Azure Active Directory Invitation Manager, register user in another tenant - azure

What I am trying to do is to automate the process of adding a new user to an Azure Active Directory of a tenant (the tenant is supplied as a parameter).
For this, I understood that I must use Azure AD B2B collaboration. The official sample for automating this process is provided by Microsoft at this link:
So, using the Invitation API (which is available here:, I programatically send an invitation mail to an email that I want to register.
The problem is that the user which will be registered with that email, will be registered within the tenant in which the application was configured.
For example I am using the tenant name X, to configure my application in the Azure Active Directory Portal. What I see is that I can only invite emails to register within my tenant named X.
What if I want to register an email within another tenant, tenant which I know beforehand?
Can the invitation Api specify in which tenant I want to register an email, without having the application registered in that tenant?
Because if I can't, I would have to register the application in all the tenants, and then apply logic in the code to link the Client ID and Client Secret to the correct tenant.

If I have understood your question correctly, you need a multi-tenant app.
When you get an access token for Microsoft Graph API, it will always target a specific tenant.
In order to get an access token which targets another tenant, you must:
Make your app multi-tenant:
An admin from the other tenant must perform a sign up, which asks them for consent to the permissions your app requires
This usually means a redirect to the login page with prompt=admin_consent in the query
After they consent, a service principal will be created in their tenant, and they are redirected back to your app as usual
Now you can get an access token targeting their tenant and use it to call Graph API


Web app with Azure AD SSO: Is it possible to give users from an external tenant access to their email?

I have an application registered in Azure Active Directory. I use this app registration to provide a simple SSO implementation for my web application. Users go to my application, choose SSO for authentication, redirect to the page, then get sent back with the proper codes. No sweat.
The SSO part is not issue inside or outside of my tenant. I've been able to get the proper flow setup and if users are permitted access, they can login with their Microsoft account and access my application.
Email, however, is turning out to be a real issue.
Internal users in my tenant are not a problem at all. Once I get the JWT from Microsoft, I can request an access token for Graph, send emails, create drafts, delete, etc. There is no issue here.
The problem comes up when I have a user in an external tenant. They can login just fine and get a code from Microsoft, but email doesn't work. I started researching a multitenant solution with the Graph API and made some progress there. I was able to change how they request their tokens using 'client_credentials' and got the appropriate delegated app permissions set up but those permissions allow the external tenant to send emails as though they were users in my tenant. Which obviously I don't want.
I have the external users setup as guest users in my tenant. I've even gone so far as to put an Exchange Online license on the guest users account.
This is the latest error I've received:
[error] => Array
[code] => ResourceNotFound
[message] => Resource could not be discovered.
[innerError] => Array
[date] => 2021-08-09T16:08:41
[request-id] => 76d9c8ad-e2fd-4286-a8d7-5a3bb4ff3ba8
[client-request-id] => 76d9c8ad-e2fd-4286-a8d7-5a3bb4ff3ba8
I get this when I put the external user's object ID in the request for the sendMail method of the Graph API. If I put an internal user's object ID into that request, the external user can login, get a token, and send mail as that internal user just fine.
So my question is, is this even possible? Can a user in an external tenant login to my app using Azure AD SSO and also have access to send mail from their account within my application? If so, how far off base am I with my implementation?
As it is a multi-tenant application that supports SSO for external users.
As per Dev's Comment,
Not sure in your scenario, you're using Azure AD B2C (not sure it suits your scenario) or B2B and try to simulate accessing multiple mailboxes
Identity Providers for External Identities
External Guest users with personal MS Account can redeem your B2B collaboration invitations.
During Self Service sign-up user flow, personal MSA can be added as one of the Identity Provider.
No Additional Configuration required to make this identity provider available for user flows.
Email one-time passcode: When redeeming an invitation or accessing a shared resource, a guest user can request a temporary code, which is sent to their email address. Then they enter this code to continue signing in.
Email one-time passcode feature authenticates B2B guest users when they can't be authenticated through other means.
When setting up a self-service sign-up user flow, you can add Email One-Time Passcode as one of the allowed identity providers.
Reference link:
Identity providers for External Identities - Azure AD | Microsoft Docs
B2B Collaboration - Understand user tokens in B2B collaboration - Azure AD | Microsoft Docs

