How to flush SQLite3 database changes to disk? - linux

My application is running on a portable Debian (5 and 8) computer. This computer may lose power at unpredictable times. The application is frequently updating a specific SQLite3 database, and flushing to disk immediately, using a sync() command. This is done to avoid corruption of the database, which would happen in the power disappears before the changes are fully written to disk.
This has been working nicely, but now the problem is that the sync() command flushes ALL buffered changes to disk, for all open files. This causes a slowdown in other parts of the system. One possible solution is to only flush critical file changes, such as this specific database file. But the question is; how can I do that? I have no access to file descriptors, and I can't find any SQLite3 functions that does this for me. Any ideas?

you can use file specific syncing. fsync() will be useful for this.


node fs.fsync (when to use?)

I want to safely write a file and I wan't to understand the proper use/place for fsync.
After reading ^ that, I am puzzled as to where to effectively use it.
Question, do I:
I'm writing something that performs many file changes. I have looked at modules that write atomic, but I would like to understand the process.
fsync is one of those functions where it's extremely rare that you'll need to use it.
All operating systems mask the fact that storage devices are slow by caching reads and writes. When you write to a file, it doesn't immediately write to the actual storage medium; it'll capture it in a cache, tell your program that the write has completed, and go and write the contents to the storage device in the background instead. The operating system will keep everything consistent though; if another application reads from that file, it'll see the new contents, as the OS will serve the contents from cache.
Note for a moment that this isn't universal; I believe Windows disables caching for removable storage devices to prevent data loss when people pull the drive out. There's also some set of flags you can pass to open() to disable the cache.
For almost all use cases, you don't need to care that this happens. The only upshot for you is that your program can continue faster. There are some cases where this is problematic though:
If power is lost, the contents of the cache are lost, so the disk won't have all the new contents of the file.
If the drive is removed, writes will equally be lost. This is pretty typical for removable storage devices, and I'm pretty sure 90% of people ignore the "safely remove" prompt ;).
I think doing direct reads directly from a device (i.e. /dev/sdX in Linux) will bypass this cache, but I'm not 100% sure.
Examples of where it is needed are, say, databases. When you run an update query, the database will normally update its in-memory state, and write the mutation to a transaction log. Reliability is a good thing for a database though, so it will write to the transaction log and do an fsync on that file before responding to the user (or will have opened the transaction log as unbuffered) so there's some level of guarantee that the transaction has been persisted.
In your example, the fsync will ensure that the rename has actually taken place and has been flushed to disk.

File contents lost after power outage

I am using C++ ofstream to write a log file on Linux. When I monitor the file contents with tail -f command I can see the contents are correctly populated. But if a power outage happens and I check the file again after power cycle, the last couple lines of records are gone. With hexdump I can see those records turned into null characters '\0' instead. I tried flush() and manipulator std::endl and they don't help anyway.
Is it true what tail showed to me was not actually written to the disk and they were just in buffer? The inode table wasn't update before the power outage? I can accept this fact but I don't understand why the records turned to null characters if they weren't written to the file.
Btw, I tried Google's glog and have the same results (a bunch of null characters at the end). I also tried zlog, a C library. and found it only lost the last records but didn't replace them with null chars.
Well, when you have a power outage, and then start the system again, the linux kernel tries to forward the journal log to detect and correct the inconsistencies held from memory to disk when the system crashed. Normally this means to redo and commit all operations possible until the system crash, but undo (and erase) all data not commited on the time of the crash.
Linux (and other un*x kernels, like freebsd) has a facility called ordered data write, that forces metadata (like block pointers from inodes, or directory entries) to be updated after the actual data they point to is effectively written on disk, so inconsistencies reduce to a minimum. I don't know the actual linux implementation, but for example, in freebsd what you point (a block of zeros in a file instead of the actual data written) is completely impossible with freebsd kernel (well, you can do it on purpose, but not accidentally) The most probable thing is that linux probably just manages the blocks info and not the file contents, or it has updated the file size pointer and not the data up to there. This should not happen as it's an already solved problem.
The other thing is how many data you have written or why what you see on the screen doesn't appear after the system crash. Probably you have heard about something called delayed write that allows the kernel to save write operations to disk on busy systems by not writing immediately data onto disk, but waiting some time so updates can be resolved in core memory buffers before they go to disk. Disk writes, anyway, are forced after some time delay, that means 5secs in linux (I try to remember, there's a lot of time I checked that value last time, I'm in doubt between 5 and 30 seconds) so you can lose your last five seconds at most.

How to wait for the dd command to finish copying before continuing my script?

