protect data validation list content in protected excel speadsheet - excel

I have a excel spreadsheet which I want to protect. There is a data validation list that use INDIRECT formula to display values from a table. I want the user to be able to select values from that list, but I don't want the user to be able to remove the text displayed in the cell. Can that be done without VBA?

Yes. If i understand you correctly you ensure that you have unchecked the locked box for the cells containing the data validation. Right click format cells -> protection -> uncheck box Locked. And when setting up your data validation ensure you uncheck the Ignore blank box. Then when sheet is protected user can only select from drop down list. They can't delete what is in the cell.


Excel "true-false" to checked boxes

I have an Excel spreadsheet that I'm generating from a SharePoint dashboard. It's turning my checkboxes in the SharePoint table to "true" or "false" values in the Excel spreadsheet. I wanted to know if it is possible to turn those "true" or "false" values back into checked boxes, with the appropriate check or uncheck option selected.
Any help at all is appreciated!
I strongly advise against using check boxes in Excel if you already have the data as TRUE/FALSE in a cell. Check box controls are meant to be for user forms, and even though they can be placed in the spreadsheet grid, they live in a layer on top of the spreadsheet. Yes, they can be linked to a spreadsheet cell, but this is cumbersome.
Instead of using a macro that inserts a check box for each data row you could use a helper column with a formula along the lines of
Then format the helper column with the Marlett font, which will show the letter "a" as a tick and the letter "r" as a cross.
Applying a formula like this will be much faster than inserting check box controls into each row and linking them to the field cells.
You can add a checkbox over a given cell, then edit its properties (Format Control --> Control Tab) and set its Cell Link property to the address of the cell; i.e. "B2". If you have too many such boolean cells, the task is tedious so you might need to automate it with VBA.
p.s. I agree with #teylyn that this shouldn't be a good choice if you have a huge column of boolean data; it adds too many shapes which is cumbersome. You should use it if the number of boolean cells is rather limited.

Is it possible to activate a cell for text entry only if a condition is met in another cell?

I'm capturing survey results into a spreadsheet and have several listboxes some with has 'OTher' as an option in the list. if Other is selected I want to make the next cell in the row active for text entry, otherwise it's inactive. How can I do this?
You can try this:
Go to the Data ribbon and select Data Validation from the Data Tools.
At settings you choose custom and use the following formula:
=IF(A2="Others", ISTEXT(A1),1)
Please note, that you have to change A1 and A2 according to your needs.
You can even specify an Input Message and an Error Message, if some one doesn't enter the correct format.

Protection in Excel

Is it possible that in excel certain fields are allowed for user input and other cells are to be protected (can't edit directly)?
Example:Suppose I have 3 column.
1. On column A (Name) user can edit directly by double click.
2. On column B (id) will auto generate unique number when a data is entered into column A. User will not be able to double click on that cell.
3. On column C (gender) a drop down list.User will not be able to double click on that cell.
Thanks in advance.
Under format cells in the right click menu, make sure that all cells in the worksheet where you want to restrict user access are locked. This option is found under under "protection".
Next select the cells you want the user to have acccess too, and enter the same dialog, but this time make sure that the cells aren't locked.
Finally, turn on sheet-protection, and in the protection menu, allow the user to select unlocked cells, but not locked cells:

Type in a data validation cell

I am using data validation to offer a list of choice for each cell in a column. Is there a way to make it possible to type in each cell, rather than have to select from the drop down list?
The drop down list is quite long so would like to search it.
The default setting when a data validation dropdown list is created is to allow the user to type in the cell as well. Is this an active-x control dropdown or just a dropdown in the cells?
If it is just in the cells, then select the cell, go to Data-> Data Validation -> Validation -> then unselect the checkbox that says select from drop-down list.
If it is a VBA control, it would have to be replaced with an inputbox both in the sheet and in the code.

Dynamic Filters in Excel

I'm using Office 2013, and working on a worksheet in Excel.
My question is, is there a way to create a dynamic filter in Excel?
To explain in more detail, I have a dynamic worksheet, where upon opening the user will get a few drop-down options. After the user has selected one option from each of the drop-downs, the worksheet will display a table of data based on the user's inputs. The user can change their selections from the drop-downs after the table has been displayed, and can also clear their selections. If they clear their selection, the table will disappear.
Now, the first column in the result Table will contain Text values, but can also contain blanks. These values or blanks are all decided based on the user's selections in the previously mentioned drop-downs, which are displayed permanently to the left of the table. I want to add a filter to this first column of the result table (and to the rest of the table with it) such that only the non blank cells are displayed in the table every time the drop-downs are changed.
As I understand your need correct, I can give you this solution:
For getting a better result make your range to Table.
Select Power View from Insert items;
A sheet Power View 1 will added to your workbook;
From right pane select Table1 and its fields;
From Filter pane select as you want for filtering.