How to change calender entries in one tenant using App registered another tenant

We are currently building an headleass application (without front end). This app has to be run as deamon and need to update calander entries of user in different tenant.
We have our seperate Azure subscription where we have created a VM and hosting app. we have different Azure AD tenant thatn the target tenant. I was thinking of registrating the app in our tenant as multi-tenant app. But then I am not sure how it will authorise to change resurces in another tenant.
Or it is must for app to be registered in target tenant?
One of the most important thing is we dont want interactive admin consent flow, as we want everything to be an automatic process. None of the document explains the significance of tenant ID in authentication flow. Anybody knows anything ?
First, you need to create a multi-tenant application in the original tenant, and then grant the application the Calendars.ReadWrite application permission.
Next, run admin consent url in the browser, and then you need to log in with another tenant's administrator account and consent. The multi-tenant application will then be added to the target tenant as an enterprise application.{tenant-id}/adminconsent?client_id={client-id}.
At the same time, the application will have the Calendars.ReadWrite application permission in the target tenant. Finally, you only need to use the client credential flow to obtain the token and then call the Update calendar api to change the calendar entry of another tenant.

Can I get a list of B2C Tenant Users (Created using signin-signup policy) Using Graph Explorer?

I'd like to use Microsoft Graph Explorer to work with my Azure AD B2C Tenant.
Initially, all I want to do is retrieve a Custom Attribute that I've assigned to an application registration. The custom attribute will store the UserAppPermission value, a 'role' replacement for B2C since it doesn't natively support them.
Can I get a second set of eyes on my process? I'd like to make sure I'm reading this properly.
First goal: Get a list of applications registered to my B2C Tenant. Reasoning is... if the app registration doesn't appear then future queries are unlikely to be successful.
Resource#1 "Manage Azure AD B2C with Microsoft Graph" (Note B2C in the title)
(1) I registered an application in my B2C tenant with permissions in excess of the minimum, checked this process twice: Register a Microsoft Graph application (Note B2C in the opening paragraph, and throughout the document).
(1a) Uncertain if the Azure portal was being buggy, I also registered this application with the 'Global Administrator Role' ... absolute overkill & insecure ..
(1b) I am certain that I assigned the appropriate Microsoft Graph API permissions in the app registration tab
(1c) As described in the doc, I also granted the application the user administrator role, although that is contained within the global administrator role.
(1d) Per the doc, "Now that you've registered your management application and have granted it the required permissions, your applications and services (for example, Azure Pipelines) can use its credentials and permissions to interact with the Microsoft Graph API."
When I run "" to get a list of registered applications, all I see is the single App Registration our 'root' Azure account has for our Azure Functions App. Since this was an article on managing azure ad B2C with Microsoft Graph, I was expecting to see the applications registered to my B2C Tenant.
? Does anyone read (1d) to mean that I should not be able to use, logged in as the B2C global administrator, and granting all permissions the endpoint requires, to make Microsoft Graph API queries?
Next goal: Get a list of users registered to my B2C Tenant
Resource#2 "List Users" - the link to this resource was provided by Resource #1, link provided above.
(1) There only mention of B2C in this article is: "The $count and $search parameters are currently not available in Azure AD B2C tenants."
(2) The request to get all users is GET ""
(2a) The request returns a list of users for the MyOrg's root AD tenant, not the application's B2C tenant. Not surprising since there's nothing in the request to specify the B2C tenant.
(3) Another resource provides this request format:, which specifies the b2c tenant.
(3a) This executes without error in Graph-Explorer but does not return any of the users that registered for the application using the sign-up/sign-in policy (Consumer B2C Users). It still returns a list of users for the 'root' Azure account.
Update re:specifying tenant in graph-explorer:
While logged in to Graph Explorer us my work MS email which is registered as a global admin for our Azure account and owner of the B2C tenant I specified:
This returns a list of applications for the root Azure account, not app registrations for the B2C Tenant I specified. Perhaps I misunderstood the intent of this Graph API call.
I optimistically ran '' with the tenant specified in the URL (as in screenshot). Result:
"error": {
"code": "AADB2C",
"message": "'4fba2ea8-XXXX-XXXX-964e-99f48b79d925' is not an Azure AD B2C directory...
I'm still not certain what the UUID returned in the message represents. The UUID has no correlation, that I can find, with the tenant I specified in the URL.
The reason is that you are using an Azure account which is from your root AAD tenant.
You have two options to resolve it.
Specify the tenant in the Graph Explorer URL:{Your b2c tenant} Still use that Azure account from root
AAD tenant to sign in and you can get a list of applications and
users of your B2C Tenant now.
Another method is creating a new user in your B2C tenant and assign
Global admin role to it. And then sign into with
this new user. Now you can list applications and users of your B2C
Tenant as well.
Don't use a Consumer account (local account) for the second suggestion. You should create an AAD user (work account, format: ) in Azure portal in B2C tenant and assign it global admin role.
Overview of user accounts in Azure Active Directory B2C for your reference.
#AllenWu's second solution was, in effect, correct but not explicit enough for me.
The New user interface in the B2C Tenant offers three options for creating users: Create user, Invite user and Create Azure AD B2C user. Most of my work has revolved around B2C users so I did that and gave the user Global Admin rights and my Graph Explorer results were unchanged.
Another user provided this suggestion and made it clear that I needed to create a user w/an email address of I created such a user, assigned it Global Admin rights, and I was able to use Graph Explorer as I expected.
Note that users with an email of "**#EXT#** do not behave in the same way.
Thanks for the suggestions & feedback & I hope this helps if you ended up here with the same question.

