Can't get to my nodejs server through web browser - node.js

Alright, so I setup a node.js server quite a while ago on a AWS EC2 micro server. I was completely new to it and followed various tutorials to get it up and running. It used nginx as a reverse proxy (I believe) and the server was listening on port 8124.
Now, the instance got restarted and I can't for the life of me get access to my server back. I can ssh to it. I can start the server. I can send POST/PUT requests to it through my local command line, but my web browser gives me the 404 nginx page.
This is driving me up the wall - where in the browser/nginx/nodejs chain are things breaking down?
Please help - I'm horribly new at this at it must be a single line somewhere that's broken. I just don't know enough to find it.
My /etc/nginx/sites-enables/default file simply contains
location / {

Okay I figured it out. I had to go directly into /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and in the server that was there
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
I added the line
Oh thank god. That was going to kill me.


nginx proxy_pass if pm2 is running

I'm new in nginx and need a specific configuration.
I have a node.js (express) page, that runs via pm2 and everything works fine.
But now I want to use nginx for:
handle static files
open a static html (maintenance) page with server status 503 if the node.js site is down.
I found some solutions to handle static files, but no one to handle the maintenance mode during update/restart and down phase.
Can anyone help me, or give me a "nice" workaround?
Think about it the other way around, and have nginx serve a proper maintenance page if the service is unavailable
error_page 500 502 503 504 /custom_50x.html;
location = /custom_50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;

How to configure weinre behind Nginx proxy?

I have the latest weinre installed (2.0.0-pre-I0Z7U9OV). I can start it, all is working fine, but I need to run it behind a Nginx Proxy to be able to use a trusted SSL Certificate. So what I tried is the following:
upstream weinre {
server {
location /weinre/ {
proxy_pass http://weinre/;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
The site is opening, all fine, but when adding the target script to my mobile page, I can't see it appear in the targets list. So I started to dig into it and found the follwing in the Chrome console:
POST 404 (Not Found)
Why is it POSTing to ws/target and not weinre/ws/target? Since everything else is working under the weinre sublocation.
Is it even possible to run weinre under such setup?
Not quite sure what's going on there; what is the URL of the of the target script you are embedding in your page? It's possible to override the URL of the weinre server, instead of having it calculated from the target script, by setting the global window.WeinreServerURL, as you can see in the file. You can see how the server URL is used to get the URL to the "socket" URL here.

Deploying multiple nodeJS on Digitalocean with Dokku

I've tried to deploy two nodeJS apps on Digitalocean using a dokku droplet. I am using the "virtualhost naming" scheme but there is a problem.
My DNS configuration looks like this:
I have the main app and the admin app. I would expect to view the admin app when i visit (I actually have a proper domain name) but I can see the same app when hitting and
There is something wrong with nginx probably, but I don't know exactly what is going bad?
One thing I have noticed is that whichever app is installed first will be the one that forwards to.
You are correct to attribute this behaviour to Nginx. I think it's due to it falling back to this config somehow when it doesn't detect a config for
This dokku plugin ( is responsible for rewriting the nginx.conf for each app every time it is deployed.
Nowadays it uses a template nginx.conf ( although this is a fairly recent change so be sure your on a recent version.
You will end up with a Nginx config that looks like the following:
server {
listen [::]:80;
listen 80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
I'm not currently sure why the above snippet results in the described behaviour. A work around is to setup your own nginx conf in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ with
but pointing to a holding page or whatever works for you.

Nginx + node.js configuration

I need the right configuration of nginx for my problem.
Suppose the nginx + nodejs serverprograms are running on the same debian machine.
Domain name for my website is for simplicity just (and as alias)
Now, when someone surfs on the internet to "" it should pass the request to the nodejs application which should run on a specific port like 3000 for example. But the images and css files should get served by nginx as static files and the filestructure should looke like or .. images + css should get served by nginx like a static server
Now it gets tricky:
But when someone surfs on or then it should get served by the nginx server only. no need for nodejs then.
And for the nodejs server, I am just setting up my nodejs application with port 3000 for example to receive the bypass from nginx for
to put it in a more understandable language: when someone surfs to it should NOT pass it to the node application. It should only pass it to the node application if its inside of the first directory that the outsiders can see. The should only get serverd by nginx.
How, how do I do that ? And what should the http and server block look like for the nginx configuration look like?
I am familiar with nodejs. But I am new to nginx and new to reverse proxying.
the file structure on the debian hard drive looks like:
/home/wwwexample/staticsite001 (for only handled by nginx
/home/wwwexample/staticsite002 (for only handlex by nginx
and in
/home/nodeapplication is my node js application
This server block should work:
server {
listen 80;
root /home/wwwexample;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
location /staticsite001 {
location /staticsite002 {
location /images {
location /css {
First location makes nginx to proxy everything to localhost:3000. Following empty locations instruct nginx to use default behavior, that is to serve static files.
Put this code into file /etc/nginx/sites-available/my-server and create a symlink to it in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled. There is a default config, which you could use as a reference.
After that you could use command sudo /usr/sbin/nginx -t to check configuration. If everything is OK use /etc/init.d/nginx reload to apply new configuration.

403 Forbidden after successfully installing Ghost

I have been spending days figuring out how to install the viral Ghost platform, and experienced numerous errors. Luckily, I have managed to install it - Ghost gives me a positive Ghost is running... message in SSH after I've done npm start --production. However, when I browse to my website - - Apache displays its default page and when I go to the ghost login area - /ghost, the site returns a 403 Forbidden.
P.S. I have specifically installed Ghost on a different port than the one Apache is running on. I don't know what's going on...
Update - I have found out that I can access my Ghost installation by adding the port number 2368 which I've configured in the config.js. Now, however my problem is - how can I run Ghost without using such ports?...
tell your browser you want to connect to the port Ghost is running on:
So a few things, based on visiting:
1) It seems Apache isn't proxying the request onward to Ghost. Are you sure that you've configured it properly?
2) It also looks like Apache doesn't have access to the directory that you set as root. This shouldn't be necessary anyway if proxying is set up correctly, but could become an issue later if you wanted to use apache to serve things like the static assets.
If you are open to nginx instead of Apache, I have written a how to on this: link. You can skip the section on configuring Nginx. Otherwise, still might be useful if you figure out the conversion of rules from Nginx to Apache.
If you don't have any other sites running on your VPS you can just turn apache off and not have to deal with apache proxying the request to port 2368 and have Ghost run on port 80. If your VPS is running CentOS you can check out this how to on disabling apache and running Ghost on port 80.
