Android Studio 3.0 - No server to serve request - android-studio

After clean install of Android Studio I always get the error
java.lang.RuntimeException: No server to serve request. Check logs for
Error:Execution failed for task ':Application:mergeDebugResources'.
Error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: No server to serve request. Check logs for details.
Java is up to date and the path is set.
I am new to Android Studio, what should I try?

We ran into the same issue, and have been able to find the root cause: The error message means that Gradle cannot connect to some worker processes. In our case, the process was for 'aapt2'. Running 'ldd aapt2' indicated that some shared libraries were missing (mainly GLIBC). Since we're using Docker based on Alpine Linux, it comes with a reduced GLIBC (glibc-musl). The solution was to simply install glibc in the Docker container.
I suggest you run ldd build-tools/{version}/aapt2
to see which libraries are missing from the OS. You did not mention your OS, are you also using Docker and AlpineLinux ?

In my case, I did not need to re-download the sdk. I closed Android Studio and ran the following command in the Terminal:
sudo chmod 777 -R ~/Desktop/AndroidStudio
...where, ~/Desktop/AndroidStudio was the folder structure after Root which I needed to mention in order to provide permission to read all the SDK packages and perform required operation as and when necessary by the Android Studio, because my Sdk folder was inside "~/Desktop/AndroidStudio".
I am running Android Studio 3.0.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. This worked for me perfectly :-)

This error occurred because you might have accidentally remove the executable flag from aapt2 which is located in $ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/27.0.2.
Try this:
Re-download the sdk (recommended)
followed by-
sudo chmod 777 -R $ANDROID_HOME
$ANDROID_HOME is the location where I put android sdk
Hope this helps !!

Had to uninstall Android studio and delete the following
SDK folder in AppData folder
Delete .gradle folder
delete .AndroidStudio Projects folder
and did a fresh install which solved .

I had this problem on lubuntu-16 32bit (and also some other problems too). all of the problems were solved when I updated my system to lubuntu-16 64-bit.

Here how I fixed this Issue:
1.Deleted .gradle folder.
2.Closed android studio and run as administrator.
On Start android studio will rebuild the folder you deleted.

sudo chmod 777 -R $ANDROID_HOME
Note: $ANDROID_HOME is the location where you put android sdk
Hope this helps !!

If it is possible for you, please delete the build folder of project and test building android project with any other version of build-tools.
in my case, build-tools version: 26.0.2 had problem, I tested with 27.0.3 and it solved my problem unbelievably :)

I ran into the same problem, and it turned out I had messed up the file permissions inside the android-sdk folder (more specifically android-sdk/build-tools/{version}), and some binaries were missing execution permissions.
In my case, I simply gave x permissions to the relevant files in that directory, but if you're not sure, I suggest you uninstall the android sdk, completely remove its directory and then reinstall it again.

So after investigating the issue for long , I have a concrete solution .
Let`s look into it.
Go to Android Studio -> Help -> Show Log In Files
In the subsequent folder that opens, open idea.log
This would present you with a log file which contains logs of processes right from when the studio started. Now in this file, you have to search for the possible issue. For some the issue might be due to Cannot run program "/home/mmt/Android-Sdk/android-sdk-linux_x86/emulator/emulator-check": error=13, Permission denied
For some others, it may be some other. The point is that this file contains lot of irrelevant logs and you have to identify the one that is causing this issue. For me , after discovering the above issue, I granted permission to that particular folder using the below commands
cd $ANDROID_HOME/sudo chmod -R 777 emulator/
After this, rebuild your project and tadaaa.. problem resolved.

for me it was a virus that corrupted my files from the "build tools" folder. so I uninstalled everything and made a new installation of android studio, SDK and build tools.

For me, this is the side effect of another issue that I haven't root caused yet. Every once in a while, I get aapt2 failures because some file /tmp/ is "busy", with the following error message.
AAPT err(Facade for 1745790725): cp: cannot create regular file '/tmp/': Text file busy
Slave 1745790725 failed to start java.lang.RuntimeException: AAPT slave failed to start. Please make sure the current build tools (located at ~/.../android-sdk-linux/build-tools/27.0.3/aapt2) are not corrupted.
When this happens I just rm that file and everything starts working again. I suspect this might be caused by me actually having two installs of adb (one through ubuntu via apt and one from Android studio) but I haven't had time to dive deeper.

