Very simple Node.js POST form inquiries - node.js

I have a simple node.js app using express static and nodemailer with a POST form that emails the filled fields to myself. My problems are very simple, I'm just quite new to Node so I can't find a way to do them.
My first problem is that I can't find a way to put all the form data into the email's text. Below, I am trying to store my form data in a JSON and call it in the email text, but it doesn't work. It has only correctly worked for me when I only used one variable (ex. just for the text. How can I format my data together in the email?
My second problem is that I can find a way to handle the app after the email is sent. I want it to redirect to a success page, as shown in the marked line, but it does not work. Instead, the page goes to /reqform and displays an error message saying success.html doesn't exist (it is in the same public folder as my html file). I believe the problem lies in my sendFile usage, but I'm not sure.'/reqform', urlencodedParser, function (req, res) {
response = {
var mailContent = {
from: '',
to: '',
subject: 'Service Request From',
text: response //*** Problem #1
transporter.sendMail(mailClient, function (error, info) {
if (error) {
} else {
res.sendFile("success.html"); //** Problem #2
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The default string value for a JavaScript Object is just "[object Object]". If you want anything else, you'll have to be specific with how you want it represented.
For example, JSON is a text/string format that represents values like Objects. It's separate from the Object itself, so you'll need to convert to use it:
var mailContent = {
// ...
text: JSON.stringify(response)
Or, provide your own formatting:
var mailContent = {
// ...
text: `Name: ${}\nEmail: ${}\nPhone: ${}`
It might be better to use res.redirect() in this case, allowing the client/browser to request success.html via your application's static() middleware:
res.sendFile() doesn't collaborate with any static() middleware to know about your public folder. It expects you to provide a full path either directly or with its root option:
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'public/success.html'));


why am I getting favicon.ico when i am using findOne method for express params routes?

when i am using method a object other than customList name which is favicon.ico is also
saving as record in following cod, Why am i gatting favicon.ico as object.
app.get('/:listRoute',function (req,res) {
const customList=(req.params.listRoute);
List.findOne({name:customList }, function (err,result) {
if (!err) {
if (!result) {
const list=new List({
name: customList,
items: defaultItems
} else {
res.render('list', {
latestItems: result.items})
When you visit a website (any URL on that website), a browser will typically also send a request to that same domain for /favicon.ico so see if the web site offers an icon to be a visual representation of the site.
Since you are using a wildcarded top level route:
app.get('/:listRoute', ...)
That will get hit by the request for /favicon.ico. Some other urls you also may need to watch out for being requested are: /robots.txt, /humans.txt, /sitemap.xml, /ads.txt.
There are a number of ways to work around this:
Your wildcard route can first check req.url or req.params.listRoute to see if it's something it should ignore.
You can place other top level routes that you want to keep out of your wildcard route in a position before this route so they don't end up in this one.
Don't use a top level wildcard route. Instead, use something like /list/:listRoute so it won't automatically match any top level http request. Your use of a top level wildcarded route interferes with other future uses of your site and can create backwards compatibility going forward when you want to add other top level routes to your site. Imagine if sometime in the future, you want to add /contact or /login or /logout. Those all conflict with /:listRoute.
Try to add a callback function to the;
Let me know if this works. The reason is maybe because of sync issues. eg: time taken by mongoDB to update the first document & save > the time taken by the 'Get' method to redirect to itself. Therefore by adding this callback it kinda make sure the code gets saved first and err checked before the redirect.
if(!err) {
console.log("list is successfully saved"); //log is optional
res.redirect("/" + listRoute);
When fetching route data using params with express,the entered data easily we can log.But if not adding top-level route and just trying to get the required route eg:
const data = req.params.requireddata;
in this case, when loading main page the favicon.ico will generate as a result.
So for getting an exact result, that's when only loading requireddata route we can get the result by using higher level route.
In case there is no higher-level route add just an additional route before requireddata as shown below:
Here /add/ is an additional route for avoiding favicon.ico
For me this worked, so if this information is useful just go head.
Hey there I also came across this exact issue.
So here is my solution to that.
Just enclose everything in a if block and there you go. DONE !!!!
app.get("/:name", function (req, res) {
if ( != "favicon.ico") {
const name = _.capitalize(;
List.findOne({ name: name }, (err, foundList) => {
if (!err) {
//new list with default items created
if (!foundList) {
const list = new List({
name: name,
items: defaultItems,
res.redirect("/" + name);
} else {
res.render("list", {
newListItem: foundList.items,
P.s.:- It will throw some error from mongo but that'll not affect the overall working.
Hope this helps.

