Using cell value to set price in another cell - excel

I have a spreadsheet with a list of T-shirts and all of their varying sizes from Small to XL. I was just wondering if there is a way to create a formula that will set the price of the shirt in another row. I was messing around with formulas and the only one I could get to sort of work (for only ONE t-shirt size) was the following:
Is there a way to have multiple statements for the different sizes? Thanks in advance!

I would create a
"reference table" in a separate sheet and then do a vlookup.
So the table would look like below and then just do a vlookup to where all your shirts are at.
Size | Price
XS | 5
S | 10
M | 15
L | 20
XL | 5


Excel countif and sumif together

I am trying to write a formula in Excel which will count how many times we have sold less than 50 of a particular product. For example, here is a day's sales:
Order | Product | Qty
1 | A | 5
2 | A | 5
3 | A | 5
4 | B | 30
5 | C | 75
I want a formula in a cell which says how many times we have a requirement for less than 50 of a certain product. So in the example above, there is a total of 15 As, 30 Bs and 75 Cs, so 2 of those are less than 50.
I think it will need to be an array function of COUNTIF and SUM, but can't figure it out.
You could use this formula:
Note: It's an array formula and must be entered through Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Product order placement can be randomized and does not have to be in order.
Another way
Maybe something like that will help:
Note that this is an array formula so needs to be entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Data needs to be sorted by Product (i.e. product A cannot appear in random rows, like row 2, 20 and 100; it needs to be grouped together).

Executing a function over a grouped set

I have two columns of data in Excel, one containing dates and the other values 1 or 2 which represent a specific status (like an enum).
Here is an example data set:
2014/07/04 | 1
2014/07/04 | 1
2014/07/04 | 2
2014/07/04 | 1
2014/07/05 | 2
2014/07/06 | 1
2014/07/06 | 1
2014/07/06 | 2
I need to get a graph of the percentages of the number 1 over days; in the above example
July 4th: 75%
July 5th: 100%
July 6th: 66%.
I've tried pivot tables and charts with no luck because I can't write my own function for values (COUNTIF for ones divided by COUNT), only use the predefined ones which aren't of any use.
Does anyone know how I would go about doing this?
You could do this with a pivot chart.
I made up my own data so it doesn't quite match but it is the same idea.
For the pivot table fields I used
Legend Fields:Compare
Axis Fields:Date
Values: Count of compare
For values under Value field settings goto show value as and change this to % of column total and summarize value by Count.
If you only want to see number one just put a filter on the column labels.

Custom Formula for Grand Total column

I have a frequent problem where the formula I want to use in the Values area in my Pivot-Table is different than the formula I want to use for the Grand Total column of that row. I typically want to Sum the Values but I want to average the Sums. Here is what I normally would get if I pivoted the dates on the Column Labels, Meat Type on the Row Labels, and Sum Orders in the Values.
Row Lables | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Grand Total
Beef | 100 | 105 | 102 | 307
Chicken | 200 | 201 | 202 | 603
I get sums by day and a sum of all of the days in the Grand Total column. Here is what I want to have:
Row Lables | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Grand Total (Avg of Day Totals)
Beef | 100 | 105 | 102 | 102.3
Chicken | 200 | 201 | 202 | 201.0
In this case the Orders are still summed by day but the Grand Total is now an average of the sums. What I do now is copy and paste the Pivot data onto a seperate sheet then calculate the averages. If there was a way to do this with a custom Grand Total column it would be incredible. This is one of the biggest shortcomings of Pivot Tables for me but I'm hoping it is due to my ignorance, which it often is. Thanks for the help!
You can write a measure that checks the number of 'rows' in a particular filter context and nest that in an IF() to determine which to use.
If using PowerPivot V2 then it's:
If using PowerPivot V1 it's:
Both do the same thing in that they assess the number of rows in the table in the given context and when the Meat Type is 'Beef' then the temporarily filtered table has one row. If it doesn't have one row then its going down the path of the AVERAGE()
This assumes your column headers 'Days' are in a table called Calendar (if you aren't using a separate Calendar table then you are missing the most powerful functionality of PowerPivot IMO).
I can't think of a "good" way, but here's one option. Add the Amount field to the data area a second time and change the operation to Average. Then use conditional formatting to hide the averages in the data area and hide the sums in the total area.
You might be better off just using some array formulas in a do-it-yourelf pivot table. You lose the pivot table benefits, but get more flexibility with the data.

Excel: Simplified SUMs with multiple sheets

I am having troubel figuring this one out using names. To start, take this example
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
A B | A B
Labor 1000 | Labor 200
Material 1000 | Material 200
... | ...
Labor 500 | Labor 100
Material 500 | Material 100
The Question: I'd like to be able to total the Labor and Material values up for n number of sheets. The default template starts with two (2) sheets but the user may add any number of sheets they would like.
The Problem (as I see it): The user can add as many "special" page specific item pricing lines to the top of the page. Below that, however, every section (the Labor/Material calculations) are uniformly offset.
If anybody could help me out on this one I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
Here's the meat of it, I'm having trouble with some of the surround, but I'll update
For i = 1 To counts
For Each wkst In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
tots(i) = tots(i) + WorksheetFunction.SumIf(Range("A:A"), categories(i), Range("B:B"))
Where categories is an array that holds "Labor","Material", etc.,tots is an array of doubles (or integers if there won't be any dollar amounts), and counts is the number of elements in categories.

Excel Formulas: Show total based on date entry

I've got a spreadsheet with two columns that represent the number of processed records, and the date the records were processed. In some cases, the records can be processed in multiple batches, so the document looks something like this:
33 4/1/2009
22 4/1/2009
12 4/2/2009
13 4/4/2009
36 4/4/2009
I'm trying to add a new set of columns that contain a date, and shows the total number of records for that date, automagically:
4/1/2009 55
4/2/2009 12
4/3/2009 0
4/4/2009 49
I know how to do this algorithmically, and I could probably manipulate the spreadsheet outside of Excel, but I'm trying to do this in the live spreadsheet, and am a bit bewildered as to how to pull it off.
Any ideas?
IVR Avenger
Will the SUMIF function work for you? SUMIF([range],[criteria],[sum_range]) I think you could set range = the set of cells containing dates in your first listing, criteria would be the cell containing the date in the second listing, and sum_range would be the counts in the first column of your first listing.
I would suggest using a Pivot Table. Put the dates into the row area and 'sum of' records in the data area. Nothing in the columns area.
A pivot table will be more dynamic than a formula solution because it will only show you dates that exist.
Assuming your dates are in column B and the numbers to be accumulated are in A, you could try something like this:
| A | B | C D
1 | 33 | 4/1/2009 | =MIN(B:B) | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C1,A1:A5,0))} |
2 | 22 | 4/1/2009 | =C1+1 | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C2,A1:A5,0))} |
3 | 12 | 4/2/2009 | =C2+1 | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C3,A1:A5,0))} |
4 | 13 | 4/4/2009 | =C3+1 | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C4,A1:A5,0))} |
5 | 36 | 4/4/2009 | =C4+1 | {=SUM(IF(B1:B5=C5,A1:A5,0))} |
Note the {} which signifies an array formula (input using Control-Shift-Enter) for any non-trivial amount of data it's heaps faster than SUMIF().
I'd be inclined to define dynamic names for the A1:A5 and B1:B5 parts, something like
so that I didn't have to keep fixing up my formulae.
There's still a manual element: adding new rows for extra dates, for example - that might be a good place for a little VBA. Alternatively, if you can get away with showing, for example, the last 90 days' totals, then you could fix the number of rows used.