I already had latest version of build-tool installed, so I just had to give permission to Android_home:
chmod 777 -R $ANDROID_HOME
and build again. This worked for me.

If you are on Windows 10 (sigh), close android studio and then right click on android studio icon and select 'Run as Administrator' from 'more' menu.
Build again.

You can run Android Studio as Admin.
I hope it will help you.
To Do So :
Right click
choose Run as Administrator
Best regards,


Finish can only be called once : Android

Recently updated Build: 2.3.1, AI-162.3871768, 20170401,
AI-162.3871768, JRE 1.8.0_112-release-b06x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Mac OS X(x86_64) v10.11.6 unknown, screens 1440x900; Retina
Switching back to Android 2.2.2 did not help either. Successfully able to build from command Line though(MacOX Terminal)
Delete your $HOME/.gradle directory (or on Windows, %HOME%\.gradle folder). The next execution of gradle will rebuild this. (It will require some downloads, so make sure you have an internet connection).
You can try just deleting $HOME/.gradle/caches, but this will not solve the problem in all cases.
I have similar issue on 2.3.1
I tried using the Android 2.4 Preview 4 but that did not help. I am able to build from command line too.
It happens when Android Studio creates two instances of gradle. I tried clearing the gradle cache or even deleting the .gradle but did not help. All this problem started when I deleted my old project repo and re-pulled it and imported to my Android Studio.
Best is to delete all your gradle instance from your home directly before your re-import your project Android Studio.
Android Studio started behaving like this after I tried building with the command line(osx) using ./gradlew
What helps is running the studio with sudo:
sudo /Applications/Android\
I wonder if theres a fix to this problem that allows the studio to be started normally as well.

On Android Studio 2.2.3 Gradle sync failed: Cause: error=13, Permission denied on Linux Mint 18

On Android Studio 2.2.3 when I am creating a new project or opening previous projects then the following pop ups:
Gradle sync started 7:55:26 AM Gradle sync failed: Cause: error=13,
Permission denied
Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log)
what should I do? Please help. This is important.
On Android Studio folder, do
chmod 777 * -R
I think this not the best answer but it worked for me.
I solved this by going to the directory that contained the android-studio folder, which in my case was /usr/local
i.e cd /usr/local
then I ran:
sudo chmod 755 -R android-studio
It even fixed my font not displaying properly.
I'm using ubuntu 18.04
go the log files & see the issue. Most of the times it will access denied to jdk. Try changing the java path from android inbuilt jdk to any other version and refresh the project

