How to use JavaScript library via socks5 proxy? - node.js

I haven't found anything in the documentation of about proxy.
But maybe is it possible to set proxy via some options settings?
Are there any workarounds to work this via socks5 proxy in Node?

SocketIO does not support proxies out of the box. What you need is a custom http agent which tunnels through the proxy. Fortunately there is socks-proxy-agent for that. Here's a demo:
const ProxyAgent = require('socks-proxy-agent')
const IO = require('')
// agent for a local socks5 proxy
const Agent = new ProxyAgent('socks5://')
// connect to via Agent
const SocketClient = IO('http://domain', {
agent: Agent,
SocketClient.on('connect', ()=>{
console.log('connected via proxy!')


Creating A HTTP proxy server with https support and use another proxy server to serve the response using nodejs

I need help creating a proxy server using node js to use with firefox.
the end goal is to create a proxy server that will tunnel the traffic through another proxy server (HTTP/SOCKS) and return the response back to firefox. like this
I wanna keep the original response received from the proxy server and also wanna support https websites as well.
Here is the code I came up with.
var http = require('http');
var request = require("request");
http.createServer(function(req, res){
const resu = request(req.url, {
// I wanna Fetch the proxy From database and use it here
proxy: "<Proxy URL>"
But it has 2 problems.
It does not support https requests.
It also does not supports SOCKS 4/5 proxies.
EDIT: I tried to create a proxy server using this module.
but the problem is we cannot specify any external proxy server to send connections through.
I have found a really super simple solution to the problem. We can just forward all packets as it is to the proxy server. and still can handle the server logic with ease.
var net = require('net');
const server = net.createServer()
server.on('connection', function(socket){
var laddr = socket.remoteAddress;
var to = net.createConnection({
host: "<Proxy IP>",
port: <Proxy Port>
server.listen(3000, "");
You have to use some middleware like http-proxy module.
Documentation here:
Install it using npm install node-http-proxy
This might help too: How to create a simple http proxy in node.js?

Socket.IO with HTTPS over apache present?

I have a domain name.
I have a Raspberry Pi as a web-server.
I've edited domain's A record to point it to my server's IP.
Via letsencrypt I got myself a certificate and now website works on https protocol (keeping http on for debug purposes)
I'm working on a messenger app that uses but using apache+php for low level stuff
So basically apache listens to 80 and 443 and nodejs listens to 3000
Obviously if I visit my site over http - everything works fine and both server and client register connections.
If I visit it over https - Chrome throws net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED error (in console when trying to connect to over port 3000. Site itself loads normally).
var socket = new io(":3000", { secure: true });
socket.on("connect", function() {
const io = require("");
const server = io.listen(3000);
console.log("Server started");
server.on("connection", function (socket) {
socket.emit("hello", "Connected");
I really don't want to use express or anything else for that matter to keep everything as small as possible, especially since I already have a web-server running.
How to properly set it up so users could connect to my server on port 3000 when they visit the site via https protocol?
From what it seems I think it's a CORS-thing type of a problem. User visiting website over https is trying to connect to an unsecured port (this case 3000) even though it's the same domain? I'd think that would be a no-no for a lot if not all browsers.
A solution comes to mind to just move the whole thing from apache to a nodejs server module and assign manually port 3000 as a secure one via https module but I've no idea how to do it, and I'd really want to keep my apache as a web-server because at least I'm more familiar with it than anything else.
Well I ended up creating a separate https server that I assume listens to (?)
Good thing I still have my apache as a main server. I partially answered my question using this post
const fs = require("fs");
const https = require("https");
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/')
var server = https.createServer(options);
var io = require('').listen(server);
console.log("Server started");
io.on("connection", function (socket) {
socket.emit("hello", "Connected");
socket.on("disconnect", () => {
var s = new io("", { secure: true } );
Hope this is the right way to do it