Title pretty much nailed it, Im copying files to a flash drive and then doing some things to those files. Well I have noticed that after running the dd command the flash drive is still flashing and not all the files are on the device.
Does anyone know how to maybe run a simple loop (in script) to wait on the dd process to finish? I have been googling for about 2-3 hours now trying to figure it out and its beyond me if its even possible.
Thanks in advance!
Try the sync command:
sync writes any data buffered in memory out to disk. This can
include (but is not limited to) modified superblocks, modified inodes,
and delayed reads and writes. This must be implemented by the kernel;
The sync program does nothing but exercise the sync system call.
The kernel keeps data in memory to avoid doing (relatively slow)
disk reads and writes. This improves performance, but if the computer
crashes, data may be lost or the file system corrupted as a result.
The sync command ensures everything in memory is written to disk.
Most likely you are seeing the operating system caching the writes. If you really want to make sure that everything is written to the flash drive so that it is safe to remove, it needs to be unmounted.

Does the Linux filesystem cache files efficiently?

I'm creating a web application running on a Linux server. The application is constantly accessing a 250K file - it loads it in memory, reads it and sends back some info to the user. Since this file is read all the time, my client is suggesting to use something like memcache to cache it to memory, presumably because it will make read operations faster.
However, I'm thinking that the Linux filesystem is probably already caching the file in memory since it's accessed frequently. Is that right? In your opinion, would memcache provide a real improvement? Or is it going to do the same thing that Linux is already doing?
I'm not really familiar with neither Linux nor memcache, so I would really appreciate if someone could clarify this.
Yes, if you do not modify the file each time you open it.
Linux will hold the file's information in copy-on-write pages in memory, and "loading" the file into memory should be very fast (page table swap at worst).
Edit: Though, as cdhowie points out, there is no 'linux filesystem'. However, I believe the relevant code is in linux's memory management, and is therefore independent of the filesystem in question. If you're curious, you can read in the linux source about handling vm_area_struct objects in linux/mm/mmap.c, mainly.
As people have mentioned, mmap is a good solution here.
But, one 250k file is very small. You might want to read it in and put it in some sort of memory structure that matches what you want to send back to the user on startup. Ie, if it is a text file an array of lines might be a good choice, etc.
The file should be cached, but make sure the noatime option is set on the mount, otherwise the access time will attempt to be saved to the file, invalidating the cache.
Yes, definitely. It will keep accessed files in memory indefinitely, unless something else needs the memory.
You can control this behaviour (to some extent) with the fadvise system call. See its "man" page for more details.
A read/write system call will still normally need to copy the data, so if you see a real bottleneck doing this, consider using mmap() which can avoid the copy, by mapping the cache pages directly into the process.
I guess putting that file into ramdisk (tmpfs) may make enough advantage without big modifications. Unless you are really serious about response time in microseconds unit.

Is the file mutex in Linux? How to implement it?

In windows, if I open a file with MS Word, then try to delete it.
The system will stop me. It prevents the file being deleted.
There is a similar mechanism in Linux?
How can I implement it when writing my own program?
There is not a similar mechanism in Linux. I, in fact, find that feature of windows to be an incredible misfeature and a big problem.
It is not typical for a program to hold a file open that it is working on anyway unless the program is a database and updating the file as it works. Programs usually just open the file, write contents and close it when you save your document.
vim's .swp file is updated as vim works, and vim holds it open the whole time, so even if you delete it, the file doesn't really go away. vim will just lose its recovery ability if you delete the .swp file while it's running.
In Linux, if you delete a file while a process has it open, the system keeps it in existence until all references to it are gone. The name in the filesystem that refers to the file will be gone. But the file itself is still there on disk.
If the system crashes while the file is still open it will be cleaned up and removed from the disk when the system comes back up.
The reason this is such a problem in Windows is that mandatory locking frequently prevents operations that should succeed from succeeding. For example, a backup process should be able to read a file that is being written to. It shouldn't have to stop the process that is doing the writing before the backup proceeds. In many other cases, operations that should be able to move forward are blocked for silly reasons.
The semantics of most Unix filesystems (such as Linux's ext2 fs family) is that a file can be unlink(2)'d at any time, even if it is open. However, after such a call, if the file has been opened by some other process, they can continue to read and write to the file through the open file descriptor. The filesystem does not actually free the storage until all open file descriptors have been closed. These are very long-standing semantics.
You may wish to read more about file locking in Unix and Linux (e.g., the Wikipedia article on File Locking.) Basically, mandatory and advisory locks on Linux exist but they're not guaranteed to prevent what you want to prevent.