Internal error. Please report to

Anybody knows how to get around this issue while launching Android Studio?
I saw a Google ticket here, but it was not useful:
Internal error. Please report to
java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected node Pythonid; nodes=[org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal, org.jetbrains.plugins.javaFX, org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle, org.jetbrains.plugins.github,, org.jetbrains.idea.maven,, org.intellij.intelliLang, org.intellij.groovy, org.editorconfig.editorconfigjetbrains, hg4idea, com.millennialmedia.intellibot, com.jivesoftware.robot.intellij.plugin, com.intellij.ui-designer-new, com.intellij.tasks,, com.intellij.modules.xml, com.intellij.modules.xdebugger, com.intellij.modules.vcs, com.intellij.modules.python, com.intellij.modules.platform, com.intellij.modules.lang, com.intellij.modules.json,, com.intellij.modules.androidstudio, com.intellij.modules.all,, com.intellij.copyright, com.intellij,,,, amailp.intellij.robot, TestNG-J, Subversion, JUnit, Git4Idea, Coverage, CVS]
at com.intellij.util.graph.GraphGenerator.buildOuts(
at com.intellij.util.graph.GraphGenerator.<init>(
at com.intellij.util.graph.GraphGenerator.create(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.createPluginIdGraph(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.initializePlugins(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.initPlugins(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.loadApplicationComponents(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.<init>(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.ex.ApplicationManagerEx.createApplication(
at com.intellij.idea.IdeaApplication.<init>(
at com.intellij.idea.MainImpl$1$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$300(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
It looks like you have a corrupted installation file - completely uninstall Android Studio and download it again from the website.
Install the newly downloaded version of Android Studio on your system - the one you had previously downloaded is likely corrupt.
Here are the instructions to uninstall Android Studio completely. Note that some files may be located in a different location depending on where you chose to install and the versions you've been using so if something is not in its normal place, please let me know.
Please follow all of the steps below in order.
Run the uninstaller
The first step is to run the uninstaller. Open Control Panel by accessing it from the menu when you right-click the Start Button (This applies for Windows 8 systems). Then, under Programs, select Uninstall a Program. After that, click on Android Studio and press Uninstall. If you have multiple versions, uninstall them as well.
After you have uninstalled Android Studio, it is recommended that you restart before proceeding with the steps below.
Remove the Android Studio files
To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in Windows Explorer (The file browser in Windows), type this as the File Path:
Replacing [YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME] with the username of your account on Windows. If you don't know your username, navigate to C:\Users and it will list all users on the system.
Here, delete .android, .AndroidStudio and any versions of this directory with versions on the end, .gradle and .m2.
Then, go to
and delete the JetBrains directory.
Finally, go to
C:\Program Files
and delete the Android directory.
Remove the SDK
To delete any remains of the SDK, in Windows Explorer, type this in as the File Path:
Here, delete the Android directory.
(Optional) Delete all previous projects
If you want to delete any of your previous projects, the directory where your projects are found is the AndroidStudioProjects directory. It is located in your root user file, C:\Users[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME].
Hopefully this will now have deleted the Android Studio files and you can now try reinstalling the tools.
If you have any problems doing so, give me a shout :)
1st step please disconnect your internet connection and restart the studio.
If it is not working??? Do the following steps.
Open the folder bin under the directory where you installed your Android Studio.
Find the file and open it with Notepad++/UltraEdit/other_edit_tools.
Add as the final line and save the file.
Restart Android Studio.
Remove lib folder .local/share/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/marketplace
or execute command
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/marketplace/lib
To recover from this state, you need to remove the "python" folder that you find here:
(Found at, worked for me)
I have this problem in android studio in linux OS after install a plugin,i resolved this issue with deleted.AndroidStudio3.2 folder from Home Directory and other way you can go to this directory and delete the plugin that caused it .
Directory : /home/your system's name/.AndroidStudio3.2/config/plugins .
and for windows OS you must go to this Directory :
C:\Users\your system's name.AndroidStudioPreview3.2\config\plugins
Note : this directory is hidden and you must visible befor use it .
I did faced this issue too, where it says to do this in my windows 10:
please report to in a windows error message.
It happened when i added some plugins in Android studio in Windows.
It persisted in my machine until i opened my Android Studio as an administrator and then uninstalled the most recent Plugins from File > Settings > Plugins > Installed Plugins.
What went wrong may be I added many plugins and applied all of them at once. May be i should have added one plugin at a time. Like install a plugin > apply that plugin and restart my Android Studio IDE in order to see it's effects.
My issue was with a plugin. I tried all sorts of ways of deleting Android folders using terminal. Nothing was working for me until I searched all instances of AndroidStudio in Finder and deleted each of them. After reinstalling everything worked great!
I solved it by removing an incompatile plugin located here: ~\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio4.1\plugins.
I deleted the folder "marketplace"
Open the folder bin under the directory where you installed your Android Studio.
Find the file and open it with Notepad++/UltraEdit/other_edit_tools.
Add as the final line and save the file.
Restart Android Studio.
It information helped for me
<<~ ~ ~ Quick Solution for Windows 10, Hope it will help ~ ~ ~>>
Download the latest Android Studio from the official website
Uninstall the existing Android Studio from your computer. NB: Remove Settings Preferences too while uninstalling.
Restart your computer
Install the newly downloaded Android Studio
Delete the old directories which will show when run the Android Studio the first time after installation of the new Android Studio.
NB: Do not remove your SDK files after uninstalling the Android Studio, if you want to save your time in installing the Android Studio.
I have solved this problem, depending on the system you use delete the following files:
~/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1
Thanks #Jonilson Coelho dos Anjos
For Ubuntu users
go to home
press ctrl+h to show hidden folder .local
now go to .local folder
you will find share folder, go inside share folder
find Google folder and delete it
Open Android Studio
Enjoy !!
delete paid plugin in android studio plugin folder (C:\Users\your_computer_name\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio4.1\plugins) and will work correctly. it works for me.
paid plugin should have to activate otherwise it will conflict.
1) Go to
2) Delete folder
3) Then restart Android studio.
I hope this works for you.
I came with a new solution. Instead of uninstalling Android Studio and removing all related folders and losing your programming state on Android studio, and beside all these wasting your time, you should try this solution first which worked for me:
In my case the problem was the Windows. As it has crashed recently, I figured out the problem could be it, so I decided to restore the windows to the most recent point before Android Studio crashed. But the system restore tool didn't allow me to restore my system at all, and it said I should repair missing or corrupted system files first.
I first used Microsoft System File Checker tool thread to fix the case, and guess what? after restarting the windows 10, all problems gone. No need for uninstalling the Android Studio or removing any plugins or even restoring the windows to an stable state.
Hope this work for you too.
error Android studio
Hi everyone, I have this problem recently and I found the solution by deleting plugins which was corrupted in:
My solution is:
Delete folder C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio
Delete folder C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio
Run AndroidStudio.
Android Studio will be opened like fresh install.
100 % solved
1st go to
2nd Delete folder
List item
3rd Start again android studio

