Get Sharepoint server name - sharepoint

I'm working on application where I need to upload some files in Sharepoint. Now, from what I can see when I'm accessing Sharepoint is that my url is in this format:
But in the examples I'm seeing online my server needs to have URL such as
where can I get that server name in the Sharepoint portal?

The shorter path you're seeing in the instructions are referencing an on-premise installations of SharePoint.
You can map a drive to SharePoint Online to upload some files, but it takes a few steps.
Add the SharePoint site to the IE trusted sites list.
Login to the site but make sure to check 'keep me logged in'.
Open an admin command prompt and type the below, replacing the drive letter and tenant information as required:
net use S:\


Microsoft Teams: Provide 'Edit in Teams' for Sharepoint Documents in Custom Tab

We are writing a document organization system as a Custom Tab within Microsoft Teams and we are trying to replicate the 'Edit in Teams' option that´s provided by Microsoft Teams on the Files tab but it seems that we are unable to replicate the functionality. We are storing files within Sharepoint and have an edit URL, but we are unable to iframe this link due to CORS issues and can only open this link in a new browser. Does anyone have any thoughts on how we can open office documents within the teams client from a custom tab other than opening as a new window which means users have to keep switching in and out of Microsoft Teams.
By looking at what Microsoft teams is doing via the network requests, when you select ´Edit in Teams' it is getting hold of an wacUrlEdit link which appears to be iframeable which for example begins with, however we can´t get hold of this wacUrlEdit link as it generated using an access token from, which according to on How to get an Azure Active Directory access token for isn´t publicly available, it´s only intended for the teams client. Fyi.. It also seems that Teams doesn´t IFrame this wacUrlEdit, but opens up a new url (at least in the web browser) via
I have read about WOPI host implementation, but this does seem like a lot of work to solve this and not totally sure this is the correct option considering these files are stored in Sharepoint Online.

Writing to SharepPoint Online mapped network drive

I'm trying to create a custom master page template in a SharePoint Online environment. I'm using the Design manager to upload the design files. I've mapped the network drive like the page described and can open and view the files, but I cannot upload files to the location. Every time I try I get the following error:
Error 0x800700E0: Access Denied. Before opening files in this
location, you must first add the website to your trusted sites list,
browse to the website, and select the option to login automatically.
I've added the site to the trusted sites list, as well as selected the option to login automatically. The WebClient service is also running.
How can I upload files to this location?
The only explanation I can think of is that I am logged into windows on a Microsoft account, and I use a different Microsoft account for SharePoint. I can map the network drive fine, but when I try and map it with the option "Connect using different credentials", and I use my SharePoint Online account, I get the same access denied error.
Check permissions for the document library/folder in which you're trying to write files. Folders like _Layout which resides at root level sometimes do not allow access of write. Global administrators have full access to these folders but tenant or site collection administrators may not have its access.... For example try opening this link in browser this is where font files are like Arial.ttf or Comic sans.ttf So if you want to add new font to your sharepoint online themes you'll have to add files here.
Do this open SP Designer -> open main site -> browse left side menu for your folder and try copying something. If you can copy files there you should be able to copy through your mapped drive.
Also when you mapped drive in Windows Explorer didn't it ask for credentials, where you had to give in your Office365 login email then it can't be an issue of your windows credentials messing up with anything.
In this circumstance, it was actually the Trusted Sites that I had added. I added '' as well as '*' to my trusted sites. As soon as I also added: '*', '*' and "*", I had no problems writing to the directory

How to make url for a document in document library publicly accessible?

I have Sharepoint 2010 hosted with windows authentication . I have created a document library inside a new site and uploaded few files.
Now,I'm trying to utilize the info of these files in some application using Rest Webservice exposed by sharepoint.
In the response I get xml containing details of files uploaded in document library. One of the tag in response of xml (inside src attribute of tag) contains detail of url of file uploaded,
Now when I try to use this url for document display/download in my application/browser, it pops up with the window authentication which I have for Sharepoint site . After I provide correct user/password the document gets downloaded.
Is it somehow possible to make this document url public(I don't want window authentication pop up) ? At the same time I don't want to disable the Windows authentication for Sharepoint site .
Thanks in advance
By public do you mean accessible within your LAN or accessible from the internet given the sharepoint site is bound to an internet facing interface? I would imagine on the LAN it would be best to simply use the guest account for users who you wanted to give 'public' access to.
Bear in mind the only reason you're prompted for login details is probably because you're not using Internet Explorer.

