Replace a single placeholder in a .conf file using bash - linux

Hi everyone I am still learning bash at the moment but I am writing
a script for work that is being used to install Docker and CNTLM because we are running behind some proxies.
I have the installations working but am struggling to change 2 variable placeholders in the cntlm.conf file below.
# Cntlm Authentication Proxy Configuration
# NOTE: all values are parsed literally, do NOT escape spaces,
# do not quote. Use 0600 perms if you use plaintext password.
Username $MyUserName
Password $MyPassWord
# NOTE: Use plaintext password only at your own risk
# Use hashes instead. You can use a "cntlm -M" and "cntlm -H"
# command sequence to get the right config for your environment.
# See cntlm man page
# Example secure config shown below.
PassLM 93409221097752460192457192457999
PassNT 08992693829837928372938729387229
### Only for user 'testuser', domain 'corp-uk'
PassNTLMv2 02793865976487363876348763873467
# Specify the netbios hostname cntlm will send to the parent
# proxies. Normally the value is auto-guessed.
# Workstation netbios_hostname
I have been able to change the
by using replace line with 'sed' but I am unable to change the $MyUserName and $MyPassWord from the variables being used in the bashscript.
Any ideas on how I can do this?

There are various alternatives:
To replace them using sed on a "template" and creating a new file, you can do it like this:
sed 's/\$MyPassword/MySuperPassword/' cnlm.conf >
Now, if you will replace into the same file and you don't know the last value of the password, you can do:
sed -ri 's/^(Password *).*$/\1MySuperPassword/' cnlm.conf
If your new password is in a shell variable, then you can execute the last command like this:
sed -ri "s/^(Password *).*$/\1${newPasswd}/" cnlm.conf
Finally, if you want to change the username and the password in the same command:
sed -ri "s/^(Username *).*$/\1${newUser}/; s/^(Password *).*$/\1${newPasswd}/" cnlm.conf


Running a Script to change a wp-config file DB Name

I teach students how to fix wordpress sites and I would like to write a script that looks at what information they have in their wp-config.php and add a single letter or number to the database name.
For example the line is such
define('DB_NAME', 'cpanelUser_NameofDB');
I would like to add a number or a line to the end of NameofDB
I can use this to isolate the cpanelUser_NameofDB
grep -i 'DB_NAME' wp-config.php | cut -d"'" -f4
but I'm not sure how to add information, nor if this is the correct script I should run to get there. I would also like it to not matter what the name of the database is since it will be ran on multiple sites. I'm sure I could use regex but I'm not too versed in that and would not know where to start. Help please!
You can use WP CLI on the server:
Go to the website root:
cd /var/www/
...and list all the wp-config values:
wp config list
...or set the value you need to change:
sudo wp config set DB_NAME put_my_custom_db_name_here --allow-root
See more WP CONFIG features here:
You can use sed for this purpose to fix this line:
sed -i "s/^.*DB_NAME.*$/define('DB_NAME', 'cpanelUser_NameofDB${id}');/" wp-config.php
flag -i means that we do change in file directly.
Alternatively you can make template file and generate new file while sed works on stdin and stdout
cat wp-config.php-template| sed "s/^.*DB_NAME.*$/define('DB_NAME', 'cpanelUser_NameofDB${id}');/" > wp-config.php.$id

How does one create a wrapper around a program?