Android Studio Update: Some conflicts found in installation area

When I start Android Studio, it shows popup regarding new update of 1.1 release. But when I start updating, After downloading all patch files, while restarting, it shows following error:
I searched almost everywhere on Google and Stackoverflow. There are already two questions on so: this and this. But none of them are have any correct answer. I also tried running as administrator, restarting PC, turning off the firewall, uninstalling antivirus. But none of them worked.
I am using windows 7 32-bit. How to solve this problem? Can anyone help?
I know this is an older question but I encountered the same error while updating SDK components in Android Studio 2.3.3. I was able to fix the problem by starting the SDK manager and un-checking the components that showed the error and clicked "Apply". That un-installed just that component. When it was finished, I re-checked the component and clicked "Apply" again. When it was finished, the problematic component was updated to the newest version. This was much quicker than doing a full un-install/re-install as stated in one of the solutions above.
Hope this helps someone.
This is another option, it is not much easier than reinstalling but at least you don't have to worry about your settings getting lost
Go to help->about and note the version you currently have installed
Download zip file for your current version at
Manually overwrite conflicted files with files from zip
Update normally
I had a similar problem on some other files and could not figure it out.
You should download the last Android Studio version and remove the old one.
It appears like the only way to bypass this error and successfully update Android Studio is to uninstall and reinstall it.
Before uninstalling, make a backup of your IDE settings through File | Export Settings.
Download the "No SDK tools included" exe from the Other Downloads section. Avoid using download accelerators as they often mess up the downloads from .
In the Install Wizard, you may uncheck to update AVD if you use Genymotion and don't need Google's Android emulator.
Use the JetBrains Toolbox for Android Studio update, problem solved. No need to mess with the file permissions. Especially on company devices.
I had this issue on Ubuntu 18.04 when tried to update Android Studio from 3.4 to 3.5 version. I have changed Android Studio directory's ownership to my user:
sudo chown -R <username> /opt/android-studio
It resolved all but one errors for me, because I still had a jre/bin/java - Access Denied error, which I have resolved by killing its process:
# The second column of this command's output is PID.
ps -aux | grep /opt/android-studio/jre/bin/java
kill <PID>
It might also happen that you need to logout and and re login as admin user in your system.
Update the Android studio [in admin user].
Re login as a previous user.
You should check the JDK Location settings, which appears be changed on every Android Studio update, with commands ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (to reveal the Project Structure menu options, and uncheck the Use embedded JDK and find your current JDK Location, on windows machines, you can see that location on environment variables JAVA_HOME.
There is a workaround, try deleting or moving the files that are causing the conflicts to another folder when the Update starts NOT BEFORE! That worked for me.
I know this is a very old question, but I face this issue almost every time I try to update my studio. Only solution I know which works for sure is clean install of studio....which is time consuming. So the solution is when you get to know the name of the file, search the location of that folder containing specified file. Check if that folder has lock icon on it, if it has then change the sharing settings to everyone and share the folder. If it does not have the lock icon on the folder check if it is in read-only mode. This worked for me hopefully someone finds this useful.
I had a similar problem. What I did was to make sure of the whole folder's ownership. For some reason, some files where owned by root, so I changed it to my ownership. In linux you can use the followoing command on the Android Studio folder:
sudo chown yourusername:yourusername -R android-studio-folder
I just tried again and everything updated successfully. Hope it helps!
The only solution worked for me is I have reinstalled Android Studio the latest version without uninstalling manually it and when starting the installer it asked me to uninstall and said that your settings will not be lost so I checked the uninstall and everything went smooth without any problems and got the latest version installed and all my settings the same.
I had this symptom when updating from Android Studio 3.4.2 to 3.5.
In my case, the affected file was plugins/Kotlin/kotlinc/bin/kotlinc.
The cause turned out to be that while the file's contents had not been modified at all... the Unix permissions bits on it had been.
Specifically, this was a file that comes as non-executable, and I had at some point chmod'd it to executable (because it should be) in order to use it from the command line.
The fix was to set those permissions bits back, with chmod:
$ chmod a-x /PATH/TO/android-studio/plugins/Kotlin/kotlinc/bin/*
This probably isn't a super common cause for this symptom, but hopefully it will be helpful to someone else. :-) I certainly didn't remember making that change, though once I spotted it I know exactly why I made it.
You can found the files in the android-sdk folder, and delete those files, and check your permission of the folder(android-sdk, build-tools, tools), if your can write, and download again.
I solve the issue.
I had the same error when upgrading from 3.1.x to 3.5.x. What worked for me was downloading the new Android Studio image from and installing it (when asking me if I want to replace the old version I said yes). Everything seems to work fine now.
I also had the same error when upgrading from 3.5 to 3.6, I managed to solve this without losing any sdk platforms and virtual machines in avd by installing the latest version of android,First Export the settings and then delete the two folders ".AndroidStudio3.x" in home directory and the "android-studio" in /usr/local or /opt directory, then download the zip file of latest version of android studio and move the "android-studio" folder to /usr/local or /opt. Now run the /android-studio/bin/ and import the settings,Now Latest version will be installed.
I got this error when I was trying to upgrade Android Studio using a different user account to the account that installed Android Studio (the account had admin privileges). When I switched to the account which installed Android Studio I was able to upgrade without this problem happening.
I have had a similar issue and solved it. Some documents were encrypted by the software installed on my PC, so updating to Android Studio 3.6 was not possible (in fact every update I have the same issue).
To solve it, just find those files in the Android Studio installation folder (probably Program Files/Android) and decrypt it. After that, you should be good to go. I hope it helps!

