nginx proxy_pass if pm2 is running - node.js

I'm new in nginx and need a specific configuration.
I have a node.js (express) page, that runs via pm2 and everything works fine.
But now I want to use nginx for:
handle static files
open a static html (maintenance) page with server status 503 if the node.js site is down.
I found some solutions to handle static files, but no one to handle the maintenance mode during update/restart and down phase.
Can anyone help me, or give me a "nice" workaround?

Think about it the other way around, and have nginx serve a proper maintenance page if the service is unavailable
error_page 500 502 503 504 /custom_50x.html;
location = /custom_50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;


Cloudflare - No further requests possible during download

My site allows users to download big .zip files. A problem I'm dealing with right now is that whenever the user is currently downloading such a file, all other requests to the site wait until the download is finished or cancelled, making the site practically unusable. In the Chrome network tab, the request shows as pending. Why could this be?
The server itself is implemented in Node.js using Express and is proxied through NGINX and then through Cloudflare. When I connect to the Express server or the NGINX proxy directly, this problem doesn't come up, only when it's routed through Cloudflare from what I have observed.
This is my NGINX config, if of any help:
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
client_max_body_size 20m;
location / {
proxy_pass "http://localhost:20020/";
Am I missing something obvious?

Nginx reverse proxy to nodeJS. How does Vuejs fit in?

Thanks for helping out!
I'm setting up an API server that will also function as a web-app server. (Debian 10)
I currently have nginx as a reverse proxy to my nodeJS app.
I'm thinking of using VueJS to develop my frontend single page app but I can't figure out how to tie it all together.
Should I :
use a reverse proxy to nodeJS and have my API live there
use nginx to serve my vueJS web app, without the nodeJS overhead
This seems logical but I'm a bit confused, since I've never done it before.
Thanks again for helping!
I have a website running with nodejs and vuejs which is hosted on digital ocean with nginx reserve proxy. I'm using pm2 to call nodejs apis and it works perfectly fine. As far as Vue.js is concerned, you can run build and deploy the dist folder anywhere on the internet.
Just add the following code to run front-end with nginx:
server {
root /path to your dist vuejs folder;
index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

Nginx + node.js configuration

I need the right configuration of nginx for my problem.
Suppose the nginx + nodejs serverprograms are running on the same debian machine.
Domain name for my website is for simplicity just (and as alias)
Now, when someone surfs on the internet to "" it should pass the request to the nodejs application which should run on a specific port like 3000 for example. But the images and css files should get served by nginx as static files and the filestructure should looke like or .. images + css should get served by nginx like a static server
Now it gets tricky:
But when someone surfs on or then it should get served by the nginx server only. no need for nodejs then.
And for the nodejs server, I am just setting up my nodejs application with port 3000 for example to receive the bypass from nginx for
to put it in a more understandable language: when someone surfs to it should NOT pass it to the node application. It should only pass it to the node application if its inside of the first directory that the outsiders can see. The should only get serverd by nginx.
How, how do I do that ? And what should the http and server block look like for the nginx configuration look like?
I am familiar with nodejs. But I am new to nginx and new to reverse proxying.
the file structure on the debian hard drive looks like:
/home/wwwexample/staticsite001 (for only handled by nginx
/home/wwwexample/staticsite002 (for only handlex by nginx
and in
/home/nodeapplication is my node js application
This server block should work:
server {
listen 80;
root /home/wwwexample;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
location /staticsite001 {
location /staticsite002 {
location /images {
location /css {
First location makes nginx to proxy everything to localhost:3000. Following empty locations instruct nginx to use default behavior, that is to serve static files.
Put this code into file /etc/nginx/sites-available/my-server and create a symlink to it in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled. There is a default config, which you could use as a reference.
After that you could use command sudo /usr/sbin/nginx -t to check configuration. If everything is OK use /etc/init.d/nginx reload to apply new configuration.

Can't get to my nodejs server through web browser

Alright, so I setup a node.js server quite a while ago on a AWS EC2 micro server. I was completely new to it and followed various tutorials to get it up and running. It used nginx as a reverse proxy (I believe) and the server was listening on port 8124.
Now, the instance got restarted and I can't for the life of me get access to my server back. I can ssh to it. I can start the server. I can send POST/PUT requests to it through my local command line, but my web browser gives me the 404 nginx page.
This is driving me up the wall - where in the browser/nginx/nodejs chain are things breaking down?
Please help - I'm horribly new at this at it must be a single line somewhere that's broken. I just don't know enough to find it.
My /etc/nginx/sites-enables/default file simply contains
location / {
Okay I figured it out. I had to go directly into /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and in the server that was there
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
I added the line
Oh thank god. That was going to kill me.

nginx as reverse proxy for runining apache

I have some trouble configuring nginx as reverse proxy.
It is good to say I have a VPS with kloxo and webmin installed and running multiple domains on my VPS.
I have installed nginx via REPEL and YUM and this is my /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file
given in this link.
I change apache port to 8080 and restart service for making changes and start nginx and there is some problem.
When I try reaching every domains on my centos vps, I face to APACHE START PAGE (WELCOME PAGE) and when I enter my VPS IP in browser like x.x.x.x, I face to NGINX START PAGE (WELCOME PAGE).
I want nginx to serve my static files and redirect dynamic ones to Apache for better performance.
There is an example from the book Nginx Http Server, page 235.
server {
root /home/;
location ~* \.php.$ {
# Proxy all requests with an URI ending with .php*
# (includes PHP, PHP3, PHP4, PHP5...)
location / {
# Your other options here for static content
# for example cache control, alias...
expires 30d;