Using the node.js google maps client library

I think this has to do with my limited experience with javascript.
I am using the node.js client library by Google , found here -
The example shows how to create a client object
var googleMapsClient = require('#google/maps').createClient({
key: 'your API key here'
And then how to run a gecode request and print out the results :
// Geocode an address.
address: '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA'
}, function(err, response) {
if (!err) {
What I need to do is read a list of addresses from a file and build an array of objects for all of them .
I want my code to do something along the lines of :
create address-objects array
create a client object
open the text files
for each line in text files
geocode the line(address)
add the address and the results into an object and add it to the address-objects
I don't understand whether the googleMapsClient.geocode returns something , if yes how do I access it ? should I set it to some variable along the lines of :
var gc_results = googleMapsClient.geocode(param , ...)
Hope I was clear , thanks in advance
You can access the response inside the callback function.
So, if you want to have this function to be called for each address, you can first define an empty array:
var gc_results = [];
Then you shall call the function for each address you get out of the file, something similar to this:
}, function(err, res) {
after this, you will have the gc_results array full with the information you need

Send variables to all routes in exressjs

Using nodejs/expressjs to build the APIs for my web app, I want to send some variables to all APIs, such as site title and description and so on.
I stumbled upon the old solution using dynamicHelper() which is no longer in use. What is the new approach to do so?
Easiest thing is to just put in some middleware that attaches it to the response object as locals (those will show up in your views automatically). Something like:
app.use(function(req,res,next) {
res.locals = {
title : 'your title',
description : 'your description'
return next();
** EDIT to account for what the API endpoints have to do
Since each endpoint is likely responsible for its own object, you would also do something like:
app.get('/whatever', function(req,res){
var json = {};
// do whatever to build your json
json.metadata = res.locals; // or whatever the common stuff is
This keeps all your 'common' stuff in one part of the json response.
Since you mention you are not using any view engine in expressjs, I am assuming you are just relying on angularJS to do the client side redering. You can pass those server side data to the http header, and then read them from the client side. To do that, in your router, you can do this,
app.use(function(req,res,next) {
'title': 'my title',
'description': '123'
Then in your angularJS app, you can read them from the http header.
You should try interceptors in your front end side(angular js) to send multiple variable with each request api.
In following code i am sending title and description in headers.
module.factory('varInfoInterceptors', function($q) {
var sendInfoInjector = {
request: function(config) {
config.headers['x-headers-title'] = 'Test title';
config.headers['x-headers-desc'] = 'This is test site';
return config;
return sendInfoInjector;
module.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
You can get these values in server side(nodejs/expressjs) by just calling req.headers express routes

Sending additional data with programatically created Dropzone using the sending event

