Using webpack as build tool for React npm package - node.js

I've been playing around with webpack and npm registry. I created my own little project. which I published to npm registry. Everything seems to work fine, but there is one thing that worries me.
The file which is built by webpack (lib/index.js) contains almost 2k lines of code while my library is really tiny. I see that it includes two dependencies that I use which are prop-types and detect-browser. They make most of the code.
Hover after downloading these two libraries and using them in a test project I would expect them to be somehow deduped by tree-shaking or something like that, but the size of my package is still the same.
Basically, all I'm asking is: does my library includes more code than necessary? It seems like so to me.
I also tried to additionally install prop-types and detect-browser in the test project to see if bundle size will remain the same. Hower the size of my library is still the same and bundle size increased (I expected that redundant libraries will be removed or something).

How did you generate the dependency graph?
BTW your package looks fine except for the fact that your are including in you distributed code both the packages you are depending on (prop-types and detect-browser).
In order to avoid that you should mark as external those libraries in your webpack config file. Like:
externals: {
react: 'react',
prop-types: 'prop-types',
detect-browser: 'detect-browser',
Just a final (personal) note: give Rollup a try to bundle your libraries. :)


How to install and configure external modules within React + Webpack

I've got quite some experience in (web) development (Java, ASP.NET and PHP amongst all), and fairly new to React and Node JS.
Although I did multiple tutorials and read multiple articles, I feel like I'm missing some point here and there. Currently I'm working on a React app which implements a nice HTML template I found.
One React tutorial I did used Webpack for building and deploying the app (local). This works nice, does the job of transpiling ES6 (.jsx) and SASS using babel. So far so good :)
My template has an image slider (Owl Carousel), so I installed the react-owl-carousel module.
This gave me quite some problems with jQuery (also installed as a module).
After several attempts to fix this I decided to move on to another slider module, React Awesome slider.
I used the module as the explained. But upon building it (npm run build), I got an error that the .scss file within react-awesome-slider could not be transpiled. A message like "are you missing a loader".
So I installed sass, node-sass, sass-loader etc etc and configured these in my webpack.config.js.
I also noticed the react-awesome-slider module within node-modules contained a webpack.config.js.
Long story so far, sorry, now to the essence of this question.
In what way can the modules installed (like react-awesome-slider) be considered "black boxes"?
It doesn't feel logical that all the modules get build when building the main app. The "exclude: /node_modules/," config in webpack.config.js prevents this, not?
So why does the react-awesome-slider give an error about .scss transpiling? I had no .scss rule in my webpack config then.
Will all dependend modules automatically get installed when installing a new module? So when I run "npm i react-awesome-slider --save-dev", will its dependencies also be installed? Or is this not necessary? And do I need to update (webpack) configuration after installing a new module? Or is it really black box and "self-containing"?
Any help would greatly be appreciated!!! Maybe there is a good react-webpack sample app on Github or something like that?
That also confusing me for a really long time. Here are some answers to your question.
people publish packages to the NPM, so a module your project depends on
can be pre-builded or source code, it depends. I have checked react-awesome-slider, it's main field in package.json is dist/index.js, directly import it won't cause an issue because there are no SCSS files.If you follow the CSS module usage instruction you have import react-awesome-slider/src/styles and you will find src/styles.js file import ../styled.scss,so webpack will load it with SCSS loader which you have not configured, that's why an error occurred.
while you install modules, npm will go
through its dependency tree, install its dependencies, dependencies'
dependencies, until there's no more dependency module to install. before npm 3.0 the node_module folder is tree structure reflects the dependency tree, but it causes problems that many modules relay on the same dependency, npm will download and save too many same files, after version 3.0 it becomes flat(release note here, search flat keyword).
You don't need to update your webpack config after you install a dependency cause webpack build process will handle it with file dependency tree. You have installed a package and import it in your activation code, file there will be handle( with its package.json main field file as an entry), you have installed a package without using it or import it in a dead file(dead file means you cannot find it from webpack entry file), it will be ignored by webpack as it's dead code.
I have too many confuse until I read npm docs. Good luck to you.
Node modules are build to execute packages.When the are compiled they have proper configuration to handle extensions that are imported in it and when you import something like .scss in your main app then it does not know about that extension then your webpack need rules to include that extensions.
It does exclude node_modules as the are pre-converted pr pre build.
More over webpack is bit tough so developers create CRA Have look at it.