Azure multitenant app cant access

I try login to Azure AD web app and when i do it with user inside my tenant its ok,
but when login other user i get
AADSTS50020: User account '*******' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'a1eda862-65fb-4f90-8482-06151f5c7abc' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
Login Url :
Tenant settings
Few things to check -
Based on the error you shared, it seems you're logged in with some Microsoft account like etc. Are you doing that intentionally or just happened to be logged in and getting confused by that? If you do want to login with a Microsoft account other than a usual organizational account, then as the error says, you need to add that account to your AzureAD tenant as an external user.
AADSTS50020: User account '*******' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant
For any other organizational user, i.e. user from a different AzureAD tenant than the one where this application is registered, you will first need to go through the consent process. You may have done it already or not.
More details on that process here -
You wanted to use a personal account within a multi-tenant application to get a token for the "" API
We will focus on this issue and consider it as resolved once we provide you with the reason that Personal accounts cannot be used against a v1 multi-tenant application.
Alternatively, we will consider this case resolved if we confirm that the problem is caused by a third-party application or is by-design.
This agreed resolution statement describes the specific conditions where we will close this case. Please let me know if you do not agree with this scope.
For multi-tenant applications in v1 you can only use an organizational account and not a personal one. That happens because for personal ones you will be logged authenticated by the “Live” endpoints and not by Azure endpoints, also because we are sending the user to the “common” endpoint and in there we do not know in which directory you want to sign in.
Having a multi-tenant application and sign-in users with personal and organizational accounts can be covered by the Azure AD V2 endpoints, nevertheless the v2 has some limitations right now and one of them is that you could only get a token for Microsoft Graph API and not for We plan to implement all APIs that are available in v1 also in v2, but as for now cannot be used to acquire a token for such API.

How do I add users to tenant via the Graph API?