I have the following (simplified for example) angular directive which creates a dropzone
directives.directive('dropzone', ['dropZoneFactory', function(dropZoneFactory){
'use strict';
return {
restrict: 'C',
link : function(scope, element, attrs){
new Dropzone('#', {url: attrs.url});
var myDropZone = Dropzone.forElement('#';
myDropZone.on('sending', function(file, xhr, formData){
//this gets triggered
As you can see the the sending event handler I'm trying to send the username ("bob") along with the uploaded file. However, I can't seem to retrieve it in my route middleware as req.params comes back as an empty array (I've also tried req.body).
My node route
path: '/uploads',
httpMethod: 'POST',
middleware: [express.bodyParser({ keepExtensions: true, uploadDir: 'uploads'}),function(request,response){
// comes back as []
//this sees the files fine
response.end("upload complete");
Here is what the docs say on the sending event
Called just before each file is sent. Gets the xhr object and the formData objects as second and third parameters, so you can modify them (for example to add a CSRF token) or add additional data.
I dropped the programmatic approach for now. I have two forms submitting to the same endpoint, a regular one with just post and a dropzone one. Both work, so I don't think it's an issue with the endpoint rather with how I handle the 'sending' event.
//Receives the POST var just fine
form(action="", method="post", id="mydz")
input(type="hidden", name="additionaldata", value="1")
//With this one I can get the POST var
form(action="", method="post", id="mydz2", class="dropzone")
input(type="hidden", name="additionaldata", value="1")
OK, I've actually figured it out, thanks to Using Dropzone.js to upload after new user creation, send headers
The sending event:
myDropZone.on('sending', function(file, xhr, formData){
formData.append('userName', 'bob');
As opposed to formData.userName = 'bob' which doesn't work for some reason.
I would like to add to NicolasMoise's answer.
As a beginner in webdev I got stuck on how to obtain an instance of Dropzone. I wanted to retrieve an instance of Dropzone that had been generated by the autodiscovery feature. But it turns out that the easiest way to do this is to manually add a Dropzone instance after first telling Dropzone not to auto-discover.
<input id="pathInput"/>
<div id="uploadForm" class="dropzone"/>
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
var dZone = new Dropzone("div#uploadForm", {url: "/api/uploads"});
dZone.on("sending", function(file, xhr, data){
data.append("uploadFolder", $("#pathInput")[0].value);
Serverside the data will be in request.body.uploadFolder
Nicolas answer is one possible solution to the problem. It is especially useful if you need to alter the file object prior to sending.
An alternative is to use the params option:
var myDropzone = new Dropzone("div#myId",
{ url: "/file/post", params: { 'param_1': 1 }});
cf. the documention
For those that are using thatisuday/ng-dropzone the callback methods are done as such:
<ng-dropzone class="dropzone" options="dzOptions" callbacks="dzCallbacks" methods="dzMethods"></ng-dropzone>
In a controller:
$scope.dzCallbacks = {
sending: function(file, xhr, form) {
console.log('custom sending', arguments);
form.append('a', 'b');

JadeJS and pre written form values at re-rendering views

I'm using Node/Express and Jade to build and App.
I have a POST route that sanitize and validate form input and then save this to a MongoDB.
If this form input is'nt validated, the route will throw and error and the error handler will re-render this same page...
And here come the problem. In this re-render and want the form values be pre written and ready to be corrected by the user... I don't want a clean form where the user has to re-write everything.
I have tried to submit the req.body (sanitized) data to the re-rendered page, which works.
But if try to use this data in my Jade view, Node will output and error when this req.body data is not defined... Like when you enter this page for the first time, and have'nt entered any wrong inputs yet.
How do i solve this in a good way?
edit - Without a code sample I'm not sure if my example is more or less than you need.
If you render the form template immediately within the the form's POST request handler, you probably don't need to involve req.session. Just save the appropriate locals and render your template.
If you must redirect or otherwise need to have the values available across multiple requests, you can save them in req.session as shown below.
Either way make sure your Jade template handles all cases; in my example I test if(locals.savedValues) to decide whether to write defaults or saved values into the form.
Finally if the error is not jade related please paste that error.
Use req.session to save the values. Set up a locals variable to represent the saved values or null before you render the form.
app.get('/form', function(req, res){
res.locals.savedValues = req.session.savedValues || null;
res.locals.savedErr = req.session.savedErr || null;
});'/form', function(req, res){
var values = {
validateForm(values, function(err, processed){
req.session.savedValues = processed;
req.session.savedErr = err;
// req.session.savedValues = values, if you dont want to propose changes
} else {
delete req.session.savedValues;
delete req.session.savedErr;
In your jade template, handle both cases:
form(action='form', method='post')