Need validation of my understanding of dev-dependencies and dependencies

I am a beginner (~15 days into learning web-development) and I am currently learning React among other things and I am sorry if this sounds too trivial.
I am trying to understand the difference between devDependencies and dependencies and the correct usage of the same.
I have tried to figure it out from the docs and stackoverflow questions but I am not a 100% sure if I have this right. So kindly review my understanding as of now and let me know if I have this right so far.
dependencies: only the packages which are finally going to be used by the production build. These will be there in the final package.json file.
devDepndencies: the packages which eases my development efforts and finally will not be used by the product / application. These will not be included in the package.json folder of the final build.
Importance of correct usage
Fairly important as correctly excluding devDependencies from dependencies can make the app lighter. At the same time, incorrectly excluding required dependencies will cause my app to break.
Practical example
In the package.json file created during my tutorial, I had the following packages and I am mentioning the type of dependency that the package should have according to my current understanding. Please let me know if I am erring somewhere:
babel-cli : devDependency
babel-core: devDependency
babel-loader: devDependency
babel-plugin-transform-class-properties: devDependency
babel-preset-env: devDependency
babel-preset-react: devDependency
css-loader: devDependency
node-sass: dependency
react: dependency
react-dom: dependency
react-modal: dependency
sass-loader: dependency
style-loader: dependency
validator: dependency
webpack: dev-dependency
webpack-dev-server: dev-dependency
Please let me know if I have any of these wrong
devDependencies are dependencies only required within your development environment or that are required for you to build your UI, for example nodemon is a dev dependency because you'll never run your application with it.
One of the advantages of splitting up your devDependencies from your normal dependencies is a smaller docker image size when building your final layer.
For example, in my dockerfile I'll run a suite of tests and also build the UI which requires an npm install but when building the final image that is going to actually run I will simply copy over the built UI files via docker then I'll run an npm install --production so that my devDependencies won't install and bloat my node_modules folder.
Hope this helps.
devDependencies are the module dependencies which are only required during the active development of your web application. For example, when you're coding new features into your web application. A lot of devDependencies will make development easier on your end and can provide functionality such as linting, bundling, transpiling, etc...
In contrast, regular dependencies are the modules which are necessary during the runtime of your web application. I.e. these are the necessary dependencies for your web application to work correctly when other users want to interact with your web application.
Note: By module I mean the underlying code from the library which you're leveraging. A more complete definition can be found here.
Your concerns about including more code than necessary for your production bundle are valid, and I would recommend reading more about the Cost of JavaScript. However, in the beginning I would encourage one to first get a working code base, and to keep iterating and improving your code as your skillset grows. Improving performance along the way.
Lastly, some common type of devdependencies include libraries for testing your code base, building, minifying, bundling, transpiling, and linting your code as well.
Hopefully that helps!

Why to use webpack-node-externals in node?

