Writing to SharepPoint Online mapped network drive - sharepoint

I'm trying to create a custom master page template in a SharePoint Online environment. I'm using the Design manager to upload the design files. I've mapped the network drive like the page described and can open and view the files, but I cannot upload files to the location. Every time I try I get the following error:
Error 0x800700E0: Access Denied. Before opening files in this
location, you must first add the website to your trusted sites list,
browse to the website, and select the option to login automatically.
I've added the site to the trusted sites list, as well as selected the option to login automatically. The WebClient service is also running.
How can I upload files to this location?
The only explanation I can think of is that I am logged into windows on a Microsoft account, and I use a different Microsoft account for SharePoint. I can map the network drive fine, but when I try and map it with the option "Connect using different credentials", and I use my SharePoint Online account, I get the same access denied error.

Check permissions for the document library/folder in which you're trying to write files. Folders like _Layout which resides at root level sometimes do not allow access of write. Global administrators have full access to these folders but tenant or site collection administrators may not have its access.... For example try opening this link in browser https://yoursharepointsite.com/_layouts/15/fonts this is where font files are like Arial.ttf or Comic sans.ttf So if you want to add new font to your sharepoint online themes you'll have to add files here.
Do this open SP Designer -> open main site -> browse left side menu for your folder and try copying something. If you can copy files there you should be able to copy through your mapped drive.
Also when you mapped drive in Windows Explorer didn't it ask for credentials, where you had to give in your Office365 login email then it can't be an issue of your windows credentials messing up with anything.

In this circumstance, it was actually the Trusted Sites that I had added. I added 'mysite.sharepoint.com' as well as '*.sharepoint.com' to my trusted sites. As soon as I also added: '*.lync.com', '*.microsoftonline.com' and "*.outlook.com", I had no problems writing to the directory


IIS website needing permissions to modify own folder

I have a website I am setting up which creates a subfolder to its own location based on which user logs into the website. An administrative account we'll call admin runs the website through IIS Manager (as indicated through the basic and advanced settings on the site's tab in IIS, which indicate the credentials for admin are correct), and admin also has full security permissions to the folder that IIS refers to. The website is I think otherwise fully up and running because the login screen loads successfully. However, despite the fact that admin is both running the site and has full access to the folder, it is failing to create the folder and as such is failing to operate the website properly. I know it is this error because the website's error logging reports an UnauthorizedAccessException to the folder I would expect to be created.
Can anyone help me figure out why it is unable to create a folder in the website location? Thank you.
To fix issue, you can try to add the IIS AppPool user to the root folder of your application by right clicking the folder and selecting Properties. Select the Security tab and add the IIS AppPool<AppPoolName> user.
And you can also decide to create a custom user to access the file system from IIS. Create a new Windows (or AD) user and click your site inside the IIS Manager. From the Actions window click Basic Settings. Finally, click the Connect as button and input the new user below Specific user:

Get Sharepoint server name

I'm working on application where I need to upload some files in Sharepoint. Now, from what I can see when I'm accessing Sharepoint is that my url is in this format:
But in the examples I'm seeing online my server needs to have URL such as
where can I get that server name in the Sharepoint portal?
The shorter path you're seeing in the instructions are referencing an on-premise installations of SharePoint.
You can map a drive to SharePoint Online to upload some files, but it takes a few steps.
Add the SharePoint site to the IE trusted sites list.
Login to the site but make sure to check 'keep me logged in'.
Open an admin command prompt and type the below, replacing the drive letter and tenant information as required:
net use S:\ https://tenant.sharepoint.com

Automatically give permissions to user in Visual Studio Online

I have created visual studio online site using azure and backed by our company active directory.
And when going to user management site (example image, not my screenshot) in the search box I can see all the users from the active directory which means that I'm properly connected (I guess).
And here is the problem which I wasn't able to solve.
I would like to know if it is possible to automatically give read permissions to users from active directory that try to access the site.
Currently they can login, but when they access the site it says that they don't have permissions and I have to manually add them one by one and I don't want to do that.
Do I maybe need some special active directory group that I add there as a user or what? I'm not active directory admin so I don't have access to its settings.
Thank you for the help.
Currently VSO does not support AD groups. In addition, just because you assign a licence, does not mean that they should have permission to everything. You my be a special case, but the choice of access should be left to the Team Project owners.

How to make url for a document in document library publicly accessible?

I have Sharepoint 2010 hosted with windows authentication . I have created a document library inside a new site and uploaded few files.
Now,I'm trying to utilize the info of these files in some application using Rest Webservice exposed by sharepoint.
In the response I get xml containing details of files uploaded in document library. One of the tag in response of xml (inside src attribute of tag) contains detail of url of file uploaded,
Now when I try to use this url for document display/download in my application/browser, it pops up with the window authentication which I have for Sharepoint site . After I provide correct user/password the document gets downloaded.
Is it somehow possible to make this document url public(I don't want window authentication pop up) ? At the same time I don't want to disable the Windows authentication for Sharepoint site .
Thanks in advance
By public do you mean accessible within your LAN or accessible from the internet given the sharepoint site is bound to an internet facing interface? I would imagine on the LAN it would be best to simply use the guest account for users who you wanted to give 'public' access to.
Bear in mind the only reason you're prompted for login details is probably because you're not using Internet Explorer.

Why can't users in the "Visitors" group access my SharePoint 2010 publishing site. It works when i promote them to the "Members" group

When I place a test AD account in the Visitors group they are unable to view any pages on my new intranet site. The users receives the "Error access denied" sharepoint screen and indicates that the account was able to authenticate, but that some authorisation rule is permitting it from viewing the page.
When i remove then and place them in the Members or Owners groups they are able to view the pages as well as perform the expected functions like editing content and creating subsites.
Interesting, while in only the Visitors group, users can view the "All Site Content" page that is located here: /_layouts/viewlsts.aspx but not /pages/default.aspx.
Has anyone experienced this before?
Environment info:
1 Web application, 1 Site collection using the Publishing Portal template. A few custom master pages, lots of custom page layouts and user controls. All deployed via features.
Sharepoint 2010 Standard edition, 64bit running on Windows Server 2008 against SqlServer 2008 Enterprise Edition. Authentication is against AD, not any other forms auth providers etc.
One likely reason for such behavior is that it tries to access a resource on a page which might not have been published to a major version. For example, if versioning was turned on on images library and an image's version is 0.1, if that image was used on version 1.0 (published) of the page, the server would deny access to the visitor and ask for credentials.
Make sure following:
At least one major version of the page exists (page was published at least once)
All resources (images, movie files etc) used on the page are published (to major version)
You can use "Draft Check" button on Page Tab of the Page's ribbon to check the unpublished resources that are used by the page.
I had the same issue and I've finaly found out how to do this:
If you check OOB group access, you can find that Visitors group has limited number of pages where it has granted access.
Navigate to /yourweb/_catalogs/masterpage. Here you'll find many
.aspx files (including default.master).
Open this default.master`s permissions and you see it inherits from
Master Page Gallery.
Click this permissions inheritance and you can see that Master Page
Gallery permissions are not inherited from site collection
Give here the Contribute permissions to Style Resource Readers (or
modify it as you'd like) and all users will have access to this web
with no permissions to edit etc..
I had a similar issue and the thing I noted in your Environmental comments was the custom master pages. Go to your Site Settings and ensure that your custom master pages have been published. If you need to publish them also check the corresponding html pages after they have been published as they may need to be republished also.
This worked for me.