How to go to a Wildcard link (site) based on the users login details on Sharepoint Wss3.0

I am currently using Sharepoint Wss 3.0, I know that Wss do not offer "Mysite" like Sharepoint 2007. We have about +/- 200 users with our company, which i want a "Mysite" or a personal site for each user.
I managed to create currently 10 users with a sub site like below eg:
in the link above "shabeersa" is the user on our AD system and which the user login into sharepoint.
NOW. I WANT TO KNOW " How to go to a Wildcard link (site) based on the users login details on Sharepoint Wss3.0"
All i want to provide the users is eg link: http://itds008:13864/sites/Intranet/mysite/$*(user)$$$
Please help
One approach would be to create a page in the layouts folder that redirects the user to his personal site. The reason why the page should be in the layouts folder, is because that supports server side code without the need for adding a page parser path in your web.config.
If you want a more 'user friendly' url, you could also create a web part that handles the redirection and put that web part on http://itds008:13864/sites/intranet/mysite for example.
By the way... I put 'user friendly' in quotes because your url is not exactly easy to remember for your end-users. I would consider using a host header for setting up web applications in SharePoint.

Multiple logins for opening office documents saved in document library in SharePoint 2010 using Claims Based Authentication

Our environment is Sharepoint 2010, with a web application created (and site collection on top), using claims based authentication. The first site is using port 881. It is using integrated windows authentication. Another web application is created, extending the first application, using port 882. This site is using Forms Based Authentication, the membership provider is System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, named admembers. I have turned off Client Integration on both sites.
When I login to the 881 site, on my corporate network, logged into the machine with the same domain account that sharepoint uses, I can open an Office file saved in a document library, and it subsequently opens in the appropriate Office application, without asking me login again. But, If I login to Sharepoint from a computer that is not on our network, or login to the computer with an account that is not a domain account, I get prompted again to login when openning an Office document. If I choose the option to save, it does not prompt, but if I choose open in the dialog window, I am forced to enter my domain credentials again.
When I login to the 882 site, which uses FBA, I experience the same problem. If I open an Office document, the appropriate Office application opens, and asks me for my credentials, by showing me a dialog window with the sign in page loaded. If I choose to save the file, then I am not prompted to login, and the file saves to a local folder.
I can't expect my users that are off site to login again everytime they open an Office document, like Work, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. I have tried numerous fixes, including disabling client integration, changing the browser handling mode (strict/permissive), changing internet explorer settings (for integrated windows authentication), changing the integrated windows authentication site to use basic authentication, even hacking the page using jquery to call the sharepoint javascript function that execute the "download a copy" function. None of them work: when choosing to "open" the Office document in the browser, the user has to login again, or just close the dialog window without logging in (as long as client integration for the zone is turned off).
I'm looking to get this accomplished using windows authentication or forms based authentication.
I found this answer in a similar post which seemed to fix the problem for me when I tested it. The gist of it is you need to deny the HTTP Verbs OPTIONS and PROPFIND in IIS. Having said this, I'm not an IIS guru and am not exactly sure what this means or what else it might affect. Can anyone else shed some light on this?
A bit of background, I'm using SharePoint 2010, on an FBA site.
You have the standard three use cases:
Employee intranet access
Employee remote access
Partner remote access
Employee intranet access
This normally always works out of the box, and it looks like it is working for you.
Employee remote access
The only way that i have seen this work (and i have tried many ways) is to get TMG or ISA. Basically ISA is setup in FORMS auth with SSL, it captures the auth details, and then passes them to the sharepoint server. (and other servers if you have them eg OWA for sharepoint mail web parts)
If you select the "Is private computer" option on the ISA login screen, then Office documents share the auth cookie and don't prompt for another login. I had so many problems, but as soon as i installed TMG, they all went away. I would not recommend any other approach now.
The added bonus of this method, is that remote employees are treated as the same account as the intranet user. The way you are setup with a seperate web application, means that they will be different accounts, so things like [checkout/modifiedby/createdby/personalisation] will be different accounts (though they look the same)
Partner remote access
This may never ever work on some clients (especially Vista), as IE needs to share the authentication with Office
If this is sharepoint 2010, try this.
Look at your UseSessionCookies value in the output. If True, apply the powershell below.
$sts = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
$sts.UseSessionCookies = $false
If UseSessionCookies is true, you will have to login to any docs u want to download...