I'm using webpack to bundle my typescript nodejs code.
I use webpack-node-externals to avoid errors in node_modules during the compile time.
webpack-node-externals says that, allows you to define externals - modules that should not be bundled.
But why? Webpack should bundle everything that I need to start my bundle right? It can extract and remove module that I don't use. (tree-shake for example).
If I use webpack-node-externals, then I'll have to do npm i in my prod folder to get all the dependencies.
I think this is miss the point of webpack can do. right?
I think you are correct that in your case, bundling into a single file would make more sense. webpack-node-external appears to be designed for use of NodeJS libraries, not standalone apps. From their doc:
When writing a node library, for instance, you may want to split your code to several files, and use Webpack to bundle them. However - you wouldn't want to bundle your code with its entire node_modules dependencies, for two reasons:
It will bloat your library on npm.
It goes against the entire npm dependencies management. If you're using Lodash, and the consumer of your library also has the same Lodash dependency, npm makes sure that it will be added only once. But bundling Lodash in your library will actually make it included twice, since npm is no longer managing this dependency.
As a consumer of a library, I want the library code to include only its logic, and just state its dependencies so they could me merged/resolved with the rest of the dependencies in my project. Bundling your code with your dependencies makes it virtually impossible.
I disagree with the comments that suggest Webpack was not designed to bundle Node scripts, considering that Webpack has a specific setting for just that (target). Unfortunately, there are too many third-party libraries that do not play nice with Webpack (as I just discovered today), so pragmatically speaking you're better off installing modules in the distribution folder anyway.
This is because of the binary dependency in node_modules/ as explained in:
Webpack will load modules from the node_modules folder and bundle them
in. This is fine for frontend code, but backend modules typically
aren't prepared for this (i.e. using require in weird ways) or even
worse are binary dependencies.
I went through this explanation, you can see my studies here:

Build strategies for utilizing npm packages

This must be a commonly solved problem, but I cannot find a whole lot on Google/SO so far.
When we run npm install and fetch say 50+ packages including devDependencies as well as runtime dependencies, npm creates node_modules (if needed) and adds each of those packages inside that folder. This means we end up with thousands of extraneous files included under node_modules. Each of those packages contains their own package.json,, minified files, source files, etc. Our application really only cares about jquery.js (for DEV) and jquery.min.js (for PROD), so it seems to be a waste to include all of these other files into our build and therefore our web server.
Is there a standard when it comes to handle these npm packages in a way so that we simply expose ONLY the necessary files to the user? I imagine many people have this kind of issue but I don't see any built in npm constructs that allow us to do this easily.
See below.. the yellow highlighted files are the only files we really care about in Production, but we get all these extra files as well including the source code.
The most common solution consist of bundling your application on a different machine and then expose the built artefacts on production server.
There are a lot of great JS bundlers out there. The ones I have personally used are Browserify, Webpack, and Rollup. All amazing tools.
The main idea consists of writing your application in a Node environment and then bundle it to make it readable to the browser.
For simpler projects I find Browserify a very good compromise between power and ease of configuration. But it's a matter of taste, at the end. :)
Base on what I read about npm install documentation I do not think there is a option to manipulate the installation in the way you want. The packages will install the way the package author decides to package it, sometimes minified sometimes not.
Having said that, you should look for third party solutions like modclean which does exactly what you want post package installation. Run this command in the root of your project directory
npm install modclean -g
As long as your test coverage is good, ModClean would be perfect for your need.
Edit the package.json file and remove all the unnecessary dependencies then do
npm install --save
By doing this, it will create a local node_modules folder and only download the necessary packages into it (not the global node_modules folder)
Keep in mind, by default, node checks for local node_modules folder. If it couldn't find it, it will use the global folder.
Also, you don't expose all the packages in the node_modules folder. In fact, they will not be used unless you require(); them in the node.js file
For jQuery to work in Node, a window with a document is required. Since no such window exists natively in Node, one can be mocked by tools such as jsdom. This can be useful for testing purposes.
require("jsdom").env("", function(err, window) {
if (err) {
var $ = require("jquery")(window);
So jquery module do things a bit differently behind the scene for node.js comparing to the regular front-end jquery.
It requires jsdom so you will have to download that as well from here