Cause: error in opening zip file (android-studio)

When I create a new project I finish the steps and click on "finish" and wait for the project to open.
But instead I see an error:
I can't solve this problem.
My Installation & problem details
I had this issue after importing a github project into Android Studio using the File > Import Project option. Network was fine and I had other Android Studio projects working properly so this was not a installation issue. I run Android Studio (Preview) 0.5.4
The solution that worked for me
I had the luxury of comparing differences with working projects. That is how I discovered the error was due to the distributionUrl property in the gradle/wrapper/ file.
In the failing project this was set like distributionUrl=http\:// While in the working project this was distributionUrl=http\:// Note the difference in the version.
Updating this distributionUrl in to this 1.11 link solved the issue for me.
About the Network
I have this issue on a very restricted network and I can see that the gradle-1.10 link does point to a zip file. The network issue sounds very plausible to. Probably I already have the 1.11 zip downloaded while on another network. I's less likely (though not impossible) that the 1.10 zip is broken.
Android Studio error installing Gradle
Your situation may be like this one. Just redownload the right, and replace the bad one on ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-1.x/[hash code]/
and the restart the android-studio
Note: ~/.gradle/ is where the directory may be found on unixoid operating systems (e.g. Linux, OS X, ...). On Windows it's typically at C:/Users/[NAME]/.gradle/.
You can erase the existing gradle zip file, then download the appropriate one from Link, and copy the new one (basically replace the existing one, mine was cc 5 MB, with new one cc 80 MB). Then reload Studio, and wait.
In my case it caused because of not properly configured HTTP proxy settings.
Android Studio created the file with the HTML error page of my proxy server inside. Obviously it won't be able to open the zip file afterwards.
The error disappeared once I configured the HTTP proxy settings under File > Settings > HTTP Proxy, deleted the existing archive and restarted Android Studio.
this may help you
Android studio - Failed to complete gradle execution - error in opening zip file
delete the .gradle directories in both your home directory and in your project's root directory and try building again.
If it says asks for disable offline mode, disable it by clicking on it again. It will download some required jar files. Then enable offline mode by checking checkbox under gradle settings for offline work. Disconnect from internet and rebuild project to see if it still works.
I am Facing this problem....
Go to Link
then download complete gradle file ..
Android studio -> Settings -> build tools -> gradle -> Project-level settings -> select Use local gradle distribution
then select your gradle download file
And Ok....Automatically Sync Gradle and Solve Your Problem ....
