggestions on how to approach this are greatly appreciated :)

What you would like to do recalls me Scatter-Gather EI Pattern.
So, you get a message from the AMQP send it into the ScatterGather endpoint and wait for the aggregated reply. That's enough for to stick with the default acknowledge.
Right, the scatterChannel can be PublishSubscribeChannel with an executor to call Web Services in parallel. Anyway the gatherer process will wait for replies according the release strategy and will block the original AMQP listener do not ack the message prematurely.


Is it possible to make a Poller (or PollableMessageSource) to poll messages as List?

Following the example found in GitHub regarding polling messages from a PubSub subscription, I was wondering...
Is it possible to make a PollableMessageSource retrieve List<Message<?>> instead of a single message per poll?
I've seen the #Poller notation only being used in Source typed objects, never in Processor or Sink. Is it possible to use in such context when for example using #StreamListener or with a functional approach?
The PollableMessageSource binding and Source stream applications are fully based on the Poller and MessageSource abstraction from Spring Integration where its contract is to produce a single message to the channel configured. The point of the messaging is really to process a single message not affecting others. The failure for one message doesn't mean to fail others in the flow.
On the other hand you probably mean GCP Pub/Sub messages to be produced as a list in the Spring message payload. That is really possible, but via some custom code from Pub/Sub consumer and MessageSource impl. Although I would think twice to expect some batched from the source. Probably you may utilize an aggregator to build some small windows if your further logic is about processing as list. But again: it is going to be a single Spring message.
May be better to start thinking about a reactive function implementation where you indeed can expect a Flux<Message<?>> as an input and Spring Cloud Stream framework will take care for you how to emit the data from Pub/Sub into the reactive stream you expect.
See more info in docs:

Architecture issue - Azure servicebus and message order guarantee

Ok so i'm relatively new to the servicebus. Working on a project where we use Azure servicebus for queueing messages. Our architecture roughly looks like the following:
So the idea is that in our SourceSystem all kinds of stuff happens, which leads to messages being put on the servicebustopics. Now our responsibility is syncing these events to the external client so they are aware of what we are doing.
Now the issue is that currently we dont use servicebus sessions so message order isnt guaranteed. Also consider the following scenario:
OrderUpdate 1
OrderUpdate 2
What happens now is if the externalclients API is down for say OrderUpdate 1 and OrderUpdate 2, we could potentially send the messages in order: OrderCreated, OrderClosed, OrderUpdate 1, OrderUpdate 2.
Currently we just retry a message a few times and then it moves into the deadletter queue for manual reprocessing.
What steps should we take to better guarantee message order? I feel like in the scope of an order, message order needs to be guaranteed.
Should we force the sourcesystem to put all messages for a order in a servicebus session? But how can we handle this with multiple topics? And what do we do if message 1 from a session ends up in the deadletter?
There are a lot of considerations here, should we use a single topic so its easier to manage the sessions? But this opens up other problems with different message structures being in a single topic?
Id love to hear your opinions on this
Have a look at Durable Functions in Azure. You can use the 'Async Http API' or one of the other patterns to achieve the orchestration you need to do.
NServicebus' Sagas might also be a good option, here is an article that does a very good comparison between NServicebus and Durable Functions.
If the external client has to receive all those events and order matters, sending those messages to multiple topics where a topic is per message type will make your mission extremely hard to accomplish. For ordered messaging first you need to use a single entity (queue or topic) with Sessions enabled. That way you can guarantee ordered message processing. In case you have multiple external clients, you'd need to have a session-enabled entity (topic) per external client.
Another option is to implement a pattern known as Process Manager. The process manager would be responsible to make the decisions about the incoming messages and conclude when the work for a given order is completed or not.
There are also libraries (MassTransit, NServiceBus, etc) that can help you. NServiceBus implements Process Manager via a feature called Saga (tutorial) and MassTransit has it as well (documentation).

How to handle publishing event when message broker is out?

I'm thinking how can I handle sending events when suddenly message broker go down. Please take a look at this code
using (var uow = uowProvider.Create())
var policy = offer.Buy(customer);
// DB changes are saved here! but what would happen if...
await uow.CommitChanges();
// ...eventPublisher throw an exception?
await eventPublisher.PublishMessage(PolicyCreated(policy));
return true;
IMHO if eventPublisher throw exception the event PolicyCreated won't be published. I don't know how to deal with this situation. The event must be published in system. I suppose that only good solution will be creating some kind of retry mechanism but I'm not sure...
I would like to elaborate a bit on the answers provided by both #Imran Arshad and #VoiceOfUnreason which are, of course, correct.
There are basically 3 patterns when it comes to publishing messages:
exactly once delivery (requires distributed transactions)
at most once delivery (no distributed transaction but may miss messages - like the actor model)
at least once delivery (no distributed transaction but may have duplicate messages)
The following is all in terms of your example.
For exactly once delivery both the database and the queue would need to provide the ability to enlist in distributed transactions. Some queues do not proivde this functionality out-of-the-box (like RabbitMQ) and even though it may be possible to roll your own it may not be the best option. Distributed transactions are typically quite slow.
For at most once delivery we have to accept that we may miss messages and I'm guessing that in most use-cases this is quite troublesome. You would get around this by tracking the progress and picking up the missed messages and resending them if required.
For at least once delivery we would need to ensure that the messages are idempotent. When we get a duplicate messages (usually quite an edge case) they should be ignored or their outcome should be the same as the initial message processed.
Now, there are a couple of ways around your issue. You could start a database transaction and make your database changes. Before you comit you perform the message sending. Should that fail then your transaction would be rolled back. That works fine for sending a single message but in your case some subscribers may have received a message. This complicates matters as all your subscribers need to receive the message or none of them get to receive it.
You could have your subscriber check whether the state is indeed true and whether it should continue processing. This places a burden on the subscriber and introduces some coupling. It could either postpone the action should the state not allow processing, or ignore it.
Another option is that instead of publishing the event you send yourself a command that indicates completion of the step. The command handler would perform the publishing and retry until all subscriber queues receive the message. This would require the relevant subscribers to ignore those messages that they had already processed (idempotence).
The outbox is a store-and-forward approach and will eventually send the message to all subscribers. You could have your outbox perhaps be included in the database transaction. In my Shuttle.Esb service bus one of the folks that used it came across a weird side-effect that I had not planned. He used a sql-based queue as an outbox and the queue connection was to the same database. It was therefore included in the database transasction and would roll back with all the other changes if not committed. Apologies for promoting my own product but I'm sure other service bus offerings may have the same functionality.
There are therefore quite a few things to consider and various techniques to mitigate the risk of a queue outage. I would, however, move the queue interaction to before the database commit.
For reliable system you need to save events locally. If your broker is down you have to retry and publish event.
There are many ways to achieve this but most common is outbox pattern. Just like your mail box your event/message stays locally and you keep retrying until it's sent and you mark the message published in your local DB.
you can read more about here Publish Events
You'll want to review Udi Dahan's discussion of Reliable Messaging without Distributed Transactions.
But very roughly, the PolicyCreated event becomes part of the unit of work; either because it is saved in the Policy representation itself, or because it is saved in an EventRepository that participates in the same transaction as the Policies repository.
Once you've captured the information in your database, retry the publish is relatively straight forward - read the events from the database, publish, optionally mark the events in the database as successfully published so that they can be cleaned up.