I've utilized the Partner Center REST API to provision tenants with orders/subscriptions. Now I want to start configuring the domains and users for the tenant I just created. My first step was to get a list of users using the Graph API as a test expecting to see the admin account. If I pass in the domain of the reseller account in the request URL, it shows me the reseller users. But when I put in the domain of the account I just provisioned, I get Invalid domain name in the request url. I'm using the resellers AD token to do this. I'm confused as it gives me the option to specify a domain, but I can only access my own.
What credentials am I supposed to be using here? I tried to use the user/pass that was generated for the admin account from the provision, but I get unauthorized_client when trying to get an AD token from the Graph API.
It is hard to directly address your issues here since they are a little broad, and I would need more specific details about the various tenants you are working with, how your app is provisioned, permissions your app has etc...
However I think there a few principals you can follow which may help you debug your issues.
All AAD Authentication happens within the context of a specific tenant. This means whenever you get an access token for a resource, the scope of that token is limited to the boundaries of the tenant.
To authenticate with a client application in the context of a tenant, you must have the app registered in the tenant you are trying to access (line of business application / single tenant) or you have to make the app multi-tenant, in which case your app should be able to function in the context of any tenant... if the right provisioning has occurred.
Every tenant where your app is trying to function must have a service principal for the application provisioned in the tenant. This service principal represents your application's identity in the context of that tenant, and acts as a place to store the permission your application has in the context of that tenant. Most normally, this service principal gets provisioned into a tenant after a user from that tenant has consented to use the app as a part of the login experience.
If you are trying to use user context (authorization code grant flow) to retrieve details about a tenant, you must ensure that that user is present in the directory you are trying to query. For example a user U can exist in their home tenant T1. If you try to query another tenant T2 using that user account, you will get any number of errors describing that the user account does not exist etc. You can remedy this by creating a guest account for U in T2, in which case there will be a brand new user object created in T2 which links to the original user object in T1. None the less, the user object should always be present in the tenant you are trying to query.
If you are trying to sign into an application with a user account that is in T1 and T2, you need to be sure to specify the tenant you want to actually get the token for. By default, if you use the common endpoint, you will get a token for the users home tenant. However, it is perfectly valid to get a token for the secondary tenant, as long as you specify that to our Token Service when making the request.
Finally the client application you use to make these requests needs to have the right permissions to the Graph API if you want to make specific calls to the Graph API. Every tenant needs to individually consent to the application in their tenant context in order to provision the correct permissions to their application.
With those principals in mind:
The error you are getting with "unauthorized_client" seems to be an issue with application provisioning in the secondary tenant. Please make sure to first login to the application with a user from the secondary tenant, and make sure that user has the correct permissions to consent to your app (a tenant admin is best here).
For the second issue with "Invalid domain name in the request url" please try using some hints here.
Specifically this:
By using the myOrganization alias. This alias is only available when using OAuth Authorization Code Grant type (3-legged) authentication; that is, when using a delegated permission scope. The alias is not case sensitive. It replaces the object ID or tenant domain in the URL. When the alias is used, Graph API derives the tenant from the claims presented in the token attached to the request. The following URL shows how to address the users resource collection of a tenant using this alias:
I hope this puts you on the correct path to resolve most of your issues.
There are issues with sandbox accounts and Azure. Access to the Azure Management Portal for the sandbox isn't straightforward and at this time does not work properly. I had to create a free Azure account with my hotmail account, then link AD from the new account to my sandbox AD to bypass the bug. When adding a new directory to the new Azure account, select "Use existing directory", sign out, then sign into the sandbox account you want to link it to. Then create your app from the new account.
After getting my app setup properly and new credentials, I had to enable pre-consent with the instructions listed at the end of:
Lastly, I had to login to the Graph API with the customers ID, but with the resellers credentials.
The scenarios on the Partner Center SDK website include a section "Manage user accounts and assign licenses" under the "Manage customer accounts" section.
These samples include creating users and assigning licenses and a link to a console test app.
As an aside, a new version of the Partner Center SDK has just become available here. It was released on July 5th. While there is no official change history that I can find, I can see that it includes some new classes such as CustomerUser. You may find it easier to use that library rather than hitting the REST API (depending on how much work you've already done).