Efficiently Bundling Dependencies with Electron App for Distribution

I am trying to figure out an effective way to bundle and distribute various dependencies (node modules and/or "client"-side scripts and framework like Angular) with my Electron App.
Although the basic approach of npm install module-name --save works well for development, it is not so good in the end when it comes to minimizing the size of your app and using minified resources at runtime. For instance, virtually all npm packages (including node modules) come with a lot of "extra baggage" like readmes, various versions of components (minified, not minified, ES2015, no-ES2015, etc). While these are great for development, all these files have absolutely no need to be included in the version you will be distributing.
Currently there seem to be 2 ways to sort of address the problem:
Electron Builder recommends using 2-file package.json system.
Any dependency that is used during development only should be npm-installed using --save-dev and then prunning should be used when building the app for distribution.
In that regard I have several questions:
I am not quite sure why there is a need for 2-file package.json system if one can install dev-only modules/ dependencies with --save-dev and then use pruning during the actual app build/compilation?
Regardless of which method above is used, you still end up with full npm packages in your app, inclduying all the miscellaneous/duplicated files that are not used by your app. So how does one "prune" so to speak the npm packages themselves so that only the actual files that are being used at run-time (like minified scripts) get included?
Will using Bower for "client-side" packages (like AngularJS 2, Bootstrap, jQuery, etc.) and using npm for node modules (like fs-extra) be a better option in as far as separation of concerns and ease of bundling later?
Could WebPack be used to produce only the needed files, at least for the "cient-side", so that only real node modules will be included with the app, while the rest of it will be in the form of web-pack compiled set of files?
Any practical tips on how this bundling of dependencies and distribution should be accredited out in practice? Gulp-scripts? Web-pack scripts? Project structure?
Thank you.
I am still in the learning curve of adopting the best practices in code deployment. But here is my starting list of what is recommended.
Yes, npm install --save-dev is the first easiest thing to isolate dev and build specific packages. This includes gulp/grunt/webpack and its loaders or additional packages. These are used only for building and never in the code that actually is run. All packages used by the app should be installed with npm install --save so that it is project level available. So, in production, you would no npm install --production in machines which will not install dev packages at all. See What's the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies in npm package.json file? for more info.
While the original recommendation was to use bower for client side and npm for server side, both can be installed using npm too. After all, both does the same job of managing the packages and dependencies. However, if web pack is used, it is recommended that npm is used for client side dependencies also.
package.json should be thought of managing the dependent packages only and not for building. For building and picking only the required files, you need task runners like gulp/grunt or bundlers like web pack.
While gulp/grunt is very popular for build automation which includes bundling all dependent javascript in file and minifying them in to one file, webpack/browserify is a better option as it supports module import. Module import is intuitive way of require one module in another in node js type of coding
var util = require('./myapp/lib/utils.js') This is powerful way of mentioning the required dependencies in the code. The web pack builder runs like gulp as build process. But instead of looking through html file for all js files, looks at starting js file and and determines all dependent code mentioned by the require statements recursively and packages accordingly. It also minifies the code. It also loads css and image files in one bundle to reduce server trips. If needed, some modules can be configured to be loaded at runtime dynamically further reducing page load. NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack discusses this at length.
Webpack can be used to bundle client side app optimally while server side need not be bundled or minified as there is no download.
In web pack, though you can mention dependent modules with lib file path, the recommendation is to npm install all dependencies and mention the module name. For example if you have installed jquery, instead of giving path like /libs/jquery.min.js, you can mention as 'jquery'. Webpack will automatically pull the jquery lib and dependencies and minimise it. If they are common modules, it will be chunked too. So, it is better to npm install dependent packages instead of bower install.
ES2015 provides lot of benefits during coding time including type checking and modules. However all browsers do not yet support the spec natively. So you need to transpile the code to older version that browsers understand. This is done by transpilers like Babel that can be run with gulp. Webpack has in-built babel loader so web pack understands ES2015. It is recommended to use ES2015 module system as it will soon become the defacto way of coding and since there is transpiler, there is no worry of this not being supported in IE8/9.
For project structure you could have
src containing js files
dist containing html and build files generated and can be at root level.
I have found that this area is an ocean and different schools of best practices.This is probably one set of best practices. Feel free to choose the set that works for your scenario. Look forward for more comments to add to this set.