I want to learn to create a wrapper around a program in linux. How does one do this? A tutorial reference web-page/link or example will do. To clarify what I want to learn, I will explain with an example.
I use vim for editing text files. And use rcs as my simple revision control system. rcs allows you to check-in and checkout-files. I would like to create a warpper program named vir which when I type in the shell as:
$ vir temp.txt
will load the file temp.txt into rcs with ci -u temp.txt and then allows me to edit the file using vim.
When I get out and go back in, It will need to check out the file first, using ci -u temp.txt and allow me to edit the file as one normally does with vim, and then when I save and exit, it should check-in the file using co -u temp.txt and as part of that I should be able to add a version control comment.
Basically, all I want to be doing on the command line is:
$ vir temp.txt
as one would with vim. And the wrapper should take care of the version control for me.
Take a look at rcsvers.vim, a vim plugin for automatically saving versions in RCS; you could modify that. There are also other RCS plugins for vim at
I have a wrapper to enhance the ping command (using zsh) it could, maybe help you:
# ping command wrapper - Last Change: out 27 2019 18:47
# source:
# Name: ping() wrapper
# Arg: (url|domain|ip)
# Purpose: Send ping request to domain by removing urls, protocol, username:pass using system /usr/bin/ping
local array=( $# ) # get all args in an array
local host=${array[-1]} # get the last arg
local args=${array[1,-2]} # get all args before last arg in $#
#local _ping="/usr/bin/ping"
local _ping="/bin/ping"
local c=$(_getdomainnameonly "$host")
[ "$host" != "$c" ] && echo "Sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to \"$c\"..."
# pass args and host
# $_ping $args $c
# default args for ping
$_ping -n -c 2 -i 1 -W1 $c
# Name: _getdomainnameonly
# Arg: Url/domain/ip
# Returns: Only domain name
# Purpose: Get domain name and remove protocol part, username:password and other parts from url
# get url
local h="$1"
# upper to lowercase
local f="${h:l}"
# remove protocol part of hostname
# Remove username and/or username:password part of hostname
# remove all /foo/xyz.html*
# show domain name only
echo "$f"
What it hides the local ping using a function called "ping", so if your script has precedence on your path it will find at first the function ping. Then inside the script I define an internal variable called ping that points out to the real ping command:
local _ping="/bin/ping"
You can also notice that the args are stored in one array.

How to pass password value string contains ! in nagios command for monitoring purpose

In nagios cfg if I want to pass multi parameters to command, the value is seperated by !
My problem is that the password I'm trying to pass to nagios cfg file contains !, which causing problem for nagios to think it's a separator.
Is there any other way to change seperator or literally change the meaning of ! in password string?
define service{
use generic-service
service_description ESXi Hardware Check
check_command check_esxi_hardware!root!Password123!!auto
nagios thinks the $ARG1$ is root $ARG2$ is Password123 and $ARG3$ is null
actually the value I want to pass is
$ARG1$ is root $ARG2$ is Password123! and $ARG3$ is auto
First, you should use Nagios user macros for store sensitive information like password. Just look to your Nagios private/resource.cfg file for more information.
Nagios uses ! to separate input arguments in the configuration.
Everything is great until you need to use a ! or $ within one of your variables. At this point you need to escape the special character.
You should use a backslash "\" to do this for the ! and $ characters in your Nagios configuration files, like: \! or \$.

Linux sed replacing word in generic way

I would like to do a sed command in Linux to uncomment the "#auth"
Original file
auth sufficient
# Uncomment the following line to implicitly trust users in the "wheel" group.
#auth sufficient trust use_uid
I can write this command to do it:
sed 's/#auth.*sufficient.* trust use_uid/auth\t sufficient\t trust use_uid/' /etc/pam.d/su
But I think it is too long. Is there any better way to do this (more generic)?
I don't want to specific the line number to replace it, because if someone changed the file, the script will not run normally.
For example:
Search keyword "#auth.*sufficient.* trust use_uid", if found, replace this the word "#auth" to "auth", and then append the later wording in the line
With GNU sed, look up the -i option that allows in-place modification and then anchor the regular expression. For instance:
sed -i '/^#auth.*pam_wheel/s/^#//' INPUTFILE
will look for lines beginning with "#auth" that include "pam_wheel" later on the line and replace the "#" at the beginning with nothing.

Use shell to load in variables to replace placeholders

I have a problem where my config files contents are placed within my deployment script because they get their settings from my file. This causes my deployment script to be very large a bloated.
I was wondering if it would be possible in bash to do something like this
# Pull in settings file
. ./
# Link config to right location
ln -s /home/log.conf /home/logging/log.conf
# Write variables on top of placeholder variables in the file
for $PLACEHOLDER_* in /home/logging/log.conf
I want this to work for any variable found in the config file which starts with $placeholder_
This process would allow me to move a generic config file from my repository and then add the proper variables from my setting file on top of the placeholder variables in the config.
I'm stuck on how I can get this to actually work using my
This small script will read all variable lines from and replace the PLACEHOLDER_xxx in file for each. Does this help you?
while IFS== read variable value
sed -i "s/\$PLACEHOLDER_$variable/$value/g" file
done <
#!/usr/local/env bash
set -x
ln -s /home/log.conf /home/logging/log.conf
while read user
usertmp=$(echo "${user}" | sed s'#USER=\"##' \
sed s'#"$##')
done <
I don't really understand the rest of what you're trying to do, I will confess, but this will hopefully give you the idea. Use read.