I have no idea how to connect server and client with https or wss

I am trying to deploy my web application and I am using
azure virtual machine for my server
azure app service for my client
The problem is client page is given https:// but my server only support http://
The page works if I change the domain name https to http, but some of my APIs only runs on https so I need to make the server support https.
My code for connecting to server is like this below.
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: "http://{my_virtual_machine_ipAddress}:4000/graphql"
const wsLink = new WebSocketLink({
uri: "ws://{my_virtual_machine_ipAddress}:4000/subscriptions"
I want to make http to https, ws to wss!
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: "https://{my_virtual_machine_ipAddress}:4000/graphql"
const wsLink = new WebSocketLink({
uri: "wss://{my_virtual_machine_ipAddress}:4000/subscriptions"
I was thinking to install apache on virtual machine and do the openssl. Is this the right way or is there any other way to make my server support https on azure?
A VM with nginx or Apache would be a good choice.
Out of the box Laravel Homestead comes equipped with what you need
It ships with SSL support for nginx
If you go with this, note that for development Port, you will need to use Port 8443

What is best practice node.js recommended port in production environment?

I have created a chat app in node.js using port 4000. Everything works just fine, but when I rolled it out in production, I found that many corporate networks block outgoing port 4000. I considered using other ports that would be more likely to be open on a corporate network, but then found this list of ports blocked by chrome browser:
Using ports such as 995 would result in a chrome error of "ERR_UNSAFE_PORT"
So it appears that the only ports allowed are 80 and 443 for a node.js server? What is the recommended best practice for choosing a port for your node.js application in a production environment?
My webserver is already using ports 80 and 443 for typical apache web serving. Do I need to create a dedicated server just for node.js?
I am using the following code to initiate the connection from the browser to the node.js server:
var socket = io.connect('');
and here is the code on the server side:
const https = require('https');
const fs = require('fs');
var express = require('express')
, bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var socket = require('');
var adminid = '';
var clientlist = new Array();
var port = 4000;
const options = {
cert: fs.readFileSync('./fullchain.pem'),
key: fs.readFileSync('./privkey.pem')
var app = express();
var server = https.createServer(options, app).listen(port, function(){
console.log("Express server listening on port " + port);
443 and 80 are the main ports for https and HTTP traffic respectively.
other ports can be used for WebSockets, but that doesn't sound like your use case.
What I have done in the past is use a reverse proxy, to discriminate on the incoming URL, and map the ports internally on my machine without the client needing to know.
NGINX is usually the easiest bet for this if you are on any sort of linux distro.
here is a blog about how to setup reverse proxy for a node app using nginx.
the article references sailsjs, but there is nothing framework specific about the techique.
Most people don't expose their Node.js server directly to the internet but use Apache or Nginx as a frontend proxy.
Have your server bind to localhost only (or use firewall rules to only allow incoming 80 and 443.
server.listen('localhost', 4000)
Configure your reverse proxy. I'm using Caddy: {
root /var/www/
# et cetera
} {
proxy / localhost:4000 {
When proxying websocket, you need to ensure the Connection and Upgrade headers aren't lost, which I've done with Caddy's shortcut here.
You could also use the same domain as the main site and only proxy a certain path.
Have the client connect to wss:// (on port 443). (I'm not familiar with to say why it uses an HTTPS URL instead of WSS, but I'll assume you have that working.)

Read data from a url behind a proxy

WEB Server I want to connect to
I have a web service running in a private network. This server is a web service which I can see working in the browser if I set the socks proxy in the browser.
My Service
I need node.js server on my machine to use the socks proxy to connect and call the web server
My UseCase
I need to do post requests for xml data as well as do some get requests.
My Problem
My app is not able to connect to the server hidden behind the socks proxy.
I do not want to set the global proxy for node or anything, only for one part of the app.
Updated : Working Solution
While the answer directs in the correct direction, I will include the final working solution here for reference as it needed a few modifications to the examples on github
var shttp = require('socks5-http-client');
var options = {} ; = 'ip.of.web.service';
options.port = 1919; //port of webservice
options.path = '/control/getjson'; //path on webservice to get
options.socksPort = 8778; //socks proxy port
options.socksHost = 'ip.of.socks.proxy';
var req = shttp.get(options, function (res) {
res.on('readable', function () {
callback(res); //send response to my function for further processing.
Using socks proxy is not natively supported in the built in http client object.
Following 2 libraries makes it easy to connect to http endpoints through a socks proxy. Give it a try
Use socks5-http-client for connecting to http endpoints
Use socks5-https-client for connecting to https endpoints