Spring Integration - JMS outbound adapter post-send database update

We previously used to have a Spring Integration flow (XML configuration-based) where we would do an update in a database after sending a message to a JMS queue. To achieve this, the SI flow was configured with a publish-subscribe queue channel as an input to a JMS Outbound Channel Adapter (order 0) and a Service Activator (order 1). The idea here being that after a successful JMS send, the service activator would be called thus, updating the data in the database.
We are now in the process of updating our flows to work with spring-integration:4.0.x APIs and wanted to use this opportunity to see if the described flow pattern is still a good/recommended way of doing a database update after a successful JMS send or if there is now a simpler/better way of achieving this? As a side note, our flows are now being implemented using spring-integration-java-dsl:1.0.0.M3 APIs.
Thanks in advance for any input on this,
publish-subscribe queue channel
There's no such thing as a pub-sub queue channel; by definition, it's a subscribable channel; so I assume that's what you mean.
It is one of the ways to do what you need, and perfectly fine; you can also achieve the same result with a RecipientListRouter. The dsl syntax is quite nice, especially with Java 8; see the SpringOne demo app for an example.

Distributed pub/sub with single consumer per message type

I have no clue if it's better to ask this here, or over on Programmers.SE, so if I have this wrong, please migrate.
First, a bit about what I'm trying to implement. I have a node.js application that takes messages from one source (a client), and then does processing on the message, which might result in zero or more messages back out, either to the sender, or other clients within that group.
For the processing, I would like to essentially just shove the message into a queue, then it works its way through various message processors that might kick off their own items, and eventually, the bit running is informed "Hey, send this message back"
As a concrete example, say a user signs into the service, that sign in message is then placed in the queue, where the authorization processor gets it, does it's thing, then places a message back in the queue saying the client's been authorized. This goes back to the socket that is connected to the client, along with other clients that might be interested. It can also go to other subsystems that might want to do more processing on authorization (looking up user info, sending more info to the client based on their data, etc).
If I wanted strong coupling, this would be easy, but I tried that before, and it just goes to a mess of spaghetti code that's very fragile, and I would like to avoid that. Another wrench in the setup is this should be cluster-able, which is where the real problem comes in. There might be more than one, say, authorization processor running. But the authorization message should be processed only once.
So, in short, I'm looking for a pattern/technique that will allow me to, essentially, have multiple "groups" of subscribers for a message, and the message will be processed only once per group.
I thought about maybe having each instance of a processor generate a unique name that would be used as a list in Reids. This name would then be registered with some sort of dispatch handler, and placed into a set for that group of subscribers. Then when a message arrives, the dispatch pulls a random member out of that set, and places it into that list. While it seems like this would work, it seems somewhat over-complicated and fragile.
The core problem is I've never designed a system like this, so I'm not even sure the proper terms to use or look up. If anyone can point me in the right direction for this, I would be most appreciative.
I think what your describing is similar to service. I it but ended up writing my own based on zeromq, it allows you to register services, req -> <- rec and channels which are pub / sub workers.
As for the design, I used a client -> broker -> services & channels which are all plug and play using auto discovery, you have the services register their schema with the brokers who open a tcp connection so that brokers on other servers can communicate with that broker groups services. Then internal services and clients connect via unix sockets or ipc channels which ever is preferred.
I ended up wrapping around the redis publish/subscribe functions a bit to do this. Each type of message processor gets a "group name", and there can be multiple instances of the processor within that group (so multiple instances of the program can run for clustering).
When publishing a message, I generate an incremental ID, then store the message in a string key with that ID, then publish the message ID.
On the receiving end, the first thing the subscriber does is attempt to add the message ID it just got from the publisher into a set of received messages for that group with sadd. If sadd returns 0, the message has already been grabbed by another instance, and it just returns. If it returns 1, the full message is pulled out of the string key and sent to the listener.
Of course, this relies on redis being single threaded, which I imagine will continue to be the case.
What you might be looking for is an AMQP protocol implementation,where you can have queue get custom exchanges,and implement a pub-sub model.
RabbitMQ - a popular amqp protocol implementation with lots of libraries
it also has node.js library
